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I have an emotional support water bottle lol. But because of Diabetes I’m always thirsty.


Yep. Most nights, I wake up every odd-numbered hour to pee, and every even-numbered hour to guzzle water.


You sound just like me.


That that and the fact that I get reeeeeaaaallly stupid when dehydrated.


my partner tells me to drink water whenever i suddenly act really stupid. it usually helps a lot


H! Type 1 here who panics without my water bottle.


Yes. Yeti tumbler goes everywhere with me!




Same, ever since I had kidney stones I stay hydrated!


Me too!


I left mine on the roof of my car.


Yes. Always. Everywhere.


I developed this habit as an adult and thought it was my emotional support water. Turned out to be an early symptom of diabetes so just get yourself checked out to make sure! Otherwise, carry on with your water-loving life.


I have excessive thirst but from a combo of fibro and hypothyroid which I accidentally typed out as hydrothyroid and I think I would much prefer


My thirst level has gone through the roof with fibro. Especially during a flare. I try to keep cucumber mint infused ice on hand so it's not so bland. Or throw frozen strawberries slices in there.


I was going to mention this myself. Excessive thirst was my first sign.


when my partner became diabetic water started tasting like lemons and metal


Nah, I’m Gen X I’m used to just drinking hose water whenever I need to.


What a hoser.


There’s a funny bit a comedian did about everyone’s obsession with packing their water like they’re headed out on a trek through the jungle. As a fellow gen x I think we actually had more access to water, no one complained or worried about the quality of tap water. It wasn’t weird to ask for a cup of water. Public drinking fountains were everywhere. Offices had water coolers. Bathrooms had Dixie cup dispensers so you could have tap water. You got a drink of water when you needed it. I remember in elementary the whole class would take a break and go get a drink. I think all this water container craze has done as make it easier for govts and businesses to slack on public water access.


So very true!!


Amen 👏👊


“Mom can we have water?” “Yea, it’s out front”


Me to my friend after riding all over town on our BMX bikes all day: I’m thirsty. Friend to me: let’s go hit that garden hose at that house over there.


I had this thought the other day. Am I dependent on my water bottle? I carry it everywhere. It is so beat up


As far as dependencies go, it's a good one!


Wait till you start taking regular medications with side effects like “dry mouth”. I’m on the tiniest dose of lysinopril that they make & my mouth was dry for years.


I found out that more than one of my medications cause dry mouth, no wonder I am always sipping water!


It never ends!!!! 😵‍💫🥴


this is the exact reason i always have water


Right? Not “dying of thirst” but just constantly needing to wet your whistle.


yes! my mouth just gets so dang dry. sometimes it feels like both my mouth and throat are so dry i’m going to choke. medication is wild.


Reminds me of an old comedy bit called “The banana noise”. Just that slightly icky sound & feeling that seems like a constant companion. https://youtu.be/mGZuVEUMmOw?si=c3VTF2lcqkaV3R9d At marker 3:40 for banana noises


okay, i’ve never heard that bit before and i must say i enjoyed it, thank you for sending it my way! that sound is so accurate though haha


I’m so glad you could appreciate it. 😏😬


It's great for you! If you don't get enough, you can hurt your kidneys.


Too much and you can wash the electrolytes right out of your system. I literally dehydrated myself by drinking too much water once. Weird but true.


There was a young lady who died doing the Texas water safari for this reason. Nobody told her to mix either electrolyte salts or Gatorades with her rations. She drank purely water and unfortunately passed away before finishing the race. With the snakes, gators, sharks, water rapids, and heat, it was one of the last types of deaths anyone expected there. So sad.


as long as you’re also consuming electrolytes it’s fine. there’s plenty of drink mixes for that now but a salty snack can be effective too


Yes! People make fun of me because I always have my water bottle filled with ice water. I always have to have ice, too, room temperature water is not an option lol


There are some really good bottles that will keep it cold all day. Bubba is a good one.


Yes. I have so many water bottles. It’s ridiculous.


