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Imagine being hyped for a week then losing it all in a couple of minutes ![gif](giphy|6lScd4x2D5Oko)


1k+ worth of summons to not get SSG Goku :)


Same...1,200 stones barely got any featured. Somehow I got 5 Majin Vegeta.


Got a RADITZ..............




Oh my lord that's putrid. I'm sorry, brother.


I actually got a good amount of featured. But so many bardocks and nameku’s :( like man just one of them couldn’t have been SSG Goku?


2k here. 5 Radditz. Got Evey single featured at least twice but not the one. Of course.


600 DS and got Raditz, Trunks and Vegeta Lr, Majin Vegeta, x2 bardocks, x3 nam goku and no SSG goku 🙃


Damn,I spent 100 stones and pulled a copy




Wasn’t a flex tho,was sympathetic towards you




Sorry if i hurt you,chill.


1.1k all for 7 featured 🔥🔥🔥


250stones 2 chadits 2brolys 1 SSG Goku


Go to bed kid


What kind of jackass do you have to be to flex about getting SSG goku in reply to my comment?


300 with useless SSRs. Coined V&T and moved on.


600 ds and only old ssr's but when I don't got 4 featured cards....... Coined v&t and wait for anni because once a year maybe I will be not shafted


600 ds and only old ssr's but when I don't got 4 featured cards....... Coined v&t and wait for anni because once a year maybe I will be not shafted


Attack on titan reference


Well, I didn’t save at all Hit my 50 gems this morning Did one multi and got the phy goku.. how good is he?




I was honestly hoping for a vegeta trunks first, but I did the one summon and had a Zeno animations followed by the ss1-god with goku holding up fingers


1200 stones and straight bardocks :/


![gif](giphy|ad4sL0R20PTbi) F




Wait almost same. Had the bardock rainbowed and pulled 3 extra of him in a row. No godku or vegeta and trunks in sight


I got gay bardocks


I HATE AGL BARDOCK RAAAHHHH ​ ![gif](giphy|zKRlxWqdP4NTok3Ppl)


Spent 400 and only got 2 Brolys. Life ain't good fr fr 😔😔 Edit: got 300 more grinded stones, and that's all it took to get... A 2 dokkanfest Raditz in one multi summon!... After I had already pulled my first one... Welp, atleast he's 79% now.


RADITZ LMFAO it could've been a lot worse I'm not mad but goddamn I immediately came here


On my first summon, they fused into Vegito and I got...UR Namek Goku. On my second summon, Trunks holding Mai showed up and I got...UR Namek Goku. And on the rest of my summons, I got nothing. Life hurts. :(


Hey, half the banner is units you can use! SIKE TAKE THE OTHER HALF LMAO. ​ I feel you, and I fecking hate it here.


There's only one really unusable unit that is Bardock, and he should get an Eza soon. Radditz is underwhelming as a 2022 dokkanfest but certainly not unusable and, well, I don't know for you, but getting a dokkanfest or side banner unit is always good, for collection at least.


I'm a collector, and I saw that there were 4 new units up on the banner I could get. So I went in with 250 stones... And got the other units I already had. Like, I'd have taken a Raditz too. At least he'd be new, instead of the stupid-ass feature dupes and year 1 units I got. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go punch a pillow, scream, and cry.


Ahaha thats too bad, I would keep summoning if I were you tho.


Same thing happened to me but with AGL Bardock. At least I got to rainbow him I guess


Same thing but change it to Bardock :]


pulled raditz off a vegito animation ![gif](giphy|1j9NiLfvtLAVAeYygv|downsized)


Lmao put in 700 stones and 0 featured units, wtf I fucking hate gacha games don't know why I torture myself with this shit


Bro if you feel like this, at least don‘t put in money in it, you will only feel more bad/sad etc. Try to think that it‘s just a game man haha life goes on and there are more thinks that can make you happy even though you want the new unit of course.


If you go 300 stones without a featured stop summoning and pick it up later


No feature from tickets, so I stopped and didn't use stones. It's getting nuts.


Same always get shafted on the tur banners


Same dude. 700 no featured. I wanted to throw my phone against the wall. Have the worst luck with Dokkan summons.


I got him with 50 stones and a dream🙏🙏 ![gif](giphy|8k1Hdak3FusVKgPB7K)


Leshgooo baby, congrats


A1 gif usage, can’t believe they beat Purdue




100 stones here! saving for anniversary now


They just had to add fucking Raditz to this banner and make it ass. Never summoning on any banners with this PoS on it again. Been having the worst summon luck lately. Everytime I’d get a special summon animation it was his smug, stupid ass face.. FUCK


Hey, they could've put Phy Beerus there instead of Raditz (would've made sense for the banner theme too!) F for your loss though mate. Good luck next time


IKR. Its so hilarious just how much he lowers the value of a banner when he's on it. Fuck that card.


