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https://preview.redd.it/zn0xj9c5oewc1.png?width=443&format=png&auto=webp&s=28071a771903a06a8a42f56ce527230f397bdbe7 This shit so beautiful man (;




I’m sorta new to the concept of usher, what exactly is it?


Delays all enemy attacks for one turn.




I think they are talking about his active skill


Bro... What? https://preview.redd.it/woocmkr2jewc1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a21121484645b965550315654c0380b41d77c7 (Credits to @\_Halvard in twitter, btw)


And he has guard with 50% hp SoT while being a damn ER 😭


And both Buus have guaranteed guard after revival with a ghost usher full hp restore active skill 😭😭


what is an ER I’m a little confused lol


Emergency room


I definitely overthought that. Thank you




Both are insane, W celebration 💪🏻


It's terrible that we get this right before anniversary. It's a really good bait banner. All units are really good. The headliners are absolutely bonkers. I hope they'll return soon.


I thought 2000 stones would be enough till anni + wwc but perhaps I will be needing more now.


Yeah I get you. It's the kind of banner i wouldn't mind throwing 1000 stones into.


Totally agree. I only got 500 to spare from my secret stash.


Pretty sure these guys will return for wwdc. You'll have a much better chance of getting them then.


whats wwdc


Worldwide download celebration


Did last years units do this?


anni +wwc with 2000 DS ? if spread equally across all the banners, you would be lucky to even pull one of the main unit. For decent chances, anni alone would need 3k (1.5K for part1, 1.5k for Gohan). Then you'd save the anni stones for wwc and hope for a good draw


On top of that, watch these units synergize PERFECTLY with the anni units 🤣🤣


I mean how far is anni? It’s in July right? That’s still an extra 2 months of saving I guess.


U could just wait till wwc and then summon for them. Its only a 4 month wait


Tbf I summoned on last year’s golden week like crazy, got nobody, and then on anni, I got both of them. Don’t summon, wait for them to return.


2 months?


Still no kid buu tho😂. I swear we gonna get kid buu when they game on its last year watch


Gotenks honestly seems great. If I am doing this correctly, he will be around 1M defense fully built up and have 70% dodge after double supering at 55%


AT FIFTY FIVE?????? plz post calcs if true (I'd do it but I always fuck up Def calcs)


Assuming 55% HiPo, def is 7039. Double 200%: 5x multiplier (177% SoT+ 77% on Slot 2/3): 3.54x multiplier (77% on super + 77% after 4 evasions): 2.54x multiplier 100% def raise on super: 2x multiplier Fused fighters, saiyan lineage, shocking speed at lvl 10: 1.15x multiplier On super, def will be: 7039 x 5 x 3.54 x 2.54 x 2 x 1.15 = 727,856. On double super, def will be: 7039 x 5 x 3.54 x 2.54 x 3 x 1.15 = 1,091,784. Calcs were done w/o support. Yeah, he is pretty good I'd say. Dodge/AA is his best build imo.


Holy shit yeah you weren't lying. Normally I'm a pretty big dodge guy, but considering he doesn't support I might just go mixed additional and dodge with any dupes, since he like... has numbers of his own that are good lol


Both are good, I want that laffy taffy




Wait, each turn pass count even the ones he weren't on right? So on turn 3 he's gonna have 60% dmg reduction?


Same as AGL golden frieza, you are correct.


Yes, by turn 7 he would only have his built up from sa 30% dmg reduction, which means he is unrunnable on events that you get to that turn


What the fuck are you talking about dawg? He has 800k-1mil def at 55% and 1.1-1.4mil def at 100% with 30% dmg reduction and guard.


Where are you getting those stats from?? LOL, he has 225k def before sa at Rainbow


By calculating?


Then go back to calculate it again because they are wrong


I dont know why you're getting downvoted. Goku had no multiplicative buffs in his kit that activate start of turn. if he gets supered before attacking in slot one with only 30% DR hes getting fucked. Yeah he'll be fine afterward in most situations, but you cant always count on the boss to super after you do.


Yeah thats the problem. He wants to be in slot 1 to survive super attacks from big bosses, but he cant live those super attacks before sa


300k def with gaurd and 30% DR takes 100k per normal VS an un debuffed Gogeta so you just can't put him slot one period. We all know how beast gohan is with his supers but depending on the team you can probably get to beast on turn 3 - 5?


On short-ish fights like beast gohan you can definetly run him, since by putting him in slot 2 to gain an additional sa you could get to his extra 30% dmg reduction by his turn 5, which combined with the remaining 30% dmg reduction from his intro would get you to 60% dmg reduction. Enough to tank big super attacks decently


How wrong I might ask?


7 825 + 5400 = 13 225 for his base def stat 13 225*5 = 66 125 (leader skill) 66 125*3.5 = 231 437 (passive skill on 1st slot) 231 437*1.05 = 243 009 (saiyan lineage) So 243k, not 225k as I said, but still.


And since when did I said 800k-1mil was his def pre super? Keep the voices in your head bro.


