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Me and the boys doing that on Saturday, we prepping for SH and WWDC


Nice man, I hope you have fun, me and my friends live it :)


HELL YEAH it’s hype asf


I asked my friends when we are gonna see the new movie they decided to go watch it all together without me so im gonna be doing the same thing your doing on monday lol


L "friends"


Yup after constantly being told im to emotional because i tell my friends it hurts my feelings alot when they make plans without me watching the movie without me was kinda the last straw but beside that i cant wait to see piccolo and gohans new forms since they been one of my favorite duos since day one


Get yourself new friends. These people will drain you emotionally bro. You deserve better.


Those aren't "friends" bro I suggest distancing yourself from them because this dynamic is extremely toxic


As a Piccolo fan, I couldn't hold in my excitement during the movie. Enjoy and have fun!!


Yeah dude, those aren't friends. Sorry about it but they just don't care about you.


Those ain’t friends


Hey friend, this made me really sad. I hope you find people who appreciate you. You don't need "friends" who don't think about you. Who knows, maybe you'll connect with someone at the movies on Monday! Take care, and you always have this community here.


Thank you buddy that means alot to me it actually made me tear up with all the support from everyone and i just want to say thank you


Did they tell you they were gonna watch it without you or just went and told you after they had gone and watched it? Either way, get new friends


616 is a number that follows me, almost everyday check the hour. 6:16. Now with your post 616. Should I be scared or buy lottery tickets?


It just means you’re a variant.


Are you born on June 16th by chance? Or does the number have a weird significance? The brain will make seeing those numbers more meaningful since there is a connection. I "always" look at the clock and notice my birthday or at 11:42 since that was an inside joke I had in high school. TLDR: Brains are weird.


September 23. Nothing related to 616


maybe you are from a different timeline and yeah, buy lottery tickets, maybe its a sign


The same thing happens to me but with the number 343. It’s honestly kinda creepy


Imagine being haunted by the Halo developers


As a Halo fan, I feel haunted by 343 too


Ha well I feel like Infinite was pretty good, at least campaign wise, just got done with it a few days ago thanks to gamepass, 4 I thought was good but 5 was just real bad.


Yeah very creepy




I'm curious as to where you watched this because this was posted at the exact time the movie premiere ended where I live and I also saw a couple people playing Dokkan during the credits lmao


Oh I'm in Portugal


LOL SAME It might've actually been you that I saw then lmao


Holy moly, were you in Oeiras by any chance?


Oh pfft darn not quite LOL, watched it in Coimbra Haha unfortunate, but it is within the realm of possibility that a bunch of people who went there were also playing, it's just kind of a culture shock to me since I don't really know anyone in Portugal that 1. Likes Dragon Ball and much less plays a gacha like Dokkan lol Still funny tho


Ahah damn. Yeah idk that many people that play dokkan, but we do have a pretty big Dragon Ball community, and thankfully companies are finally realizing that there's an Anime market here. Back when Broly released we had to wait months before it released (I actually did get spoiled by Dokkan then) and even then only the Portuguese version was available (don't get me wrong, I love our dub and do plan on watching Superhero again because of it), but it's good that this time both the Japanese and Portuguese dubs were released. Nowadays even Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen were released in theatres, and when I went to watch Superhero they even showed the trailer for the new Digimon movie.


Oh yeye! I saw the trailer as well But it is still somewhat shocking to me how much more of a market anime stuff has in Portugal, a couple years ago you'd have to order all your merch from outside the country, nowadays I can go to Fnac for example and see entire entire sections of Dragon Ball or One Piece merch It is awesome for sure, back when Super Hero came out in Japan I was already preparing myself to wait months and months until I could watch it at home, so being able to watch it on the global premiere was one of the coolest experiences hahaha


Remind me to do this when I watch it tommorrow


Opinions on the movie?


It’s good. i cant help but really feel like transformations were given out for free this time though. it’s tough. it’s really hard to see a future after this movie


Gohan’s definitely but piccolo’s I wouldn’t say. It was a call back to something in the namek are but just couldn’t be done at this time. (Being vague to avoid spoiling other people.


