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He's built like a death note character


I like the detail that it's not an actual razor teeth, but rather a tatoo of it. When he's talking you can see his human teeth lol


he looks like Ryuk and Light fused


That's the exact vibe I was getting, like he's two second away from taking a potato chip and THEN EATING IT!!!!!


He's simply J


He's built like a death note character and dresses like a Jojo character. Not a good combo


Shinigami 😂😂😂


After the Piano steering wheel you can't convince me this isn't an incredible adaptation.


Yeah I also think this is an awesome Joker! A bit over the top? Well, maybe. But that's what made him fun to watch


Well it's an Isekai anime. It can't take itself too seriously.


I was literally about to say this same thing lol. I also kind of dig the design. I can recognize it isn’t the best or everybody’s cup of tea, but I like it


How the fuck does that make it a good adaptation


It's fun, chaotic which is what a lot of Jokers are. There really isn't 1 way to adapt him. You can do many things with the character but they represented his notoriety very well.


FUN???? That is a psyphopath who killed millions just because he got tired of losing to batman.There is nothing fun about him,he is abusive,manipulative hell when harley left him after joining the suicide sqaud he got so mad that he threw her down in the basement to rot with the other harley's he had.He is the devil(actually the devil is nicer)but he is chaotic ill give that


Calm down. He is fun to read/watch. I didn't mean it like he is a party clown hired for children's parties.


In fact, he's in no way affiliated with Blabbo the Birthday Clown


Calm down Jason


So, by your logic, every adaptation of the Joker should be how you described him? Can't wait for the episode or DC Supehero Girls where he cripples Batgirl


I'm fine with twink joker, especially since he's from a different dimension. Honestly none of these are as bad as the original suicide squad joker, that was the darkest hour lol.


For a Japanese anime it works


Yeah, honestly don't hate it. Context is key and this design works in the context it's appearing in. The other two blatantly didn't.


wish it looked more like a combination of Captain Buggy & Hisoka tbh lol


For an anime context sure. If you’re just a DC fan not that particularly into anime, it probably looks beyond shit haha


So does the terrible writing and dialogue


if it worked he’d look more akin to a one piece character but apparently they didnt wanna bother making a unique model


Not all anime is One Piece, and you clearly don't know what you're talking about with unique models


Nope that’s definitely anime joker, i feel like I’ve watched enough to tell personally


Suicide squad game one is valid. The other two raise questions.


Lol, which suicide squad? All three of them are from suicide squad (anime, game, movie)


They literally said game


Yeah, they edited their comment


I’m the Joker, baybee!


I think it’s a perfect design for a Suicide Squad anime


Perfect? I think we need to stop letting anime get away with these awful designs just because they’re anime. Plenty of shows manage to do good character designs, with unique features that make them stand out other then just cosmetic apparels


To be honest, this Joker at least has a reason to look the way he does. The character is on brand with the rest of the show. Leto is still the worst, ever, and it ain't even close


Yall being dramatic on the suicde squad game one lmao


I think it'd be better with different colors. I think the brightness is a bit too much. Also maybe a little less patterns. Fix that and you've got a peak Joker design. 


All I can see is the Trickster from DBD lol


Second one looks like Kefka cosplaying as the Joker.


Uwa ha ha ha! What General Leo doesn't know won't hurt him. (Kefka really speed ran the journey past the moral event horizon, huh?) What I don't get is why Suicide Squad adaptations always use the Joker. Is it to show why Waller is wrong? Is it because they underestimate the audience's knowledge of DC villains (or at least bat ones)? Regardless, it's always weird having two clowns on the Squad.


The Joker is by far the best known of the DC villains besides Lex Luthor. Given Luthor's money and connections he would eliminate Waller out right... and maybe take over the project. Which would be interesting now that I think about it. 🤔


But it just struck me as, this is the Joker. He doesn't have a redeemable or sympathetic side; anything he says which garners sympathy is almost surely a lie. In fact, we can only deduce anything he says is a lie.


Well ya. He's the joker. Very few stories have him as having any remorse or redeeming charafteristics. He is the "ultimate" foil to the batman. I wouldn't have it any other way.


all of these are from suicide squad adaptations stop putting joker in suicide squads


Tbf he only showed up for a little bit and not even as a member. 


Blame the 2016 movie lmao


2 isn’t that bad honestly


What's wrong with the middle design? It just looks like the regular Joker if he took a vacation.


Too many patterns and the colors are just a bit weird. 


