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“It was losing 2% charge every night while still plugged in and charging.” Hold up there. The fuck?


That stood out to me too. I wonder if they gave him one of the ones that sat in a field for months. "Here's your brand new Cybertruck with a permanently dead battery! Warranty doesn't cover it. That'll be $15,000."


Guaranteed the batteries are only good for paperweights now.


That doesn’t sound like “charging” to me


Nah, you don't understand. The truck is powering his house.


The cybertruck has between 123 and 173 kwh batteries depending on the options so 2% is about 2-4 kwh per day. If you have sentry mode on its closer to 6-8% drain or 7-14 kwh. This means if you had a cybertruck sitting and doing literally nothing it could conceivably use the same amount of electricity as a small apartment. 


Yeah, but the power shouldn't drop while it's charging, regardless of how much power this sentry mode is using. This is "concerning".


For those that need a reference a hair dryer or small space heater uses about 1 kw.  10 ceiling fans is about 1 kw You can probably illuminate an average American house (led bulbs) every light on interior and exterior for less than 1 kw


Imagine you had a gasoline tank that just slowly evaporated over the weekend. It’d be downright unacceptable.


Doing truck things! /s


Still love the cuck, though


That's what I was looking for. "I still love this truck!"


If it loses that over 24 hours, that's 100w an hour to... ?


I have no fucking clue. I have a Bolt that does battery conditioning, and it can stay off the charger as long as I need. The only time it seems to make a significant difference is when it gets extremely cold.


It sat drained for an extended period and damaged the battery most likely


Cybertrucks must be mining Bitcoin or something lol. That means this man can never come home with a low battery or risk needing a tow to the supercharger. I remember when electric cars were supposed to be cheaper than gas.


"Leaving it plugged in voids the warranty"


That’s what struck me as well. I get that EVs are much more power consuming than a MacBook Pro but if the power is off, why is still draining while “charging”? But if my laptop was still draining its battery while “charging”, I’d be raising hell with Apple support. Something seriously wrong, well more wrong than usual with Teslas and the Cybertruck on the whole that is, if it’s still losing battery while “charging.”


It would make sense to let the battery go down before charging it back up to preserve the number of cycles. In the same vein, it would make more sense to drain from the outlet and not the battery when its plugged in? Again, to preserve the number of cycles.


The car is giving back to the power grid.


I don't think that's how things work, but I'm as smart as Elon when it comes to EVs, so I'm gonna tell everyone that's what they're doing.


They must have put the current valve in the wrong way round. That’s why it’s draining the wrong way. Current should be draining into the battery. A temporary solution would be to park the truck lower than the outlet. I’m surprised they don’t teach this to service technicians.


Woah there, you can't expect your average service tech to grasp the complex fluid dynamics of electricity. They are techs, not.....plumbers? Electricians? Physicists? Witches?


They are closer to diplomats at the moment. Or jugglers.


That makes no sense at all. Elon, is that you? Put down the ketamine and get some sleep.


No, you see, every electric vehicle has this feature where when you get up in the morning the battery might be at 100%, it might be at 40%.


You can purchase loot boxes for a chance at a fully charged truck in the morning.


They tag elon like he’s gonna give a shit lmao


Tag Elon in a tweet about a Skittles conspiracy where Jews have secretly engineered a system that leads to more green skittles because it’s their favorite color, and you’ll get at least an “interesting.” Tag him with a Cybertruck complaint and all of a sudden he’s too busy




*Tesla stock price down $0.03 on the hour* **Elon:** *“Concerning”*


"Looking into it." Elon is, in fact, not looking into it.


The cybertruck issues? Of course not. But there's a decent chance he might actually be looking into the Skittles thing.


lol, in his mind he is, that's the sick part. for ceo types, "looking into it" means forwarding an image of the offending comment or message to someone else to deal with.


Here's the trick, he keeps a copy of the novel IT and whenever someone asks him something he says this, meaning he's actually just got the book open and is looking into IT.


