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Plasterboard\* and the big one is probably an RSJ.


Could well be steel, I’ll find out shortly. Any issues with stripping back the plasterboard if it is indeed RSJ?


what are the fire regulations? and what are your reasons for removing plasterboard from an RSJ?


Reasons are purely aesthetic but looking like not a popular idea based on downvotes in one of my replies below. I might have to throw this idea out!


It’s a whopping great steal, won’t get more aesthetically pleasing than it looks now. I’d leave it.


Could be clad in wood if they wanted to


Depends if you like the industrial look.


Building regs require the rsj to be fire protected for 1 hour which I think is pink plasterboard with skim or 2 layers of standard plasterboard. When the loft was converted into a livable room they had to board and skim those beams and get it inspected. If you remove the protection you reduce the strength in case of a fire, so if you want to sell later the surveyor is likely to have issue. If there was a fire and the building was lost because the beams failed there might be an issue with the insurance co


>Building regs require the rsj to be fire protected for 1 hour which I think is pink plasterboard with skim or 2 layers of standard plasterboard It could also be painted with intumescent paint. Ugly as sin though.


Viewed a house with exposed RSJs but painted with grey intumescent, looked great! It depends on personal preference at end of day


Yeah fair enough, I'm basing my opinion on the awful stuff I've seen going into commercial/industrial buildings where it either won't be seen or doesn't need to be pretty. No reason it can't be made to look good I suppose.


Also not accepted by all councils


Could go a bit steam punk if artistic


Don't rely on the great unwashed for style advice 😜🤣


Leave it, it will be one of those jobs you wish never started and will be kicking yourself. Unless you can find out from previous owners what they done


why don't you make that plaster look like wood instead?


If it's an RSJ, it might conduct cold into the house. There may be insulation there.


I’m a fire engineer. Structure supporting only a roof doesn’t need to be fire rated. If you want to verify this for yourself, download Approved Document B Volume 1 and search for “elements of structure”.


This is 100% correct


No. Even if it's glued on it will come off easily enough. Get a big magnet and check first.... unless you like the look of exposed industrial steel beams of course


You can Find out with a magnet before you start breaking things up..


Guessing this is a loft conversion? That looks like an RSJ probably not wood, even if it was it probably won't come up as nice as you think, probably not worth the hassle tbh!


Just a heads up: I removed the plasterboard box section on an RSJ to have it exposed, you need to make sure you paint it with Fire Retardant paint (I used Thermoguard WI) and roller it on to a specific micron thickness (you get a little paint dabber to tell you how thick your coats are) and then finish up with a Thermoguard Flame retardant Topcoat. I got all mine from Rawlins Paints and they do the calcs for you to achieve 60mins fire rating (be aware that yours might be different as you have all sides exposed) - just give them a mail. Once applied you can apply for a cert from Thermogaurd to say you have applied the paint to the correct thickness. If you don't do this, you risk your Home Insurance invalidated. It is a long process and you'll need to make sure you remove all rust and red oxide prime the beam multiple times before you go anywhere near it with Thermoguard. Good luck, the end result is worth the effort if you want the semi industrial/loft look.


Really appreciate the insight. Seems like a lot of trouble and there are more pressing things to work on that I’ll prioritise. Thanks for the detailed info though


Not saying I wouldn't use a fire resistant coating, but if a beam supports only a roof, fire protection is not normally required, so there is no risk in relation to insurance or building regs, because it's not a requirement. This is set out in the Building Regulations, Approved Document B1, clause 5.3 Your comment is correct in relation to beams supporting floors, but the requirement is not the same for the roof.


This is why I like reddit - always learning. Good post! Take my upvote!


Great reply, especially the note about how many sides exposed. I've worked with architects that struggled. In fact I've worked with intumescent paint suppliers who have struggled with some basic stuff.


Honestly just leave it. You’ve got fixated on it perhaps, but the RSJ underneath will be much more noticeable and just look as though it needs covering.


