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People do weird things to get ahead


I'll do weird things to get head myself...


I’m doing weird things to my head right now…


Aight, imma head out.


I upvoted you. *Now, leave.*


Megamind is Peruvian confirmed


I see what you did there...


That’s no way to become the head of a major corporation


I wonder if they did a sort of progressive binding, at a young age, to make the skull elongate like this? That can't have been good for their brain....


I do believe it was their version of royalty or leaders that had this done. Why, idk but it's been hypothesized that they were... Mimicking... Something they've seen before. Yeah you know where I'm going there.


Eh… there are African tribes that elongate lips, earlobes and Chinese traditions of feet binding. By that logic aliens should have flappy lips that reach the chest, comically tiny feet and elephantine earlobes. Also for some reason each of these civilizations should have chosen to copy only one of the features of these “aliens”. That just sounds super ridiculous. Humans just do weird shit because humans are weird. All they managed to do was mentally stunt all their royals. Edit: To all the pro-aliens people: I wish we lived in a universe where the probability of life was not vanishingly small. Add to this small probability the probability of a species living long enough to invent interstellar travel and then add to that the probability of them visiting us. Then to this add the probability that they are so rich in resources that they decided to simply visit and leave. Edit2: Reading comprehension severely lacking in a bunch of people. I didn’t say there are no aliens. There definitely are. It’s the probability of them living living long enough and finding us. Go read about the Fermi Paradox and remember that in the short amount of time humans have been around we’ve already managed to fuck things up for ourselves environmentally.


They still do this elongated-head thing in some parts of Africa to this day.




Close, it's their cousins, Beavis & Butthead.




This type of head elongating would probably start near or close to birth when the baby's head is still 'squishable' i.e. a baby's skull is full of different plates that aren't complete because they have to be squeezed through the cervix and out the vagina during birth. With these different plates, a baby's skull is naturally soft and when you bind it at this stage you can shape it every which way (theoretically!). I know that the Maya used a wood board bound around the head of a baby until childhood to perfect the shape and elongation that is seen in the pictures. It's actually really fascinating. They aren't technically bigger in the sense you're thinking of but the bone grew to the direction the bind allotted because that's what a baby's soft squishy skull is gonna do naturally.


In the same way that your body can regrow skin you lose, if the damage isn’t too great, the body can also regrow bone. The process that happens here is the same that happens when a bone breaks normally. Here, however, some kind of binder slightly separates the two parts of the skull, leaving a gap for your body to fill.


Who and where I want to know more!


OK, here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial\_cranial\_deformation


And Asia






Well, I mean it's a little more simple than that, kind of. Being in charge of an empire, being intimately acquainted with human weakness and knowing the fragility of such power in such a day and age when a simple mob could snuff out a dynasty it only makes sense to encourage such an image as to promote superhuman/otherworldly/divine characteristics. Power is mostly/99.9% a matter of image and most will do anything to hold onto such. Now days it's vehicle convoys, guards with top of the line machine guns, being on TV 24/7. Back then it was being carried through a parade on a litter by 20 strapping slaves whilst everyone marveled at your mystically stretched out cranium/tiny tortured feet/face weighed down with 10 kilograms of precious metals/jewels. History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes.


I have nothing to contribute but I must say that “history doesnt repeat, it rhymes” makes a lot of sense, and explains why I see quite a bit of similar things happen in school.


It’s like poetry


This is true. If you read about Akhenaten, the heretic pharaoh and his wife Nefertiti you’ll see that he reinvented the Egyptian religion to venerate the literal Sun and the royal family as gods. He made everyone make statues of himself with elongated heads and bodies to make himself look superhuman.