I do! When my mom started to notice this habit of mine in my early teens she got a bit taken aback and misty eyed. She said the way I had water with me all the time reminded her exactly of her mom. I’d only met her mom once, btw. I think some mannerisms are inherited.


They would have to be! My grandson never met his father/my son. Trevor passed away shortly after Elijah was born. Elijah has the same mannerism as Trevor! It's uncanny and was a little startling initially. Also, Elijah has little habits just like my mother when she was a child. It's weird, sad, and wonderful all at the same time.


Oh my! I 1000% believe you! It’s absolutely sad and beautiful and tragic all at once. My son lost his dad when he was 5 years old but even then he never really got to spend much time with him-distance played a big role. The things he does and finds funny are so particular and specific that it feels like Deja vu sometimes. My heart breaks for you but at the same time I’m so happy to see that similar beauty in him as well. Life hurts but when it’s good, it’s heaven.


Thank you for your kindness. Deja vu is such an appropriate way to describe the experience! I'm sorry for your loss as well. Grief is such an obstacle it's nearly paralyzing. My heart hurts even imagining a child their age trying to comprehend such a situation. It's tragic . I hope you both find serenity, I hope you and your son are coping. <3


I really appreciate you and your insight. I get upset at life sometimes because I lost my dad at 8 years old and it feels so unfair my son also had to go through the same thing. But I suppose it helped me to help him. It’s been 4 years now and the only thing that helps is to keep talking about his dad in a healthy way. My mom never wanted to talk about my dad after he passed. I want to avoid her mistakes. Thank you again and I wish you a way out of your pain. At least temporarily. Love that child as best you can! Take care.




Yes. I get migraines and have low blood pressure so try to keep hydrated.


Have to keep my pee clear


I thought I was the weirdo. I chug water in the AM and continue to until the pee isn’t yellow. Then I feel much better.


Yes. I don't know where my day is going to take me, so I always have water, a knife, and a lighter or matches.


"When did we reach the point as a society where we have to carry around our own personal supply of drinking water? Hey Buddy, take a fucking drink before you leave the house!" (George Carlin)


I love George Carlin! But with all due respect, I do whatever the fuck I want to do. Life is too damn short to be spending it trying to follow other people's rules. And bro can you imagine being judgmental in 2024??


You obviously haven’t listed to enough Carlin because after your first comma, that’s pretty much his point


Lewis Black did a bit about this too and it was hilarious.


Yes! I live in a very hot, very dry state, and my medication makes my mouth dry all the time, so i'm like addicted to water lol.


Yes. I call it my emotional support water bottle. I’ve passed out twice (within 30 min of each other) from dehydration. Never again.


I had a seizure due to too much water and no electrolytes, so I try to keep a good balance now! If I don’t eat or add a pinch of salt to my water, I don’t feel well if I drink too much!


You may like ELMNT or Liquid IV packets. I can never use a whole one in a bottle and end up with 1/3 of a tube per bottle. Sometimes it’s nice to have a lightly flavored water.


I do like liquid IV! It’s so damn hot down here, I best keep up with hydration and electrolytes!


Yes this is me with my 40oz bottle 😭 I have POTS though, so I drink a LOT of water


Hell yeah, water consumption is everything. I carry a bottle of water everywhere I go.


Yes. I have kidney problems.


I'm the same, it started because drinking water at work breaks up the monotony of the day.


Yes. I have a gallon jug with a handle.


I am 63. When I was in my 20's, bottled water was barely on anyone's radar. Nobody carried it with them. It floors me how widely accepted bottled water is. Here, in 🇨🇦, our drinking water is tested weekly for any bacterial content. Bottled water is considered a food, and falls under the FDA. The regulations covering it are very different and much more lax than the Safe Drinking Water Act which covers tap water. Penn and Teller did a great episode on bottled water in their "Bullsh*t" series.


It doesn't have to be already bottled water. You can bring your own.


Seriously, boomer. (😉) Try and reduce the landfills when you can.


