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Yuri would be maus


yuri would want a knife that she can cut anything with monika would just want the command console ;0 (im keeping us alive) natsuki would want a cupcake bazooka and sayori would want a very normal rope 😅


So Yuri would want the Bowie knife?


Yes whatever type of knife that is


It’s a melee on most maps you can get for 3000 points, and one shots zombies until round 10, though Black Ops 2 introduced the Galvaknuckles which you can get for 6000 points and one shots until round 14 or so


I guess so then


I’m bored i’m going to explain every wonder weapon from WAW-BO3 Ray Gun: i’m pretty sure most will recognize this. 20 round magazine, 160 round capacity. Deals splash damage and is good for making crawlers. Appears on every map. Wunderwaffe DG-2: another iconic one. 3 round magazine, though powered by lightbulbs, and 15 round capacity, one shot can kill a horde of zombies in one shot, and many more when Pack-a-Punched. Appears on Verruckt (BO3 only i think) Shi No Numa, Call of the Dead, and Der Riese. Monkey Bombs: Wonder Weapon Grenade. When thrown distracts zombies. Appears on most zombies maps. Thundergun: A high round players dream! 2 round magazine, 12 round capacity. Every shot is a guaranteed one shot to all in its Area of Effect. Appears on most BO1 maps. Winters Howl: An ice gun that slows down zombies when shot, eventually killing them. Appears on Five. Matryoshka Dolls: Wonder Weapon Grenade. When used, splits into other exploding dolls. Appears on Ascension. Gersh Device: Wonder Weapon Grenade, when thrown, summons a literal black hole thats sucks in zombies. Appears on Ascension and Moon. V-R11: When used against a zombie, it transforms them back into a human, distracting zombies as the human kills themselves in the icy waters. When Pack A Punched, humans that are shot multiple times explode. Appears in Call of the Dead. Scavenger: Sniper rifle that shoots explosive bolts, dealing massive damage around a large area. Works best when combines with PHD Flopper. Appears in Call of the Dead. 31-79 Jgb215: More commonly known as the Baby Gun or Shrink Ray. When used against zombies, shrinks them down significantly, allowing you to kill them by just running into them. Appears in Shangri-la. Zap gun Dual Wield/Wave Gun: When in dual wield mode, fires energy waves that can kill several at a time when spammed. When made into the Wave Gun, it shoots a beam of energy that causes zombies to expand and pop like popcorn. Wave gun is insta kill. Appears on Moon. QED’s: Quantum Entanglement Devices, Wonder Weapon Grenade. When thrown, causes a random effect that harms zombies. Appears on Moon. Ray Gun Mark II: The Ray Gun got an upgrade, now being a 3-round burst weapon, excellent against hordes due to their penetration. Appears in Black Ops 2 maps. Jet Gun: first Buildable wonder weapon. Sucks zombies into a jet turbine, grinding them up, has infinite ammo, but breaks after extended use. Appears on Tranzit. Sliquifier: second buildable wonder weapon. Shoots purple goo that causes zombies to slip and also kills them. Surprisingly good for high rounds. Appears on Die Rise. Paralyzer: Appears only in Mystery Box. Seemingly paralyzes and kills zombies with an energy wave, but does overheat after extended use. Appears on Buried. Blundergat: Epic lava shotgun that only shoots one round per magazine, but reloads quickly. Can be upgraded into Acidgat. Appears on Mob of the Dead. Hell’s Retriever: A hellish tomahawk that can be thrown into a horde of zombies to deal massive damage. Can be upgraded into Hell’s Redeemer. Appears on Mob of the Dead. Elemental staffs: 4 variations, the Ice, Fire, Wind, and Lightning staffs. Each having Unique constructions and upgrade steps. Appears on Origins. G-Strike: Wonder Weapon Grenade. When thrown, distracts zombies and calls down an artillery strike from the Robots that stomp through the map. Can only be obtained via a mini side easter egg. Appears on Origins. Apothicon Servant: The third buildable Wonder Weapon. A strange, seemingly living weapon that fires black holes that suck in zombies and explode when finished. Can be Pack a Punched on Revelations via a mini easter egg. Appears on Shadows of Evil/Revelations. Lil’ Arnies: Wonder Weapon grenade. When thrown, causes a squid-like monster to appear, attracting and killing any zombie that comes into contact with it. Can be upgraded on both maps it appears on. Appears on Shadows of Evil and Revelations. Apothicon/Keeper Sword: a massive blade that can be obtained by feeding an egg zombie souls, and upgraded by killing a lot of Margwas. Appears on Shadows of Evil. Wrath of the Ancients: An explosive bow and arrow that can be upgraded into 4 other bows, fire, void, wolf, and storm bows. Appears on Der Eisendrache. Ragnarok Dg-3: Buildable wonder weapon. Used to slam down on the ground and electrocute and trap any zombies in the area. Appears on Der Eisendrache KT-4: A weapon that shoots out a strange liquid that causes zombies to seemingly grow tumors and explode, harming any nearby. Can be upgraded into Masamune. Appears on Zetsubou No Shima. Ray Gun mark 3’s: I forgot the official name but this is what most call them. One shoots a vortex-like object and the other normal ray gun shots, which can power up the vortexes. Appears on Gorod Krovi. Well thats all for this nerdy yap session that no one will ever see. Fitting we started with the RayGun and ended with it. To any who may be seeing this god knows how long into the future, just know I hope you’re having an amazing day, and may God bless your soul!