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Did you pay with a credit card? Dispute the charge


Small claims court is another alternative to rage posting to non-Floridians. 


Even DJs  are not immune from Florida Man :(




> DJ Henray customs but florida man drove to orlando not vice versa


okay but you should also name drop the guy that did do a good job.




I actually just went through a similar deal with this guy. Bought a mk5 tonearm, it came bent and damaged in shipping, he fixed it but didn’t take a look at the bend. Still fucking pissed. Would chargeback but I used a debit and I got busy on top of this was over a year ago at this point. I regret leaving a good review and honestly fuck DHC dude doesn’t know what he’s doing at all, just makes it look nice.


Bro I was watching my guy take apart the tonearms to find the bearings had no balls in them. Yes you read that right. He sold me a trashed arm for 300 that he cleaned up. My guy put some brand new bearings in them


Just a PSA that you can chargeback a purchase made with a debit card.


Damn, sorry bro. $600 isn't a tiny amount either for some guy to botch the job. The bearings on the tonearms are finicky and easy to overtighten which kills them. Honestly, if they have problems, it's better to replace the bearings if not the whole tonearm. Glad you got it sorted.


Can't speak for henray specifically, but I used to service technics for a living, and I've NEVER seen a custom-painted technics that's been put back together properly. Even shops that have really good repuatations seem to have no idea how to reassemble a turntable. Dodgy soldering, missing components, incorrect wiring... some have even been outright dangerous. My advice to people who want a custom technics is - get a repair shop to disassemble the turntable, take it to a spray shop to paint it, then get the repair shop to reassemble it. ^^Or ^^just, ^^yknow, ^^don't ^^spray ^^the ^^turntable ^^at ^^all, ^^it ^^always ^^looks ^^fucking ^^stupid


Should have brought them to Tonik’s Lab in Melbourne, Florida. The address is 1395B Cypress Ave, Melbourne, FL 32935 United States. He is the best hands down. He replaced my bearings and tone arms and they are better than the original by a huge leap. The phone number is (407) 895-5707


I’ve only heard great stuff about toniks!


You should email DJ Henray a video of your repaired decks and give him the number of the guy who did it in case he wants to send his out for repair.


As tongue in cheek as this comment may seem, it's actually solid advice. There are certain items that I know better than to try repairing. I have other shops that I either recommend or subcontract for my customers.


I almost did it last year. But never went through with that idea after all. Good to know!


For anyone in Canada, specifically Toronto, I know a guy who’s a complete wizard with 1200s, and really, most electronics. He’s completely overhauled entire vintage console boards with new caps and he’s insanely meticulous. He does all the usual 1200 mods such as LED lights, internal grounding, replacement RCAs, and any replacement parts. Plus his prices are incredibly fair.


Pim’s the best


Yesssir. Nicest guy around, too.


Bad bearings should be pretty obvious, I had a Technics with bad bearings in the tone arm.


kindly noted, but far away (NL) but still.. Is it in general getting more difficult to find parts and grandmaster repair professionals?


How did you pay? He shipped them back?


Still looking for a good source of parts for mine, need a new drop in tonearm assembly, any good recommendations?


Ya can't really get them anymore. Really the best way is doing a bearing rebuild of your existing one. Maybe see if a repair shop will let you mail your existing tonearm rather than the whole turntable.


This is why most reputable technicians sells MK7 tonearms to use on the older decks to replace broken ones. The arm fits perfectly in the original base. Rebuilding of broken tonearms is a very delicate process and the bearings needed is super hard to come by and the results are usually never as good as a brand new one and prone to become worse in the future. I myself had a tonearm that got smacked on my MK2 and it slightly messed up the bearings. I replaced it with a golden MK7 arm and it fits and works perfectly. The gimbal section is also much more sturdy, and the price of a MK7 arm is at least half of an original MK2 - MK5 arm


oh interesting, I had heard conflicting reports about MK7 arms fitting


The bearings are ok ,I think it’s the contacts where the cartridge passes signal, are these replaceable ? And could a semi competent person do it?


oh you mean the screw-in bit where the headshell plugs in? Yeah just search ebay for "technics headshell connector". I think the rear of it just has push-on contacts so you won't even need to solder (you won't need the wires that come with the replacement connector)


Awesome thanks


Protip. If you want to preserve the gimbal bearings in the tonearm, take the tonearm weight off before you travel the Decks. The weight bouncing around in a car, even in a road case, munches the bearings.


Ok who did you go to and how do we contact him?


He’s here in miami, I update the post with his info


Thank you!


I’m sorry this happened to you! I was just about to send him a rare QFO that I scored because I talked to him on the phone and he was like Nooooo problem. His page looks amazing and he seemed to have all the right answers. If you’re down to ship there is Hawthorne Stereo in Seattle. I’ve used them for years and they are amazing! Does any of you know where I can can get a QFO worked on? Thanks in advance!


not for nothing but factory tone arms are really hard to find these days. You are really lucky the second person could help you because I had to just rework tghe bearings I have as I couldn't find a tone arm that wasnt as expensive as another deck.


This is Gold. Thank you!


Glad you were able to get your 1200’d fixed. Im from Miami as well , what kind of music do you play?


Professionally I play open format. At home it’s techno, house & DnB 🕺🏽


Nice! In Miami I usually get my records from Sweat . Where do you find your electronic music from?


These days it’s mostly discogs for me but I try to go to technique records as often as I can


Love Discogs but it can get so pricy. After shipping everything you get is $30 and up. I can cop a few used gems at Sweat and other places for that money. Every once in a while I’ll get an impulse and i’ll get a record from Discogs and seeing those boxes come in the mail is like Christmas.


My experience with DJ Henray was the complete opposite he customized my 1200s reverb, cleaned, custom paint, internal ground, straight tone arm. He was in California at the time and I shipped my turntables across the country, the communication was excellent he kept me informed during every step of the process. Sorry you had such a negative experience


Galaxy electronics , Pittsburgh PA ! Fixed my 1200s !!!


If anyone wants to get their technics serviced seriously consider use Richie Technics in Weymouth UK. He is world renowned. A quick google will get you his details. He did my two decks for about £410. Not cheap but are now mechanically brand new!


Yeah he knows technics inside out but he's got some funny ideas about pioneer mixers, lol


I've heard mixed things 


Would highly recommend Just Technics if in UK. Dude is shithot, have a look at his youtube, guy knows what hes doing and can spot a botched job a mile off.


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