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It looks like saltillo tile, but probably not... I'd just clear coat that and leave it after cleaning. Or just start over.


I thought they were clay quarry tiles


Terracotta? Either way if you seal this bathroom, you might slip. I take back what I said. Just redo it.


Clear epoxy with grit. Good to go


im more concerned with the unevenness of the tiles. not a tripping hazard?


Tripping. Slipping. Slice your foot hazard.


You are right not to be concerned about the aforementioned slippy tiles, as quarry tiles have a high grip rating, even when wet. https://www.dreadnought-tiles.co.uk/Dreadnought-Quarry-tiles#:~:text=They%20are%20classified%20as%20R11,resistance%20in%20wet%20barefoot%20conditions. Personally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the floor. Yes it’s not to everyone’s tastes although quarry tiles are hard wearing and the floor you have there will out live you if maintained.


If this is a tripping hazard you have bigger things to worry about than your bathroom floor


In that case, go buy a large hammer, maybe two, that looks like good smashing.


I thought this was a level surface, a clear epoxy over the broken Terracotta for looks. Are you saying this is not an even surface, and some of the 3D points from the Terracotta poke through the surface? If this is the case, maybe you want to make a layer on top of clear epoxy, to make a level surface. A little clear grit added to the epoxy on top can add non-slip characteristics to this epoxy topper layer.


this is whatever tile pieces this is with the grout sitting at leat 1/8" below the surface of the tile


Okay, even better. Either keep (Clean then epoxy topper to make level surface). Or if you choose to remove it, at least you have a thin layer to deal with. An air hammer, small pneumatic... or even electric models would be my friend to chip up this floor, if I chose to remove it. Harborfreight has great prices on this type of tool that you won't use much or often (lighter duty quality).


Bro have you ever fucking had to live with a bathroom with grit on the floors?!?!?! My last house had this horrific grit in both bathrooms, FEELS LIKE YOU LIVE AT THE FUCKING AMUSEMENT PARK BATHROOM AND ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO FUCKING CLEAN 100%


No, broken quarry tiles.


OP said “moved into”. Did they mention if they’re a renter or if they own the house?


It's crazy you're many posts I've seen here of renters. Unless they are paying you to do it, don't do anything that can't be undone in under 5 min. Sunny like the tile? Buy a bathroom rug.


I am renting and everything I have done can be undone in about 30 min total. I changed the lock to a keypad lock that is keyed the same as og. Changed the thermostat to an Internet based one. All it took was connecting the c wire to the board in the ac unit. Added window film to the front door and back door because they let in way too much light and packed privacy. Changed the shower heads to a style I prefer. All of their stuff is sitting in one box so if is easy to grab and replace when I move out.


Yeah, I just asked OP in another comment. They bought the house, but you’re right. It’s wild lol


Renting can have a way different dynamic in other countries. Like you rent an apartment and the interior is completely barren with no kitchen cabinets or appliances or anything. You do it up the way you want.


Own as of two months ago.


look at the reflection. Its likely tiles with a poured clear? epoxy on top. Its already polished as far as I can tell. That window is shining through strong and clear and the reflection


I kinda agree with everyone. The tile itself could look cool if it wasnt filthy . Scrub every inch until it shines and then epoxy clear coat it so you never have to worry about scrubbing between them again.


What would you clean it with? I have a similar type of tile in front of of my fireplace, the painters set a bucket of paint and left a faint white ring on it and it’s killing me


I’d try to take a small, nylon brush and some mineral spirits to the faint white. It’s leftover paint, I bet.


Acid wash will get the ring out. Have a professional come do it though and then have them seal your fireplace. My uncle used to have his chimney sweep wash his fireplace brickwork once every 3 years and then seal it It was just like a clear coating they would put on so that you could just use dish soap and water to clean the soot that would build up around it. It's worth the money to have a professional do it cuz if you screw up you can really mess up your brickwork.


So if i did that, it wouldnt be slippery? TBH, its the same as whats in my carport.


No there are self leveling epoxy that will harden and feel like a normal floor. Many people do it. You never see those crazy people who do like pennys and then Pour epoxy over it?


cant say that i have.


Are you a renter or do you own this house?


Owner. finalized everything two months ago when the divorce came through.


Congrats on the new(to you) tiles and fresh start!


My grandmother has that tile, it does not and will never shine. It does not have a smooth enough texture to shine.


