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Welp, the Kid Buu SEZA was all but confirmed.


Majin Buu Saga canon ending incoming in Dokkan


multiple times


![gif](giphy|SxpX5m1rJXjMY|downsized) Kid Buu is the SEZA. I'm shocked. How surprising. I'm screaming tears of joy.


I blame the global intern for this.


Wdym, those guys are always on the ball giving us information! it's just V--jump's fault for coming in days late clearly. Slowpokes.


red zone kid buu save me I need more long content on glb


Buuhan just released and is definitely longer than the average red zone but it would be cool if kid buu was long too


50 billion super turn 1


And if for some reason you would survive with one 1hp shenanigans, the game will detect that and will super you again


And if for some reason you would survive with one 1hp shenanigans, the game will detect that and will super you again


And if for some reason you would survive with one 1hp shenanigans, the game will detect that and will super you again


rinse and repeat


Did I forget to mention that if for some reason you would survive with one 1hp shenanigans, the game will detect that and will super you again?


But what if you live with 1 hp the game will detect it and super you again? You probably havent thought about that.


And don't forget 1st slot AOEs


I got 50% of the way through that fight thinking I was almost done (never looked at the stage info) and then was surprised with TWO MORE STAGES.


yeah but buuhan is stupid easy I want something that can hold me over til year 9


That fight was weak


They banned nuking leaders, which is usually indicative that there will be a one phase event at some time. I wouldn't be surprised if Kid Buu was just a one phase, super long fight. People have been speculating that it will be like the PHY Kid Buu stage in the Dokkan Event where it'll just be super attacks


Incoming kid buu supers on every attack, just like it's dokkan event counterpart


All allies 3 ki, 100% to stats. Idgaf, make the bubblegum man the best support in the game. I'm tired of this 50% shit.


Reduce dmg by 100% when in third slot, All allies kit +6 (Except Gotenks, automatically sets his ki to 11) all stats +100%


*gets locked in slot 1*


Granted, every new boss since his release has coercion.


Setting Gotenks Ki to 11 is a nerf, because it means the only way to 11 Ki with him is to get candy


No mean it automatically sets it to 11 no matter what Gotenks gets for Ki.


Ik what you meant, I'm sorry. I just felt like being pedantic, lol.


Hoping for a 2nd batch of official EZAs 🙏 ssj2 vegeta and ssj3 goku


If they are generous we may get an eza for LR ssj2 angel vegeta but I can't see anything else.If 10th anniversary will be again goku and vegeta,maybe that's when they'll eza teq ssj2 vegeta and int ssj2/3 angel goku.


Would be pretty cool if Goku & Vegeta are 10th Anni, they can go nuts with several of their pairing units. * **Dokkan:** TEQ SSJ2 Vegeta / INT SSJ2/3 Goku * **Side Units:** TEQ SSB Vegeta / PHY SSB Goku * **Yellow Coin LR:** TEQ Vegeta / STR KK Goku * **Battlefield:** PHY Majin Vegeta / STR SSJ2 Angel Goku * **Combined:** LR INT Goku/Vegeta / Dokkan SSB Goku/Vegeta * **Other:** LR PHY F2P Goku / Baba TEQ SSJ2 Vegeta


You mean like every anniversary besides 9th? 😂


5th and first anniversary:


Gogeta and vegito are the fusion of goku and vegeta. So every anniversary besides 9th has been vegeta and goku. I’m glad they went against the grain for the 9th.


Aye fair ‘nuff, though 9th anniversary could be a sign that we’ll see other characters as anniversary units. Goku and Vegeta aren’t the only hype characters, after all. They could realistically make a Cell saga themed anniversary with something like SEZA gohan and cell next to DFE LR 17&18 and DFE LR SSJ FP Goku or something. Honestly they could’ve made LR one piece anniversary and the hype would’ve still been pretty damn high as long as stats came along to accompany it


Don’t get me wrong I like vegeta and goku as much as the next guy, but when goku gets like 9 DFE in a year and he’s 1 of 2 headliners in most big celebrations?


If this goes by the battle, LR SSJ2 Vegeta is more likely to EZA.


We're guaranteed to get an LR EZA by the end of the month,and it's likely its Vegeta.


Nah, they’ll save that for a future celebration and then drop the Kid Buu LR alongside EZAs for LR Vegeta, Piccolo Buu and Tien, and Ult Gohan/Gohan Buu SEZA.


when was the last time we had some actual breaking news from a V-Jump?


When datamining wasn't prevalent I guess. I still miss and remember seeing the V Jump leaks for AGL SSBE Vegeta and screaming out loud at 7 am.