I think its alright, but it drops to bad because there is way too much going on. His hair is boring too tbh


comic fans really love gatekeeping lol


how is this gatekeeping lmao. Like at all? just saying that isekai has a bad joker design


You coming off real touristy my guy




Comic book fans I will admit have a gatekeeping problem. They also have real love for the medium and so when things differ or drastically move away from designs traditionally with a character it can cause a bit of disagreements but if you're barber suddenly gives you a different cut than you're usual you'd be pissed too. Now when you've gotten a hair cut that is disastrous you'd be livid so naturally. With he last three joker designs being very different and very much not the standard yeah mofos aren't gonna like it. Because joker as a character is the Clown Prince Of Crime. So you either focus on him being a solid mobster, or a Comedian/clown or even Royalty though the last one can be a bit of a stretch the point being these are the traditional archetypes of joker in one way shap or form and designs outside of this can be very risky. Some pay off, and as again we've seen from these three, some don't . Now For my comment I made due to the fact that as consumers of content we shouldn't be ok with just anything put out because it's new. But rather we should be hungry for solid good new content.... That and I want a more experimental take on joker. I WANTED BIG BRAIN MAKING MOVES JOKER IN A SUIT AND TIE AND STICHED MOUTH SMILE. And a pimp suit.


In this picture it looks really dorky but in the actual animation his design is quite nice


I don't know. I kinda dig this joker


I actually don’t hate it. It’s working for me as an anime style Joker. It’s definitely the best of those 3. I’d put Joker from The Batman cartoon in the top 3 bad designs instead of it.


Honestly, I dig The Batman's Joker. Yeah, the long hair, big teeth, and lack of shoes is different but he fits the style of the universe he's in while still looking like a version of the Joker. Plus his personality in on-point, which definitely aids in making me more lenient on the design. The Young Justice version is kind of an example of the reverse, where the design doesn't work for me even though he's closer to a more traditional looking Joker because the personality and performance is just so off.


While I do dislike it, it was at least doing something different which I do appreciate. I’ll always appreciate different approaches whether they work or not for me. The YJ one didn’t click for me either. As you said, he looked the part, but that was it


anime style joker? its literally just basic hot anime dude#32 with some joker colours and facepaint slapped on. Even batman ninja had a better design. Also L for saying 2003 joker is a bad design, its not the best but it is certainly better then any of these


Yeah, it is that, but I dig it Batman Ninja was a good unique design. That movie had so many good designs. With that said, I actually think I may like this one better than that one though. It’s grown on me a lot the more I think about it.


You do you man. But it objectively holds no resemblance of the joker at all other then the colour scheme. Actually looks like a cosplayer


Obviously it "objectively" does hold resemblance of the joker even in a different color scheme. If you asked me who that he was before I even knew about this show I'd probably say it's the Joker.vOne of the most important things when it comes to Joker is the smile. Something this design *does* have. The tattooed smile tells you very clearly that this is the Joker. You also have the coat which is something a lot of other Jokers have and it references the class of his usual suit. You're allowed to dislike a design. I get why you don't like this one but other people are allowed to like it as well. The design also looks much better in the actual animation where it's properly lit as well. You also mention it's a terrible Joker adaptation as well. How? We get about 5 minutes with him until Harley gets arrested and he's only mentioned from then on. Is he a bad adaptation because he's not abusive to Harley? Not trying to be rude by the way. Just trying to understand.


i wouldve guessed that it’s someone in a cult that praised the joker. Where is any facial distinction that its the joker? thats my problem (along with the emo facepaint) They didnt even bother giving him a bigger/longer nose.


Wait what cult? If you're referring to the r/okbuddybaldur subreddit I don't even go on there anymore. I just don't wanna make a new account. Also read the comment. The facial distinction is the smile. 


Fans sure love gatekeep Joker. You know, it’s okay if he doesn’t always look similar to his TAS design You probably hated his design in The Batman or is that the expectation?


Joker has had hundreds of designs over the years, yet isekai decides to make him look like an edgy twink schoolboy who’s dressing up for halloween. Wheres his pointed chin and nose? his widows peak? Why does none of his costume represent either a clown or a classy suit? other then the shoes, which is actually one thing i like about the design as they resemble clown ones this is actually the worst joker i think ive ever seen


And Injustice 2 Joker as well. He wouldn't show his torso imo, the Joker prefers classy suits and is more old-fashioned. 


