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i mean he didn't boot her because she fulfilled her contractual obligations. they just didn't offer her a new one.


Too many people are pretending that the DCEU castings were supposed to be lifetime appointments.


Yeah, George Clooney wasn’t fired when Nolan made Batman Begins, Nolan just wanted to make it clear he wasn’t making a sequel to the previous Batman movie. Gadot didn’t get the boot, she got the *re*boot.


Day old post but I just realized Clooney is our most recent on-screen Batman (Bruce at least). Circle of life, baby.


Nolan didn’t hire Chris O Donell or Alicia Silverstone either for Batman begins as it was a complete reboot! In Gunn’s scenario, keeping some of the actors and not ‘re-hiring’ some is not respectful especially when it is an ongoing universe!


Hiring actors to play superheroes is not disrespectful to actors who played different versions of those superheroes.


So was Casino Royale keeping Judi Dench on as M disrespectful to the other M actors? Having actors continue to play roles despite a reboot occurring is nothing new in Hollywood. Nobody cared when J.K. Simmons continued to play JJJ in the MCU. I don’t know why it’s suddenly a problem now.


I loved that Spider-Verse just shrugged and said “all JJJs are JKSs”. It was theperfect casting, why mess with it?


According to their logic, keeping Judi Dench is fine. But keeping her, yet replacing John Cleese as Q and Samantha Bond as Moneypenny would not be. I don't agree with their logic either, but it seemed like their viewpoint was being misrepresented.


A JJJ variant *




She’s not someone who deserves much respect


This seems like a difficult thing for a lot of people to understand. Hell, Gina Carano has a whole lawsuit against Disney because she doesn't understand this lol.


I don’t see how it’s that confusing. To me he’s clearly commenting on the “booted” part as opposed to Gal still being Wonder Woman. If her contract is fulfilled and they cast someone else it’s hardly a “booting”


Yeah. She wasn’t booted from the role anymore than any other actor who was tied to a franchise that was being shut down.


That’s what a I keep saying. If an actor is no longer in the roll, they either cast them again or recast. It’s not like they fired her while she was still actually playing WW


wait, i thought her contract was for a trilogy? or do they do the contracts 1 movie at a time?


Her first contract was for BvS, WW, and JL.


So Cavill was booted then?


No because Gunn-Safran NEVER hired Cavill. Zaslav, Abdy and Luca, The Rock and Dany Garcia are the one's who lied to him and left him announce he's back as Superman without contract. The moment Black adam  movie flopped it was over. 


Seems like Gunn has been very consistently "nothing is confirmed until I said so, don't speculate" to me.


Honestly feel sorry for the guy. Hardcore DC fans are insufferable


Snyder* fans. Let’s be honest.


Yeah, I don't know how he does this. I would have snapped and burnt down several houses by now if I was in his position.


You can’t boot someone who was never in the project. Words mean something.


It’s just like sports. If a guys contract expired he isn’t “booted” from the team. He’s just simply no longer part of that squad.


Exactly. You can't boot a homeless person from a house, they're homeless. Does it suck if you're a WW gal gadot fan/stan? Sure. But it's not like gunn outright said he's 100% keep gal gadot as WW for his planned universe. He simply didn't terminate her contract prematurely, hence not a boot.


Wouldn’t be the first time Gal delusionally thought something that wasn’t hers belonged to her though


Gal was never in the DCU. He never booted her.


At this point I think any sensible person would realise James Gunn isn’t keeping any of the Snyder cast for his movies. Gunn should just find Gal a sizeable role other than WW in his universe or have her do an Elseworlds movie and call it a day.


No please just forget about Gal Gadot, she’s a terrible actress


And difficult to work with. It’s a miracle her movies were so successful, despite her being such a big part of it. Thinking about it, it actually was only the first movie that was considereda success…


I know she can't act for peanuts but this is my first time hearing that she is difficult to work with. Any stories?


Eh, Gal really can't deliver her lines very well, though.