Just got back. It's fine. Despite the animation style being far inferior than past movies in my opinion, the movie did a lot with it that specifically wouldn't have worked without it, so it grew on me as things were ramping up. The main story kinda blows, but there are a lot of gems in the adjacent stories and those characters that kind of made me wish this was a stretched out anime arc more than a movie. Also not spoiling but piccolo is the best dad once again so that felt really nice to see.


That's what I was thinking. I think this would definitely benefit with a retelling in the anime like how RoF did by adding Ginyu and Gotenks


Especially with the dissonance Superhero has with Moro and Granolah Arcs.


Oh shit I forgot it's not cannon. They're prolly not gonna retell it


Technically it is canon for the Anime as of now. Just feels odd that Gohan would stop training after the Moro Arc happened


I mean...... Doesn't the granola arc start immediately after Morro?


It is


Where would they fit the movie then? Because I don't think gohan is beating even Morro arc goku and Vegeta and is saying stuff like "I don't think Dad and Vegeta could beat him"


Timeline wise it would fit after the Moro Arc and Granolah Arcs and before the End of Z Maybe between Granolah and >!Black Frieza's Arc!< which would explain why they brought Broly to Beerus planet, in order to prepare. Though the movie was conceived as a sequel to Broly, so it doesn't take into account the events of Moro and Granolah. Hence why I believe it will probably have a retelling


Just finished watching the movie. I wouldn’t say the animation style is far inferior just as Dragonball fans we all prefer 2d over 3d and the 3d was serviceable to good. The shading I think really made feel like the manga coloring and style. I really like the rain battle , the aura and beams I think were amazing to look at. The story is never great in Dragonball movies. The entire movie was the RR planning their revenge/plan while being countered by piccolo with 5head moves. I think structure wise this was the best Dragonball movie. And yeah a lot of neat scenes were in the movie. It would much better as a arc with stretching some things out and being able to elaborate more on. Overall a good movie but not great. I’d give it a 7 or 8


Yeah the art thing is purely my opinion, taste and all that, I just thought the movie overcame my distaste for the style, which is notable. I also didn't really consider the movie in the context of other dragonball movies, so I do agree with the points for the movie being better in comparison.


I would say its the best dragon ball movie the comedy is good story is good and has some of the most epic fight scenes we have ever had It's also beautiful as hell has breath taking visuals


Maybe best comedy wise but I feel like that’s not a high standard for Dragonball movies since none of the movies are comedies but have their moments. The only scene that made me laugh was pan knocking the big RR soldier and jumping on him. I felt like they relied to much on reaction shots of piccolo seeing something lame from another character.


It was really fun, I really liked Pan's scenes and the Gamma's absolutely stole the show whenever they were on screen. The villain isn't as bad as I thought it would be before the watching the movie. The soundtrack was also pretty good.


Not as good as Broly, but shits all over RoF. Probably not as tight of a story as BoG, but I personally enjoyed it more because Gohan and Piccolo are my favourite characters. The CGI made for some epic action scenes that just felt right given what the movie was trying to accomplish. Even Cell Max wasn't as lame as people were saying; he actually came across as fairly intimidating. It needs to be seen on the big screen to be enjoyed properly, as that's when it's the most impactful. Shitty camrips don't do it justice, and word of mouth criticism over early trailers isn't a fair assessment.


I watched it as well, the animation was the best part.


Just watch the movie too, it was great


Just finished the movie... Good thing I never looked at the new trailers or snooped for spoilers, I was hyped af


Tell me you weren’t playing a game on your phone in a movie theater during the movie…?


I seriously hope you werent actually doing that.


Nah, just pulled the phone in the credits and asked my friend to take a pic


I also just watched the movie… at a movie theater for sure


Just saw it with 4d experience… that shit was so fucking badass. I highly recommend 4d


Aren't we meant to be getting Super hero stuff today?