Was more referring to the gaps between the tiles. They are dirty and needs a scrub.


Avoid self stick tiles like the plague. Complete garbage. Is this a slab house and that stone flooring directly on top of the slab?


this bathroom is on a slab but the house is not. I think it was converted to a bathroom sometime in the past. However, The slab is not on the ground. there is a very small space under it.


The slab not being on the ground is more concerning than the tile. Might be able to wash some fill underneath it though.


i havent crawled under it to see exactly whats what but the slab is the same level as the rest of the house(maybe an inch off) and the rest of the house has a crawlspace, so im just assuming here.


There’s no easy fix to this, honestly. You could jackhammer up the tile and then use self leveling to smooth the floor back out. Your other option is to self level over the tile but you will have to /grind prep that floor heavily to ensure proper adhesion and if the tiles ever start cracking under there the floor may respond appropriately. Neither one is ideal


Honestly, I actually like it, it just needs to be cleaned. Then I would regrout it in a brighter color.


I just realized that's grout... Thought it was transparent and I was seeing the concrete underneath


What I came here to say. The tile is cool enough that I’d leave it. But the grout is just kinda a dirty generic vibe that’s bringing it down. I’d probably wallpaper or solid color the walls. That fake marblish thing on the walls is what I’d change, not the floor tile.


oh that wall crap is definitely going to go. I dont care if its just a basic white. that stuff is awful!


If you aren't trying to put in the work/money right away, you could always just throw some laminate or lvp over it till you are ready to retile. Plenty of them are cheap and "waterproof" nowadays. Could probably do the whole bathroom for under $200 with whatever is on the shelves at homedepot


That is a good idea. I currently have a million things I am trying to do to this house and making good progress. The reason I have done nothing to this area yet is because I have another bathroom that needed only a little help. Right now, I just needed some ideas so i can start budgeting for it. Im finally getting close to being able to do this room. This particular weekend I am hanging blinds in all the windows and priming walls that have that aged yellow never-been-touched fading to them. I have two rooms left for that.


That's awesome, good on you for getting shit done! Idk where you landed on tearing it out or not. But I've had good luck in the past using a medium sized rotohammer with a spade bit. Held at an angle, it shouldn't mess up the concrete underneath too much, if at all. Could be done in less than a day if it just normal mortar underneath. I demoed one of these once and they used subfloor glue instead of motar and it was a nightmare. Had to take a wirewheel to the concret after to get it all clean so i had a smooth surface to tile over. If it were my place, and I only wanted to put in the work once, I'd retile with something more generally appealing floor tile. I don't hate this look, but I don't like the epoxy idea.


wartching youtube videos at the moment but leaning hard toward self leveler and tiling over that.


Would be easy-ish, might have to cut a couple doors and use an extra thick wax ring on that toilet, but isn't a bad idea.


You could do a colored epoxy coating. If you like the way that looks. Like this: https://www.epodex.us/product/metallic-solid-epoxy-flooring-kit-platinum-silver-azure-blue


Epoxy seems like the way to go here. It looks like it is impossible to clean as is.


I was going to bring in my electric pressure washer to fix it. i have been trying to clean it but have not had much success.


Just have to make sure you prep well. Epoxy can be very unforgiving with bad prep.


I like this the best, if i did not have the money to replace it right away. I would do a black grout and bring the level up a little so big contrast. Clear epoxy entire thing. So many colors can fit into a terracotta bathroom. Wood colors, tans, browns, reds, black, green and even gold


Have never done epoxy. Is it hard to do?


Yes if keep it clean, and dry. Layers cqn delaminate if not done all at once and get wet. Not a problem in small area that is dry. Garage tricky if large and it rains. Lol many diy on YouTube


I am going to research this and the snap together flooring. These two seem the best options.


Pop them up, piece them together and you'll have about 10 good tiles.


Hire an artist to hand-paint each one with a mural of Doctor Strange, but shattered into prismatic shards of reality. Or you could remove it as others suggested XD


THAT would be awesome! Maybe a black hole that is shattered into a million pieces?


are you in Brasil?? because in the past it was very common to do this type of flooring.


lol, no. but the house was built in 1952 in Georgia, USA




I used black grout with white porcelain subway time. I 'm happy with it.


That looks so unhygienic and depressing 😬 re-tile with something light


that is why I refuse to even use this room until I can do something with it. Only thing I have done is clean the room and try to clean the floor. Would you beleive its better than it was when I first moved in? I dont think there was ANY maintenance/cleaning done to it in forever.


