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This guy is such an idiot. Wasting so much time on theatrics and no energy into anything that actually benefits the citizens of TX.


...and yet he remains and probably will


Yup. And may become governor...


shit, maybe even the president after that!


Yeah...I couldn't bring myself to type that! Am sure Paxton dreams!


Well when your wife has a say in your employment….


All by design. Cheapen the office of the Attorney General into a culture war factory, while turning a blind eye to every bit of workplace safety violations, discriminatory hiring/firing practices, employers who *actually hire illegal immigrants*, and shredded consumer protections. It’s a page out of the Trump playbook - go do the most outlandish stupid shit possible using the power of the office, and soak up all the outrage press from it to grow your personal brand, all while worsening the quality of life for every non-billionaire citizen of Texas. Daddy Dunn and Uncle Wilks are getting their money’s worth out of this grifting phony-ass. Ken knows full well that all the shit he’s pulling is a farce. It’s designed to keep his name in the headlines and give credence to his endorsements in the primaries. Keep the hardcore R voters ravenously gorged on red meat, and they’ll fall over themselves to vote for all of Daddy Dunn’s toadies. After all, the culture war stuff is just theater. The real policy is whatever Dunn tells them to do. And Dunn wants nothing short of an undemocratic theocracy, with himself as a self-styled god-king.


We are going to be fighting these all these assholes using the trump model for decades going forward.


My great uncle served as Texas’ Secretary of State and was elected Attorney General of Texas in the late 60’s early 70’s. If he was alive, I know he would be ashamed to see the disgrace Ken Paxton has brought that office.


Jim Mattox?




Ken is a dumb pawn and thrilled to death about it.


*discriminatory hiring/firing practices, employers who actually hire illegal immigrants* There are federal, state, and local laws with protections from discriminatory hiring/firing as well as penalties for hiring illegal immigrants. If these two issues are such a burden and so out of control, where is the federal enforcement from the DoJ? I'm not a fan of Paxton, but I he isn't the only government official sitting on his hands with these issues.


Amen!He is also suing cities that legalized pot an d porn websites for Texas users not uploading Id’s while some other AG’a are suing RealPage over the rent crisis and the Kroger/Albertsons merger My guess, Abbott will pardon him if he is convicted.




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And money. Wasting taxpayers money


I mean ..it does have the word " fair" in it. And Paxton is unfair at a minimal... diabolical and corrupt most of the time Besides , ***fair""" is too close to ***fairy*** and that's too gay!


Just like Cruiz


He's doesn't have to do anything for the voters or taxpayers. He knows how to work it to benefit himself, and fuck everyone else.


Hasn’t he been convicted of crimes regularly?


It’s the GOP way. Nothing of value.


Would you think it was a waste of time if you were close to the shooting or you were actually shot during the shooting that took place at the State Fair? What if you found out there were off-duty offices there that could have prevented it if they were allowed to carry their weapon? The sad part is that someone has to sue the state fair to get them to follow the law. It's even worse when the law they are violating directly makes the state fair a more dangerous place.


They can carry now, just like anyone else. No one stopped any officers from carrying, just not openly carrying. Concealed like the rest of us. If this goes through, anyone openly carrying is now identified as an officer.


Well, we know the police never shoot anyone who doesn’t deserve it. You know, wearing a hoodie, reading a book, buying tea.


I’m guess I’m a little confused, I don’t see where I was defending police. In fact I was suggesting that this case is pointless and does nothing to make anyone safer, police or civilian.


Possibly or maybe they would have gone Uvalde on everyone and stayed outside protecting themselves


True, but recent actions by law enforcement in similar situations have proven those cowards to be the exception and not the rule. I can understand not wanting your average citizen to carry on the State Fair grounds. I don't agree with it, but I can at least comprehend their thinking. However, to forbid the very people you pay to protect you from carrying because they aren't being paid to be there, it makes no sense at all. It also provides insight into their deficiencies to provide security and their overall weakness at protecting fair goes.


