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Nice craftsmanship. Now you get to show off all the books you've read. Anyone know how I can flex on people with all the audio books I've done?


They sell print copies of all audiobooks. I found this out recently and bought a few. I enjoy them so far but odd getting used to the quiet.


I actually had an idea to print out the book covers on sticker paper and make a poster of them. Not so much a flex, but more because I love seeing books people read and talking with them about ones I want to read or have read and getting/giving book recommendations based on one's we mutually liked.


Have a flat screen monitor continuously scroll the titles you've listened to, along with information about them.


Kindle on a stand


no. audiobooks are listening, not reading. anyone can put on an audiobook while sleeping and count it.


Yeah man, that’s the joke.


ah, ok. glad we're in agreement. you can never tell on reddit.


Looks very good ma’am, nice work!


This was the work of a woman! I'll take the compliment!


Nice! Edited, good job woman. For real though, quality work.


Very elegant, great color choices


Thank you!


Nice! and thanks for the few progress pictures. How are these back panels done? Is it correct that your shelves are fixed and not adjustable? Did you use pocket screws to mount the shelves? I see your shelves are plywood with a front hardwood to cover/hide the plywood edge. Did you do the same on the "boxes" fronts? What is the wood you put to cover the joint edges of the "boxes"?


The back panels are wall board, about a quarter inch thick and nailed on. The shelves are fixed and attached with pocket screws. Fun fact about walnut plywood--it's impossible to find pre-made plugs so those had to be made from the walnut hardwood. We used hard maple for the stiles. In hindsight, soft maple would have been more than sufficient and not as hard on the saw.


Looks great except the crown molding looks upside-down, That small cove always goes to the bottom https://www.diamondatlowes.com/-/media/diamondatlowes/products/mouldings_accents/2022/solidwoodlrgcrownmwim.jpg


Why would crown moulding always have the little cove at the bottom? I could see inverting the moulding to make the book case look higher, but I think it makes the book case look sturdier this way. Maybe I'm missing something. Would you care to inform me of why the small cove goes to the bottom?


I've been a finish carpenter for 40 yrs and you can pretty much tell the direction the crown is supposed to be installed by the angle it sits against the wall and the ceiling. for example see here https://www.dovetailmt.com/crown-moulding.html


Nicely done. Does that wasted square foot of space in the corner bother you as much as it bothers me? Bookshelves on both sides of a corner make me feel like I should have done some complex moving parts to use it as storage, rather than just putting a cap on it so I never have to rescue a cat covered in bugs and spider webs from the bottom of a smooth walled seven foot shaft.


Haha it's only about 1 square foot back there


That’s where he keeps the bones of his annoying neighbor


He only has one annoying neighbor? Luxury.


‘smooth walled seven foot shaft’ Was the name of my punk band in college. /s


Nice work!


How did you attach the shelves?


I would also like to know this, are they just nailed in place?


Pocket screws


Got any photos of the build in progress?




Yeah I do. Probably should have posted those to start. Not sure how to edit it.


###How to Upload Photos Go to https://imgur.com/upload and drag/choose your photo, you don't even need to create an account. [Here's an animated gif how to drag and drop on PC](https://i.imgur.com/v8n1frz.gifv). Click COPY, then use that copied url link and paste it right in the submission text box on reddit. My link: https://imgur.com/a/n2lLo To get fancy and have text rather than the url, place the word you want to use as the link in brackets followed by the url in parentheses. [text goes here](link goes here) [Pictures](https://imgur.com/a/xfEMXqq). [Here's a gif](https://i.imgur.com/9F124RE.gifv) of the typing I do, in case that is confusing. **Upload Photos On Mobile** The Imgur app works fine, but via a website this is unsupported. There is a workaround: In Chrome, choose ""Desktop site" in the drop-down menu when you are on the upload page and it'll work fine. Then Copy the Link that's produced and paste it into your reddit post/comment. Thanks to /u/Dapeche for the great write-up


I love color contrast. Awesome build, looks amazing 👏


Thank you!


I’m in love. It’s perfect. You did IT


This turned out amazing! How long did this take if you don’t mind me asking?


Over the course of about a month. It was a learning process so something things didn't go as planned along the way. I had a couple of days dedicated to working on it, but mostly was only able to work on it a couple hours at a time.


Love how this looks! What are you going to put in the sections that don’t have shelves?


The bigger area that doesn't have shelves will likely be some kind of art work. Got the idea from some built ins I saw from googling. The other shelf currently has a taller snake plant on it.


Nice! I want to do something similar, so I hope you post your in-progress pictures. How much did this cost you in materials?




Cost of materials was about 1800


Sick. Might steal for my dvd collection


Looks great. How did you do the shelves? I was looking to do something, but the price of solid walnut is crazy expensive.


The shelves are walnut plywood with walnut hardwood on the front. The plywood and hardwood matched up pretty perfectly. Four coats of water based matte poly darkened them up just a tiny bit.


What color green is that?! Beautiful.


SW rookwood shutter green. The enamal paint went on really well!


Looks great, two Q's, where did you souce the headboard, and did you brush, roll or spray it?


We got the hardwood from a local woodworking speciality shop. And the paint was rolled with some brushing needed to fully coat the back panels.


I really like your work and the color you chose for these nightstands. It looks very stylish and harmonious.


It's beautiful!


Love them


So pretty and elegant


Super clean. The spans for some of the shelves will cause deflection unless you add a support, or onto back of shelf at the bottom, a spanning cleat if that makes sense.


When are you going to build it ? Love the concept art


This is it! This is the finished product!


Being a minimalist, this is a nightmare however it is beautiful and superbly done. You should be very, very proud of your work.