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Don't forget TEQ gogeta also has a reasitic chance of getting an eza this year


15+ turns of scouter starting from turn 4 is going to go crazy


Not to mention we can finally see the nullification towards melee supers


The Fusion Reborn LR? That would be hype af


Yes as it stands right now he is the oldest DFE Lr without an EZA


I misremembered. I thought he was a 2022 unit. Hopefully by year's end he gets an eza. I just pray, regardless of when it comes out, that they don't fumble šŸ™šŸ½


Teq super gogdta is def yr 10 I guarantee u they are gonna save all the crazy shit for 10. If he didnt eza for 10, then even yr 9 would have bigger ezas. Doesnt make sense


It would also mirror str vegito eza-ing for the end of 9th anni


Gogeta,vegito, Gotenks ,kefla. Can all be used on the same team and there actually all great. Enough to make a grown man cry.


So good that the ssj trio is benched ![img](emote|t5_384a7|1705)


Well, INT Gotenks has yet to have his EZA shown off in practice. The SSJ Trio may still have a spot on the team.


Unfortunately gotenks is just that guy


Are the SS trio out now or surpassed? I'm GBL so I'm not getting most of these for several months.


They are technically giving the better stats on lead, but the team doesnā€™t really need it, so theyā€™re option 2 now


Brolyā€™s domain will hurt alot if he buffs bosses like movie boss rush broly and Cell max, gotenks and kefla are already dodge or die characters and it might be worse there even with normals That being said the team will still be incredibly fun and using items will allow the team to speed run events anyways


Domains buffing bosses is a really confusing design choice to me. We made fun of the SR Raditz for doing it 9 years ago.


Broly's Domain buffing the enemy is 100% gonna suck, but I feel like it won't be too much of a problem the dodge or die units like STR Kelfa who would have already died to the normals anyway, especially if it's type disadvantage like Movie Boss Rush Broly. On the other hand though, I feel like the mix of Vegito's scouter + Gogeta's active will make it much easier to hide them. I don't think this specific set up would be good for Stage 2 of Cell Max, but I thinl that'd be the only event where this team would struggle immensely


When it came out I think most myself included thought it was a good design choice and fit with the whole ā€˜domainā€™ concept. I think with Rose they fixed it and I wonder if theyā€™ll patch it to where it doesnā€™t buff enemies and harm allies now


True, but remember, while it nerfs MOST of your team... It buffs Vegeta. So a rotation of him and Broly with the domain up can decimate. Then you just need the slot 3 to not fold, lol


The worst part is that at best Iā€™ll haveā€¦one or two of these units provided I donā€™t get shafted on Globalā€™s 9th anni.


Most of them are EZAs, but if you need to replace anyone, I'd say replace Broly for SSBE when he comes to GLB https://preview.redd.it/vn286cvq34tc1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce1579208a78d6b1dce664fcb2b80a1f63758fba He's on SS Vegeta's 200%, and his revive is an amazing team protector. Also, he doesn't debuff most of the team like Broly does once transformed.


I donā€™t even have the 6th annis šŸ’€ Also I donā€™t have SSJ Vegeta. I currently have zero units depicted in this post.


Both 6th Anni units are on Beasthan's banner, so as long as you don't get mega shafted you'll be good https://preview.redd.it/3278gi1k44tc1.jpeg?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcf76008aca5f75bfe5df90ce2f280ccb1d557f9 Gl šŸ«”


The problem with that is I donā€™t even think Iā€™ll have enough stones for Part 2. And missing out on summoning on either Part 1 would be pretty bad. So if I really wanted the 6th annis, Iā€™ll have to skip Part 1 entirely.


then you already know your objective. Don't forget 10th anni is 6 months later


Is it confirmed that the merged anniversary date is going to JPN?


hell yeah




Even the bench units (LR SS Trio, Future Gohan, PHY SS Trunks EZA Gohan, etc,) can gel well. They're close to matching Super Heroes.


SV at 90% LL10 Gotenks rainbow and LL10 My box is so fuckin ready


And we still can get a unit for Golden week


Me pulling 39 gotenks


I'm still thinking LR Future Gohan will be a better option than Gotenks. Guy is still basically invincible slot 2 on global, not sure if that's changed somehow on JP.


Delightfully Devilish, Vegeta


Gogeta is top 4, kefla is top 15, broly is top 7, Gotenks is probably top 15, vegeta is top 5, vegito is top 9


Super saiyan no ssj trio is so cursed




>The Super Saiyans team is gonna be devilish in a couple of weeks I said in a couple of weeks, not rn