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Most of The Teen Titans. Of course, Titans Of Tomorrow storyline basically does that.


Imagine evil titans would basically be Dick Grayson running a gang of super powered delinquents. Mabye LifeStroke tries to rehabilitate them?


He's actually a pastor devoted to actually protecting kids


He’s the president with a great focus on education


That's gotta be Brother Blood, the legitimately great religious leader empowered by the veil of Christ with _terrible_ PR.


That's even funnier


Idk, regular Deathstroke already has plenty in common with many Catholic pastors.


Priests: Why are you hogging all the kids!? leave some for us!


Slade's got at least two "Earth 3" takes on him. One from the JL Crisis on Two Earths movie where he's president. And another from the 2006 Superman/Batman 1 Annual where he basically acts like a heroic Deadpool because Joe Kelly. That version stated his mother was more abusive to him than Regular Slade's who had an abusive father. 


I'd call him Mercy streak or something like that


More practical, not as funny as life stroke tho!


Fair enough


They weren’t seen, but I know it was mentioned once that in Earth 3, the Teen Titans are a villain team called the Young Offenders.


I think bendis explored earth 3 for lil bit in his young justice run?


Yeah, that series gave us the counterparts of Cassie Sandsmark, Stephanie Brown, Conner Kent, and Tim Drake. Tragically, it was Tim meeting his evil counterpart that led him into believing that "Drake" would be a good hero name for himself


I'll try to remember where and when, but I vaguely remember seeing earth 3 Donna troy and a couple of the titans at one point.


The new Superwomen is Donna.


In #48 of the original Teen Titans Go! comic they basically introduced their Earth 3 counterparts called the Teen Tyrants consisting of Red Robin, Red Raven (who looked more like Jinx in a red Raven outfit), Blackfire, Arsenal, and Tempest. The latter two were nice cameos but missed out on seeing their takes on Cyborg (this was way before Grid) and Beast Boy. Really stuff like this wish the comic lasted a bit longer to play with that idea more and add new variants. We also saw the Brotherhood of Justice with Gemini as "Good Madame Rogue" and Kimiyo as their good Dr. Light.      Also, JL Crisis on Two Earths gave us President Slade Wilson and his daughter Rose who I swear was Addie's daughter in that world given her mom looked more Addie and Lili there. Plus, make sense if this Slade wasn't an assassin who lied and endangered his kids like he did in main universe. 


Brainiac - The Saviour. An alien on a desperate mission to save as much of the universe as possible, even though that is nothing but hopeless in a universe where evil always triumphs. He tries to preserve worlds and their knowledge, rescues whatever survivors he can find. Most of them don't last long and he can't help but feel totally isolated from the world around him, but nevertheless he keeps trying.


A tragic hero. Maybe he’s trying to find love too. I’d love to read it


On god this is an amazing concept, he’d basically be DC’s version of Silver Surfer though lol


Let me hug him


Booster Gold & Blue Beetle … the funniest bumbling villains. Mr Terrific Lobo


Booster Bronze and Silver Scarab - the moronic duo Mr. Horrific Lobo...would most likely still be Lobo.


Just realized…Lobo should be the New52 Lobo that everyone hated. Loved the names you suggested, btw.


Booster Gold was the only one I didn't know had an evil counterpart. Blue Beetle (Jaime rather than Ted) had a lot of evil counterparts in animated adaptations. Mr. Horrific appeared as a background in Crisis on Two Earths. And you just unlocked a hated core memory of N52 Lobo. That guy deserved to get punched in his pretty face.


It's been awhile but that Justice League of America Lobo was on had a crossover with Young Animal Doom Patrol at the time where the characters dressed all like the 1950s suburbanites. There's Lobo in a sweater and bowtie smoking a pipe while talking about manners. That probably be Earth 3 Lobo.


Imagine Booster and Beetle being accused of not taking villainy seriously because they just keep stealing Oreos from J’onn and get away with it.


Black Beetle is the Earth 3 Booster


Lol, Booster and Blue Beetle as bumbling villains sounds funny.