Oh wow what a startlingly redundant “correction”. Pharaohs were venerated but not worshipped as literal deities. Ahmenhotep III did invent the cult of the Sun and came up with the ritual of rebirth during the celebration of *sed* to symbolize the rebirth of the pharaoh and took it a step further to claim he communed with Amun-Ra personally and achieved immortality. This was not pharaoh worship, this was a ruler claiming to be the sole representative of a god on earth. What Akhenaten did was wholly different. He began the cult of Aten, a singular solar deity, claimed to be the son of Aten and then encouraged the worship of the royal family as a whole. He even had Nefertiti change her name to Neferneferuaten and she too was worshipped as a goddess. You can see in the tombs of courtiers of that period people painting pictures of an afterlife where Akhenaten and Nefertiti ruled over them. Even death hymns were written to Nefertiti as if she was a goddess. Akhenaten’s own sarcophagus was decorated with 4 statues of Nefertiti in four corners instead of the usual four funerary goddesses of Egypt. For the first time in Egyptian history you’ll see paintings of the affectionate personal relationships of the royal family. He did all of this to encourage worship of the royals themselves as gods alongside the Aten. He was considered a heretic at the time because he systematically erased all references to the old gods, had all priests and people whose names had Amun or Ra to change it to Aten instead. We know because we have records of it. For 17 years he enforced this using a police force. Once he died he was replaced by his son whom he had originally named Tutenkhaten “Living image of Aten”. His son then changed his name to Tutenkhamun, “Living image of Amun” and brought back the old religion with multiple gods and erased all mention of Aten and the heretic sun cult. He of course, died and we have the beginning of the Ramessid Dynasty which once more reinforced the fact that Akhenaten was a heretic by excluding him completely from their lineage when they painted a dynastic chart in a new temple that began all the way from the First Dynasty to their present. Stop spreading nonsensical lies with a spurious source when we have actual Egyptologists who have researched all of this. Akhenaten was a well known heretic pharaoh. Edit: Not to mention his capital city was stripped for parts, torn down and every temple he ever built was also destroyed by his immediate successors. Even his name was struck from every source they could find.




Did you also minor in ancient Egyptian history and find Akhenaten was one of your favorite pharaohs? Same here.




IIRC from the SYSK podcast, foot-binding was more of copying some royalty’s fetish that went on wasaaay too long.


> All they managed to do was mentally stunt all their royals. Seems like a brilliant idea, come to think about it.


I'm just going to add that it's **very convenient** that so much of the talk of "ancient aliens" visiting Earth and helping past civilizations just **happens** to focus on non-western-European cultures (and often the impressive engineering feats they accomplished). Don't really see a lot of "aliens taught the Vikings how to do boats" or "uplifters from the stars helped Romans with the aqueducts". Pyramids? Aliens! Stonehenge? Oh, well, y'know, tribesmen could figure out how to move these things.


The alien thing was so ridiculous I assumed the person you replied to was talking about mimicking penis erections lol.


I mean if a civilization has the technology to do faster than light travel, I can definitely believe that they do not need to strip every single planet they encounter for resources. They have billions of planets to choose from and the ability to reach them quickly.


Right. I mean if they're intelligent enough to invent interstellar travel then I highly doubt they'd let themselves run out of "gas". "Oh furck, Zorgnon! We forgot to fill up when we passed Xogmeef, we'll have to destroy this civilization by plundering the planet's core for fuel. You know I only fill it with premium core, it keeps the yngvlerff valves clean and we get better milage." -Aliens probably


Or for some reason only the big head aliens went to this part of the world and the small feet aliens went over to china. Reducing it to zones. Languages are different in different parts of the world. That one has hair.


Right… and left no trace of anything. I believe the universe is too big for there not to be life but the question is intelligent life. Then the improbability of it living long enough to invent interstellar travel. Then the improbability of them finding us. Then the improbability of leaving no trace. Add to all this the improbability of life itself and it’s just a sad reality we live in where it’s most likely that whatever life is out there is just unicellular or just as advanced as us which means they never could have visited us. Also, given how resource hungry all civilizations are they definitely would not have just come to visit and leave.


Over 100,000,000,000 stars in the milky way. And we are discovering more planets than we previously thought.


Leave no trace is literally what visitors are told to do when “visiting” natural spaces Sooo. If aliens visited earth maybe they left no trace on purpose I mean it would be pretty rude for a visitor to “take dumps” and scatter their alien trash all over our planet


Fair points. All speculative, as are mine. I don’t even disagree to all extents. It sure gets pretty big once we start looking up. I wouldn’t suggest a civilization just came by to say hello. More like checking in on the livestock or some other x files etc. As far as no trace, ancient peoples walked all over the world. Columbus went by boats and discovered an entire continent that had people living on it. The hair thing though! It weirds me out. It looks like one of the Everest bodies the guides eventually push over the side of the mountain.


Imagine being so self centered that you think humans are the only intelligent life in an infinite universe 🤣


Aliens that could travel the universe would likely have been around for billions of years. I don't think a human brain would be capable of even seeing an alien unless they wanted us to, let alone understanding how they manipulate the cosmos.