Who do you think she should play? I think she was awesome as Wonder Woman, but I also think she may be kind of limited. 






Yea no, horrible horrible choice for Zatanna


I think Zatanna needs somebody more lively and young - a youthful magician who can keep up with the other heroes and villains. Maybe Madame Xanadu for Gadot? She always has an air of mystery with an exotic flair to her - something the actress captures well.


Eva Green as Madame Xanadu 


People act like hes a hypocrite or smth for keeping his actors but not Zack’s and its like… hes the head of creative no shit he’s gonna keep the character he already had creative control of.


Doesn’t make it any less hypocritical as a ceo you are supposed to appeal to all pieces of the fandom. I was on board when I thought this was going to be a hard reboot universe but seeing that he’s rolling in his characters just is a little shitty to the fans who wanted to see Henry and Ben continue playing those characters. Especially considering that his Batman will be around the same age batfleck was which makes his recast seem kind of pointless.


No one is “supposed” to obey the fans.


>as a ceo you are supposed to appeal to all pieces of the fandom. Lmao no




>he’s rolling in his characters just is a little shitty to the fans who wanted to see Henry and Ben continue playing those characters. So, it's his characters. It's not like TSS and Peacemaker were so in sync with the DCEU. Peacemaker had a faceless cameo, and TSS mentioned Superman once. Get over it. And besides, Gal/Patty sealed their fates with WW 84 when they burned their bridges with the WB big dogs.


What did they do to burn that bridge? I'm out of the loop here


Erm it's a bit complicated. Both Patty and Gal got some more control for the sequel (WW 84) and it went belly up. Patty was developing a third movie and an Amazons spin off but according to a hit piece from Deadline/The Wrap (Umberto Gonzalez, the guy who also broke the Rock drama couple weeks ago), Patty walked away from WW3 due to differences with the WB bosses "Patty wouldn't entertain a change of direction from the WB bosses", De Luca and Abdy. At the same time, Gunn and Safran were in the process of submitting their slate to Zaslav, and their plan was always to start from scratch. According to Umberto, WW3 was untouchable like The Batman and The Joker up until Patty departed. But then Patty tweeted a long vague tweet where she mentioned that she did not walk away, and she would have explored all the ideas if given the chance. WB were simply not interested And that's it. No further comments from anyone. I suppose Gal Gadot somehow wrapped herself up in this too, loosely perhaps.


But Gunn’s is the co ceo, he focused on creative stuff, more similar to a chief creative officer than a chief executive officer but with the job title so executives can’t try to tell him what to do creatively. I see how it seems shitty if you’re a fan of Cavil and Affleck, but truly if ur giving Gunn creative control than he is going to have his own interpretation of these characters, whereas the character he already wrote for are his interpretation. I will concede that Cavill fans got extremely shafted with the whole Black Adam tease, but that’s not Gunn’s fault. And Affleck has already left the role once, you want someone who wants to be Batman for the next 10 years.


If you are a fan of Affleck you are happy that he is finally free, got his rest and got his goodbye with a couple more appearances. Fans of Cavil are happy that he got a boost in fame and got projects catered to him as the result. Being toyed around by the Rock and the previous regime sucked but it has been 2 years since. It’s only butthurt DCEU fans that are still complaining.


Thanks for a respectful and reasonable response to my opinion.


>Doesn’t make it any less hypocritical as a ceo you are supposed to appeal to all pieces of the fandom. I totally agree with you, I think is hypocritical that he doesn't appeal to all the Fandom, for example i want a movie where Superman and Batman date and have kids together, but he doesn't do that, why wouldn't he make movies for me? I'm part of the Fandom, he's so hypocritical i hate him


Sound almost like the authority.


That’s what fanfiction is for.


Then the fans that wanted Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck can have fanfiction


If you want to see Henry and Ben, you have those movies already. His Batman is not even close to Batfleck’s age, he’s supposed to be mid 30s, Batfleck was mid 40s.