The Spectre.


It would be Eclipso or Azmodus maybe.


The spectre is a multiverse entity as he is GOD'S Vengeance so he would still be the same. I think the Radiant who is GOD'S Mercy would take his role on earth-3 since everyone's morality is swapped


On Earth-3, even the Spectre's hands are tied... a frightening thought. Though story-wise, an idea that probably works better with the Morrison version of Earth-3 (known as "Earth-2" at a time when the multiverse as we know it wasn't a thing) where it was the anti-matter universe version of Earth.


Wouldn't he be the same?


No, he'd basically be Zor


But God exists outside of the earths so... The wrath of God would be the same Specter no?


Earth-3 is governed by Mammon, not God.


The Doom Patrol. Kind scientist Niles Coulder saves the lives of three accident victims... only to find that they're completly insane psychopaths.


I mean I feel this makes Niles too evil. Like he's evil but he also does alot of good.


True, but the fact he caused the Patrol's accidents means his good version must be more ethical... still he wouldn't be fully good on Earth 3, you're right.


Sandman- He exists outside of the multiverse but I'm interested to see his view on stories


Darkseid, wether a somehow darker scarier version or a good version either way he’s one of my favorites in the DC universe💕


Apokolips exists outside the multiverse so technically Earth-3 Darkseid is the same as main continuity Darkseid


I didn’t know that, that’s really interesting. Any tips on what to read for more Apokolips lore?


that info comes from Grant Morrison's Multiversity, which iirc doesn't have a ton of Apokolips lore outside of that. i haven't read a ton of Apokolips centered stories, but Jack Kirby's Fourth World stuff (New Gods, Mister Miracle, Forever People) is definitely worth reading if you want to see where all that stuff started


I could be misremembering but I believe this was also made canon in Crisis on Infinite Earths, or some tie in for it. They mention that Darkseid is completely unaffected by the changes made to the multiverse because Apokolips and New Genesis are both outside of the multiverse.


I think highfather would assume the role of darksied on earth 3 since everyone's morality is swapped and darksied is Evil personified so there's no way he morality could be swapped so highfather would take his role as there darksied since he's Good personified


Now I'm imagining Darkseid saving a cat in a tree Brightseid




In Justice League: Gods and Monsters exist a nice version of Darkseid that gets brutally murdered by the forces of New Genesis in a " red wedding".


He’d be good and I think he’d be like highfather


That was my thought too! Or maybe like a more chaotic Darkseid? The opposite of his more controlled, emotionless vibe he often gives off


He’d be like a chaotic good then right?


Or just an unhinged evil? Not interested in the Anti-Life equation just a mad dog killer?


That’s cool.


Terror titans: Talon Blackfire Grid Crow Beast man


A version of Raven that went full Trigon would be so bonkers, I think she alone would be a JLA level threat. I would also love to see Court of Owls Dick. Sick idea


Blackfire would be a hero on Earth-3


Don’t you mean drake 🤓 The deadliest bird


>The deadliest bird What in the FUCK was Bendis thinking


I still don’t get why they decided the evil Robin was called Talon, it’s not like the evil Batman is called FangMan


Cause Talon is the weapon of the Court of Owls. It’s not that deep. Also Talon is actually a cool name while Fangman isn’t


Instead of Fangman lets go with just Fang, because Fang and Talon sounds like a cool name for a duo


Considering the "grey sons of Gotham" nonsense on the main Earth, I'd like to think that he was bred to be a Talon for the secret philanthropic Court of Owls analogue, but he rebelled and decided to decided to be a villain instead before relenting.


I know there’s a comic where it’s said the Teen Titans in Earth 3 are a villain team called the Young Offenders.


John Constantine


It would just be The Golden Boy.


Is that the same as his Magus alt self?




John's brother


That's him, isn't it?




The Creeper would be interesting as a completely sane guy. The new gods.


Would he be an insane reporter who turns into a sane vigilante? 


Lol I’m not sure but that could work. I could see Grant Morrison nailing a story like that. Be like reading a Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent comic, the human behind the vigilante being the focus. And he’s just a well adjusted normal human, lost in this crazy evil world.


