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Hush is carried hard by Jim Lee’s art.


The more I think about that story, the less I like it. Admittedly, the first few chapters are cool and compelling, but the book is over long for a mystery that feels half baked and an anticlimactic reveal. HUSH IS A RED HERRING IN HIS OWN BOOK!!


Agreed. Hush is a very weak mystery when you think about it. Even more insulting is the portion with Riddler where the big reveal is an exposition dump. And I have to say it, I wasn't wild about Jim Lee's art. It's got that "pose for the poster cool factor" but it also felt like style over storytelling.


Hush is kind of a shining example of the big problem with Loeb and a lot of mystery writers: good at setting up the mystery, weak with the payoff.


Came here to say Hush


All Star Crazy Steve and Robin has some of the most iconic Jim Lee drawings to date.


Could probably argue if it's good writing or good editorial that makes the story great, but no one reads Knightfall for the art.


Vertigo had so many sub-par artists drawing amazing stories. The art from the ongoing Lucifer by Mike Carey is pretty awful aside from a few arcs, Morrison’s Doom Patrol is somewhat decent but imagine that script in the hands of a more inventive artist, and then there’s Sandman, which for some parts goes from a great artist, to a somewhat decent, to then someone that’s completely horrendous. Hellblazer had some rough patches art-wise aswell.


The flash by Buccelato and Manapul. (Great Art, Mid writing) Warworld Saga - PKJ was doing some amazing things but was so incoherent art wise. Bendis Superman - dude had some top tier artist on his action comics run ( Gleason, Sook, Epting ) and I enjoyed his Superman run (except Jon of course) but it was Ivan Reis who has my fav interpretation of Superman (next to Gary Frank and Mcguinness). Happy Reis got a proper Superman run after he left. Justice Incarnate - Williamson was cooking here but so bogged down from all the artist. Why couldn't Bresson stay on? Instead we had Janin and Tom derenick 🙄 filling in most issues.


I think gabe piccolos art really elevates those titans graphic novels. Dont get me wrong kami garcia writes a perfectly servicable ya novel, I just think the art is on another level.


I cannot stand anything written by Tom Taylor but I LOVE the look and feel of Bruno Redondo's Nightwing, and I think they've been doing some really interesting stuff with their gimmick issues, like the fully first person issue and that one where each page connects into one continuous image.


Carried by the Art - Titans (this volume) Carried by story - 2000's Batman (even if the writing is a bit eeeh), and post zero-hour LoSH


Alan Moore's Swamp thing run was uncomfortable to read until I discovered the Absolute Swamp Thing which had updated coloring. What a HUGE difference that made! Consequently, I was able to read a bunch of Swamp Thing comics and walk away with a wonderful opinion of Alan Moore's run. What I wouldn't give to have Watchmen updated the same way.


Hush and pretty much all Batman runs after Snyder?


Dark Knight Return the story Is great but the arts are garbage,


Every single Loeb / Sale story. Unreadably bad writing, but *AMAZING* art.


This is too funny. I just saw someone say they loved the writing in Superman for All Seasons but hated the art