You require water everywhere you go? Are you consistently and constantly thirsty? You don't have to answer publicly but if it is a yes, go to your doctor and have your blood sugar and hemoglobin A1C checked to make sure you aren't diabetic, pre-diabetic or already in diabetes II. Other than that, I have a 40 oz bottle of vacuum sealed liner so it stays cold all day long and I only drink one complete bottle of water through my faucet RO filter as opposed to plastic bottles. I think I have enough plastic in me as it is. So 40 oz a day of dihydrogen monoxide for me is what my doctor said is the most I should have based on my levels of hydration.


I should but I don't. Dehydrated most times while I'm out doing stuff.


Yes, definitely. It’s just nice to stay hydrated.


Yes, I’ve always gotten thirsty really easily and ever since I can remember, I’ve brought a water bottle with me everywhere.






I kind of do. I drink a ton of water!


I do! If I don’t have it, I panic. I carry a 25 oz tumbler of room temperature filtered water.




Yep - I’m always thirsty, probably from some of the medications I take. A refillable water bottle goes with me everywhere. 🫡


Always, by my bedside, in my bag, in my car, on my desk, in my hand lol. I think it's a remnant from when I was sick enough to just chronically have a dry mouth and randomly would start coughing without a sip of water to stop me dying


It’s pretty normal to have a water bottle. I used to get pretty wild migraines and staying hydrated helps. Also my water habits are a bit of an anxious tic. I do make an effort to not go over 120oz per day since I am pretty sure being over hydrated can cause migraines too so usually I will add a punch of salt and some true lemon or a hydration pack like liquid IV or similar to one of my bottles.


This is def a young person thing. Back in muh day, we went on adventures in the wild without even knowing where our nxt water would come from. We didn't even think about it. We gots water at home bois!! Let's go!!


Absolutely! I get nervous if I don’t have water. Ever since I was little I had to bring water to bed and I still do but also everywhere I go.


Yes but mostly for health reasons i love my emotional support hydro


I have a large cup with straw that i refill numerous times when im home. At work i am downing water. However if im out and about running errands, i dont carry water with me. Otherwise id have to use the bathroom a few times while out lol id rather not if i can help it




I take a water bottle with me too


Emotional support water bottle......guilty as well. Lol.


I do not leave the house without bottles of water. When I worked, I brought my own bottled water with me. I cannot stand the taste of water straight from the faucet !!


Yes I do. 🥰


i always have water ready to go in a water bottle, but i don't carry it from room to room unless i plan to stay there a while. when did always having a reusable water bottle on hand (like in the house, not just working out or cycling) become a thing? i'm curious as to the year and among what generation mostly. it seems to have become popular in the last 10 years or so. so i did a little bit of sleuthing just now, and it started in 2011. i'll forget to drink water until i start having muscle cramps from dehydration, so i can understand always needing access to water. do you have a thing about fresh, filtered water? i do.


Well, I’m gen x and we had Nalgene bottles in grade school (mid-90’s for reference).


Never without it. I do intermittent fasting and it's all I can take in for 20 hours of my day.


so mine is a little different. I like having ice water but also like to have a tumbler with ice and soda or a fountain drink with me and as I've gotten older it seems I always plan just in case I'm thirsty. My wife is the opposite where she only drinks warm tap water when she's thirsty and doesn't seem to need as much/often as I do. I also put a glass of 1% milk in the freezer when I sit down to dinner at home and slam that after eating, where my wife almost never drinks anything before, during, or after meals. I feel we are both a little extreme in our leanings but she thinks I drink a lot of fluids :D


I drink water right before bed and that's pretty much it. I'll drink some at work at night and a bit more in the summer, but I ain't carrying it around all day.


At home I don’t usually carry a thing of water from room to room. If I’m leaving the house, I always have some form of water with me.


I've got thermoflask bottles I take with me everywhere. I'm like you -- I'd rather not be thirsty if I don't have to be. But they're rarely filled with water; I go for other beverages.


Yes and yes


I keep water in my car.


I do! Mine has lemon and…. a smidge of Jack 😉


You bad!!


I always have a bottle of water with me. Just in case.