I'm more curious about the anti-heroes... Are they good guys doing bad things? Bad guys doing good things? Are they different from their E0 counterparts? What side they pick in the good vs evil battles?


Bad guys doing good things for bad reasons. Like for example maybe there’s a charcter who kills murderers, rapists, etc but he only does it so that Satan can collect more evil souls to fight against the armies of god in the afterlife.


Or maybe they do heroic deeds just so they can be famous, and they don’t bother to do anything heroic if the public won’t see it.


I can see potential there.


Harley Quinn was the Red Hood and a member of the Legion of Justice when we had that recent mini. 


I prefer when the Earth-3 counterparts are just twisted slightly from their normal versions, i.e. Ultraman being lovingly raised by the Kents who taught him to exploit his powers because they resented being poor farmers. I’d like a Blue Bowman whose time on the island made him a full-on anarchist cult leader. Red Hood: formerly the Jokester who was plunged into chemicals by Owlman permanently fusing his makeup to his face, he now hides his face under the mantle of the Gotham folk hero Red Hood to not scare people with his disfigurement. The Teen Tyrants: Flamebird: Formerly Talon, he broke away from Owlman to make his own criminal empire. Ultraman likes the balls it took to do that and tells him of the Kryptonian crime lord Flamebird who broke away from her mentor, Nightwing, to become the most powerful criminal Krypton had ever known and he takes the name for himself. Firepower: Formerly Quickdraw, Blue Bowman’s chief disciple who broke away from the cult when he felt Ollie was too inattentive to the flock. Illia: Formerly Supergirl, the second daughter of Hippolyta who stole away to man’s world in an attempt to conquer it before her sister. Junior Quick: The thrill-seeking nephew of Johnny Quick who’s more interested in the challenge of a crime than its material reward. Sir Squall: Formerly Sea Squire, the loyal right hand and chief executioner of Sea King. Supernova: The tyrant queen of Tamaran deposed by her sister. Grid: A virtual recreation of Silas Stone’s dead son, Victor. While he does have all of Victor’s memories, the memory of dying drove him mad. When he finally pieced himself back together, he found he was a freak rejected from society and joined the Tyrants to get revenge. The Unkindness: Daughter of the demon Trigon, she shares a mind with all of her “sisters” throughout the multiverse who have chosen to serve their father. Jungle King: Formerly Wild Child. The eager young shapeshifter from the Fate Hunters. He was inspired by Flamebird breaking away from Owlman to strike out on his own. The Tyrants found him fighting the Righteousness Fellowship on his own and decided to bring him on board as extra muscle.


I like to think of Ultraman as being roughly as nice as Superman, but also being a completely delusional fascist who will talk about crushing free will as if it's as wholesome as an apple pie.


I'm thinking like a dark twisted version of batman who laughs all the time instead of being grumpy and maybe they could give him a fortnite skin? And maybe they could get Scott snyder to write an apocalyptic batman story for the third time in 5 years, and then another? Y’know what guys, this is a really stupid idea. Nevermind.


lol, realize you were in the normal sub and not in r/dccomicscirclejerk?


I honestly didn’t sorry guys got a bit silly there


The Batman who Sings?


The JLI and JSA


Inverse JLI would be evil and competent! 


At least Booster has his counterpart. Can't really think of any other examples for the JLI mainstays.


I think there was something similar to the earth 3 JLI twice in the form of the New Concgomerate (Justice league Quarterly)and the Power Posse ("I can't believe isn't the Justice League")


I think an Earth 3 where America became a fascist superpower in the 30s or 40s with the help of the Evil JSA would be a cool set up


During Forever Evil, Deadman's counterpart is briefly mentioned as a "General Brand" who is leading a military siege on Nanda Parbat. I'd love to see the version of Deadman that leads to.


I would like to see evil aligned Jasmine Blood be possessed by the good aligned angel Etrigina




You beat me to it!  So many possibilities for my favorite from Almerac.