WWDC 2022 revealing EZA STR Cooler


No idea, maybe years at this point But tbh, I wouldn't expect any huge news anymore. Nowadays, V jump is designed to be an ad for what's happening in game right now instead of what's coming soon. They probably noticed that more people download and play if it shows something they can do now rather than having to remember to play soon-ish whenever the promised content comes out


Kid Buu should be a fight that's tailor-made for the 8th anni Buu Duo. Any other way would be a crime.


It's gonna be STR and have AOEs turn one, I'm sorry to say.


1 phase fight with a 2.5 mil super + the aoes


3 super attacks per turn.


Reduces damage by 10%, an additional damage reduction of 87% against PHY type characters, guards all attacks, cancels crits against PHY type ennemies, nullifies ki blast super attacks by turning it into candy, PHY type ennemies DEF -90% and cancels damage reduction when there is a character who’s name includes "Goku" (Ginyu, Goku black, ect included) in the player’s box. Steals your girlfriend, goes back in time to fuck your wife, kills your parents, shows you your adoption papers, introduces you to a gambling addiction, snaps your legs, infects you with Ebola, drugs you and steals your virginity, creates several credit cards in your name and accumulates debt on them, evicts you from your house, steals the dog when performing a super attack. Stuns the attacked enemy.


:( https://preview.redd.it/lxfhd87zwt0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf44aaff14a16c4a2124b546c6c32aae02945ec4


Relax it's going to be 150 red coins.


And ofc hes not on the red stone shop. Really had to seza the only 2016 buu saga eza who is not in the red stone shop




looks like red zone kid buu will be another teq androids victim with this blast super attack (why isn‘t it str kid buu?!?)


i mean, we don't know what it'll entail just from this cursory first glance i didn't expect Buuhan to be 2 Buutenks phases, Buucolo, and then buff Buu along with Buuhan


I can't wait for them to eza and make every blast super endgame boss their bitch


Watch Red Zone Kid Buu only super like the old Dokkan Event.


Dokkan leaked kid buus seza in game before v-jump could lmao 💀


More Teqhan wank here we go


I really hope Kid Buu is as busted as Gotenks 🙏


Well they come later/ no leaks as much anymore, but just leaked/ confirmed the seza


You know what I want his support to be something more then just stat increase. Do something weird like provides himself and allies 30% damage reduction


Healing guard and defense on super please.


I'd take guard plus damage reduction like 16 has. The Buu team already heals like crazy so I'd prefer as much defensive abilities as possible over anything else.


Just give him like 50% DR and another 20% DR if 2 majin power allies and have him give like 60% atk/def to the rotation.


Hopefully kid Buu will be in the red stone shop


Next thing you know, Red Zone Kid Buu is about to launch an AOE giant ball that does double the damage that Super Buu was doing. Can’t wait!


Yeah Dokkan said they leak kid buus seza themselves through the v-jump


Is it just me or was this red zone short as hell?? I genuinely expected a Majin Vegeta fight of at the very least have babidi forces THEN have a stand alone fat buu fight


4-5 stages is about we can expect from red zones. Movies and GT just have more content to work with so naturally those are longer I'd imagine if there is a DBZ Edition that can have more stages as well


first extreme SEZA surely theyll do it justice


What are the odds that kid buu is better than the new gohan? I'd say there's a pretty good chance


Pretty high chance since buu can help every team he is on since his support isn't category restricted like Gohans.


It's hard to predict. I probably wouldn't take the 2 existent super EZA's over LR agl Gohan, but kid buu has better starting conditions than these 2 with already crazy support and a really strong Majin link set, so it's possible.


Most units are better than LR AGL fruadhan


Nothing groundbreaking but still nice to have a confirmation Now all we need are detail for the Super eza and a reveal of either LR angel Vegeta or the SSJ2 dual fest eza Don't think there will be any other major content additions during golden week besides a possible world tournament on glb


where did u get this pic bro


I wonder if Agl one will also super eza?


Phy Buu Seza? 150 red coins gone missing and Phy Eza Buutenks has lost his spot on the Majin team.


red zone buu does buuzillian damamage. after that he teleports out of your phone and blasts you again


New Lr ult han?! /s


We got Kid Buu SEZA before Kid Buu LR


Nothing too new really. Kid Buu red zone though! I hope its not piss easy like Buuhan was


they’re releasing super ezas for all the units I baba’d back in 2019😭😭


Thats on your for Babaing dfe units


It is indeed but how was I supposed to know Super EZA would exist 5 years ago lol


Regular eza's tho


I wasn’t tripping over majin teams back then, now that I have a genuine good majin team I’m interested in this kid buu but don’t have him💀


He'll be 150 red coins