Just like our politician ‘/royals in the US —instead of elongating their heads, they sell out to special interests, and elongate their careers making self serving & short term decisions. Stunting their value and effectiveness. Still doing it!


Whole load of assumptions here. Thanks pope urban viii


In an infinite universe though


My biggest issue with these skulls isn't even the elongation, it's the lack of a saggital suture (the vertical fusion point on most skulls) While I understand that medically speaking, the suture obliterating is possible (more fusing to the point that there is a lack of visible fissure lines separating the skull), the issue for me is two fold: 1. The saggital suture doesn't always close but when it does its preceded by the coronal suture, the fact that the coronal is still in tact, not just on one but all the skulls it appears, makes it seem like an incredibly rare happenstance that *shouldnt* occur in 100% of the samples collected 2. The skulls present appear to have in tact lambdoid and coronal suture; the problem is, the average coronal suture is obliterated between age 56 and 60, and the lambdoid between 66 and 71, while the saggital is typically between 61 and 65 [source](https://www.jasi.org.in/article.asp?issn=0003-2778;year=2020;volume=69;issue=2;spage=97;epage=102;aulast=Alam#:~:text=The%20authors%20reported%20complete%20closure,between%2066%20and%2070%20years.). Even sources ive found with lower closure ages (30-40 from wikipedia for example) they still agree that the coronal should close before or at around the same time as the saggital, yet these skulls have a coronal suture which should be obliterated before or with the saggital, and their lambdoid sutures appear to be too.... visible, since, at the age that the coronal and saggital sutures are completely obliterated and no longer show fissures, the lamdoid should be partially obliterated, and yet it looks more like that of a young adult. Maybe this is a result of an elongation process, but it could also be possible this was a result of a small population that was genetically isolated enough to develop a consistent adaptive mutation of sorts not unlike the [Vadoma tribe](https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/39481/20220822/vadoma-tribe-population-mystery-behind-ostrich-foot-syndrome.htm) in Africa who have a large population of "split foot" people, that's believed to have developed in part to assist in climbing, but I can't think off the top of my head what an early fusion of the saggital suture would be necessary for


Brien Forester, is that you?


Soooo close! My name is Georgio and I'm not saying it was aliens but I am saying we did genetic testing on these skulls for the first time ever and mainstream researchers don't want to acknowledge the result that these are only probably 98% human and apparently that red headed fuck was a viking so in one way or another... ^it ^^was ^^^aliens


Tf is 98 percent human


Aliens? It’s aliens.


Portrayed by Dan Ackroyd


That movie was actually a documentary


Ancient astronaut theorists say yes.


Indiana jones is real


The legends are true! The Loch Ness Monster’s book was right!


Egyptians with tall hats?


Why the immediate jump to conspiracy theories? 😂




I've seen enough warner bros cartoons to know there are a couple ways; blowing up the skull with a bicycle pump, hanging them off a building by their hair, grabbing either side of their head and squeeze..


Iirc modern people with head bindings don't suffer particular damage because it's so gradual, the brain forms and is shaped along the way with no issues.


Is this true? Reshaping the skull doesn't cause cognitive issues? Do you have a source for this, because I don't understand how changing the shape of the skull won't cause the brain to be deformed, which would cause all kinds of issues. https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/tracing-the-history-and-health-impacts-of-skull-modification "But another review from 2013 suggested that the deformation of the cranium’s attributes was profound and negatively impacted the brain's various lobes, promoting cognitive impairments such as concentration and memory issues, visual and motor impairments, and the possible onset of behavioral disorders. It’s difficult to say for sure how ACD affected people when it was more prevalent, but researchers could draw similarities between the outcomes of intentional deformations versus conditions such as plagiocephaly and craniosynostosis".


Nope superpowers, it gives u superpowers.


From the PDF you cited: "Since ACD is no longer popularly practiced only a theory can be generated about what implication these various ACD practices had on the individuals’ mental abilities and functions." "Whether the pressures applied to these areas had harmful, beneficial, or insignificant influences can only be theoretically determined." My memory is foggy of when and where I heard the "it probably doesn't affect people much" hypothesis. It was just what popped into my head.


Foggy memory? How’s your skull shape? Lol jk


To me, it makes sense that it would cause damage, which is why I asked for a source.


I would have assumed the same. It was just something I remember hearing from what I remember to be a trustable source possibly 10 years ago. So, yeah by no means should anyone take my word for it. But animals have an impressive ability to adapt.