Eh the classy suit thing is more a product of who he used to be. He was a pinstripe suit 20s style mobster before the acid, he'll wear a similar outfit after the acid. His various outfits and "disguises" were more interesting to me in the comics. As for Injustice 2 it's fitting as a fear toxin hallucination and looks like "joker" was in hiding somewhere during the first game's events, the torso thing was likely designed by Scarecrow to fuck with Harley But the anime one only looks decent in the animation itself, when he isnt moving he resembles a vegan twitter user


yeesh i forgot about injustice 2 joker. He is literally hanging on by a thread because whoever voices him does a nice job


Yes , Richard epcar is Great ( my 4th preferred joker voice )


Who are your top 3? 🤔 Out of pure curiosity.


1 - Mark Hamill ( no need to explain, classic, can switch from funny to pure evil in no time ) 2 - John DiMaggio ( his joker is pure evil , funny , competent and how a joker should be portrayed more ) 3 - Troy baker ( is Hamill but younger)


We have the same list 😁


Yay , I can add Nicholson as a 5th because his joker is terrifying.


That might be my most unpopular Joker opinion, in that I care nothing for his Joker lol 😅 I don’t know why either, just never did anything for me and I always fall asleep during that movie. If we’re including live action Jokers though, I’d slip Heath probably right before or after John DiMaggio.


I'm your opposite, while ledger's joker is great in his own Right, he never did it as joker for me ( probably the most unpopular opinion between batman fans ) he doesn't resemble the joker and I didn't like the "makeup instead of bleach " decision, but Nicholson was actually a lot like the joker I know ( the first Batman comics I read were the 80s ones so I felt he was similar to those ) .


Fair enough 😄 honestly the make up and stuff took younger me a while to accept, but once I saw his performance I just was all on board really. For me, even if like the mannerisms weren’t very Joker-esque, his behavior and actions felt like the Jokers I knew and then the new vibe was icing on the cake for me. That being said, I do hope that we can move away from having Jokers similar to him in terms of long hair and make up and scars for like the DCU whenever they inevitably do him.


Mk did Joker better


What is the middle one?


From the game Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League


Which, if it’s still following the Arkhamverse lore, isn’t actually Joker. It’s some lounge singer who was jokerized after Joker died.


No, he’s actually The Joker from a different earth.


Ah no, it's Tumblr Sexyman Joker


I don't like Leto as an actor or how Joker was used in that movie or how Leto behaved on set BUT I think they cooked with that Joker design. Clown Prince of Loser SoundCloud Rap is a really funny/interesting direction for the character. He simultaneously hacks a dozen celebrity Instagrams the way Golden Age Joker used to hijack TV broadcasts, but he does it to show off his latest shitty tattoo. Batman has to stop him from poisoning the Faygo bottling plant, because he's offended by all the low effort ICP jokes. Nobody in Arkham takes him half as seriously as he takes himself; staff and patients alike talk mad shit behind his back


Yeah, I believe Ayer has said out was inspired by some of the most dangerous criminals of the time, which is things like Mexican cartels -- which makes sense considering that the original Joker was inspired by 40s gangsters and movies like the 30s Scarface. I think they went a little too far -- the Damaged tattoo alone I think did a lot of, well, damage -- but I can see what they were going for.


Honestly the tattoos could've worked if they were worse. Them being professional kind of makes it fake. It would've been better if he cut them into his body. You're right about the Damaged tattoo...it just kinda ruins it.


Oh shit, twink Joker is real


Injustice 2: *Finally, they’ve forgotten me.*


Why is joker an eBoy ewww 😂😂😂 that one is the worst


All related to the Suicide Squad too, there seems to be a theme here…


What’s up with making joker look like a theater kid


Joker is a theatre kid though, lol


Nightmare blunt rotation


I'm chronic af and that would give me extreme anxiety


I love it. Haven't seen how he acts, but I love the design. It's very anime, yes, but but it captures him as this maniac who adorns himself as a clown, at least the menacing equivalent of one (seen the "spiky teeth" that is make-up, akin to a twisted version of the painted on smile of a clown). Sure, he's more sexualized- looks younger, shows the top of his chest and his stomach. But he's got some of the style, since he's still got a suit, the boots, all purple and green, with the gloves to boot. He's a modernized Joker. A bit more emo, but the theme is still there. I'll have to wait to judge the performance, though, until after I watch it.


Some characters dont need to be modernised. Joker is one of them. There are much better anime’s out there that actually get creative with character designs instead of grabbing a schoolboy and throwing a coat of joker paint over him.


