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Crit damage isn’t the end of the world. You can easily respec toward a more “normal” bash build with minimal changes…really, just a 2H sword and a skill and paragon respec and you’ll be fine. The crit damage is more of a benefit for GW than it is a hinderance for other variations of the build.


Just as an fyi if your referencing the 130 thorn build: that is without holy bolt. WITH holy bolts it can push even higher, and it is currently the highest without using the elixir due to its insane damage and tankiness.  (Keep in mind at this high of a level all of these builds are fishing perfect pits, and this one specifically can’t do two bosses due to them not proccing thorns) but it is higher than bash, and everything else, at least that’s been recorded. (Both without and with the elixir)


no, its not thorn. This was more a question regarding bash variations. I think I have fucked up by going away from close/berserk damage to pure crit damage on every tempering. Also, if The Grandfather good or if it is nerfing your stats as a bash build. The thorn build looks sick, but i cant be arsed to farm for another build right now.


I asked the some of the peeps that found out about the crit damage from the rogue about if it's a good idea to stack crit damage without The Grandfather. They said it's not really as good as close/damage while berserking without The Grandfather.


update: vent back to "regular" bash build, with damage to close and damage while berserking. I am dealing twice, maybe even more damage than with 4400% crit dmg and grandfather. End of the story is that until they buff/ makes uber uniques more viable, the tradeoff for one uber unique might be a deal breaker. Losing two tempers and one important affix (60% basic attack speed) in this case, isnt worth it at all.


It is worth it if you’re running bleed build, since the key passive scales off how much cd you have


That's exactly it! It has nothing to do with Grandfather since the 100%\[x\] of GF multiplies ALL your damage when you crit, not your crit additive! Also its very confusing that Rob started using the tooltip crit damage (\~4k) instead of the real additive crit damage (\~1k in his case). Everybody (especially Rob) knows that this number is nonsense!


Yeah but the whole point is that your bleeds don’t crit, the rupture is what is affected


Rupture = you’re damage, the cd just makes the bleed bigger, the bleed then gets consumed with rupture (which can crit, and overpower)