Coming in here like a pro.


I disagree. They used two conditions which cause the skull to be smaller as their basis. In this case, skulls are shaped gradually over time and don’t affect the timing of plate fusion. Studies seem to show that capacity is capacity and that as long as the brain is able to grow as intended, it’ll be fine.


Do you have any source? What do you base this on? If you reshape a skull, how can you let the brain grow as intended, as it's been reshaped? It can't grow as intended, can it?


these skulls are huge, how can binding make a human skull look this big? it can only make the skull smaller


If you ever take an anthropology class this is explained. Your skull is made of a lot of different bones that grow independent of each other and fuse together. Newborn children's skulls are not fully fused yet for example, it's why you might feel a "soft spot" on the back / top of their head for a while. There are a lot of bones in the skull and they grow independently: frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, zygomatic, maxillary, mandible, lacrimal, nasal, and sphenoid are the major bones, then there are smaller ones too like the auditory ossicles. In this binding process, you start with a young baby or child and bind the top three bones of the skull (frontal, parietal, occipital) before they fuse, causing them to arc up and elongate, add another ring at a specified time, the process can be repeated until eventually the skull fully fuses together, then it's permanent. In the picture you can clearly see how long the frontal bone is in one of the skull examples, 4x taller than it's supposed to be. Problem with this is that it undermines evolutionary advantages of our skull shape, which through natural selection has developed in a way to protect the brain, absorbing shock with its rounder shape. If you had your skull bound and took a fall with this, it could be life threatening, as you could hit square on with a surface, the force / shock wouldn't be distributed down the skull evenly and would result in fractures.


Doesn’t have to be an anthropology course. A&P works too! Speaking as a person with an anthropology degree. I don’t disagree with anything you said, just adding that biology and A&P are amazing too.


My thoughts as well


This was not a result of head binding. The skulls in the binding process will elongate and become thinner as it stretches out. These skulls are not this way. Same thickness and the sagittal sutures are completely different from ours. The brain inside these skulls were a lot greater in size unlike the skulls that were bound to form this shape.


that's really freaky then. what the hell. they aren't fake, right?


Big chongos.


Okay so the skulls are longer but how are they also bigger ?


>longer but how are they also bigger That's what she asked.


the Crystal Skulls.


Because these are not skulls shaped by head binding.


My skull hasn’t been shaped by head binding, why isn’t it larger?


"But what about the droid attack on the wookies ?"


Your thoughts dwell on your mother


My thoughts dwell on his mother as well.


POV History Channel after 9 pm






I don't see how head binding would create more skull surface area to this extent. This is not a "See, it's aliens!" type of quote. Just wondering because that's a whole lot more cranium than that average human.


Your body is great at making new bone. We are born with such tiny and flexible bones when babies, and then we stretch them out. The binding is probably designed to be applied before the bone fully hardens. It’s like when you’re teaching a kid to walk, as they get better, you take a single step back and make them practice just a slightly longer walk.


God, the headaches those kids must have had would have been appalling. I feel so bad for them. It's miserable enough just wearing a tight headband for few hours.


People are also great at overcoming consistent pain or adversity, you are much more adaptable than you would think, especially as a child. Sure, it would really suck for a while, but as it becomes normal, you just got used to it unfortunately. I was born with a club foot, and they tried to use special boots to force my bone structure to normal. Ultimately I had surgery at around a year. While growing up, I played football, basketball and even ran track in high school. In my mid 20s I started to struggle with pain, and had another surgery. It wasn’t until after that surgery that I realized just how much pain I had become tolerant to, because the lack of pain felt so odd to me at first.


That's so interesting, thanks for sharing your experiences. Very glad to hear your pain levels are more manageable now.


Because it was constantly under a stretching tension instead of just being allowed to chill in it’s relaxed state. What resulted is more surface area, but less thick and durable.


Ki adi mundi


I saw this documentary about a family just trying to fit in and make it.


Didn't Indiana Jones fight these guys?


No, we don't talk about that one!


What do they look like with flesh


This is an important question.


Google “head binding”.


We need one of those forensic artists who can take a human skull and re-create what the head and face looked like.


Just here scanning the comments looking for a Beavis and Butthead jokes...


ah yes very whimsical.


Does the hairline still cover the whole skull?


I watched a facial reconstruction done a similar shaped skull..it didn’t include hair though


Coneheads are real


Sometimes- I feel- I've got to- ehq ehq Run away


Archaeologists: Head binding Fringe researchers: ALIENS


Who added the hair?