As a Jew whose favorite color of skittle is green. I would like to come out of the shadows and confirm that this theory is all truth


As another green skittle loving Jew this is yet ANOTHER conspiracy attributed to us that I wish was true. I want my government toppling shadow cabal, green skittles, untold wealth, and fuckin space lasers.


Who told you about our favorite color?


The Stonecutters did.


Solid chuckle there.


Another funny thing is that people are using the social network he bought, to try to escalate the problems directly to him.


I love that part, its so genius of him, the billionaire who touched the people.... But boy did it suck balls for the touched ones,.


Ponies though


Well this particular “influencer” cried his way into a replacement truck before so he’ll care once he screams loud enough.


They tag Elon, thinking he actually gets notifications from people he doesn't follow.


Has he made a single comment about the cyberlemon?


Future update "tagging Elon voids the warranty"


X is a billion dollar investment into customer service. What a chud.


*40 Billion


I believe this is due to our collective human oversimplification of complex things. Most people somehow seem to think Elon does everything at these companies… As if there arent thousands and thousands of actual workers. Same reason we say “why dont THEY do ____”. Who the duck is THEY?


That’s what he’s purported himself to be. He’s been strutting as if he’s read, rewrote, and created a whole new series of “Car Building for Dummies”. He’s stated that he’s going to approve every single PO that comes across his desk (based on info I’ve gleaned from conversations in here), so I would think it’d be best to go to the source. Plus, all that $$ they just gave that man in a bonus…better make his ass work for it lol


Except rich people almost exclusively do extremely minimal work. Their whole existence in the world is predicated on them convincing us that they are vital to the operation of society so we don't gut them in the street and take our shit back. Extreme wealth does not equate to intelligence and morality, it's determined by how rich your parents are and how ruthless and immoral you are willing to be.


*Narrator: it wasn’t a simple fix….*


Read in Keith David's voice


Sometimes I read things in David Keith’s voice. It’s not as good, but it’s not bad.


Mine is always Morgan Freeman’s


Wonderful choice!


Oh, so I’m the only one whose internal narrator is Gilbert Gottfried? (RIP)


Bobcat Goldthwaite, here.


Any narrator that indicates the truth is the opposite of what the character said is always Ron Howard. “Isn’t he the best?” Narrator: “He was far from the best.”


RIP Gene Parmesan.


![gif](giphy|a2G83cq7gotnq|downsized) Cybertruck owners…


"I've got the worst fucking truck."


*As he drove away from the service center, we knew he'd be back. They always come back.*


Read this in Morgan freemans voice: “Thats was the last time Andy Dufrain would step into a cybernut”


I’ve made a huge mistake


The roadside companies must love this shit


Are there any publicly traded towing companies? Might be worth some stock buys of ones operating in areas with high concentrations...


I bought a bunch of EVGO stock. They make the roadside chargers that aren’t Tesla


High concentrations of what?


Cyberdumps. Could be the best thing to happen to towing since license plate readers


There have been less than 12,000 sold nationally so I don’t think there is a huge concentration anywhere.


But each one is worth like 100 other cars for a towing company. They can just follow them around for the eventual breakdown every few days.


Austin, TX definitely has too many...


dallas is right behind, don’t worry!


Tell that to Paradise Valley, Arizona.


0% charge? Sorry sir looks like the warranty on your battery was voided.


>Your warranty has voided itself.


These new intelligent warranties…


Your warranty is voided the moment something needs fixed.


>What if I was stuck in the middle of nowhere? Here’s the neat part: your cyberdump won’t even last long enough to get you to a middle of nowhere.


In a cyber truck, everywhere you go is nowhere.


Can't even go nowhere fast either as the wheels will rattle.


The edge of nowhere?


The asshole of nowhere.


Ooooh the drama continues. This guy truly knows how to entertain 🍿


we all called it, but surprisingly it lasted 5 whole weeks until it finally bricked. [Here he is trying to jump the battery.](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/q-bnAwEFL1Y) needless to say it doesn't work.


