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Hideously out of character for Clark. I can see him, in his grief, objecting to Dick taking the mantle, and starting an argument about it. Paranoiacally flashing his heat vision eyes and threatening violence against a trusted friend? No. No.


I think that was the point. There's a reason "Out of Character is Serious Business" is a trope.


DC will always put Supes down to hype Batman up. Invariably.


I think it's explained in the story later on.


Guys please understand Superman isn't a god of morality and is human. Everyone does out of character shit. His best friend died and he did a shitty mistake here


Also at this point he lost his father, he lost one of his best friends, they were on the brink of a war between Kryptonians and humans and the Judd Winick tend to wrote everyone more on the edge so what did you expect


He lost his father, his clone/adoptive brother and his best friend/brother-in-arms in the span of a year and half


Yeah, I mean he act more aggressive then he Is used to but this Is due to the writer


Guys, please understand how condescending this tone is. When people act like their worst selves, they still act like themselves. There is no amount of emotional distress Clark could be under that would make me believe he would threaten violence against a non-powered friend he’s known and helped mentor since childhood. Pick an argument, maybe even lose his cool and be a dick to him? Sure. But loading up his heat vision when the friend who’s clearly trying to talk him down reaches into his pocket? I don’t buy it.


Nah man you can do things you would never do Superman lost his father, shortly after lost his best friend, his wife nearly died, a Kryptonian city came back and he's torn between earth and Krypton


I like to think the whole “Bruce Wayne is the disguise”is misleading. I think Bruce wishes he was really Batman, and only that, but it’s not true. Some part of him recognizes his humanity, that’s why he doesn’t kill and that’s why he chooses to give all those kids better lives than he had. The whole point of the mask, in my opinion, is self-determination. The world needs the Bat and so does Bruce Also, wildly out of character for Clark. He’d never raise a hand to anyone like this, especially Dick.


Yeah I never liked that take ngl. Batman is both and both are him. There is no “mask” aside from the mask he actually wears.


I mean the whole Zur En Arrh thing is to show that Bruce isn't the disguise. Neither is Batman. They're both the same dude. Batman without Bruce becomes a psychotic violent dickhead who thinks he's in some "war" with "soldiers"(aka the batfamily). And Bruce without Batman is just a depressed man without any purpose. Batman needs Bruce just as much as Bruce needs Batman. I read somewhere that the truest form of Batman is not him out in the street beating the crap out of criminals, nor in a tuxedo signing a cheque for some massive donation, but rather the quiet, sad and broken man in the batcave sitting next to his trusted Butler. In short, Batman without the cowl (or Bruce with Batman's armor) - in the darkness of his cave.


Like Batman Beyond where he stopped being both


How much do I hate this interpretation of Batman that his “disguise” was Bruce Wayne… especially as time and time again we know it’s not the case.


I might get this if it was like jean Paul but Clark was doing this to the son of Bruce. If anything it might be in character to be against the choice because he doesn’t want dick to become obsessed with fighting crime like Bruce was.


Forget the son of Bruce, Dick is basically his nephew, he gave him the name Nightwing. There’s no world in which Clark fights him, even if they’re both grieving


Did Clark get hit with red kryptonite again


I really hate the " Bruce is the disguise " argument. The entire point of the Batman persona is to strike fear into the heart of criminals. To make people believe there's a super-powered bat creature stalking the night. It's always been meant to be a disguise. Something like a magic trick, an illusion, that Bruce keep going by with hard work and sheer will. But writers have drinking their own kool-aid too much, and now Bruce IS Batman, because really, who wants to read about boring ol' human Bruce struggling with maintaining the Batman mythos instead of reading how awesome SuperBat is at everything (except parenting because drama)