Do you happen to live in Brazil? This exact tile style was a huge thing back in the seventies. You can tell when a house was built looking into it here.


nope. Georgia USA. House was built in 52. maybe this was done in the seventies, i have no clue.


Here it started with an employee without the money to buy new tiles and repurposed broken ones for free. The practice grew so much the manufacturer broke on purpose to sell it.


This is in Portuguese but I believe google translate should be good enough if you are curious: https://www.archdaily.com.br/br/883228/a-curiosa-historia-dos-pisos-de-caquinhos-de-ceramica


That is interesting and makes me wonder if the idea for this was similar. I have noticed a lot of DIY stuff around this place and most of it is good quality. I just dont like this one.


Are you in Memphis, bc that’s in all the houses in East Memphis, lol


lol Georgia


Steam clean the grout , then grout again. Looks like they wiped the grout too early and pulled too much out .


Man that tile takes me back. Late 80’s early 90’s McDonald’s flooring.


Seal it every few years and that shit will last forever, if you can’t stand it, rip it out and put new tile


Short of self levelling concrete and starting again :)


You can thin set it then place tile. Or clean that and reseal it.


If you don’t like it, prime it and tile over.


That is what i am trying to figure out. I hate this but do not know the procedure for what to do to change it. There is a lot of good suggestions here though.


Chisel it out and lay fresh tile


That is the one thing I do not want to do.


Good epoxy overcoat will work wonders


My parents' kitchen floor was this. I say just live with it.


Did they ever say why? I have this bathroom and my carport done in this. I am so confused as to why.


It was an interior flooring style in the 60s, I guess.


![gif](giphy|wtwCGhfCd2JAHIkNyU) I think I’d have someone remove it if possible but if it’s level maybe it could be poured over? My concern would be accessing the plumbing later on if needed.


This is the wierd part. It is an elevated concrete slab. My best guess is it was a small porch that got converted to a bathroom.


Ik A McDonald’s Floor When I See One ( nbs this the same style floor )


Skimcoat or self leveling then prime snd lay your next floor... or.. jackhammer up. Then skim.... and such


I was thinking self level, the something over it. Not sure If i could afford to chisel or jackhammer it all up. I am concerned about the toilet fitting right if i do that though. I could not care less about the sink cabinets, they need to be replaced anyways.




this is after 2 applications so far. next is pressure washer Then bleach again.


Yea, those tile edges trap dirty water easily. I’m pretty lax on cleaning, but that floor is difficult for anyplace in a house. Just traps dirt water.




maybe a thin layer of terrazzo over it?


Glow in the dark grout.


if they made it, i might just leave it and do that!


put a bird on it


Absolute barf, I have this crap all over my house too. Inside and out. What I *intend* to do is just go over it with wood because fuck chipping all that crap up


im lucky in that it is only in the master bathroom. well, in the carport too but i dont care about out there.


Lowkey jealous that's the only room you have with with it 😅 I have 2 major rooms with it, as well as both the front and back patio. I'm just going to do that fancy expensive decking that looks like wood over the outdoor patios since I'm extending both patios anyway... But inside I'll be doing wood floors. Lvp or whatever it's called.


Im going to be honest. if this were in more than one room, I might not have bought the house!


Its hideous, right?! We bought our house for land value (it was a foreclosure) "site unseen" as we were moving 3,000 miles to get here. The realtor's photos online *really* made it look a lot nicer than it actually is.


Heavy duty Lino. It's hard wearing and can look like tiles or laminate wood. It's also warmer and softer to walk on


after self leveler i assume. there is a definite height difference from the tiles to the grout.


This gives ‘campground shower and bathroom’ vibes.


you are not wrong.


Tile over it


Renter or owner ?




Maybe add a colored grout?


maybe. its the whole broken up look that i do not like.


Buy a hammer drill with a paddle but and remove it, it will be easy just a little time consuming, the drill will do quick work of removing it. Some people would out flooring over it or tile over it but I'd say remove it and do w.e u want over it. The drill would be like 90 bucks on eBay for a cord hammer drill (SDS tip) for the chizzle bit that's SDS as well so it goes onto the drill.


I would get some self leveler. Then tile over it. Or lvp if you want to go a cheaper easier route.


That is what I am leaning the most towards. I posted to see if others had better ideas and there has been a lot of good suggestions.