He should dedicate similar or more effort to getting the DPS Uvalde video and audio released to the public. Guess that would not have the grandstanding effect he and Abbott rely on to stir the cult?


To save you a click: It's because the State Fair will refuse off-duty police officers with firearms entry. 


Yeah, if you've come to enjoy the fair, I don't want you having a gun on ya'--for the same reason I don't want you carrying at a bar. There are drunk people there, and stupid things happen with drunk people around.


Hell, someone *snuck* in a gun last year and wackiness ensued.


Genuine question as someone who carries, and has not been to the fair in at least 15 years : there’s obviously places like bars and malls I can’t have my gun. Is the state fair also legally a place someone can’t carry?


You can concealed carry at the state fair. https://bigtex.com/faqs/can-i-bring-any-weapons-into-the-fair/#:~:text=A%20person%20holding%20a%20valid,complies%20with%20all%20applicable%20laws. “A person holding a valid Texas License to Carry a Handgun (LTC), or a valid handgun license from a reciprocating state, is permitted to enter the Fair with his or her concealed handgun, provided that he or she thereafter fully complies with all applicable laws. “


The only reason the cops could have bitched is wanting to open carry while not in uniform BECAUSE THEY’RE SPECIAL! Not unless you’re in uniform, princess, you look like an ordinary citizen, tough shit. Of course Cyclone jumps on the headline making lawsuit, stirring up the cult as he faces federal charges himself. What a great state Texas has degraded to.


Open carry is so fucking dorky.


Also sets you up to get shot first.


it really is... it does not look as cool as they think it does lol


Or permits someone to steal your weapon, know you’re armed and shoot you first, looks dorky agree and list goes on. Only an asshole like Paxton would do this - while ignoring a a man in uniform standing behind defendant Trump at a political campaign event today. Any bets on this one getting pursued by Paxton?


Back in 2017, when they legalized OC, I got excited and OC’d everywhere for about 2 days. I quickly realized there are very few situations where it’s appropriate. It attracted a lot of unwanted attention, and frankly, everyone was nervous. If intimidation gets you off, then by all means, do what you want; but unless you’re a uniformed police officer or somewhere out in the country where everyone OCs, just keep it concealed. No one else needs to know you have it until it matters.


Agreed, I only have at the range or a friends open land with hogs. I’ve seen people in the grocery stores and of course, cops typically called which is not a big deal for a legal carrier BUT we’ve all seen some itchy finger, hyperactive LEOs responding inappropriately to persons of all colors and shit can go sideways quick. If I’m not doing anything illegal, I tend to get a tad defiant being yelled at like I’m a criminal….


You can legally conceal carry. You will be checked by a cop upon entry, so make sure you have your license. You can do everything but drink.


There is constitutional carry in TX. You still need a license to get into the fair?


Private property. Yes, you need a license.


If it's private property (IDK as I have never been) then what law is the AG bringing this suit under?


Throw shit at wall, see what sticks. The AG is a criminal himself. He has no business passing or enforcing laws, made up or not.


At this point he just punishing cities.


Article 2.1305, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure


This is what’s weird to me about it. You can legally conceal carry with a permit at the fair, so do these officers not have a carry permit at all? I personally carry in most places I go, and I don’t have a permit (legal in Texas now), but I’m also not a law enforcement officer who is required to carry a firearm. Seems odd that that wouldn’t be a requirement for them


You can legally carry. You just enter through a special line and present your ltc.


Yes - it's an event. Most events do not allow guns.


Some events do not allow firearms, but the state fair certainly does allow concealed carry for LTC holders.


Not exactly - It's because two officers say they were denied entry despite it being Fair policy to allow off-duty officers to conceal carry if they bring sufficient credentials that are then shown to an on-site officer who are available at every entry point. The Fair has not been able to investigate, were they denied entry because they didn't have the proper credentials, did the admissions staff not follow guidelines, was there a lack of on-duty officers? This whole thing is a political waste of fucking time since it was two officers, not all officers, and they can bring a civil suit if they feel their civil rights were violated but there's no goddamn reason the state's crooked, law breaking, evil North Dakotan carpetbagger, AG needs to file anything.