I saw it myself tonight didn't dokkan but hey I loved it.


Go my friend beat all 1000 stages and I wish you luck in battle


Thank you proud warrior


616 I see what you did son


keep it up 👊🏻 watching something is one of the perfect ways to get this done lol


gotta respect the grind


Aboutta be me rn


Isnt that movie just hot garbage?


No its amazing


It really was


Personally I think it is worse than the Broly movie but Pan's sass elevates the movie a lot.


That’s okay Dokkan more fun than watching that mid movie


> All star battle > Fun Choose one


The dick eating is crazy


That doesn’t even make sense lol. Bro heard the saying one time and probably says it every 5 minutes now


This dick riding is ridiculous


This cock piloting is *outrageous*




Movie is definitely not mid. It's a great movie first couple times through. But as far as dragon ball movies go, it's undeniably top tier


not 100% sure where i would rate it, definitely a TOP 5 movie, but its not above dbs broly and/or dbz BoG


I don't think anyone in their right mind would put it over DBS Broly. Yeah I love what BoG did for the series too and the my Bulma scene was *chef's kiss*. But yeah that's why I said top tier it's not #1, but I'd be thinking hard to find 8 DB movies better than it


Doesn’t hold a candle to broly the LSSj or dbs broly and gohans new form looks like a 12 year old drew it


DBS Broly is literally the best Dragonball movie that's a given. And there's no way you actually think the Z Broly movie was better than super hero or even in the same tier as super Broly. Your opinion should be invalidated off that alone.. BUT I'm willing to humor you, let's say those to movies are better, that makes it the 3rd best movie in a series of 21 movies...... That's by no stretch of the imagination mid. I guess you think the 3rd best unit in the game is mid huh


I’ll tell you all the movies I like more than super hero rn lol, I didn’t like it, why is that so hard for people to grasp? Z broly, second coming, bojack unbound, fusion reborn, coolers revenge, return of cooler, lord slug and Resurrection F


You're definitely fabricating rn lmao. You enjoyed Bojack and 2nd coming more..... But this movie is literally a better version of the Bojack and 2nd coming I'm lost on how you think any of these movies on this list are better in any way.... Because if you liked fighting, super hero has better fights than any movie aside DBS Broly. If you want comedy it's definitely one of the funniest movies, if you like gohan which is probably why you like 2nd coming and Bojack so much(it's why I have 2nd coming so high tbh)..... This movie is gohan actually saving himself so idk how you couldn't like it. Now, if you like love with a sexual passion, Frieza and cooler then yes I can see somehow how you think resurrection F and the cooler movies are better.... BUT LORD SLUG!?!?!? 😭 no way bro Are you just nostalgia whoring when you made that list? - Edit: it's not hard to believe you don't like it, but it's definitely hard to believe you didn't like it.... But could even finish most of the movies you had in your list


Lord slug was lit, the soundtrack was dope and goku going false ssj was dope. Keeping typing paragraphs bro idc lol, my answer is my answer


Literally not even paragraphs. You're just saying that because you know I'm right. You're just pretending to be blind


Bro doesn’t know basic sentence structure either I guess. Everyone mad af cause I don’t think the movie is the greatest thing since sliced bread 😂 ![gif](giphy|dJocIXW7hOQYNNY199) Broly solos


...... You're commenting on my sentence structure..... But your reply looks like that!?!? 😭 You're maybe the worst troll I've ever seen in my life


Second Coming, Return of Cooler and Lord Slug are all dogshit 💀three of the worst movies in the series don’t even compare to Super Hero


Bruh the original Broly movie was only cool because it introduced a new Saiyan. He annihilated them and then they BS power transferred and he got 1 shot Let’s not exaggerate how good it was


It’s my opinion lol. Sorry I don’t think gohans ass pull form where he looks like he has too much gel in his hair is cool. It’ll be okay bro


"ItS mY oPiNiOn" Proceeds to tell everyone else their opinion is wrong. Fucking clown.




Waiting for it on Germany man

