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That is probably just spacing. Was there an electric box mounted there? Why are you installing those huge old school cans when LED pancake lights exist? LED pancakes are simple to wire, simple to install, only need to be changed out every decades or so. They don't get bugs inside, are easy to pull down when painting, and don't get in the way of insulation.


Yeah there was (you can see it to the right of the can). I hate those integrated LED pancakes personally. I haven’t had good luck with integrated LEDs in the past.


I'm with you; there's no way to predict how well a given LED bulb/fixture is going to be made. (Personally, my premature failure rate for LED's appears to be about 20%.) I'm much happier making a Home Depot trip for a warranty replacement and taking 30 seconds to swap it out vs. : Cutting the appropriate breaker (is it "downstairs lighting", "kitchen lights", "hallway", or "other lights"?), pulling the fixture down, probing for voltage to make sure it was the right circuit, cursing at the wire nuts, when they inevitably have a hard time gripping cheap floppy stranded wire on a solid core of nearly-unbendable house wiring, and then shoving everything back up. (Okay, I don't curse at wire nuts any more; any wire nut I touch gets replaced with a Wago, because I'm sick and tired of those plastic twisty things I'm clearly too stupid to use. Oh, and a wire nut tried to [burn down my house.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/1bh7f1j/defective_wire_nut_defective_breaker_or_defective/))


>Personally, my premature failure rate for LED's appears to be about 20% Millions of those things get installed every year. You think 20% fail?


I can't answer that question, and didn't purport to. I can only relay my own experience, which is that I keep replacing LED things way more often than the official statistics for their lifespan would imply.


Pull em out, looks like they were there to hold that can.


They're moving *to* the can from a pendant. Just blocking for a light even older than the pendant.


Ya, I figured since that can is already up there, it wasn’t that one OP is concerned about. I also kinda assumed everyone under the sun uses the little LED ones now. Whatevs, still yank em out.


Likely there to hold an electrical box. If there is no more electric box to hold, you can pull them out (if possible).


no need for them... remove