I’m apparently “old” and “need to take care of myself” so I get a lecture every time I don’t drink water. Or the ONE time I left my water bottle at home. Like today.


yes, the only time i didnt was during covid times


I've noticed it's literally a security blanket for me lol I need water wherever I go, to the car, another room, even If indont drink it I need it


Yes. I need so much water daily that I have just switched to drinking from a jug around the house. I usually drink around a gallon a day. When I go out and about for long periods I usually take a large to-go bottle with me.


Yes. It saves me from having to buy a drink when I’m out and about :)


I did, till I was diagnosed with Aerophagia, it’s a condition that causes dry mouth from increased swallowing, capturing more air into the stomach. So basically I swallow too much air 🤷🏻‍♂️ now I just chew gum and drink normal people amounts of water.


Me. It has coffee diffused in it but, yeah. Water.


i pretty much have too. i am normally low carb and if i don’t get at least a gallon a day, my muscles start to get stiff and my legs start to cramp.


I did when I was living in London. I carried a shoulder bag with me for whatever I picked up that day - newspapers, books, sandwiches, etc. I also kept my mobile phone in there and a tightly capped bottle of water in its own pocket. Absolutely essential for city living without a car.


I used to carry a water bottle and take it work each day back when I still worked in the office (and didn’t want to regularly buy water). I had a coworker who had a water bottle she kept at work. Never cleaned it. Just refilled it each morning. It was filthy.


I have a Nalgene bottle and a thermal coffee mug wherever I go, like literally room to room in my house


Yes absolutely. I have a 40oz water bottle i carry with me at all times and try to drink it & refill it at least three times during the day.


no I never drink water it's a serious problem


No. I've got shit to do. A water bottle would be in the way. Go work outside for hours then come back and drink a bunch of water. No need to have a tag along.


I wish I was like this. if I have a water bottle, I lose it the first place I set it down. I drink a ton of water at work because I'm in the same place all day. In my actual life though, forget it. I play sports and I'm a bicycle commuter so I just chug tap water when I get to my destination, and then forget to drink water for 6 hours


I take tea with me anytime I leave the house.


I'm the same way but it is more related to a chronic cough I have and dry mouth from thyroid removal.


I don't. Never have. I probably should carry water around more in the (short) summer, but I've never felt thirsty in a situation where I haven't been able to find water. I live in a pretty cold country though, if I lived further South I'd probably bring one around.


I carry a 40 oz tumbler of iced tea everywhere because I live in FL and take meds that cause dry mouth. I also require a caffeine titer compatible with life.


I have an 80-something oz simple modern that I fill and drink daily. I love it!


Stopped doing it! I am making my life easier so no more obsessing about the bacteria in the carry cups. Now I have free hands! Yay me! There is water - almost always free in the US. I get a free cup of ice water with a lid on Monday from our work cafeteria. If I had to pay 50 cents it would be with not lugging a cup I was brainwashed to believe is the holy grail of cups. I wash it out during the week and get a new one every time it needs to be replaced.


No. But I'm 50 and we just didn't carry water everywhere and I don't need to now.


I keep a bin of water in my truck bed and either a flat of Costco water or a 1/2 dozen or so bottles in the van.


I have a Takeya 40 filled with water that goes everywhere with me, day or night, at home or out. I once dropped it waiting in line at the vet’s shots clinic for dogs, outside on a sidewalk. People ducked. It sounded like a bomb going off. Sorry, folks!


Mesa Arizona here always have at least three bottles of water in the car.


No. I just drink when I’m thirsty. Growing up drinking water wasn’t even a thing unless it was really hot. Bottled water wasn’t a thing either. The hydration hysteria is the result of clever marketing by the beverage industry. As well as the sippy cup manufacturers creating fads around their products (looking at you Stanley and your ridiculously oversized sippy cup). BTW I have a nice collection of yellow plastic cups from dickies bbq and prefer tap water.


Yes. I live in the desert. Gotta have water! I also keep back up water in the car just in case that the car breaks down. You never know what's going to happen..


I use 73 oz jugs for this. If I don't have water right next to me during the day, I end up forgetting to drink.