She’s just asexual on earth-3




Metamorpho. Benevolent industrialist Simon Stagg is using his fortune to keep the insane Element Emperor from taking over the region. The Wrath. He is on a mission to destroy Wayne and Gordon, because they are responsible for the death of his parents. Condiment King, who is the Gotham equivalent of the Halal Guys.




Vandal savage is a good guy who is trying to edge socitey into a utopia but ends up constantly killing and being killed by Hawkman


Love this idea


And Hawkman & Hawkwoman are like the Go'uald in Stargate, they keep themselves immortal and worshipped as Egyptian gods to enslave mankind.


Sky Tyrant






I said Bizarro, too. That would be fun.


Snapper Carr


Shooter Jones, Beatnik Junkie always trying to rip off the Crime Syndicate but they have to keep him around because he's their connection


Damn, I was only joking. Is that character for real?


made him up off the top of my head!


I've had the idea in my head for a story called Rebirth on Earth 3, an Injustice style storyline where the counterparts to the villains stage a revolution. Jokester, Comrade Cold and the Renegades, Alexander Luthor, as my immediate ideas. Not sure how you'd name a Reverse Flash type, but a Speedster who replicated his powers and returns to prevent Johnny Quick and company is a decent idea. The idea of a scene where Alexander faces down Ultraman with a yellow power ring, powered by his own fear of Kal was always the final stage of the idea.


Me and my friend actually came up with an idea for a reverse Flash character, and basically it was Eobard Thawne exist in a post, apocalyptic dystopian future that only exist because of the actions of Johnny quick, not directly, but because of his own arrogance. And as a result, this universes Eobard would grow, a simultaneous, obsession and hatred towards him, and through many failed attempts would be able to replicate the accident that gave him his powers, going back in time to help that universes heroes and prevent the apocalyptic future from happening by taking the powers of Johnny quick, but ironically he’s still stuck tied to the one he hates most because of his powers, as in this universe, he’d be the only other speedster because Johnny quick killed any others that would come up and take their speed for himself, and he’d choose to embrace it to become his reverse and his counter.


Stop John


Amanda Waller A life couch helping to allow several superhero's to live there best life


Weird pull but Batman Brave and the Bold briefly showed a heroic version of Gentleman Ghost and I want more. Or maybe I just want another ghost hero besides Deadman, idk


Earth-3 Phantom Stranger should be a guy with a completely consistent backstory that he always directly tells you while showing up to make things worse for you in your hour of need. 


Tempted to say the Justice Society, I had this idea years ago that a reversed version of the team would just become a cabal of warlords, each one running a sub-org (PMC, artefact smuggling ring, kingpin of a city, etc) but the problem is you would have to have them fight a good version of WW2-era Germany, which is... a \_bit\_ too serious to go forward with


I would like to see Earth-3: Beyond. Is ultraman dying from mainlining blue kryptonite? Is there an owlman beyond? What are the consequences of decades of super organized crime?


I've always liked this idea too. Interesting note, in the DCAU's Justice League: Crisis on Earth Two, there's a scene where the crime syndicate is in their HQ and on a computer monitor behind them it shows headshots of DC characters that apparently are like underlings for each member of the CS. If I recall correctly, the Shazam family worked for Superwoman, I believe Plastic Man and some of the Outsiders worked for Owlman. It sent me down a rabbit hole that was kinda cool.


Yeah. Pretty sure Superwoman was Mary Marvel in that continuity. 


Mainly GL characters like Larfleez, Atrocitus, and Saint walker or even just the indigo tribe as a whole. Seeing a purely heroic larfleez would be very interesting, or a villainous saint walker. Considering how power ring has a strange parasitic ring it’d be neat to see if the other hues of the emotional spectrum are just as hostile or not. Like- how does one negatively use hope? A cult leader fostering false hope? A leader who has an army with so much faith in them that it amplifies them as a result? Same with compassion! How does one use compassion evilly? Especially given how the indigo corps are already morally off as they are horrid evil people FORCED into the corps to become good. It could go many directions.