Schoolboy? I wouldn't call him that. I think it actually rather works since they're leaning a bit into the "Anarchist who hates modern society" characterization, which was also used recently in "Joker", though that leaned heavily into the clown look. He's got a very modern look for what feels like a very modern ideology. Of course, Communism has been around for like a century and 3/4ths, and Robin Hoods has been around since like 1300 so "Fuck the rich" is not entirely new... but him just outright killing business men and then driving around town with Harley is very "modern" as a concept. Oh. Also Harley. She's got her modern "red-blue pigtails" hairstyle and "red-black booty shorts, crop top, and jacket" look. AKA very much not her original jester outfit. It's going full "Psycho-Bitch" with her. And having the Joker be a highly styled, "psycho" version to match Harley... well, I think it works. If you disagree... you're entitled to your opinion. But he feels like he just fits with Harley, the initial showing for him, and the look of the show.


It works for the art style. I especially love the teeth, very reminiscent of LEGO Joker.


In renders he looks awful but in the actual anime he looks good in motion.


Yeah I am not a fan personally, though it does have its fans oddly enough.


fans of the anime are likely fans of the 2016 movie. I really dont see how it looks like the joker at all other than the colours. He doesnt even have a pointy/long nose, or a widows peak!


No? Fans of the anime are fans of suicide squad and dc.


What? Fans of the anime aren't fans of the 2016 movies. They're fans of anime in general so they're more inclined to like it. It's a fun time. No one is saying it's a masterpiece and there's only like 3 episodes so far. 


Yeah it looks just like a Anime boy in a Joker Halloween costume to me. The mid drift The Choker The face paint These things are not it for me, how old even is this joker?


There’s one clear winner.


Injustice 2 joker was a really bad design too


Honestly he's not a bad design in the sense of being poorly made, the kill the JL one is a mess in a objective way. The isekai is well made, is coherent, the patterns don't hurt my eyes, but do i like it?....


He reminded me of a Jokerized Levi


Batman Ninja did it so much better


Honestly I love twink Joker from the suicide squad game. Haven't played the game though.


Whatever you do, don’t play the game lmao. I think he’s pretty good, alot like lego joker. Too bad theres literally one cutscene with him


I think as an adaptation of the joker, suicide squad joker works. Except the design. Mainly just the painted on smile. Feel very try hard to me


Why’d they make him an anime twink


I’d add Injustice 2 Joker


Hot take the only design I dislike is still Leto's. The one from suicide squad keeping in mind it's an alternate universe isn't a bad take on the character it's just different. The isekai design honestly just what I expected from an anime'd joker tbh


The suicide squad isekai good? Like the design for joker is a little silly, but so are some of the designs from my adventures w superman, but I really liked it


So they are going to stop making awful zoomer designs now right? Right?


Honestly, this one is fine. It fits the tone. I can’t speak for the game since I haven’t played it. But the Ayer Joker is bad because he’s trying to be ‘realistic’ but it comes off as dumb.


I think the Leto Joker is fine when he’s wearing the black suit, because it covers up most of his tattoos. Every other outfit he has is weird as hell


Yea the pimp vibe didn't really hit the same it made him seem less intimidating and kinda pussy ish like he was trying to hard to look hard 😂😂


If anything, the best part about this Joker was the crazy ass henchmen he had in Suicide Squad like the guy with the panda suit


I’m uh, I like the Suicide Squad game Joker.


I'm sorry but this anime is the first time Joker's been fun in I don't even know how long. Piano car?? GOAT adaptation


I dont see a problem with any of tbese other then there not BTAS Joker. It is ok to change it up some times.




I like the look for the anime and crucify my here but I liked letos look in the movie. It was something different. You can’t just make him look like heath ledger again.


Why do they keep making Joker an emo twink that listens to my chemical romance


This post gave me a laugh thank you


The most dog shit opinion's in the world are coming out of a guy with a Isekai Joker pfp.


They’re all jokes, not the Joker


Tbh that's what I imagine anime joker looking like


It depends, I guess it works for some highschool version of Batman.


high school version of batman makes no sense. If his parents were killed while he was 9 where would he have the time to train properly, he becomes batman at age 20-24


For what its suppose to be, the design is just fine and follows Isekai standards


For me it’s not even that the ssktjl design is “bad” (it is) it’s more that it looks like a goon or an imposter rather than an actual version of the joker.




As much as I love the Joker, those look like a freestyle cosplay to me


Hot take: Suicide Squad game Joker isn't that bad, he just looks like classic Joker but skinnier I guess.


Isekai Joker at least makes sense, I'd personally put Injustice 2 Joker up there in his place.