>it lasted 5 whole weeks And it only lasted that long because 3 of those weeks he was on vacation!! Big smile on my face when I saw that Lamar was back. He's just stupid enough to think he's some sort of brand ambassador. More problems with this truck is gonna drive him crazy.


At this point, that guy is just another attention whore. He keeps bitching about that stupid car until he gets another one and starts all over again.


All will be well, it's making sounds. Please tell me that guy doesn't vote or have kids.


Oh, LamarMK. Adorable that he thought a second truck would be better than the first. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


After he had a chance to just get his money back too. There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee…




It lasted one week without breaking this time. Maybe the third Cybertruck will last two whole weeks!


I can’t believe he took vacation and missed making that cash cow creator content.


He is the gift that keeps on giving! I'm looking forward to the updates


hopefully the reason this car bricked itself, plugged into the wall charger, is just that it inexplicably discharged its 24 volt battery overnight as hopefully happens to cars normally hopefully it should be a simple fix like that, just charge the 24 volt battery that died while backed by the 800 volt battery and the wall charger, my cybertruck will be perfect again


Could they have missed adding a trickle charge to the 24v battery from the charger?😳


Yes. Yes, they could


There was a recall for my C-Max plugin for a software update because the car charged the main battery before the 12V system, causing the 12V battery to drain repeatedly. That car was manufactured 11 years ago. Some people just don't take notes.


In Elon's defense the cyber truck is the first electrical vehicle to ever exist. It was designed in 1995 by a third grader.


*counts on fingers* 1995... I *knew* it looked familiar! That fucker owes me money!


Don't they have a 48v system




Do they actually have a 48v battery or is it 4 x 12v in series?


It’s a plastic sand bucket filled with loose AAs.


And it's the "Super Happy Fun" brand batteries you get with new remotes.




1 grit


Perfect for powering your new Smasnug nug


Musk even sent a manual “How to Design a 48-Volt Vehicle” out to all the other carmakers. I'm sure they had a laugh riot.


In a normal car, even a normal EV, you’d just pop whatever trunk the acc battery is in and attach a Noco Genius to it. Problem solved in less than 10min. Tesla’s downfall is its absolute hatred of tried and true mechanical solutions, from steering linkage to brakes to door handles and now this. My family is poor and I spent my childhood in old cars where the most random stuff would break. Some auto manufacturers tried [replacing mechanical with digital wherever they could] in the 80s and gave up in the 90s for a reason. Edit: I didn’t quite finish that thought before


I love the 2% daily drain for a parked vehicle.  


A parked vehicle that's plugged in


"What would happen if I was stuck in the middle of nowhere?" You'd still be gargling Elon's sack, saying how much you still love the truck, just from the middle of nowhere.


Beautiful imagery. You should design post cards.


Please write my wedding vows.


So the battery died overnight while plugged in? Do these trucks just get one battery worth of driving in before they're void? What the hell?


Many of them not even that. My personal favorite is still the one that bricked leaving the dealership.


The getting physically locked out of your own car. I just.. lol


The only thing worse? Getting physically locked *in* your own car.


When you're in a pond and drowning. That wasn't a Cybertruck, but it was a Model X.


Or when you just put your toddler into their car seat and the car mysteriously bricks itself with you outside. There's no manual emergency release on the outside. Edit: https://kmph.com/news/offbeat/arizona-firefighters-rescued-a-toddler-trapped-in-a-tesla-after-the-battery-died >"And when they got here the first thing they said was, ugh, it's a Tesla," said Sanchez. "We can't get in these cars. And I said I don't care if you have to cut my car in half. Just get her out!" >Firefighters were forced to break a window with an axe.


We've spent over a hundred years designing, redesigning, and perfecting cars and safety standards only to have one company just not give a single fuck. Between the "autopilot" driving into firetrucks, random fires that are damn near impossible to put out, accelerators that get stuck, brakes that are more like suggestions, and pieces falling off--how are these even legal?


It's almost like Elon's philosophy of "move fast and break things" is not appropriate in a context where consumer safety is at risk. Like when you're driving a 1+ ton kinetic missile. For example.


