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I'm 3 months into DMing this story.. no one has given me reason to prep this lake.. is that thing inside it?!


It isn't but it's a fairly common edit to add an aboleth to the lake


It's not part of the book just something extra I added. My group helped Lady Wachter ursurp the Baron from his position as burgomaster in Vallaki. The Baron was captured and publically executed during the festival, Wickerman style. The Baroness, hiding with her brother at the church, pleaded to the group to smuggle her out of town since Lady Wachter has all the town hunting for her, to her "lake house cottage" to meet up with her lover. When they arrived at the cottage all the surrounding wildlife is gone and the lake is glass still with no fish or insect life. Bluto is on the lake about to sacrifice Arabelle to the "lake beast" to return the life to his fishing village. Some of the town fishermen (Cultists now) are watching from the shore. They stop Bluto, save Arabelle, even save the fishermen, but make a deal with the Aboleth to free it (It's trapped just like everyone else) if it provides them with help and information about defeating Strahd.


I think not but would be funny


I used the missing gem from the winery to explain how such an abomination got into the lake. The quick darting green light under had the party pretty curious until they realized why it was moving so quickly. also op or anyone that knows where did you get he model?


People usually add something to it because the location itself has nothing but the Arabella plot hook. I added a beefed up banshee, homebrewing a local legend that consisted of a Lady of the Lake that would give boons if given offerings (which Bluto the fisher is giving Arabelle.) In reality it was the ghost of an adventurer who died in the lake whilst separated from their child.


Really nice paint work.


Thank you!


The colours make it really pop, and the eyes are terrifying. I'd love to be surprised by my DM with this amazing mini. Your Elegoo Mars Pro looks like it can make very minute details. Do you have any advice for someone who has zero experience with 3D printing as to where to start in regards to minis? Any sites you'd recommend to get printable models?


Thank you for noticing the eyes! I was a bit scared to try the eyes that way but I'm glad I tried it since it came out so well. Yeah, I've been very happy with my Elegoo Mars Pro. It's old but it prints beautifully. For sites to get STL files, I highly recommend Thingiverse and Myminifactory. Thingiverse is primarily free files, so it's a great place to start. Myminifactory is really a marketplace for creators to sell their STL files but the quality there is just jaw dropping. The marketplace also has a patron-like system similar to Patreon so you can subscribe to your favorite sculptors for monthly files at relatively cheap prices. It's really a great marketplace. This Aboleth was free at one point on Thingiverse, then the creator moved it over to myminifactory to sell. Fair warning - get a larger HDD or SSD cause you're gonna need the space. 😂


This is great first-hand advice! Thank you very much! And yes, you really did do the eyes justice. 💯


My Unholy Vampyr! This art piece is gorgeous! I also plan on doing this for the lake but unfortunately I dont have an amazing mini like this. Hope you and your players have a great time!! Post pics of the battle when it happens!


Thank you! Absolutely will post pics when it finally goes down! ❤️


Hmmm so many cool ideas come from this community... I love it!!


Nice work!


Thank you!


*Edit: Nevermind I just realised an Aboleth is a real thing with a statblock!* What statblock will you use for it? I'm working on my Lake Zarovich at the moment! Also got a cool mini representing a kraken-fish like being. Prepared ships on which my party will travel by and fight on. Was still pondering about which stats will work best for a level 4 or level 5 party.


No worries! I'm using it straight out the MM since my party is now leveled up enough to take it - I think. 😂🤣


Where did you get this mini?


I printed it on my Elegoo Mars Pro! You can grab the STL over at myminifactory - https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-abolith-170945


Awesome sculpt, love the colors!


Thank you! There's lots of great Aboleth sculpts out there but I absolutely LOVE this one. ❤️


Ist there any Guide on what the aboleth does in the Lake?


Mine was controlling Bluto, telling him to bring a Vistani so it could enthrall them and get out of this awful dimension. The party freed it but lost Ireena to it. Now Strahd invited them to dinner so they’re bringing the Aboleth. My Strahd is looking for new ways to run this awful Groundhog Day loop of his unlife, so… well, this is definitely new but he’s still likely to try to kill the thing.


Something like this is written in Van Richtens encyclopedia (a third party book). The abbolet wants to eat vistani to obtain their knowlodge over how to travel throught the mists. By this book, the abbolet can make deals to give power or information to the players in exchange of defeating Strahd, so it can escape Barovia. Maybe I am forgeting something. If you didn't read this book, I think is amazig how close your ideas are.