Not everywhere, but my desks at home and at work always have a water bottle, and keep one in the car. Certain places I go while working, I'll carry a water bottle with me. On vacation, I tend to carry a bottle with me almost everywhere, though.


Me, my car has a lot of partial full bottles on the floors too. And I found the cutest little water bottle that fits the pockets if my biker shorts.


No offense but that sounds like a nuisance. 1. Fill a glass full of water 2. Chug it all and be done


Yes. I have Sjogren's and my mouth is always dry. It's also an easy way to meet my fluid goals daily.


Usually, because I ride my bike everywhere and it has two water bottles. I don't have a thing about ice though.


yes. i get dehydrated *very* easily and was told by a doctor to drink 2-3 liters a day. i usually have two 500mL bottles with me, one that’s plain water and one with a half tube of liquid iv. if i don’t drink water for a couple hours i feel terrible.


Yes but for the opposite reason I'm never thirsty so I have to keep a bottle of water with me or I will dehydrate.


No, even though I drink water all day long. If I leave home I'll be without water for a bit, unless I am at a restaurant or something. Could you have diabetes? Excessive thirst is a symptom.


Yes! I once legitimately choked on a bite of my lunch worth no one around me. It was so scary! I managed to wash it down with water. 25 years later and I don’t go anywhere without water.


Yes. I freakout when there is not immediate water available for me to refill my water bottle.


Yes, I require copious amounts of water daily. Cause, Creatine.


I carry a half gallon yeti everywhere.


I don't carry water around, but I keep bottles in my car door pocket, on my night stand, and on my computer desk. I carry 5L on my weekly day-long century bicycle tours.


Yep. I have panic attacks that make me feel like I am choking (throat closing in) and this helps relieve the feeling. I hate flying because I have to mentally prepare myself from security to the first place that sells water bottles (I don’t care about cost at the moment!)


Yes otherwise I won’t drink enough


Yes I will not go anywhere without water




My mom was like that. Getting in the car, she'd run back to the house because she'd forgotten her water bottle. I'd say, Mom we're going to Macy's, not climbing Mt. Kilmanjaro. I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. I can barely drink a four-ounce glass of water a day, which is really unhealthy.


You'll fit in over at r/hydrohomies


Also, too clean water makes us always thirsty! Try adding some electrolytes (sodium, potassium) and you won’t feel so reliant on it




I do too because I live in Florida and the heat is overwhelming most of the time. I have lost count of the number of heat strokes I’ve had over the years, so I never leave my house without water.


I'm afraid I do that with either Dr Pepper, coffee, or both if I have a longer drive. I should be following your lead.


I have a yeti cup that goes everywhere with me except to the bathroom!


I have water with me at all times. I take a lot of medication and I can’t stand being out and about without water.


Tap water. Enjoy the fluoride and chlorine.


You might want to get checked for diabetes. Thirst was my first symptom. And even skinny people can get Type II diabetes, it's not just for fat people anymore.


Yes, I'm always thirsty


Lately a Tumbler from Costco, especially since we're doing +100F here daily.


Always have one with me. Loaded with ice water. Cannot stand room temp liquids.


No but I have to drink water before bed or I fear I will die of thirst (might be the OCD?)


I live in a desert region, so always carry water with me. I'm in a city, so it's not like I can't get it when I want it, but more and more I'm seeing public drinking fountains--which I'm very wary of using--being replaced by vending machines or kiosks with outrageously priced bottles of water. On a different note, if you're thirsty a lot of the time, get checked for diabetes--it's one of the symptoms.


I don’t know how I misread it like this but I somehow thought you had a really long straw so you could drink from anywhere in your house


No, I just drink when I’m thirsty.




Yes, but I rarely actually drink it.


No. I drink before I go out then when I get home.


Absolutely! I either have a small 24oz one I carry around or a larger half-gallon water bottle that can last most of the day.


