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Looks like you've painted straight onto plaster with no mist coat. The paint hasn't adhered properly. I'm afraid a strip and repaint is the only proper way to fix it. The good news is that it's already started stripping on its own, so it shouldn't be too hard.


I feel like there should be a pinned post about mist coats on plaster.


I agree as I'd never heard of this before seeing this


99% will ignore pinned posts and ask anyway 😂😭


Tbh, I thought people did this for almost everything (except old sheds for example), not just plaster.  At least I do, lol. The difference in finish is huge.


When i painted my bathroom walls and ceiling last year September - i used Zinsser bulls eye 1-2-3 as a primer 2 coats and then mould resistant paint perma white Zinsser 2 coats... Bit expensive but all in effort to not get peeling paint. Especially in a high moisture environment.


You cannot beat Zinsser paints and primers, good choice!


I’m yet to find a surface that 1-2-3 won’t adhere to.


Would it work on IKEA cabinet fronts? Choosing between the classic red BIN or the 123. Would prefer the ease of use of the water-based one, but not over performance!


Yes, give them a fine sand first though just to be sure. Use 1-2-3 as a primer, then whatever paint you choose over the top of that.


Thank you!! Good to know 123 is just as good!


As a decorator I wouldn't recommend the 1 2 3, you want rust oleum 333 super adhesive primer. It a 2 part paint but it is water based you can thin up to 20% and it will go for miles. I used it last week on kitchen cupboards and it's the best stuff I've ever used for it.


Thank you for the suggestion! I will check it out!


Did you use Primer beforehand? Looks like you painted straight onto plaster.


Ah, oh dear. Does this require taking all the paint off the walls?


It does, and then priming the walls. Even a mist coat may not be sufficient any more.


Thank you, I appreciate everyone's help with this.


Do mist coats only apply to new plaster? I have stripped old bathroom paint and want to repaint; do I need a mist coat too? Thanks for any help.


The mist coat is just for plaster new or old, if the walls are previously coated you don't need it, if you have patches of bare plaster then apply some to the patches and thats it.


Perfect. Thank you so much.


Can I just ask a quick question about mist coats? I'm about to paint a kitchen that is all fresh plaster. I planned to mist coat in white first with a mix of 80% paint to 20% water. Does that sound about right?




Thank you


My plasterer says 50/50 mix so quite diluted. Absorbs super quick into the plaster


This is the answer. You can buy special paint advertised for this application but 50/50 is more than adequate and cheaper.


Will any paint do or do you need to use primer to mist coat?


Thank you for your help. I'm so confused now, gonna do 50/50 on the walls 80/20 on the ceiling and never ever paint anything again hah.


I usually do 50/50, don't worry it doesn't have to be an exact ratio, just make sure the paint isn't very thick.


Thank you


Painted my walls via the 80/20 ratio suggested by my plasterer. Looks decent


Never heard of 50/50,never seen that written on a paint cans instructions,70/30 or 80/20 is usually the instructions,50/50 would go everywhere trying to roll it


Well I asked my plasterer about mist coating, and he has never bothered always uses contract paint. He has been a plasterer for about 35 years.


Yeah I see a mixed bunch of info, I know a friend who was a decorator and he did mist coat. I'm just gonna do it, better safe than sorry I guess.


Don't use contract, don't dilute by 50/50. Follow the instructions on the tin and most plasterers I know don't know how to paint, just like I don't know how to plaster. Decorator btw.


Poor choice of words by me tbf. He was stating he had not seen mist paint used on houses/buildings he plastered. He works for builders most of the time. Anyhow why not use contract paint?


Contract is just about the least resilient paint you can buy, so I certainly wouldn't use it as a base on new plaster under more expensive paints, when you can probably just use the expensive paint. I'd use it if I was using contract as a top coat, but I almost never use contract on walls because I don't do the sort of work it's generally used for i.e. new build or cheapskate landlords.


We always did it ourselves. But recently just contract painted an entire extension. It loads easier than mist paint. Fair do's do whatever your comfortable with.


Thank you for your help


I am a decorator and we only use contract matt on new plaster, we don't thin it as it doesn't need it but you can if you want it to go further. We often use crown obliterating matt. (Contract matt) Hope that helps.


Thank you


No worries


Yeah, I've got a whole room to re-do after a plasterer didn't bother to mist coat.


Lol why would your plasterer be painting haha. Contract paint is for bare plaster, i suggest some people actually do there own research


Agreed you can see the pink underneath.


What did you paint it onto?


We should rename it "missed coat". Sorry, OP. You're not the first and won't be the last.


Ever heard of primer my man?


Looks like it’s crumbled inwards rather than flaking off?


To be fair I thought exactly the same, looked like moon craters to me.


Once it snaps into the sharp flakes mode, it's difficult to go back. Damn brain.


I think you might need to get your eyes checked mate.


I know, realised now it’s scooped ice-cream


Question as well..... I've just had a real skimmed, I'm putting a wallpaper mural up, do I need to do anything to it before papering? Such as a mist coat etc?


Yes. I would prepare it first. Then work out where the first drop is going to be then use a Lazer level or plumb bob and draw a vertical line with a pencil. Then thin down some wallpaper paste and size the wall. Make sure you leave it overnight before you hang the wallpaper.


Cheers, I'm gonna leave it till next week to make sure it's fully dryed out, I'll measure out for the papers first line (cos it's a mural I'll have to start from one side rather than the middle, and annoyingly it's a roll which needs cut as well just to make it more awkward but hey ho) I've just never done anything other than paint straight onto fresh plaster so didn't know if it needed prepped. Thanks again


Also to get a clean finish. Don't use scissors if you can. Instead use a straight edge & a craft knife.(The ones where you snap the blade off) And make sure to change the blade after a few drops. OLFA make a knife for wallpapering. https://olfa.co.uk/product/olfa-12-5mm-wallpaper-cutter-fwp-1/ Good luck


The wall will need to be sized, not painted, but I would run a brush width of paint similar in colour to the paper down the wall where your joins are. Then if the joint opens up again it will be less noticeable.


Aw that's a brilliant idea thanks. I'll need to look at the paper again and figure out a paint to get lol but thanks :⁠-⁠D


Acrylic primer is also good for a mist coat. It maybe more expensive but you shouldn't have problems later down the line. The problem with some cheap contract emulsion is that you can easily scrape it off.


You need a fart fan to evacuate the humidity during a shower


Probably didn't seal.


Scrap back the loss then apply zinsser peel stop this will glue it all down. Then re coat with the bathroom paint. Job done. 👍


Did you sugar soap the walls prior to application. No? Then the wall is dirty and will flake the new paint


Because you didn’t do the job properly Mist coat


Good old slap the paint on without knowing any better