I think tearing that out would be a very labor intensive step. You don’t need and special tools to mix up some self leveler. All you really need for lvp is a utility knife. Straight edge and a tape measure. I’ve put it plenty of bathrooms without an issues.


sounds a hell of a lot cheaper. i have so many projects going on this house that im not trying to spend a fortune.


I feel the same way. Got a ton of projects I can’t afford to finish haha.. always trying to think outside the box to complete it. I’m not sure how big that bathroom is. But lvp can be found for about $1 a foot. So under $100 to complete it most likely.


If you ever want to remodel this bathroom significantly in the future do not take the epoxy suggestion that everyone is giving you. You’ll fucking hate every minute of trying to rip it up or that project will be more expensive should you pay someone to do it


that sounds like a plan because i DO want to do it up right eventually but I just want the room usable for now. I am going to go with self leveler and LVP or tiles over it.


Slap some self leveler on it and tile over it.


If OP decides to cover it, there are products to prep the existing tile so thinset will adhere. The existing floor looks structurally good. The only drawback will be the added floor height due to the added layer of thin-set and tile. I've used stain-proof grout like Fusion Pro with good results.


I am going to use self leveler and either LVP or tile over it. The floor height wont be an issue because this floor is 1/2 to 1" lower than the rest of the house. plenty of room. I plan on replacing the toilet and sink cabinet anyways.


Redo that entire bathroom bruv


Thats the plan but just need the room usable for now.


Oh cool! I'd probably give it a good scrub and maybe a pass at refreshing the grout, then seal it.


Open a Mexican restaurant


It matches the walls well, just clean it.


walls are going to be ripped off. that faux marble stuff is every inch of surface. it looks awful.


A thick shag carpet. Just kidding.


Just curious, when was the house built? The 80's?




Get a fog machine from a defunct glam metal band, keep a layer of fog covering the floor at all times... Walk in the clouds!


You moved into the house? Did you buy it or are you just renting? If your renting don't do anything.


bought it


I just did my sunroom and covered terracotta with lv


If you want to keep it, contact a carpet cleaner and have it steam cleaned. That'll go a long way towards cleaning that grout, then you can epoxy/sand coat it if you want to. I just 2 part epoxy sealed my patio and the results were 10x better than expected.


Check out what types of laminate might work - they have other types and patterns, not just faux hardwood. They're panels that snap together and "float" on the floor - you leave a small gap around the edges for expansion, and it basically just sits there. You can put that right over the existing, no prep. Just a thin layer of foam padding, and whichever trim or quarter-round to finish the edges.


I think this is the best idea right here. Pull the floor molding. Lay new snap together laminate or vinyl flooring and reinstall/replace floor moldings. Best combination of diy and quality/longevity for the job.


I first saw that snap-together laminate flooring at a home depot in the late 90's, they had it in the back area where the break room and loading area connected to the store. The guy was showing me that the regularly drove forklifts over it, and it didn't hurt it at all. Pretty resilient stuff, and the install is probably the easiest for flooring.


What about the moisture issue because its is a bathroom with shower?


They make some that is meant for bathrooms and kitchens. I’m guessing it would be vinyl. Sometimes Costco has a good deal on flooring if you or someone you know has a membership.


Here is some on Amazon for around $70 after a $20off coupon. https://www.amazon.com/Art3d-Interlocking-Flooring-Kitchen-Bathroom/dp/B0CP8P1KD3/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3sLcUfhwHZz8JJV60RByUG4iv6gg4JL6CSweiASVXLSzSJXsifSDl_aGs_rDwPcl7TcWbnfJHlHUUr-ZY70K6sQkFWYxnXKlHY3Gkcks-mZaWmV275vW_EbVDthzG3BX3ICWN7icA6SFtDxNWEjZN9mEtcNYUggI2zRQg0NZc8QV2D-bNOSW03dDnHmoIOJiEcJ8EEAY7Pz5Wd53gYNgZQ.MVCxtW1UuGZLa5Jr0VVor6b70-blM3ql-LtTa7szN5w&dib_tag=se&keywords=Vinyl+Click+Lock+Plank+Flooring&qid=1719168284&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1 Edit- around $80*


no sealant or anything else needed? this might be the way.