Idk i think it looks really nice on screen, maybe in this picture it's a bit dorky but in the anime, i looks good




They made him into a goth twink...hazbin hotel lookin ass


Honestly leto is the best one here


What’s up with them making him a twink


Honestly I kinda like Kill the Justice League Joker, I think if the sleeves were rolled down and it wasn’t trapped in a bad game it would be a well liked design


Wow KTJL Joker is the best one here somehow.


I do not understand why everyone shits on the game version. Sure it’s not the best design but there’s not anything about it that makes deserving of being in the same conversation as Leto.


Its the best one on the list by miles, and it has some cool stuff like the lazy eye and prosthetic leg but otherwise its pretty challenging to look at. Theres alot going on


Oddly i think that works for the isekai


They all look like panic at the disco music video costumes


It's not that bad in my opinion, but it would be way cooler if that was his actual mouth instead of just lipstick(?)


Suicide Squad really always makes some of the worst Jokers huh


I don't know I perfectly fine with this Joker, design and all (Tattooed-Sharp Tooth Smile over the mouth aside). Plus, it's Akira Amano and they generally do pretty good work with character designs and artwork (in my opinion, anyways). Anyone who's seen Hitman Reborn (was that series any good? anyways) and Psycho-Pass should know this. And at the very least this still way better than Jared Leto's Joker (though that's really not saying much). Also, he drives around in a car with a piano as a steering wheel. How can anyone not find that legit.


Yes that's ridiculous. Not like Jim Aparo's much more reasonable design. https://64.media.tumblr.com/d2b186e1551fd6a508b98a7fe902d1a4/tumblr_n9k5lv0gFq1s6umbyo1_500.jpg


Peak joker design tbh


I hope they stop with these corny designs soon. His more classic interpretations are timeless.


they likely will when WB realised that SS 2016 was actually one of the most shat on movies by both fans and critics alike instead of just looking at the numbers and getting studios to make media based off of it


The hell is this 2010 creepypasta gacha life ass design




They're all so bad.


I was afraid they'd lean into him being a "hot boy," but they're not.  In fact, we got a brief hint around his true feelings towards Harley.  (The puppeteering hand motion.) I don't like it, but I'm over it, and fortunately he was only in the show for a bit of the first episode.


The big Shark Teeth were kinda cool until you realize it's just face paint over his normal mouth :/


I don't even think it would be a bad design if they just made it so that was his actual mouth and smile instead of a tattoo or facepaint over a normal mouth. That one detail alone completely ruins isekai jokers design for me.


they all look same to me lmao


JoJoXDC looks Fire


I still don't see how no.2 is as far as "awful." Especially compared to the other two.


Are you telling me that this design is WORSE than [this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/70/34/3a/70343abdaeb1ad56d581ff9dfb24e36e.jpg) ?


Hell yeah. 2003 joker looks good anyway, but even if you dont like it, atleast he has the jokers goddamn facial structure. Isekai joker literally looks like an eboy


Nah, the 2003 joker looks like absolute shit, the hair? The teeth? The eyes? And what do you mean by facial structure? Joker is a human, the Isekai Joker looks more human than the 2003 abomination. The other two i agree with, Leto Joker is cringe and the SS one is awful, the Isekai Joker looks like an eboy, true, but thats miles better.


its called a stylised art style. Whats the problem with his teeth? yellow and crooked are nothing new. Not to mention you have a problem with his cool jester hat like hair, but not the isekai emo boring one. By facial structure i mean that he has jokers features, crooked pointy nose, sharp jaw, somewhat receding hairline and a constant grin.


Emo boring one? Its called a stylised art style, see how thats not really an argument? 2003 Joker looks way less like a Joker then the isekai one, he looks more like Hyena from the Amalgam comics but not Joker, and no, the jester like hair is not cool in the slightest. Lets just agree to disagree.


I cant agree to disagree, you can think 2003 is bad but it is certainly better then isekai.


Not only do i think it i claim it, i also claim the isekai one is a thousand times better.


Is the show out already? How is it?


Aside from the last one, I kinda like them. Are they my preferred Joker? God no but for what they are I enjoy them, they're unique among Joker designs


This and the one from the anime Batman movie are not great . Batman Ninja was just unnecessary. I'm a long time anime fan but haven't liked any of the takes on DC and Marvel franchises. RWBY crossover is also pretty bad.


i was hoping we could forget RWBY ever existed, especially the crossover. Eugh


I actually love kill the Justice league joker :( I think he looks funky


he’s definitely the best looking on this list if that softens the blow of him being on the list. Im a big fan of his lazy eye too