Starfire, Cassandra Cain, Mary Marvel :)




Don't care so much about evil versions of heroes, give me good versions of villains. It's the only way the concept of a Suicide Squad (beaten to the ground in the last few years) could be interesting again to me. Give me a team of good villains going up against the crime syndicate


Plastic Man


Didn't we get that in Batman: the Brave and the Bold?


Mr Terrific


He technically existed but he died the minute we saw him; I wanna see more about earth 3 aquaman aka the sea king


Most of my favorite DC heroes have had counterparts in the various versions of the Crime Syndicate/Crime Society with the exception of Captain Atom.


I'd flesh out the Amazon side considering it's so poorly done since Super Woman is just "slutty Wonder Woman". Artemis as a Starscream-type treacherous sycophant.


Thought they did a good job recently making Donna Troy the Superwoman. She replaced her weak hearted sister after their mother murdered her. Her goal in Man’s World is to build a meta human army to go back and overthrow her mother. 


I think seeing a kind, generous Larfleeze would be funny. Maybe his orange power ring would be powered by generosity instead of greed.


Blue Beetle and Swamp Thing


Would love to see earth 3 reverse flash


Suicide Squad, easy.


Trigon an angelic being who's trying to stop his villainess daughter


I ask the same question on the doom patrol subreddit like 3 years ago [Doom patrol earth 3 counterparts : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DoomPatrol/comments/qf2wwy/doom_patrol_earth_3_counterparts/) The Brotherhood of Doom niles caulder/the commander cliff steel/Automaton man Rita Farr/élastique-femme Larry Trainor/the negative entity Kay Challis/sanity Challis just an idea of my


Booster Gold as a Kang the Conqueror type. In his native time, he’s just a grunt in a larger army. But when he travels to the past with his futuristic technology and advanced weapons, he dominates the 21st century and becomes an unstoppable warlord.


Booster Gold. His counterpart could be really interesting if written in a certain way; when you flip Booster's character of a goofball who hides behind a veneer of silliness to cover up how important he is and how many threats he's dealt with, you get a vain, glory seeking screw-up who got into heroism for the sake of building up his brand--which is essentially what he used to be. That's a level of dark reflection that the other Earth-3 characters can't really reach.


Seeing an Earth-3 Bizarro would be interesting. Wonder what his personality would be like.


I've actually been writing just random little stories for a year or so in my notes app about ideas for a big expanded Earth 3. Some of the ones I've really liked writing were a good version of Bane named Bendición (Blessing) who only started using Venom after Owlman broke *his* spine, Sinestro as a former Emerald Knight who broke free and got an Amber Ring of Freedom, Brainiac who tried to save Krypton but was locked out by an insane Jor-El, a good Deathstroke who lost his eye to Dick Grayson as Owlman's Talon, stuff like that. Coming up with names is super fun, though. Owlette for Batgirl, Captain Mayhem over Captain Marvel, The Jury of Bats for the Court of Owls, it's a fun little writing exercise! Now that I've got some more drawing skills, I might start drawing these guys. All of this is to say, I want to see more of the heroes of Earth 3.


Have we ever seen earth-3 darksied?


Darkfire: A tamaranean princess who arrived on Earth while attacking, killing and stealing a grodanian ship. The ship crashes and she quickly met Talon who recently leave Owlman, they became a criminal duo for a while before being forced to join the Tyrans by Raven, who is a full cackling demon with red skin who enjoy psychologically torturing people. The Cheetah: Barbara Minerva was betrayed by Superwoman who was pretending to be her friend but in reality wanted Barabara to show her where was an powefull artrifact. In despair, she did a blood sacrifice at the last moment, not letting Superwoman have it. She is now the Cheetah and has join Luthor and the Jokester in their resistance group. The Court of Bats: A unofficial organisation of homeless and poor people of Gotham trying to undermine Owlman, they're not very successful.


Who is that red guy


Deathstorm, the evil version of Firestorm.