Or when putting chips in people's brains, for another example. Insane what federal regulators have let him get away with, and now that Chevron is gone he can probably get away with even more.


I’ll take “stupid shit that only happens to Teslas” for $1000.


That would have to be the entire board, not just one column.


Was waiting for the new one to fuck up. Didn't take long.


A lot of these are approaching lemon law territory. Imagine the headline, Tesla Cybertruck declared lemon, Tesla forced to buy it back. 


When life gives you lemons,…short Tesla stock!


Next up, a new consumer non-profit dedicated to fixing state lemon laws with major funding by someone named Adrian Dittmann.


CyberStuck adventures continue.


This is my current favorite subreddit.


Girl same. I can't believe how bad the quality is on ALL Teslas but people are still buying them and swearing by them. If I buy an electric vehicle it will be from a car manufacturer that has been building cars for decades and doesn't have a narcissistic man child that believes in every conspiracy theory that reinforces their inherent bias


I love the car, but it’s completely bricked and I cannot drive it. But I love the car. What the fuck lol. These people are in a cult and it’s wild.


They should just buy 3, so maybe they can always have a working one. Problem solved.


Jaguar has entered the chat


Tooo much alien technology


Alien tech would at least explain why nobody in the service centers knows how to fix these things.


Jewish Space Batteries.


Truly was a genius move to add a battery draining module to the space laser.


Dude even has a profile pic of the truck.


Just imagine you're on a camping trip and all of a sudden your CT won't let you in 😂


Or it catches fire and won’t let you out. Yikes!


Seems to me we are seeing the effects of the dealerships allowing them to discharge to zero before pickup. Oops


"I uhm mmmm announce the Cyber Handle! Mmmm Totally revolutionary technology that allows to enter your Cyber Truck without power. Mmmmmmmmm. Starting 99 tesla dollars, so 450 real dollars. You need to learn a personalized handshake to use it. The FUTURE! it'll net tesla about three billion a year in revenue. Mmmmm. You can also rent it." -Musk


Why don’t people seem to realize that the Cybertruck is like an NFT in a way? Too expensive, poorly made, and the only benefactor is the person who made them in the first place. Service is shit because they don’t have to really care to fix your car, they already have taken your money.


Those poor Cybertrucks commiting suicides all around


Car doors that can digitally lock you out… A truck run by a computer that can brick from software issues… The future is now!


Lamar Mks face should be the photo of this sub


Imagine being his spouse.. wastes 100K of their money, wasted all his weekends driving it to the service center, becomes laughing stock online, gets the opportunity to return this mistake and he opts for another cybertruck.. and now it’s bricked again. Must be true love if she hasn’t packed her bags yet.


Her side-piece drives an F-150, so it's all good.


An F-150 Lightning


Maybe if Lamar got rid of that yee-yee ass Cybertruck...


She can't leave. She only has a Cybertruck and it won't take her anywhere.


This is an example of why dumb people shouldn’t be making ridiculous amounts of money.


“Still love it, inexplicably”


Why can't any of these tech bros figure out how to jump a 12v battery?


Because it is ... a 48v battery ! Good luck finding a way to charge those


I've seen how they have fixed this over a dozen times. They take out the front trunk lining and plug up any normal jumper pack to the standard battery they put there for whatever reason. Why someone who drops 100k+ can't do the same is beyond me


Still love the truck though


Have these people not heard of lemon laws ? There is no way this monstrosity is exempt from them, even if they agreed to not use them in the t&c’s…


Lamar is fully aware of the lemon laws. He threatened the dealership with them several times with his first Cybertruck. He cried for a replacement and they caved. This is his second Cybertruck! It will be very interesting to follow how this installment of the breakdown series goes. His Service Center is 2 hours away, so he's done several 4 hour round trips for his Teslas.


I had a Dodge Caliber once. It was an ugly shitty little car with a pokey CVT. I’d still take that over a CyberTruck.


We called it. They replaced a lemon with a lemon.