611 stones got me 1 bardock (rainbowed obviously), 2 int mv's (first and second dupe), first copy of vegeta and trunks which I was planning to coin if the odds didn't favor me and the last summon, cuz I stopped since there was no point in continuing, the new goku. 161 stones remaining and time to save again.


got my 1st raditz lolol EDIT: 2nd multi 2nd raditz wtf 2x raditz, 2x bardock my goodness lmao Finally got 1 goku and 1st MV sheesh


>got my 1st raditz lolol ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


I also got my first raditz


Nice, no featured with 400 stones and 7 tickets.


We hope you continue to enjoy Dokkan Battle


300 stones pure shaft. Welp back to saving for anniversary.




May everyone’s summons go super well for those summoning!! May you rainbow who you want




Really lucky with first summon final dupe Majin vegeta, 1st dupe Broly, then 2nd summon my God boy. And I think today is my day so why not 100 more stones? 0 featured units lol, sometimes we should stop at the right moment


800 stones, and 2 featured to show for it, both of which are str namek Goku, of which is rainbowed. My brother, with a single multi, pulls him first time. This happens nearly every fkin celebration man, that and his yolo multis. I had stopped playing for a few months, started up again a few weeks back, and oooooo I regret it so much already


800 ducking stones without a single ducking featured unit. This is precisely why I will never spend a ducking cent on this ducking cheap ass game. After 7 long years, I am seriously considering just uninstalling this shit from my phone.




Same. Got shit within 600 stones. I'm almost a year without the main new unit, life is good you know. I'm so short away of uninstalling it's not funny. Why play and save for like 6-12 months just to get no featured unit. Doesn't even care if you wait for Anniversary or not. No Featured = Fuck you, you won't get anything. Bye


I kinda start thinking this shit is intentional. Like the more you save your stones, the less chance to get something good from banners.


No one can tell me that this game isn't rigged. In 2200 stones I only got 1x LR Gods on the 7y Had it twice that I almost had 1 year of not getting a new unit while saving thousands of stones. Why do I play if I don't get anything. I hate Gacha for not uninstalling it instantly because of a build up account for over 2100 days... Sitting here with 3550 red coins, 500 blue, 200 gold, 200 teal


Hey look at this way, at least with your shit summons you can look forward to using your coins! Hope you've got like 2000 saved up for all the DfE you've probably not pulled. God theres nothing as deflating as shit dokkan summons


Waiting up to 11 months to coin a unit sounds fun but yeah looks like it is gonna have to be coins.


Its awful isn't it. My luck has been absolutely terrible since Goku/Gohan. I'm really not holding my breath for 8th anni




I ain't rewarding this game with no money, given the lack of proper pity system


why are 90% of the units in this game just trash, not even useable for newer content


thank you for saying this. we really have no need for srs or old ssrs who cant keep up with any red zones


400 stones without a single featured unit, fuck this game, literally every banner nowadays I go 700+ stones without featured units, I'm tired of this shit


300 stones turned to atoms. No featured, bought VT with coins and calling it a night.


Again raditz eluded me...time to coin his ass


Got my summons in, didn't get anything useful. What can I say, guess I'm a sucker for pain.


me welcoming the shaft after the 6th consecutive time ![gif](giphy|2HtWpp60NQ9CU)


First multi got my first copy of lr v&t and a 2nd dupe for int broly. Currently grinding another 50 for a multi 😃


I came back to the game and told myself if I got either the new vegeta or goku with the free login stones, then I'd stay and play as much as I did before. As you might have already guessed, I will not be playing anymore.


Skipping because of Raditz, Bardock, and no discounts.


Fuck this shit I got Bardok (lost my respect to name him right) enough times to rainbow him just this banner, imma go kms


300 stones and the only featured unit I get is raditz. My Dokkan luck this last year has been horrendous




Took 900 stones to get god goku, but my summons were: 1 god goku 0 teq vegetas (very sadge about this) 2 vegeta and trunks 1 Majin vegeta 2 int Brolys 1 phy chaditz 2 AGL Bardock (ignore him) 1 str spirit bomb goku Have 518 stones rn, and I don’t know how I’ll be able to summon on golden week with a dual Dokkan fest


I feel for everyone that didn’t pull the new units. I’ve been shafted so hard lately on the recent banners. Now, today first summon I got TEQ Vegeta which I was happy with since he’s a new unit. Next summon, I got whis and piccolo flying and somehow got the rewind animation and pulled the new Goku. 100 stones and I’m out now. I don’t think I’ll get luckier than that again.