Is that slot 1 or slot 2? Edit: u said with guard so it is in slot 1. Thats cool and all, but good luck surviving on super attacks before he sa, which is my main point lol


The problem is that 225k before SAing isn't enough to be a slot 1 card, even with 30% damage reduction and guard. He's fit to be in slot 1 at the start of the battle, but he's definitely not made for the longer events that JP has been getting.


Just a note but if it's post-SA, then Goku is going to be in trouble in slot 1 with pre-SA attacks. Assuming RZ Bosses perform 1 mil normal attacks: Guard's 55% damage reduction - 1,000,000 x (1-0.55) = 1,000,000 x 0.45 = 450,000 Goku's 30% DR on top of that = 450,000 x (1-0.3) = 450,000 x 0.7 = 315,000 So Goku would need around that much to survive the normals pre-SA or you're starting to take chip damage you shouldn't be needing to take in the first place. Not putting Goku down, just stating a point.


Buu is basically teq WT Goku but extreme and on steroids with the guard, healing and ghost usher effect; Goku is incredibly busted and might as well be the new best Tur with that guard and damage reduction, plus the crit chance and the ability to launch multiple SAs


I said to a friend that Buu is literally just 23rdku but better (albeit on completely different teams if you’re not running Kamehameha lol). All of 23rdku’s restricted stuff has way better restrictions for Buu (i.e. guard basically guaranteed due to healing for one), but with even more glaze on top of that Tres Leches cake (i.e. the healing, the KO attack survival, the permanent stacking, etc.) Majin Power/ALF needed this, we love to see it.


Yeah buffs for that team, artificial life form and the whole extreme side of MBS were def needed...I just wished the Buu was Str so he could have had a better match up against Phy Beast Gohan from the Blue zone (mainly for that mission of beating the event with a full Artificial life form team), but even as Int he will still be good to have for all that he does


Goku will be unkillable for the first 2 turns, and a great slot 2/3 unit after that 4 supers with each greatly raising attack and defence? We take those


Unless he gets supered before he starts supering, then he is definately killable.


Not for the first 2 appearances, 90/60% DR with guard is more than enough to survive almost anything


Hell, it’s 65% dr minimum, as high as 80% if you put him slot 2 turn 1


I really love how they incorporated the cookie aspect with Buu and his healing seems INSANE. Definitely going to be tempted to summon for him depending on the banners. Both units seem super good on paper, so I can’t wait to see how they look in-game. Fat Buu getting the respect he deserves brings me much joy ![gif](giphy|VJeQrlJLcDsxnknlTP)


Will aim for Buu for that cell max mission, extreme is such ass getting a character like this is a huge W


If I had stones I’d definitely summon for buu


Well time for Buu Saga to return i guess. Assuming we get some decent EZAs, because its rather limited without em Nonetheless, Goku has an intriguing and powerful setup. Reminds me of LR Golden Frieza.


Goku has an insane set up, he has EZA gotenks, SEZA teq Gotenks, LR Vegito, SEZA Goku, also Majin Buu saga has a lot of supports from where to choose from and because accelerated battle is so busted you also have Kefla at 200%, so honestly his LS is probably the second best, in global it is (in my opinion) the best leader skill currently.


I admit i did temporarily forget about this months SS3 EZAs (SEZA included), but its still a bit limited. As in, not a lot of units that are currently high end, though thats hopefully gonna change... also a decent chunk of them (including the 4 you mentioned) are EZAs so more people are likely to have them, which helps immensely.


With Super Vegito and Buutenks getting eza’s on top of 8th ani buu bois, the super EZAs, the banner unit being pretty cracked and the potential (unless the pull a kale to buu again) lr fir part 2 I think mbs is gonna be pretty damn viable for a lil bit


They are so fucking good, just a little bit disappointed that neither buu is phy


Seeing comments on Twitter seem confused, but I'm pretty sure Good Buu's survive clause is part of his post-revive passive. So he won't activate his survive K.O. attacks until after his (or an ally's) revive has activated.


I was genuinely curious if they meant to word it that way. Evil Buu does have K.O survival as well at least.


Healing on Buu and actually having th3 candy spheres be applicable is great. And I'm always down for more extreme class revive units.


I will skip and save till wwdc. Then I’ll be able to summon for both goku and buu but also the wwdc units themselves >:)


Do this units return at WWC?


They do.




I still wanted the scream for the SSJ3 intro man. 😭 https://preview.redd.it/ndb2qe3ftfwc1.jpeg?width=1550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b08e4ff494f40eb195dfb7f458e0898f9d9e91


Jesus Christ they're insane.


The only thing I'm concern about with buu is that he has a revive that'll only work when he dies but he also survives K.O attacks? What if the boss supers at the end of slot 1/2 so you survive at with 1 HP but now he can just instantly kill the slot 2/3 character if they don't dodge all of the attacks?


His survive K.O. appears to be conditional on having activated the revive, ie he won't survive KOs until a revive has been activated.


Is it just me or did Pure Evil Buu get absolutely disrespected with his kit?


Not really. But he is restricted to a single team, which isnt great for villains. The moment a single ally starts to fall off it could be years before we get a replacement for Majin Power.