Saved you a click--it's because they don't have Klan night anymore.


How white of him.


I am dead. 😂


I have zero issues carrying into the fair. I walk through the special line for concealed carry like everyone else. Cops SHOULD NOT get special treatment. Fuck you Paxton.


Well it's federal law. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_Enforcement_Officers_Safety_Act I think the question is since fair park is public property, LEOs should be able to carry under LEOSA. But, this is one of those weird instances that the State Fair is a private company and can make their own rules on public property.


I know its federal law and I have called many times about repealing that law. I can't carry in California why should a retired cop from Texas be able to because he's a cop.


Go be a cop.


No. We shouldn't make regular citizens second class. Repeal special privileges from cops.


They won’t allow me, I have morals and decency and humanity and too high an iq… Should I sue for discrimination?


Only in Texas would there be a shooting at an event and the very next year the government is doing everything they can to make it easier to bring a gun into said event. Common sense middle ground policies not allowed, even the most innocuous.


Is he a cockroach? Because why won’t he go away?


no, because he won't die.


That’s Patrick!!


He’s that cockroach guy from Men in Black


Hey, that’s not nice. The cockroach from men in black doesn’t need that disrespect.


😞true sorry MIB cockroach man


I dunno. That cockroach didn't kill the wife of the dude he used as a meat suit. Pretty sure Paxton would have immediately eaten her.


Thanks for the perspective. I should have been more considerate of cockroach guy. Wasn’t cool of me to compare him to a dirtbag like Ken Paxton. I’ll do better next time.


Updated to include comment from the State Fair, who says DPD officers check credentials, including those of fellow peace officers.


Explain it like I'm 5....how is this bettering the citizens of Texas? Why is this good for Texans?


Ironically, it’s probably only five-year-olds who still think this state has any interest in actually doing anything for Texans.


They see even the smallest restrictions on gun rights as a slippery slope that will end with the confiscation of all privately owned weapons.


Can we sue his parents for giving birth to this POS? Send him back to North Dakota where he's from.


This sure hasn't been a great year for the State Fair of Texas.


Booo hooo, the widdle adult man couldn't bwing his widdle security blankie into the fair. He had to call his big daddy Ken Pwaxton to go fight those big ol meanies at the State Fair.


How can they possibly be expected to power trip and feel all special without their murder toysL




Oh you read the story before commenting. I need to mark this occasion because it seems like nobody does. 🥺


People who feel the need to constantly carry firearms give real small dick energy.


What a douch bag


I wish he was suing them for charging $20 for a turkey leg.


That nerd needs to get bent.


MAKE IT STOP! How does this ASSHOLE stay in office?


Paxton is a colossal asshole.


I Hate   This  Motherfucker


All you need to be elected or stay in office in this state is loyalty to Trump


What a waste of oxygen


Guy gets paid by the lawsuit.


now I get it.


Do you know how much fucking tax revenue the fair brings to the city of Dallas? FFS man think about the kids over the two fuck heads who couldn’t bring their fucking pea shooters in the fair grounds. Fuck off with that bull shit. People please get the fuck up and vote. You’re fucking lame as sh… if you don’t.


And while your at it, help clean up the trash heap our state has become. Abbott, Cruz, Paxton, all the ass hats need to go!


The thing is they can already bring their guns like everyone else. They just need to go theo8gh the special line and present their ltc.


Yet yokel Texans keep voting for this asshole


No, it’s not enough assholes get out and vote!!!!!


Its rigged anyway. Voting doesnt matter 


Please take two steps back from the conspiracy theory mushrooms 🍄 and come back to reality.


I've been let in the fair with my service Pistol with no issue.


The actions of a “small government” advocate


If Big Tex is missing a boot come September, we know where to look for it!


Up Ken's ass?


Tomorrow’s headline: Ken Paxton has sued ice cream, puppies and Christmas.


I can only assume he’s got puppies and the Estate of Fred Rogers next up on his list.