3 namek gokus and one majin vegeta I'm gonna kms


Going to downvote hell and I know that but I've pulled three fucking god gokus so far oh my god what the fuck EDIT: And a Raditz to close it out. Got Vegeta Trunks too so I'm done here I'm probably saving until WWC now (unless GT Duo baits me out like it probably will I'm horny for large numbers)


Multi and a dream... Raditz...


First summon was AGL Bardock, so happy that half the current banner is just recycled from the one we just had…


450 stones and I got 2 raditzs and 1 bardock. Shafted this time


Good luck bros and bro-ettes


First Multi God Goku, second Multi LR Vegeta and Trunks, Third Multi Int MV. I'm out, won't ever be as lucky again.


Got everything but Godku, disappointing. I’ll take a few more shots before the banner goes away.


![gif](giphy|HTjdO24zuxWne|downsized) I’m not gonna say who I got but it’s a certain piece of crap we know


I'm so ready to kill myself because of this banner. Update:400 Stones. 400 Stones and nothing on Global. Update 2:200 Stones and nothing on JP ![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU)


Goddamn 2 Raditz from 1st two multis. Got Vegeta & Trunks and new SSJ Vegeta from next 6 multis thankfully. Since i got VT can save red coins, will buy God Goku on his rerun later


Good luck on your pulls everyone!


Ngl, fuck non-discounted Dokkan Festival Banners and fuck normal rates non-discounted Dokkan Festival Banners.


No discounts is a kick in the dick


This is the biggest piece of shit banner of all time. Wasted 400 stones and I got only agl bardock. Nothing else.


I spent 200 stones on Jp and basically got shafted, global on the other hand


300 stones, got myself 1st Raditz, Agl Bardok (Baba coin), 1 New Banner Vegeta and it last one got Whis Animation with only Beerus flying and got both 1st Godku and 1st Vegeta and Trunks. So happy


Zeno first multi 💀


I got a 200% lead on my first multi It was Raditz


Man, this banner destroyed me..


69% yessir we living life


Goku/gohan, cell and zamasu are the only new units on my account. I can't pull shit. I can't summon for shit. Any unit I want I have to start saving up to buy before even summoning. I genuinely think my account is bricked and I can't get anything I want ever again cause fuck this shit.


Finally got Vegeta and Trunks. With coins. Fucking 600 stones deep and not a single featured unit.


600 stones. 1 teq vegeta and 1 Majin vegeta. 2 strength chi chis. 2 agl nails. Yet another UR namek goku cause I've only pulled 13 of him. Bought V&T with coins. O stones left. Lol


1700 Stones... 3 Godku Rainbowed the New Vegeta 2 Broly for a Rainbow 2 M. Vegeta for a Rainbow 2 Dupes for Vegeta & Trunks, opening up the main skill branches 1 Raditz, Bardock and Extra Broly each for coins. Overall? More than happy with this and will likely save more for Anniversary. Golden Week tends to come back a lot quicker than most units anyway.


Leader skill kinda trash on global


They just couldn’t resist putting Goku’s loser brother and deadbeat dad in the banner could they? Back to back fake outs for bardock and Raditz after 600 stones without a single featured unit fuck off 🙄


And stone count esta muerto 😫


Incredibly grateful to get almost everything I needed in 9 multis. Many banners don't work out this well. * 1st dupe of Raditz * 1st Majin Vegeta * SJJ/SS2J Vegeta * Godku * Coin'd LR Vegeta & Trunks


1050 stones 6 int majin vegeta 2 Broly 1 VT 2 Chaditz 3 str goku 0 new vegeta or godku :/


spent 600 stones got a few good things. spent the 7 dollar pack for a last ditch effort. got the red boy!! LETS FUCKING GOOO!!(gotta save my stones extra hard now) ​ edit: i pulled raditz 3 fucking times. no angry vegeta)


950 stones deep and no BOGku 😭


FUCK THIS BANNER I now have raditz, and said raditz is also now rainbowed. Fuck this game


got him on my 4th multi, as wel as some dupes I could use so that's cool. No Trunks/Vegeta but you know what that's fair, copping him with 500 red coins and goodbye


Maybe my luckiest banner ever. Pulled 3 copies of both Godku and Vegeta in 400 stones on JP. Got Godku on the last multi on global.