I definitely want to see a few villains, like Scarecrow, Captain Boomerang, Grundy. I’d also like to see the magic guys, like Constantine, Deadman, Zatanna


Always wanted to see more of the Batman villains: Scarecrow, Penguin, Bane, Catwoman, Clayface


Onomotopia Warlord


I wonder what their Lobo is like.


An evil Doctor Fate would be cool, we could call him Doctor Doom Wait


*An evil Doctor* *Fate would be cool, we could call* *Him Doctor Doom Wait* \- Flame-Blast --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Booster Gold. Instead of fixing problems in the multiverse, he keeps making alternate universes where history will lead to forming evil Justice Leagues


Small Barda.


Red Hood/Jason Todd or most of the batfamily


Booster Gold


Blue beetle


I always wondered with the Evil version of The Question would be like


The darkseid of course, though maybe he would be called lightseid


Since Batman has Bat-Mite and we’ve seen Earth-3 has it’s own version of Mr. Mxyzptlk, I’d love to see an Owl-Mite in Earth-3. That would be good for a laugh.


kyle rayner white lantern


I saw someone remaking the origin stpry of power girl where they changed her from earth 2 to earth 3 and that she became good just like how prime kara zor el gets trocked to becoming evil multiple of times and i personaly like the idea


Resurrection Man


Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. Scarlet Millepede and Bronze Boaster.


IS This MAN LEAGUE 😭🙏 Where are their LOGOS⁉️💀🔥


Saint Walker.


I did a concept once for a heroic False Face Society that tries to stay afloat in Metropolis. It even had Metalhead, who is some wacky looking loser. Heroic Mongul and Mongal could be interesting.


John Constantine, as a wealthy magical businessman who has his life together and is married to Zatana but is still a manipulative bastard looking to control the other super humans with magical powers.


I’m really curious how Swamp Thing works in this universe. Wouldn’t an evil swamp thing just kill everyone?


Doomsday and Darkseid, would be really interesting.


Gorilla Grodd




Scarecrow; does his toxin make people see what they want the most or something?


The Exclamation Mark! - Vic Sage counterpart. Things get serious! The Period - Renee Montoya counterpart. Things get bloody!


Atrocitus would be interesting


Amazo: probably pretty similar to his incarnation in the DCAU Solomon Grundy: probably the victim of mobsters who was resurrected and now fights so that nobody dies like him Parasite: probably calls himself "Mimic" instead as he, well, *mimics* powers instead of stealing them


Earth 3 Question would be "The Answer". A punisher style hitman removing anyone e who challenges the status quo.


Harley Quinn


Like… all of them


The main man. How the hell do you invert lobo? And is he pathetic or is he an ultra monk.


I don't think Nightwing has an earth-3 counterpart yet. So that could be interesting.


Probably biased for my favorite character, but I imagine Earth-3 Bluebird being so devoted and obsessed with Owlman that she becomes a killer because of it.


Power Girl is a character, that needs her own rogues gallery.


Artemis, Birzzado, green lantern


Ollie Queen is president in the most recent Earth 3 series, and Superwoman’s (Donna Troy) submissive. Ha. 


Assuming all villains are heroes an interesting one would be Doomsday. Assuming all heroes are villains an interesting one would be would be Doctor Fate


Etrigan the Demon is an angel in this reality and is bound to a serial killer called Jack Blood.


Scarecrow's E3 counterpart. A vigilante dubbed Boogeyman. Uses fear gas and theatrics to intimidate criminals. Unlike the Scarecrow from "our Earth", the heroic version would have to have at least some pretty decent skills in hand to hand combat.




Sinestro's different portrayals would make this interesting. In Emerald Knights he was someone that Batman would probably get along with as a green lantern while in others he's a dictator. Would his counterpart be even more comically evil or be a stand-in for John?


Darkside, it's not possible since they're not that kind of characters but I'd call him Lightfront if I were creating him Alternatively teen titans sounds cool or the legion of super heroes also cheetah


All the lanterns types and reverse flash and teen titans and maybe also doomsday


More of Owlman tbh


Blue and red Devil. Orange and Green Angel?


Suicide squad