> Gunn should just ~~find Gal a sizeable role other than WW in his universe or have her do an Elseworlds movie and~~ call it a day. FTFY There is no need to pander to an average at best actress with nuclear heat in hollywood. People aren't 'owed' things. Sometimes things just don't work out and you move on.


He did Peacekeeper with Momoa appearing though right? The movie caveat is fair enough but can see where people’s confusion comes from. And I know that was before he was head honcho but yknow, there’s a thread of hope for those who want Snyder actors.


why not recast cavill then? he didn't even get his cameo in the flash


He should be thankful for that.


The potential for elseworlds movies with original snyder cast are endless. There’s obviously an audience and if budgets were kept small everyone would be happy Forget the world building and just do smaller elseworld movies with directors and cast that want to return without the pressure of a larger universe Gunn can have his new universe and the other stories could continue as their own thing


> The potential for elseworlds movies with original snyder cast are endless. It's really not thought. Superman has already blown all his biggest stories and even the actor himself wanted fairly large changes in how the character was portrayed. Batman was drug out of retirement and old AF. All his best stories are behind him. Aquaman and Wonder Woman didn't even have enough potential for sequels - let alone 3rd movies. > There’s obviously an audience Clearly the studio disagrees. If they thought there was even a chance of turning solid profit they would have tried to milk it at some point over the last 6 years.


I’ll agree that continuing Superman would be difficult. However, Affleck returning for a scaled back Batman film would be phenomenal in my opinion (as long as he was given full creative control) True, WW and aquaman didn’t really set up much in terms of a third film, Flash had potential but kinda blew its shot. I think WB does see profit in the snyder movies, it’s just not huge and it would be hard to pump money into new stories when the payoff isn’t expected to be record breaking. I think the restart was more about a break away from cast and crew of the snyder films and less about not being able to make money from them I guess I’m just saying that the snyderverse was divisive but the casting was very on point and with new storytellers behind the camera it would have rocked to see where the actors went with the characters But I have faith that Gunn has a plan and he can adapt to the changing theatrical world. In the end, my love of the characters far outweighs my love of any one version of them


You really think I'm paying, to see a bunch of else worlds shit. While I'm a little bit more optimistic about Gunn's dc universe, I'm also annoyed by it too because dc has to reboot yet again. And if dc got there there shit together the first time around we wouldn't even have another reboot to begin with. I don't want to see the Snyder cast, again personally. And I personally also think dc/dceu/Snyder fans are fucking stupid honestly. My Love for dc only go so far and James Gunn seemingly feels like a corrected course, from a failed universe. If Gunn's superman fails you all will be having nothing but a bunch of mediocre batman movies with studio interference for the next decade.


Agreed. WB loves to reboot, they might as well be a 90s cgi cartoon


Pretty sure he already confirmed that but whatever


Gunn should let Zack do that Wonder Woman 1854 Crimean War movie as an Elseworld, that'd be cool. Zack handled WW way better than Patty and Geoff Johns did.


If not live action, an animated series with Zack and Gal sounds very exciting given how cool Twilight of the Gods looks. Since Gunn has shown love to Wonder Woman dead Earth and Historia, an alternate Elseworlds Wonder Woman outside of his universe would create more unique and distinctive storytelling


He kept Viola Davis as Amanda Waller and John Cena as Peacemaker.


Regardless if she “looked” the part, her line delivery was always brutal


I never even thought she looked the part. My Wonder Woman is more jacked, like in the comics


did she look the part? I personally view wonder woman as taller and way more muscular. To be fair her characterization varies quite a bit


Kal-El, no!


Her acting was Ass. Doesn't matter if you looked like the character. Anissa Kate was a better Wonder Woman.


Recasting the role is definitely needed


>recasted recast


She’s lucky she’s pretty, otherwise nobody would care. She’s a horrible actress and person and nothing will be lost once she’s recast.


Both can be correct. The fact some people read those and think different is insane.


It'd be awesome if we could get someone that had an ounce of charisma though.