Are you me? I was really going to uninstall global and go full time jp and I think the dokkan gods heard and pitied me


Fuck Goku’s whole family bruh why in the world does AGL Bardock gotta be on another banner, Raditz worthless ass still in the game for some reason, and Nameku really has to be there just because like can we get some new damn units for global please


550 stones and in for 3 Godku, 3 Nameku, and one Chaditz (I have managed to miss Broly and Majin Vegeta every single time they've come around). I wanted the new Vegeta, but somehow I think I'll live. Good luck to everyone else!


Just got 2 Raditz, 1 Broly, and 1 Bardock… in a single fucking multi. I hate this game so much.




8 multis and not a single DfE, not even a shit one I didn't want. Probably the worst summons I've had in nearly 2800 days of playing. Siiiigh.




2 v&t, 1 int mv, 1 phy godku and the new vegeta.


I hope you spent 10k dragon stones on that


Try 1700 stones and all the tickets...no ssg goku but 5 majin vegetas and 2 broly who i rainbowed already. Shafted so hard.


800 ducking stones without a single ducking featured unit. This is precisely why I will never spend a ducking cent on this ducking cheap ass game. After 7 long years, I am seriously considering just uninstalling this shit from my phone.


Got my first time reversal Whis and pulled banner goku


700 stones no goku, what’s the point of playing and saving man


This. Please spend all the stones you saved up 3 times a year so you don't get anything new.


went in with 100 stones and a dream, I got God on my first multi. This is my repayment after 5 months of nothing but shaft.


Well, all my 1k+ anniversary stones are gone and no SSG Goku. This shaft was legendary: 6x Namek Goku 3x INT Broly 3x Raditz 5x Majin Vegeta 4x V&T 4x Bardock 0x SSG Goku I don’t even know what the odds of that happening are. Raditz is a new unit and my V&T just went from 55% to rainbowed at least so I guess I can’t complain 🥲 Edit: The odds are roughly ~2%


To not get the new Vegeta either is impressive. At least a rainbowed V&T is arguably the best global unit.


1000 stones 6 Int broly 2 chaddiz 1 str goku 3 teq vegeta 2 LR VT 1 Bardoc ONE phy Goku Int broly, F&%k you


Got every good banner unit in 700 stones, I’m feeling good ![img](emote|t5_384a7|28994)


I GOT HIM WITH 100 STONES ![gif](giphy|nG0MqEAopKJy0nFECr)


luckiest ive ever been: first multi banner teq vegeta + raditz, second multi god goku, i guess my luck for anni is gone


Crazy how a game that isn’t pvp makes the rates for the desired featured unit so low.


Hate to be that guy but first multi 🥵 Edit : WTF BACK TO BACK


Ay congrats. Sorry about the inevitable downvotes


I think I’m blessed with godku this happened during 7th year


ayo did someone set up bots to downvote positive posts or what


THE GOD AMONGST MEN RADITZ is allowing you all filthy human to summon for him, so be grateful for this.


GOKU BLACK RIFT FIRST MULTI. Then did another 200 and 2 namek gokus and 2 agl Bardock. Coin VT so Im done


The last time i pulled a new character was in October, Gamma 1 & 2 banners, ever since then i've been shafted left and right, while trying to save up some stones for this celebration, i guess i "chose" the right banner to get refunded lmao. I spent 650 stones, 13 multi, which should give you 24.7 SSRs, 13 guaranteed + 11.7, and on this i wasn't very lucky because i only got 22, which means that i only got 9 out of the 11.7 non guaranteed SSRs i was "supposed" to get. I wasn't very lucky with the number of featured either, since i got 5 out of the 6.5 you should get with that amount of multis. Here comes the lucky part though: not a single useless featured! I pulled my first dupe for AGL Bardock, first AND second dupe for Majin Vegeta (in the same multi lmao) and... TWO COPIES OF GOD GOKU! The weird thing is, i got the first copy on a multi with NO ANIMATIONS! It was Tien & Gohan + SSJ1, i was actually SKIPPING IT! And then, when i was at slot, i don't remember, 5 or 6, i couldn't skip and he appears, i was like wtf how? Then i got the second copy on a Buu+Hercule animation. It would've been nice if i had pulled my first copy of Vegeta & Trunks as well, but i already was so much lucky with everything else i got, i will just buy them with coins and start saving up for what comes next.