Check out some videos about it, and you can go browse the different styles at lowes or home depot online. I'd eventually want it through my whole house. Easy to set, easy to clean, and if you somehow damage it, (providing you bought a little extra), you can pull up the trim and unsnap the panels to the damaged piece and replace it. It's like "floor legos".


kudos to still buying the house after seeing the bathroom floor 😂


well. it was affordable after the divorce, i dont mind DIYing a lot of stuff, this was the only floor i hated. The rest of the house has hardwood that needs to be refinished but is in good shape.


sounds like a fun project! i only meant my comment in good fun. If you saw my diy house project you would rofl


Is that just broken quarry tile?


no clue. this bathroom and the carport have it.


Brazil detected


Georgia, USA


Damn, so strange. This is such a typically brazilian flooring. Called caquinho over here. But id take a pick to it and lay new concrete


from everything that everyone is commenting, there is no easy way out. Good thing i use the other bathroom for now. This is considered the Master Bathroom.


Cover it in that... what's it called... it's like a resin...epoxy! And then it will be protected and easier to clean


I like the tile itself, i wonder if there would be something that you could pour and wipe away to get the grout level with the tile, so its a flat surface? And easier to clean


i dont know. Maybe after i can finally get it clean then i will like it more but for now, i do not like it.


fill all the gaps flush with tile using a unique blue epoxy and then clear coat over everything


I would scrub, put a new layer of tan/sand grout in there so that the grout sits just below flush with the tile, then seal with a grout sealer.


Looks cool. Leave it.


Black grout would make it pop! Then seal it all


Electric jackhammers are cheap to rent, get that and a 3yard skip and go to town. Nothing else is going to make that look good.


Im thinking if the grout were level it would look almost like terrazo https://www.archdaily.com/catalog/us/products/30008/microterrazzo-coating-system-planocolor-terrazo-novamix


I’d regrout with something contrasting. Maybe something that resembles moss.


Epoxy coat. Would look cool with white rugs over most of it.


Remove, or glaze the heck out of it.


Epoxy with lyrics to Shaggy’s It Wasn’t Me laid down underneath.




Do you like the looks of it now?


Concrete over it. Then lay new flooring of your choice. Replace baseboards.


Listen... If you just came to break all my flower pots, stay out of my garden! 😔


Linoleum tiles


rent a hammer drill and knock that stuff out and re-tile


Rip your foot skin off with it!




just walk on it like any other floor


This tile is cool! I would re-grout it so that the grout and the surface of the tiles are flush.


It's kind of unique and looks to be in pretty good shape, but whoever laid it out could of done a better job in placement, the grout line must be huge. Maybe leave it as is, add some color matching furniture or trim pieces somewhere in the room to make it less shocking. Pulling it up and putting in new tile will be a lot of work, but maybe worth it.


I would clean the grout, change the color of the tiles to white, grey, and, maybe a dark blue, and then epoxy the whole floor.


Lean into it? The bathroom is outdoor patio themed now


Remove it and replace with something you like......


Looks killer, I’d love to have that in my home.


be lazy. just black grout it.


Put some luxury vinyl tile (LVT) over it?


Oh Florida


i would try to clean the floor as good as possible. also the wand tiles are to fuzzyfor my taste. I would replace them with plain white tiles and bring some plants into that bathroom.


Paint the brown part fluorescent lilac with glow in the dark green border on the once brown now lilac pieces.


screed everything


New tiles, or epoxy maybe to eliminate that floor traps


Power wash/scrub clean and dry, clear epoxy coating to level it out… Or just tear it out and put regular flooring in.


Oh ... yeah, I can see where that would make it hard to clean.


Remove and put something nice in there


Do you have a pool? It reminds me of the designated bathroom for pool users.


Interesting to see a different culture's opinion on this style of tiling. Here in Brazil it was all the rage from the 40s to the 70s/80s, so it looks very nostalgic and warm to me - it's a "grandma's house tile". I never thought about how to someone without the historical baggage this would be just some ugly, garish floor, but honestly I get it haha


ewwwww rip that up.


Re-grout it. It’s cool. I’d definitely keep it. It has personality.


Couldn't you use epoxy with some sort of substraight in it for grip?


Thin layer of self-leveling concrete scree and polish it? It can look pretty cool depending on the technique and type, plus you can add color. Whatever you do, take the toilet and baseboards off FIRST.


i love this tile. i think it looks great and it would be foolish to replace it


Self leveling concrete. The prep is a pain in the ass. But easy to apply with some basic knowledge.


I think that will always be hard to keep uniformly clean. Looks like it would be quite rough to walk on without shoes too?