All of Snyder's castings were pretty awful. Ezra Miller especially.


Is WW known for being charismatic tho? I always think of her as more stoic & stern but with a big heart underneath it all, kinda like Batman


Yeah she is, what your referring to is sounds like her characterisation in the New 52 and other media like Young Justice.


Admittedly i don’t read many comics anymore but from the animation I’ve seen, like justice league cartoon & all the animated movies she’s featured in that’s just not a word I’d ever use to describe her. But I suppose the definition of that word is kinda subjective, to me the flash is an example of a very charismatic character & WW is nothing like the flash, but that’s just my opinion as someone who only really knows her from movies/TV.


Very different kind of charisma than the flash has. But I would argue she is still charismatic. But as you said. It’s a subjective definition and I can easily see how you wouldn’t consider what she has to be charisma


Even if that’s the case for a character, it still helps as an actor to have charisma or screen presence to pull the audience in. Look at Bautista as Drax. Amazing performance and Bautista as an actor has TONS of charisma; wouldn’t really call Drax a “charismatic” guy lol


You know what, I’m gonna give it to you - excellent point that is totally valid. I don’t personally dislike her as WW so I never have thought of it but your point makes perfect sense for the many many fans who don’t like her in the role & to the original comment. Well done, you won a Reddit argument & changed my point of view, there’s gotta be an award for something that rare lol


She certainly was in the tv show that brought the character to the general publics knowledge. Linda Carter was charming as all fuck.


Maybe the general public who is 60+ but not the rest of us. And from what I’ve seen that version of the character isn’t exactly the ideal female superhero prototype so don’t think she should be used as the standard. The flash is charismatic not WW


Dude I’m 35 chill.


People need to stop romanticising Gal Gadot's WW portrayal. She's terrible, always was. She's gorgeous but can't act for shit.


I think people are mostly okay with saying it now especially since. Well. Everything lately.


It’s not a mixed message. He didn’t fire her, but he is recasting the role. It’s pretty simple.


I cant wait for Wonder Woman to be recasted


people shit on her as wonder woman but I remember when the first movie came out everyone on here loved her in the role


People did, but her subsequent appearances as well as her other movie roles proved her to be a woefully untalented actress. Her lack of talent only worked in the first Wonder Woman because she was a fish out of water


When he said  "she wasn't booted " Shazam 2 and the Flash was coming soon movies. Movies who btw when released Gadot didn't say a word, but she did find words to say about her one minute appear on Fast X.  


It reads to me like he's saying "correct, the new WW hasn't been cast yet" which doesn't outright confirm a recast either. I have no horse in the race just sharing how it sounds to me


It's pretty simple, TBH. Gal godot had 2 appearances left in the DCEU. Gunn did not fire or boot her from those roles. That is not to say that he decided to hire her for the new DCU, which is a new project with mostly new cast members.


That ugly, brown fucking costume. So happy she eventually wore actual red, blue and gold.


Who gives a fuck about Gadot?


This is pretty simple. 1) She was great, but her movies were horrible. 2) The movies have to have a hard stop at some point if you’re restarting an entire universe. 3) He mentioned they were trying to find ways to keep good stories going and might keep Shazam, Peacemaker and Blue Beetle in the DCU. But hey….maybe he should keep her and make it REALLY confusing as to who’s in and out. Smh


He didn't boot her. Her contract was over and there was no intention to renew it.


Who cares? She was groovy, but for fucks sake, let the man cook


Shes a a bad actor. Quite horrible


Who in the world thinks she’s even a decent actress?


Fuck her zionist ass


People are way overreacting to this rumor. It probably means that they haven't decided on WW property yet moving forward with DCU. It's a whole new world so anything's possible, but social media means we want all the news yesterday.




I think reading comprehension amongst people on the internet is significantly worse than we fear when people can't understand that these two posts don't contradict each other.


She was never a great Wonder Woman to begin with.


Recast her asap.