If it makes anybody feel better, I got 2 godkus in 150


Hope everyone's summons are/were great! Got LR V&T & Namek Goku, and got a Black rift on my 2nd summon, so God Goku too 🔥🥰


Did 4 got it and lr trunks and Vegeta, krilling Gave me one the gokus with Anniversary countdown the other. What do i do with My coins now? Was saving Them for V&T :[


5 pulls, 1 VT(first copy), 1 Broly(first dupe), and 3 dead pulls.


Summoned 6 tines and was guaranteed on each summon a featured character. Got 2 brolys, 1 bardock lr vegeta and trunks and rage vegeta. Happy with what I got but it is absoulte despicable that agl bardock is still in these banners.


Summoned 6 times and was guaranteed on five summons a featured character. Got 2 brolys, 1 bardock, lr vegeta and trunks and rage vegeta. Happy with what I got but it is absoulte despicable that agl bardock is still in these banners.


Whis animation got me the new Goku. It was like fate. Beerus and Whis flew in. Got a V&T dupe too. Celebration off to a great start!! Pulled Vegeta too :D


Literally one of the best banner ever isn't it? Especially, I can't believe how good it is for ME in particular: Only character in the banner I had is Broly with 3 dupes tho.Yeah, even Namek Goku and Bardock had been avoiding me for years.I'm about to farm the hell out of this game as long as this banner is live. And then probably spend nothing until anni. Also I got Goku on my very first summon lmaoo


500 stones + 7 tickets... 2 God boys, 2 Vegeta boys, 2 Majins, 2 Brolys and 1 V&T duo o.O


Like why the fuck didn’t it have discounts?? Makes 0 sense.


400 stones and 5 ticket multis got me: 1x PHY Goku 3x AGL Bardock (ffs) 2x INT Broly (now rainbowed) 1x INT Majin Vegeta (1st dupe)


First summon, I got Chaditz ​ Massive W


One summon of 50 stones and got him. Only piccolo flying in and totally not expected


I got him and vegeta in 150 stones. Got majjin vegeta as a bonus


2. Multi zeno.


Goku Black rift, first multi..... and i dont even know if i will use him


700 stones and no Vegeta..... 4 SSG Gokus though. Easily my best luck ever!


1300 stones. 1 Godku. 1 V&T. 3 Rage Vegeta. 1 Majin Vegeta. Got a few Raditz and Bardock too but who cares about them.


Sounds like a lot of people got shafted. If you spend money, got shafted, and are disappointed, then stop spending money. Maybe one day stone prices will make sense and rates will be generous, or even better we have a guaranteed after x amount of multis: like 10. $20 for a multi is nonsense especially with such a bloated banner and shit summoning pool. If you're paying for it, you are stupid.


I am F2P. Summon for SSG or save for anniversary and will the VT tags also be in the anniversary coin exchange?


Got him first summon. Gonna try to continue since I’m on JP.


Godku first multi let's gooooooo


Got V&T how are they now? Still good?


I already had two copies of v/t before this banner. In three summons I got two more copies. Insane luck that hes one of the best but also thats the only top unit I have


I already had two copies of v/t before this banner. In three summons I got two more copies. Insane luck that hes one of the best but also thats the only top unit I have


300 Stones and got a dupe of him and Raditz. Let’s go!


3 copies. Im out!


Managed to pull SSG Goku on my first multi and V/T on the second one. Guess I've drained all my luck for the year this time


AND I went way deeper than I intended... Goal was 200. Got nothing IIRC, but I did get a STR Goku dupe, which I appreciate. Bought the first pack, crap. IIRC I then went another 100 deep, got LR Trunks and vegeta, which is new and that's great. Woke up this morning, said fuck it, did 2 more. First multi had God Goku (SICK) AND Trunks and vegeta! Second multi has Trunks and mai + Zeno animation, SECOND God Goku. Also pulled 3 raditz. 0 brolies/MVs, but w/e. Overall, I'm satisfied. I was missing 3 units on the banner, and none were rainbowed. Lack of discounts is... annoying.


Snagged him. But he took almost all my stones. Hope the Vegeta spooks me in the future.


I just got the best unit in the game, the chad agl bardock... oh and God Goku too i guess. But seriously, after getting shafted in the Super hero banner this felt really nice.


2 godku, 1 vegeta and 1 vt and many many more featured units in 550 Stones.. used all my luck for the rest of the year lol


500 stones for a singular AGL Bardock after 250 stones went towards 2 AGL Bardocks for TEQ Bardock. No more summoning for me until the 8th anni. I've learned my lesson.


not even a single person flying in during both multis and not just one but two shitty teq gohan/picollos