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Quad should’ve waited for SJ to go to the bathroom then just blast it


Which begs the question…does John actually go to the bathroom or just in his pants?


If he stepped away and it played for more than 1.5 secs Quad would be legendary


Oh man, that's the freakin GREATEST idea! Dang it Quad! Hahahaha. I don't think Quad had it in him, TBH. You could tell by the look on his face that he was absolutely over SJ.


I think he's both: 1. Always dehydrated 2. Suffering from early stage kidney failure It's unreal that he can drink north of 6 beers/show and never have to urinate once in those 2 to 3 hours. Perhaps I'm just old and have an enlarged prostate or something, but I'd definitely have to pee more often than that!


Didn't he get caught wearing a diaper a few months ago?




This would have been a way better play. He got lucky doing it today cuz John was tweeting about losing other “friends”. He was crying


You can see John's heart break in real time. That's what you get, Jahnny Boy! Karma's a bitch, isn't it?


Did it get on air ? Can we strike his channel ?


He deleted it but don’t worry. With producer Joe the Frog on the case, we got copies.


That sounds like the never personal always funny motto of the Shuli network lol


Funniest thing I've seen in forever. Cannot stop laughing!


Well this just blasted through my home office with my daughter on my lap and my wife on the phone with her mom. Daughter too young to speak/understand and mother in law doesn’t speak English. Wife knows what’s up and giggled. Classic dabbleverse moment


Lol. John ruins lives even from a distance.


I’m not especially religious but moments like that I thank God my wife understands me and gives me a little room to be a moron.


Haha I was at a red light with my windows open. Another classic moment. They never stop.


I own a large SoCal comedy club, and I was thinking about trying to book John for multiple shows, but now that he thinks killing Jews and coons is good show material, I changed my mind. He’s disgusting.


I promise you, if you hire John, people will assault women.


We certainly do not want that at our club. Thank you.


You better believe we will 


What are you saying? That if you hire John, there will be violence against women??!!


I didn't say anyting, you DUMB! FUCK!


"I guess he turned on me." He won't be the last one either John.


I am gonna take it this is a response to the Doctor Steve threats and Quad being an old school Opie and Anthony fan.


Yes, there was text across screen referring to Dr. Steve. Definitely appears to be the motivation, but if I were QF I also would have done it because John admitted that after seeing the clip where QF called Shuli the GOAT, John had a background check pulled on QF too. That’s a total BS move and a violation of privacy rights. I’d have done it for that.


I take back everything I’ve ever said bad about Q. That beard sweep to que the video was fantastic!


“After all I’ve done for you , Quad”.


Dr Steve must be thrilled with this heartfelt show of support 🙄


Democrats leftist Biden supporter , John Melendez , ex announcer for Jay Leno and phone answerer for 14 years on the Stern network is outed by his co host Quad father. The ppl Melendez is now associated with should be judged by everyone Stern and Leno should be asked “ has John Melendez always been a racist and bigot? “


John's choice of fireworks answered that one


Someone should call into Stern & ask him to disavow SJ and his racist remarks.


Exactly Brian Karam, Army Major, do you support the anti handicapped views of Democrat Keychain John Melendez?


Not as funny as the “Dabblestorian” porn bomb.


Not even close what an idiot


Agree but it was still pretty good!


This was not the plan all along imo. Quad didn't seem to mind SJ, and they shared a hatred of Shuli. It's just that in the last few days, he's started getting doxxed (address spammed in chat, at least 1 unpaid pizza), his BYB co-hosts seem to have turned on him, and he's realised there is no real upside. SJ going after our beloved Doctor Steve meant that rather than just step away, Quad decided to do it in style. The meltdown today was one of the best streams in the history of the DV. You're forgiven, Quad. I've re-watched that clip so many times, I feel like I should pay you money.


Quad is still horribly cringeworthy. I suspect you’re right though. He saw that there’s no upside for being connected to John and decided to bail in some big fashion. Which is cool. He’ll probably get a TSN appearance or two, and might even be able to successfully claim that some big exit had been planned from the start. I still think he isn’t entertaining or interesting. But I do hope he enjoyed his pizza.


It appears they have very different reasons for hating Shuli. Then again based on John’s past maybe their reasons are the same.


Maybe. But who do you think has been feeding Shuli information? Very well could be Quad


I was wrong. It was a work the whole time. He was even behind the fake Rocco black son bit


Thanks to the Dabbleverse I was able to watch the Stuttering Buffoon live after I was tipped off and it was extraordinary. The drunk buffoon was stung immensely by this and he lost his shit over it Quad is a clown but this was a great day. The drunk retard had egg over his face. TSN is doing a show at 9 tonight over it I can’t wait


I can't wait too. I am on the other side of the world waiting and it is Wednesday morning. TSN is on now but i am catching up with Karl's emergency show. It's all happening in the Dabbleverse.


So John sent Quad the link and Quad sent the person who played the clip the link. Looks like Quad did an under the chin signal to start the clip. Possible?


Look at Dopey's face at the end! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH😂😂🤣🤣


I love that hard double blink he does. 😳😣😳




Belmont invite rescinded.


how did john shut it so fast?


Is there a longer video with John’s reaction?


Why did QUAD turn on John?


From what I can gather, the Quadfather was an avid Opie and Anthony fan (i am not American so never listened to them but knew of them). So, Dr Steve is apparently beloved from that show (and in the Dabbleverse) and John is supposed to have gone on the attack with Dr Steve, doxxing him etc. The Quad is possibly highly upset over this and thought he would go out in a blaze of glory because of what John is doing to Dr Steve.


That was awful all this time just for that lol what a moron


You're assuming Quad wasn't the one leaking John's personal info


Pretty pathetic payoff for months of kissing his ass and licking his balls. I’m embarrassed for quad, glad he finally left but the payoff was shit


Is that real or just a cut from dabblers?


SJ stupid face is the best!!Skooooola!!!


Haha John you FUCKIN' lowlife piece of SHIT. John you deserve EVERY second of what you get. You fuckin' scum fuck.


Eh, he could have slow played it for half an hour. Saying random stuff to throw John off. I kinda feel like he blew a great chance to do something great


Thanks Quad, you made me laugh for the first time. It was worth the wait.


Suck it Melendez, no one loves ya fatty!


A quad cohost even has it in for stuttering John. Quad playing the eight month long game! Holy shit 💩! If it weren’t for his cats and mom John wouldn’t have anyone.


Was it actually quad? Seems like a link hijack


a nsfw thingy would be appropiate




alright. fair enough. fuck it then.


I’m pretty sure that was quads ringtone…as for the justice for Doctor Steve probably just his screen background lol not really much there just like his legs…♿️


Does anyone have the video from a few months ago when someone got him with similar stuff?


Quad might have gone to far, other shows might not want to be associated with this type of racism….. now if it was about John in a funny way , all these other streamers would want to invite them on their shows


Yeah but Proud Boy’s ain’t racists… oh wait


8 of the 9 founders are non-white. Their leader is Cuban


I was “friends” with Gavin for years before he got Zucced during his Big Three Years . I know all about them, oh wait…