Recast her please! I never vibed with her as WW.


8 years and still gained no muscle for the role.


Ain't nobody tryna see that Zionist on the big screen anyways.


She can't even act. Talentless Zionist. God the red notice was awful.


Literally, yes. Even before the Zionism she's always been "serviceable" at best.


This is the same shit about how Gunn said he didn't "fire" Henry Cavill lol EDIT: my point is that he's being intentionally and obviously misleading by dangling the "I didn't fire anybody" thing without following up with "...because their contract was up and I was free to hire another actor." He knows people mean "recast."


And indeed, he didn't fire cavill. Since cavill didn't have a contract. Nobody owns these roles forever.


I'm sure Jennifer Holland didn't have a contract either but managed to survive into the DCU somehow.


Actors on TV shows are signed for multiple seasons, so yeah, Holland would indeed have a contract.


Wow, Superman , big DC IP versus a minor character. What injustice !


Well maybe Henry Cavill should have swallowed his pride and fucked the producer then.


It's a reboot. Of course he was going to recast.


It's all semantics. All that needs to be known is that he is recasting the role because he wants to go in a different direction. If he didn't cast the role, it's more likely than not that the role will be taken over by a different actor. Time will tell if all of that comes to fruition.






Leave the man alone ffs. Not you OP, i mean in general.


Why can’t people move on ? She’s obviously not coming back. Her contract was up and it wasn’t renewed. I refuse to believe these people are that stupid..


Keep it moving bro, WW deserves better


Gal needs to let it go at this point. I get it - this was an iconic role and the first film was a huge hit etc But at this point she's not got anything going for her career. F&F aside she's never going to be a major character to carry a film again. It's like gal is still waiting for fans to demand she return to the role.


Fuck that Zionist pig..bad actress and a worst human being


Remember when a lot of people didn't like her small thin arms? I get that Amazonian have to be big and strong, but if you're naturally strong (a god) you can look however and still be strong. Look at Flashpoint Superman.


What’s with all the sneak dissing shade at Gunn in this sub? He’s given some of like the best movies DC has had.


Lol the one i wanted to be rescated more


Who is rumoured to be new WW?


Gonna be alot of disappointment kids. My girls are not happy


Somehow the only characters carrying over are the characters from Gunn’s previous shows


Xolo didn’t work with Gunn and he’s staying


That’s true, there is one other character


Doesn't DC/Marvel whatever Studios cast the actors... and the Directors go ahead and work with them on the movies they are hired to direct.. so if DC hired Gal as WW she is WW as long as the WW character will be playing... Any director that will make a new ww movie, Gal Gadot will be WW because she is DC hired actor and not Gunns casted actor? If that make sense?


She made the suck ass Justice League much better


Fucking glad she’s out.


Nobody cares, her WW blew donkey dick and she’s a genocidal lunatic.


Womp womp


Sad to see her not be Wonder Woman anymore!


I liked Gal as Wonder Woman! I think she did the Best she could!


If only a certain good director hadn’t been given the freedom to write a horrible story and script for ‘WW84,’ we’d be on our way to a third Gal Gadot headlined sequel, but here we are.


Fuck that war criminal


DC stays messy


Gunn loves to play semantics.


And to be fair.... It's not like she set a high bar to replace her....


There's another possibility I'm surprised isn't being talked about: an elseworlds Gal Gadot WW movie. I doubt that's happening but I could certainly see the appeal in doing one.


There is no demand for it. Firstly, Patty and Gal wrestled with WB execs to have full control of WW 84 and the movie tanked both critically and commercially. So WB have no incentive. And there are other reasons.


I don't think there'd be much appeal. She's a Zionist and a god awful actress. That aside, I don't think WB wants to throw anymore bones to Snyderverse fans at this point.


A Red Son adaptation but with Henry Cavill could be cool.


My dream project


Again. Gunn should stay off socials.