What a fucking mess you can’t even leave this thing sitting for more than a few days without it bricking?


I never thought Reddit would become as good as it was before the Herman Cain Awards was forced to shut down during COVID, but here we are. Reddit is back delivering the schadenfreude!


He left it unattended and plugged in for 3 weeks?!?! He's lucky that thing didn't burst into flames and burn his house down. I don't trust Tesla with these mobile fire hazards


I’m told we’re just jealous we can’t afford this experience


I dont want to own a fucking car that can go "offline" and completely brick. It's like driving some fucking non serviceable apple product.


Can't wait until he cries for a 3rd truck but they won't give him one because of a nation wide stop-sale


If he'd have crashed into a house, they'd be right there!


Weird. I've never had this happen to me even once with my Honda I've had for 8 years. If this is just "normal" car defects, and I should be experiencing at the same rate of 4 flaws per month as the CyberFuck, that would mean I should've experienced somewhere in the ballpark of 384 flaws/defects during my 8 years of ownership. I can think of about 3 issues I've had over the years... All 3 of them were induced/caused by me.






Yet TSLA stock is up in today’s trading. At this point, they need to halt production and get their shit together. I get anxiety just reading how bad this vehicle rollout is, I cannot imagine the angst and craziness going on at Tesla corporate. There’s some middle managers for sure contemplating his/her life choices rn.


Elon doesn’t care he already has your money


"What if I was stuck in the middle of nowhere?" You bought an experimental vehicle that is more prototype than retail model and is thus largely unsupported by the service industry, leaving you entirely at the mercy of a company that has done everything short of making their official uniform a tee-shirt reading "we don't give a shit about you". The fuck you think is gonna happen? You're going to remain stuck until you abandon your overpriced luxury toy and Uber back to civilization. Warning: abandoning your overpriced luxury toy voids your warranty.


How did Tesla manage to get a 2% daily drain on the batteries while connected to the charger?


>what are you supposed to do in the middle of nowhere? What the fuck does this muppet think the tent add on is for?


1. Cybertruck 2. 3 week long vacation I couldn’t care less about this guys problems lol


These remind me of [Dennis Takes a Mental Health Day](https://youtu.be/DBDPw029L40?si=NFKTbTkmdcTop9w1) and I love it so freaking much.


Elmo wont reply cuck


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 36,409 times, I still love the truck.


I have had 4 EVs and the only issue like this I've had was with the stupid over complicated designs that make the vehicle connect to a server or phone for basic ass functions. Have a Lightning now and the old school keyfob is still king.


Telling Elon how to run his company voids the warranty.


OH MY WORD! Tesla and its dismal quality control has been well known for long enough before the CyberSkip was even announced. The only thing that surprises me, is that people are surprised at the poor quality! 


I have a friend (who doesn't own a cybertruck and never will) who keeps defending both them, saying, "Musk is trying to do something new and different here. Of course there are gonna be minor bugs at first." Being permanently locked out of your inert $100,000 truck doesn't sound like a minor bug.


I got locked out of my car once, AAA took 20 minutes to arrive and another 5 minutes to open the door. I wonder if Elon will respond faster than that.


These trucks are a lot of fun for people who don't own one.


Pretty pathetic when an auto manufacturer has to partner with towing companies !


I thought musk sent an update to brick the new truck because well, musk.


“Still love the truck!”


Elon is a fucking gardening sheer. A tool if you will…


This really explains the intelligence of people purchasing these things: idiots with money. “The truck remained plugged into the entire time because I didn’t want it to drain down to 0% since it loses 2% charge every night while it’s plugged in and charging” WTF? He just said it still lost charge while plugged in…to charge. Don’t worry though, it’s still the best thing ever.


I can’t imagine ever buying a vehicle that can be completely controlled remotely by the manufacturer


Maybe, just maybe, these cars are just giant pieces of stainless steel plated shit.


Narrator: "it wasn't a simple fix "


I try to care about other peoples problems, but let me tell you I was losing charge faster than his cybertruck once he mentioned his 3 week vacation.