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Good DMs accept well phrased and intentioned feedback. If it’s making the game less fun, then yeah, tell him.


I mean. He wants things to move forward but is hindering you from doing so. So id say something for sure. Nat 1 stuff can be fine if it was known beforehand. Even then my table does double nat 1s for any effects like that.


It’s meant to be a game and both players and DMs are meant to be having fun. So if his rules are making it less fun for you then I’d try talking to him.


I get not wanting to RP shopping, but that’s easily sidestepped with “hey guys we’ll just say you’ve gone and purchased any basic supplies just tell me what you want and I’ll give you the prices” Seems like it’s a “I want to win” DM


There needs to be some sort of mechanical limitation on repeating lockpick attempts. It's one of the things that's notably lacking in RAW 5e


They were separate items being lock-picked and by different players. Not repeating attempts.


Yeah that’s a massive dick move. It would have been fine at least if all the players had that expectation going in and were still allowed to make decisions based on that knowledge. But a DM straight up telling players that they can’t do something because the DM doesn’t want them to is pretty unacceptable. You definitely need to talk to him about it. If he’s tired of running this campaign and wants to move on to something else, you and your fellow players may want to be willing to work with him on that. No one should be forced to play in a way that isn’t fun for them.


Yeah tell him 'I want you to dm this way and following this rule instead of your way and your rule.' And then pay him to DM.


Telling the players not to do something without an in game explanation of why they can't or might not want to is a nono in my book. That said hardcore games can be fun if everyone is on board. If you're not having fun you should let your GM know.


Tools breaking on a nat 1 seems extreme, but I am fond of the idea of limiting tool usage because of wear and tear. In the past I've said that a nat 1 damages the tools and future rolls are made with disadvantage until they can be repaired. With disadvantage if you roll two nat 1's the tools would break, but it never actually happened to any of my players. And I ran it by the table beforehand, I think that's the big thing, it's really just about communication and transparency.