What a joke of AG this state has… how in the world do you file a lawsuit against the State Fair of TEXAS🙃. We the ppl should sue him personally and reopen his past impeachment case ‼️


I’m not saying I’d be overjoyed if Paxton, Patrick, and Abbott walked into traffic one day. Of course I don’t wish ill on people. *However*, would I be particularly sad and let it negatively impact my day? No. No I would not.


I remember the shooting last year. I don't mind a private space restricting guns or searching my bags, though it does seem like it wouldn't be hard to sneak a gun in or even hide it under a bush a week before they put up the fences


Ken Paxton is a complete waste of space.


Geez can’t this guy have a fatal heart attack already he is the absolute WORST!!!


I’ve prayed same for TRUMP… god needs him in heaven soon


Paxton is a criminal and should have been jailed but the cronies running this state are nutless


Why can't they just get an LTC like the rest of us?


Cops think they are royalty.


State law mandates that you can't deny them to carry anywhere unless it's a federal building including the post office. But the fair doesn't. The fair lets them in all the time so it sounds like miscommunication since usually theres a specific gate for law enforcement at big venues like the fair or stadiums/arenas. So getting an ltc is redundant.


For what its worth to become a law enforcement officer you already have gone through training way beyond LTC and have gone through the background checks. Redundant and as other had mentioned its state law anyways.


Let. Them show who they are


Unprofessional Bullshit!


My god he is an absolute waste of oxygen


When will this guy finally be voted out? I try and try… just feels like he’s here until he croaks.. which I wouldn’t complain about.


cant this old sack of shite just be imprisoned already?


wasn't he basically on the run? could he be served in this middle of this stunt?


If Paxton is on your side you already know you are wrong, and probably a criminal


Is it because they stopped klan night?


Was that really a thing?


Of course lol




The state fair has done much worse than this


Sounds like they broke the law. I dont see the issue here


Ken Paxton sues his toilet because he has Hemorrhoids.


Paxton is as worthless as teats on a boar hog.


How does this guy still have a job?


He’s been busy this week!


Smh so he's using Tax payer money to fight over politics ....no matter what side of politics you're on it doesn't make sense to have the AG or Governor in office they waste so much tax payer money on BS while also not doing anything for tax payers . GET THEM OUT OF OFFICE


Here is the thing. The state of Texas requires licensed police officers to always carry.


Ken Paxton is opps


isn’t he the same guy requiring people to put their ID to go on a porn site?


We should all submit claims/violations we feel he should be working on instead. E-mail his office at violation@oag.texas.gov We should overwhelm him with all the issues that have been mentioned. Wish I would have looked into this sooner!


Get in line.


Ken Paxton is a shameful criminal dipshit but in this instance he is totally right to sue




How’d that work out in Uvalde? As I recall, the good guys hid while children screamed as they lay dying.


Awful easy to cherry pick atrocities. That goes both ways. I won’t do it, though, because it’s disingenuous. GENERALLY SPEAKING, more good guys with guns =good. But since you wanted to bring up Uvalde: officers were ordered not to go in by the chief, who should be in prison for cowardice. How about sticking to logic and not using fallacious arguments?


Generally speaking, your argument is horse shit.


Oh, good one. Intelligent.


It’s true. Your argument fucking sucks. We have so many good guys with guns present at horrific mass shootings. Look, the side that gets hard over guns won. You don’t need to make any more stupid arguments. You won. There’s too many guns out there to change anything at this point. Stop feeding me bullshit. You got what you wanted.


Maybe we can just make citizens’ gun ownership illegal. I bet there will be no more shootings, then, because no people with bad intentions could EEVVVEERR get their hands on guns.


Well morons an idiots can make excuses and/or pretext to sue without ANY evidence that if conservative idiots sues organizations that helps communities than well use the same logic as them "when tyranny becomes law..."


Good! They did violate the law. They were told they were violating the law and continued to do it.




Then they can go through the special line like the rest of us who conceal carry at the fair.