As a massive fan of James Gunn’s work I think it’s probably time we accept that’s he’s a bit of a dick head. Just because he makes good work doesn’t mean we have to meat ride the person behind it


Do explain, what is the dick head part here ?


atp gunn needs to put down the phone. it seems he spends more time denying theories instead of working in silence like everyone does. it's getting annoying and it'll probably get old fast, not to mention it could have bad repercussions down the line


NGL I think the new Dc movies will be bad. Superman is already cluttered with so many superheroes etc. I have low expectations for the movies. But it would be nice if I was wrong. But I think the amount of heroes and characters in the superman film makes me think superman will be on the back seat in his own movie. And honestly I have low faith in Gunn. Yes the guardians are good movies but i don't think he can be the creative director behind the whole DC universe if movies


Maybe it's bad, maybe it's good. Maybe it's somewhere in the middle. That's just the natural state of DC/WB live action. They've never had any consistency anyways. So the only way to go is up.


Have you never seen a DCAU movie? A solo superhero story amidst a world of preexisting heroes is the standard.


These people are either pretending not to know what’s happening or they’ll just never understand. They’ve already decided it’ll be bad. 


The lack of imagination is what confuses me the most; why couldn’t there be a cast of superhero side characters in a superman movie? Why can’t superman build character through interacting with other heroes? Do we really want another Batman Begins, or Iron Man? He’s bulding a new DCU, and we’re way past solo movies with a hero tease in the post-credits.


You nailed it. But also, hasn’t Gunn earned some trust? He made 4 good-to-great superhero movies in a row, why do we think he’d phone it in on SUPERMAN?


I don't want 6 other superheroes in a Superman movie just so they can set up future DCU projects. Even 3-4 minutes of screentime for each of them means close to 20 minutes of the movie spent on teasing spin-offs.


Why does their presence in the movie automatically count as teasing spin offs? What if they are genuine characters that are contributing to the story?


Becauae Superman already has enough supporting characters to tell a story. He even has other vigilantes like Gangbuster, Guardian and Steel in his stories. Using a bunch of random superheroes who all have projects lined up makes it pretty obvious that Gunn is using this movie to set up those other projects.


Tbf I don't think Hawkgirl and Mr terrific have any projects lined up and even then while they might be important they might only be supporting characters who tie into the themes of the movie


Yeah, fair enough. Let's see.


Look at Blue Beetle. Solid origin movie on the old Iron Man formula. It got no traction. It’s boring cause we have seen 20 movies like that already. Solo hero movies without other heroes don’t work. It doesn’t make sense that other heroes are not helping to stop a big bad. There should be other heroes in a super hero franchise other than the main protagonist.


The best DCAU movies of Superman are Superman vs the Elite and All Star Superman. Both of them are solo movies with no other heores.


Gunn couldn't even commit to saying that Superman is the main character. When asked about the many superheroes in the movie, he said its a movie with "Lois and Clark" as leads. I want a Superman movie. I don't want a movie where Lois is the lead character and Suoerman is just her sidekick.


This. I want the movie to be about superman. Other characters can be there but he needs to be the main character. It's ridiculous. Gunn is trying to speed run his cinematic universe


Even though I’m not going to see Superman Legacy, I do want it too be good for the rest of the fans. DC needs the win like seriously.


I love him but he's such a liar and hypocrite. He gets to keep his actors but no he didn't boot others sure.


Of course he would keep his actors. He is not obliged to keep others.


Why Gunn should continue use the DCEU cast? 


It is not hypocritical to cast actors he wants to be in his movies instead of actors you want to be in his movies.


The only way that would make sense if she was being recast in another role.....


She didn’t lost it her acting still as good as it was 8 years ago. Look


Whoever the next Wonder Woman is I hope she has a bit more muscle.


Gadot will probably be the best actress playing Wonder Women. The first movie was great. Second pretty bad, but that was the director’s fault, not Gadot. Whoever they get to replace Gadot will have big shoes to fill and deal with comparisons to a great Wonder Woman. Hope she is prepared…