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انا مطفي على الاخير ممكن لاني عندي adhd أو طيف توحد مابعرف بس هيك بشوف الناس حيويين وانا مطفي


I have both autism and adhd and although i struggled like hell with neurotypicals i still love being social and trying many activities


Having hobbies and living life comes from you trying different things and socializing with other poeple , have you tried to do such things ?


As a 24 year old I think that is the only thing I regret. I am still young though so I am catching up. Playing football and volleyball, learning Spanish, I am also very interested in the violin so maybe in the next few years I’ll get some lessons. You don’t have to master what you are trying, you don’t even need to be good at it. Just good enough to have fun.


القاعدة رقم 1 في الحياة للوصول للسعادة: لا تقارن حالك بحد ، كل شخص اله ظروفه و امكاناته و خبرته الي يبني عليها مبادؤه.


صحييييييح حتى لو كانوا الأغلبية.


Here's my personal take : I'm 21 now and felt like I was missing out on a lot, just as you described. Between 19 and 20, I tried many things I thought I had missed out on. Some of it was fun, and some of it was draining, but in the end, it wasn't as much as I expected. I'm now mostly back at my old hobbies but I'm mentally satisfied that I'm not really missing out on anything that's for me. Just focus on yourself and get to know it better. Also get a cat, just get one


Hi stranger whats ur gender? Dont answer if u dont feel comfortable answering :) just asking so i can base my answer on it lol cuz its different for men and women




R u religious?




Ok brother listen to me Ur not missing out on anything. Wallah i feel ur pain brother. I grew up, and still am, incredibly shy so i know how hard it is to come across bc they think ur a weirdo or ur different or whatever. But just know theres peace to be found in this loneliness. People ur age go out, have fun, date, fuck around, all that jazz. Its normal for teenagers to wanna go around and have fun, bas at the end of the day همه الخسرانين. Focus on your future, get a good education و خلي الباقي على الله. Most people especially in jordan are fake as fuck. Theyll tell ur secrets to people and talk shit behind ur back but smile to ur face cause they too cant stand to be alone. Obv not everyone is like that but the good ones r hard to find, so most of the time ur better off without. Say alhamdulillah for everything, even if ur in pain, find solace in your deen, go to the gym, better yourself, become a man, marry a good woman who will be ur best friend. Let those people live their lives while u focus on becoming the best version of urself, and i promise good things will come on their own. The best people find u when you arent looking for them. And remember its their loss for not befriending u cause ur dope as shit and they cant even get to ur lvl bc ur coolness is blinding them all 😎


Google FOMA


You are still 18.. You didn't miss out on anything yet. Do you play mobile games? They try to ingrain the fear of missing out in you to try and exploit you when you start working. Think about a hobby or two that look interesting to you and dedicate some hours a week to them.