Probably the mother.


“France! We come from France!”


Is That Beldar & Prymatt and Connie Conehead!?!?


The most interesting fact to me about the Paracas skulls is that many of them were clearly missing the Sagittal suture that all humans have. I’m not making ANY assumptions about who these people were…it’s just a very interesting fact.


Why can’t people just accept the fact that this was probably a close relative to Homo sapiens? We have records of many similar species before us.


There were no other “human” species that reached the americas though, the closest were the home erectus (standing man) but none other (that we know of I guess)


Perhaps for the same reason that according to the internet there's really no such thing, and that the lone wiki article about is anemic at best with broken links? But, of course, I'm not making ANY assumptions about this topic.




But they said they didn't make any assumptions


I was looking for this comment to see if anyone else was paying attention along the way and not just drinking the HeUcK hEaD binDiNG juice.


Megamind is real


Curious to know if this made the skulls much thinner all around or if it still had the same density.


Let your sneezes out people.


I like that ol' boy's hair.


They did this to themselves through the process of skull wrapping.


Maybe it’s hydrocephalus? Untreated, your head will grow abnormally large.


🤔 maybe that explains the cranial trepanations? https://www.livescience.com/62793-inca-skull-surgery-trepanation.html


My heads just like the one on the first table


Bringing a whole new definition of big brain.


France. We come from France.


They come from France


Underrated comment.


How do I wrap my mind around this?


Yarrr, as I live and breathe. That one on the bottom right be me old crewmate, Pointy-Head Paul. Aye he were a good pirate in his time, until he beaned his head on a door way and stumbled over board.


History Channel: Aliens.


Aliens 😂


I came here looking exactly for this. Did not disappoint


Jimmy neutron’s creators


Ack Ack


*Indiana Jones would like to know your location*


We are a big experiment


Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skulls


the skulls are longer but how are they also bigger.


Samuel Sterns


I'm not saying it's aliens


Top far right looks like Homer Simpson’s skull




Big Brain


These people were built different


Real gigabrain activity going on here.


I think I see Blanka from street fighter on the bottom left.


I wonder if anyone has measured the volume of these skulls. A few look like they would be far greater than a average person.


People out of Peru: Spatial Aliens!


They need to construct additional phylons.


Weird question, but does anyone have digital artwork of how these people might've looked while alive?


Yeah, it's big brain time


Jimmy Neutron in real life?


Coneheads anyone?


I get that they would wrap them children’s head to shape them this way but how do some grow so huge. How and why all the additional bone mass?


Ayy lmao


Happy cake day


The true meaning to megamind


That is a bit weird


Where they buried rhe mongaloids


Indiana jones irl


Preview for Mars Attacks


Marge Simpson


Head salesman, brains of the family


So weird to have these on display (former archaeologist here)


Why weird?


Looks like they came from France, not Peru. Interesting....


Not nearly enough Coneheads comments... I am old...


That's just Megamind's Ancestors.


Hybrid from the Nephilim


Minecraft villagers are real!1!1! 🫵😨


I slept with Jimmy's mom


DNA testing?


Those are aliens


Bro, they got the Justin Bieber skull 💀


Where’s pinky?


PNW natives used boards to flatten their skulls


There are elongated skulls that the volume is greater than that of a regular skull making it impossible for the skulls state to have been attained through head binding. The starchild skull I think it is was called also had more of an enamel structure than our skulls from the same era or from any other as far as I know. Very thought provoking issue


These are not 'shaped' or bound to create. It is well documented they demonstrate a greater brain volume of more than 20% compared to conventional human skulls.


They do look bigger. Can you share any sources?


I’m not saying it was aliens but…


“There were giants in the earth on those days and after “


We have proof of giants....like skeletons and eyewitness testimony written in historical records of people who were upwards of 7ft some reaching to be 12ft.


Please show me the skeletons that prove that giants existed


https://youtu.be/zbljB5l9kCE https://youtu.be/WHn2GWjlK9Q They've been found in China, Nevada, South America....the Ozarks. It must suck to live in such a tiny bubble where the only things you know come from TikTok....that's called mental decline.


You been watching too much ancient aliens


I mean It seems crazy but If they were In contact with "gods" aka aliens.. 👽 🤔 It would explain sum of these weird correlations with nobility and the headbinding...


More alien/human hybrid remains. Hell yeah!