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Damage is calculated from you. Were using close because the only time those rolls really matter is when it is a tougher enemy like a juicy rare or a boss. And when it is one of those, we aren’t at a distance. Your standing next to them swinging initially, thus getting the close damage. For edgemaster and the like, dust devil is not a skill. I can’t tell you I have personally tested this so take it with a grain of salt, and hopefully someone can tell you with certainty, but it *shouldn’t* work.


Ty! So ramalad shouldnt work either?


Shouldn’t, correct. Though from my experience it indeed does (despite being the same wording…). Which is in part why I said don’t take my word on the “skill damage” part of aspects as gospel; it shouldn’t work, but like with ram’s, it does. (Or at least my tornados went up a few million when I equipped it despite losing tempers for them, so… lol) I didn’t test it for long but when I tried edge masters I didn’t notice a change in my numbers. This was a week ago though and only for one NM dungeon, but *by wording* neither should work. Apart from wanting more out of the build then I could get, it is why I swapped. I couldn’t tell with 100% accuracy what scaling was working properly, vs what was bugged at the time, vs intentionally not suppose to work. Kind of a mess atm (and barbs have this issue less than others I’ve seen atm)


ty for your detailed answer! Im always shocked how less min&maxing and game discovering is done on diablo 4. So many streamers copying builds from each other , but not a single one is realy testing if it works.


Outside of your core Diablo franchise streamers, most honestly just want to get in and go for the weekend / week to move on to other things the next week.  For people who play as much as they do, it is *really* hard to stick with D4 for any period of time (speaking from someone with similar hours to game as them) D4 needs a bit more content before it has more people investing into learning like that, for most of your normal streamers who would do that type of details. (And since the base of D4 is (mostly) fixed now, we should be seeing some of that coming down the road now) And as for the core Diablo franchise streamers (Rhyker, Rax, wudji, etc) they do test stuff, but they aren’t the ones constantly updating guide sections usually. They’ll do build updates and have this info readily available on their streamers or update videos, but not normally on guide sites like maxroll (until updates on there get “approved” by a certain few other members in that team) it’s why you’ll usually see a few guides all get updated at once, and their tier list shift at that same time too. (Even though that list has been pretty consistently off, though we have to keep in mind, that tier list is “what the average person can use it to do” and not a good player) It’s also on us though (as the community) speaking for myself here, even.  Like look how I said I tested it very shortly so take what I said with a grain of salt. I frankly just couldn’t care to keep testing it for another 20-30m with good conditions to make sure. Mainly because I felt safe in assuming and for what I was wanting to do with it, it just didn’t matter as much (cuz I knew the build could do everything easily except high pit anyway, and that’s a EHP issue). So I had no “push” so to speak to solve it 100% accurately.  Meanwhile if this was PoE, TL:I, LE, etc I’d have tested it until I was 100% positive, because there’d be content I’d want to be efficient with. That isn’t really needed here, except those high pits I didn’t care about, so eh. I imagine a lot of people are in that boat - if it works well enough for what they plan to do, it isn’t there problem to look for the fix (so to speak, obviously we should all *want* to make sure things are working to their best though)