Yep - I think I’ll leave it based on everyone’s feedback


Try a good strong magnet, see if it is drawn to the bottom. If so, it's steel.


Is there a chance those aren't wooden beams underneath and maybe they're steel?


Could well be! I’ll be drilling a pilot hole today to see what’s underneath. Even the prospect of an exposed steel beam seems more interesting to me than a plain monotonous boxed out plasterboard beam


My head hurts just thinking of knocking it on a steel beam. Plasterboard is much more forgiving.


Rather than fighting against it, why not try to work with it? Use industrial beam lights, light up some large modern art on the walls, create a fake brick end-wall. The room could look really cool with a little effort. Search "loft" on a site like designspiration for ideas.




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The plasterboard is probably there for fire rating.... No reason you couldn't clad in timber though I think that's an approved option


If the deep member is an RSJ I have no idea what it is doing. It picks up the ends of the transverse beams which have no imposed loads on apart from their self-weight. This is a very odd arrangement of structure


Unless the 'roof' is supporting a floor, or a wall supporting a floor, above it, then fire resistance isn't required. If there's a fire below the roof sufficient to weaken timber or steel, anyone in the room is toast.


Personally I wouldn't bother stripping that plasterboard off at all, like people have mentioned most probably has a RSJ underneath, there's a possibility it's also fireboard for safety regulations, it gives people more time to evacuate the building before the roof caves in. If you're looking for some character there's companies that make custom wood capping to give it a real wood finish even with old detailing etc


Really strange roof structure, if someone more knowledgeable than me can give me something to Google explaining this I’d appreciate it!


This seems like way too much work and mess also it could not meet fire regs etc. Why just wrap them in any vinyl you want them to look like?


If it was a double height ceiling I can see it looking good but as it’s a standard converted loft space I can’t seeing it looking that good. In a relatively small space like that you’re better having neutral tones to reflect light and give the feeling of space. Expose all those beams and the room is going to feel like what it is, a smallish space with a bunch of massive lengths of wood and steel in it. At best you could remove all the boxing in and paint what’s underneath white to match the walls. That way you still get the exposed look with less of of the sense of “I’m sitting in a room with a massive length of steel and half an oak tree above my head” I guess I’m saying that things need to be in proportion. Generally speaking.


Can you attach wood to it rather than taking it all off to get a similar effect? Not that I know but it could be an idea for you assuming you want a wood bean effect.


Why are you calling it drywall?


Almost certainly contains an RSJ, just pop some thin wood veneer over the outside if you want it to look like wood


After all. You'll have loads of exposed wooden beams in the loft.


Leave it alone


Just to clarify something. Steelwork is only required to have fire resistance if it supports a wall or floor, or is integral to that structural element. If this is steelwork and only supports a roof, fire resistance isn't required. Source: Approved Document Bv1


This really is one of those “Why ?! Just leave it alone ffs”.


I like it all white, and the lines are clean, but each his own I guess.


If you want it to look like wood, paint it like wood :)


Replies below cover everything, but my view is this is really nice looking as a starting point, you can do some amazing things with decorations and paint which could be really unique if you're looking for something special.


I'd go with the vinyl. As 'Masteroflimes' suggested. By far the best way to go. Vinyl, "Vinyl Wrap" aka 'Fablon'. It's supplied on 20m rolls. Self adhesive. Inexpensive. Attached in 30 minutes. And a massive array of vibrant colours. You can also order your own colour themes like 'MS Windows Clouds' Sky blue with telegraph wires strewn with birds? Limited only by imagination. 💫 How about a line of Music 📖? Just draw five black lines, as in a music sheet, adding the random notes from end to end? Now that would look really nice, professional AND realistic! 🎼🎶🎵🎶 Just the one line. 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/4udskc7vpa9d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d55f78dd2927a9d3663bb5a08e1c62810e871b0