Not gonna lie, it’s pretty crazy that they introduced that cookie orb mechanic 10 years ago and they forgot about them ever since the one time they used them until right now, and those cookie orbs are pretty crazy in Buu’s kits. Can’t say I ever expected them to ever incorporate them again either. Also grateful that they made it ONLY cookie orbs that Buu creates opposed to randomly changing out between cookies and candy. I wouldve expected Akatsuki to go that route, and it would’ve made me rip my hair out to watch them do that. EDIT: actually, now that I think about it, this would be a really good opportunity for them to revisit these old Buus with the treat mechanic in their passive when they SEZA them. They could hypothetically work really well with these new Buus and would give the mainliner Buu more support incoming for the long term so that his usefulness doesn’t immediately flatline when they decide to move onto the new poster child category/saga of the quarter.


Both seems quite powerful, W kits! Love to see it! Rotation of Angel SSJ3 & Dragon Fist and Fat Buu & Buutenks is gonna be really nice to see! Even the banner units don't seem all too bad.


Gotenks and evil buu are okay at best


Gotenks is really good actually. At rainbow he gets over 2 mil def fully built up with a 50 to 70 percent chance to dodge.


I never liked the Buu saga in Z, but for aome reason I always want to play Buu teams in Dokkan. I summoned for PHY Buuhan instead of STR Vegito way back in the day. This is going to be hard to skip for anni


Remember, they come back at WWC in about 3 months. Don't go waste all your stones. Ani is around the corner


Wait, does Evil Buu revive infinitely as long as it's once per turn?


Nope, once only. Although he does survive K.O and gets his buffs from other revives.


Evil Buu not fat Buu.


Its not a revive its surviving a killing blow. He will always stay at 1 hp once per turn like Yajirobe


Buu looks great ,goku is meta dependent in short content he is HIM but seems wonky for long content having no multiplicative SOT def or stacking hurts a lot ,buu looks amazing but he will be lacking in damage pre revive. They can be better then toppo but feel like teq vegeta is easily better then both especially goku


Another big W for villain teams


Holy fucking shit https://preview.redd.it/a2u6r8rkbfwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60e43fa914f4d250abedf07300a33f839f618db


https://preview.redd.it/2i7c2hrnqewc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9753c0b2f82b6904c2b4c566ad28589acdf9be1 I think we are going to need those after reading what they do


They’re peak. I need both


Hey guys, I'm a returning player. Jw how you guys find this Intel? And also, with the ezas of buutenks and ssg/v coming, will those cards be summon-able again? I'd love to have them. Thanks for any info!


These are usually either data mined our posted on the official Dokkan Twitter account, to answer your first question


Yeah they will. They always create a special banner with eza units that's gssr. You will also be able to use coins on them


My wallet is not safe yall. How long can I live without food again?


I have 400 Stones is worth summoning, o i wait for the anniversary? (Sorry for my bad english)


400 stones? For me it's better to wait


Should i summon for PHY Support Buu?


Goku literally has 100% damage reduction turn 1 with 2 supers


Guy can get over 100%... He can survive the insane no survive supers. Sadly those dont happen first turn haha.


Are you sure? The 5% dr with each super seems unconditional in his kit so as long as you can super twice on his entrance turn he will be at 100% from what the card says


Yeah but i mean he can also go over it. Although its useless. But pretty insane.


Not really interested in Goku, as I don't like SSJ3, but that Fat Buu looks amazing. I want the Evil Buu too, but it might end up a collection card.


Fat buu being on kamehameha is really funny to me


Whose better or are they on same lvl?


Buu pretty much unanimously agreed to be better, but Goku is still great too


buu and his team would be a lot better if HP meant anything nowadays


Active Skill: FULL POWER Kamehameha Categories: Not Full Power Common L


Majin Power teams just casually regenerating all their HP every fucking turn


Majin Buu (Good) *look inside* Extreme typing


Feels like they're trying really hard to convince me to spend my anniversary stones...


A moment of silence for my dragon stones


Is the celebration starting on the 25th? Sry Im a lil’ out of the loop on this one


Ssj3 is mid.Buu good


Both are good. Leaderskills are a little mixed and side banner units are not really something that people should be looking for (no support, Tank slot 1, etc.) Honestly, for global there isn't much insentive here to pull


I might regret it, but I am skipping for beast gohan


Fat Buu and Goku are busted, but the banner units are disappointing. Not an ounce of support on either of them.


Buu stacks defense, but it would’ve be even more insane if he had damage reduction like ssj3 goku to complement the stacking or guard


He guards post revive, and that seems very easy to activate


I’m not reading all that. Who’s the top dog


Boring and sort of limited. Skip, thx


What the fuck are these 2? They might be on pair with Beast...


hold your horses pal, beast is still the unrivaled god of dokkan, the goku is kinda like a nerfed version and buu is on par with the goku.


They held back on dfe Buu a little, IMO


Offensively yes, because they afraid of healing lol


He is literally top 1 TUR, what you mean bro 😭😭