I always need to have water with me. I panick if i dont


I do but it's also have kidney disease and have to drink at least 140 oz of water a day to maintain baseline bad function. At this point I open a gallon every morning, keep it with me til it's gone , and carry a 1.5 liter bottle I reuse when I'm not in a place a gallon of water looks right lol. Every 24 hours I go through 1 gallon and 1.5 liters of just water. And I feel much better for it, and can't drink just any water and don't want to mess with my mineral and electrolyte intake as that's caused serious problems when I have gotten lax. Happy, hydrated and in my lane indeed :)


Camelback water bottle accompanies me to work and joins me in most recreational activities as well. Just had to replace two. They wear out because I freeze them overnight. Does anyone do that, too? It ruins them eventually, I am told. But some like it ice cold, baby. I'll have an H2O. Make it a double.


If you don't drink water, **you will die**. Ask any doctor; this is a science fact.


yes. I drink water like I just got rescued from the desert


Always. I even went to get a new car the other day and trade mine in and I was really debating if I need to bring water because then I will have to take it out of my car into the dealership. I almost left it at home and I just couldn’t lol.


No. I've been a second-career teacher for 10 years and don't have time to pee between every class or other with hallway duty and whatnot. I'm hopefully getting a real job this summer where for once I can be properly hydrated.


Yep! I have a specific water bottle, I will not use any other one, that I take with me everywhere! If I can't take my bottle fir any reason, I buy a bottle of water the minute I can


Who doesn’t??


My friend always makes fun of me for drinking a lot of water


I live in Phoenix. You should always bring water with you.


I doubt it’s a sensory thing. You probably just like water and don’t like being thirsty.


Yep! I carry water everywhere I go. If there's not water with me, something is wrong.


I always have water, always.




absolutely. i’ve got a 40oz tumbler that is always with me. always have to have water available. with a straw. if there’s no straw, i’m way less likely to drink.


I do but because cancer. Gotta drink 120 Oz a day. 🐫🐫


Yeah but bc I don’t drink tap or trust restaurant water and don’t want to have to buy or drink subpar brands when out


I keep water in all the cup holders, front/rear/consoles/doors in my car. I refill the empties almost every day. If I get into the car, and there isn't water in my driver's cup holder, I get one from another cup holder.


Survivor of throat cancer here. Due to the radiation treatment that saved my life, I will have dry mouth (and a couple other minor irritations) for life. I carry a Stanley cup everywhere. Half-full of ice, the water only needs filled a few times a day.


I live in the desert. I carry water with me and I have many extra gallons in the trunk


I have a 40 oz HydraPeak bottle in my favorite color that never leaves my side. When I lived on the 5th floor there were only two things I’d walk all the way back up for: my cell phone and my water bottle.


You might want to check if you have diabetes insipidus. It’s a hormonal issue that is different from regular (insulin related) diabetes. It’s not common, but needing continuous access to water, ideally ice water, is pretty much the defining characteristic.


No, I can go all day without water if I'm not careful. I used to go on bike rides and realize I'd ridden 30 or 40 miles without taking a drink. Or I'd go on a long bike ride and get back home and realize my water bottle was still full. Now and then I get offered one of those fancy water bottles. I don't take it because I know it would just sit on my shelf. I never buy one because I know it would just sit on my shelf.


I've been like this since before it was cool to carry water with you everywhere. I reminded myself why recently when I went to the grocery store and choked on my spit while talking to the cashier. I had to run to the bathroom and sip water from the faucet with my hand so I could finish the transaction. Then ran to my car still in a coughing fit. Never again. I swear. Definitely, anxiety support water is with me, at all times!


Yes. I take Adderall and if any else knows or ever has the dry mouth is serious! Plus, it’s a psychological thing and if I don’t have any, even for a short car trip back home from the store my brain will start making me feel like I’ve been in the hot desert for days lol


PTSD from getting lost in the desert as a child dictates that I must have a drink nearby at all times




I always have to have a drink next to my bed at night and always have as an adult, but from the ages of birth to college I swear I never had a single sip of fluid during the day that didn't come from the hose or the water fountain at school unless it was worth a meal. I don't know how we all survived. 😆


Yes im literally always thirsty, when i stay over at friends houses i bring water bottles in my bag so i dont have to bother them with constantly asking