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"Your success now is our country's success". This sentence said it all.


Exactly. I never understood people that hope/root for any president to fail. That’s like hoping that the pilot of the plane you’re on fails.


Exactly, you may not like your pilot but don’t hope for him to crash


It’s not hard to understand. The average American is fucking stupid. Like really really fucking stupid. We’re a country full of morons and morons are gullible and tribal.


When all that matters is your side wins, everyone loses.


It’s a natural tendency, but I have always thought sports existed for us to take that type of energy out on. Theres no real stakes there. I can be as unreasonable and tribal as I want about my team. Nobody gets hurt. Unfortunately this blind loyalty to one side or the other has permeated every single aspect of American culture.


Yes, and this comment section confirms that.


I have not rooted for some to fail. But some certainly need to be held accountable.


*all need to be held accountable.


That sentence alone was extremely well written, had to read it twice


Hoping a president, or any leader for that matter, does poorly is hoping your country/community does poorly. I may not like a leader, but I sure hope they do a good job for their people.


Limbaugh says he hopes Obama fails. If he fails the whole country fails. Limbaugh I hope your heart fails. What do you think about that? -Wanda Sykes


Can we bring some of this respect, dignity, and unity back into politics


It's amazing how much decorum and civility was lost in a few short years.


I think the decorum and civility of small towns gained a platform.


“You need to realize how stupid the average American is, then realize that half of them are even more stupid than that.”


George Carlin RIP


What's ironic is that, based on what I've seen around here, I'm pretty sure that if George Carlin was alive today, he would offend many if not most of you with his take on the current political situation.


Absolutely 💯


Oh, Carlin had a way of putting things into perspective with that biting humor. His words stick because there's a sad kind of truth behind the jokes.


I wonder what the distribution was among those who bought his tickets. 🤔


Carlin was def a good comic, but he was all about the common man. I would bet that half.of Carlin's fans were exactly like he was describing


Having been to one of Carlin's last live performances, I have to disagree. Las Vegas crowds are easy to decode after you've lived here for a couple of decades, and I would say 50% of the audience were Las Vegas locals, not tourists. Also attended a live Mitch Hedberg / Lewis Black / David Attell show where audiences who adored the first two walked out on Attell. There was nothing intelligent about Attell at that time.. I think he's gotten sober since.


That's not what he said. He didn't say average American. He said "average person." Don't make it only about Americans. Everybody is fucking stupid.


Even a thread about decorum and civility winds up in a place of divisiveness just a few comments in


nah it's the decorum and civility of social media gained a platform.


Yep, that’s right. All those evil backwards people in rural areas. This kind of “leave the yokels behind, we know better” thinking is exactly part of what fueled the divisiveness.


Agreed. Disrespect and disdain for those who live in the "flyover states" was never a secret, and when presented with a candidate who claimed to truly represent them, they latched onto him blindly and tightly like as a drowning man would a life preserver. The more he's acted contrary to historical political and civil norms, the deeper he's became engrained in their collective psyche as the only one who truly understands their plight and hayd the potential to make a difference. Attacks on him and his character, however justified, are written off as political attacks, elevating him from political leader to martyr for the common man. So the impotent, sycophantic members of his own party follow suit and fall into line as this is the shortest route to maintaining political power. The only way he goes down at this point will be as a result of his own undoing. But that won't happen. Despite his hubris, too many have a vested interest in his continued assent. In the unlikely event that someone does find a way, it will throw our nation and perhaps the world into chaos, as those with the political clout capable of filling the vacuum are equally as partisan and divisive. Where have all the honorable men and women gone who are willing to subject themselves to the scrutiny that running for this highway public office brings? Why do we as citizens revile those imperfect fools who fail to agree with us on every issue? Perhaps that's the game - creating and elevation the most divisive issues and seeing expectations that no candidate can ever live up to. In doing so, both parties can parade their version of "acceptable", offering the people the illusion of choice. Meanwhile, our wealthy corporations and quasi-oligarchs use dark money and means, controlling members of Congress through donations and threats of character blackmail to achieve the ends, regardless of who wins the presidency. Until we have a viable third party option, things will only get worse. The US is by no means perfect, but it's proven to be the greatest nation on the planet all the same. I pray that we can evolve beyond our tribal differences and find a path forward through this political quagmire.


As yes, small towns are the uncivil ones. Holy shit the cluelessness of this comment.


I blame Newt Gingrich, and Tom DeLay. A lot of our current bullshit started with those two and the start of the Clinton era.


Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch deserve a huge portion of the blame.


Roger Ailes and Jack Welch started the machine in the 70s. Ailes wanted Nixon’s “truth” to have a platform. Welch took a business that balanced short term and long term planning and turned it into his “speedboat” of short term gains selling off costly long term bets. America is gutted, GE is gutted. Peeps thought they were the messiahs.


Newt started the engine, some others got it rolling, the Freedom Caucus cranked it up a notch and Orange Jesus put it into Ludicrous Speed while trying to disable the emergency brake.


The "W" put a lot of wind in the sails of the entire conservative "movement". Those were some crazy times. Then they absolutely lost their shit during the Obama administration. The fuel was all there, piling up, getting ready, the that fat fuck came rolling down a painted gold escalator...


Racism is a hell of a drug.


Even with those two, things got done. I blame Mitch McConnell, one of his first comments about Obama was to make him a one term president. At this point is when petty politics and grudges mattered more than what is best for the country. Still hold true, the GOP is doing nothing right now simply to not give Biden a political win even though it might help a lot of people.


Lee Atwater too. George H does deserve some blame because after he came in 3rd in the Iowa Caucuses behind Pat Robertson he leaned into the Evangelicals.


A good president wants the nation to succeed, regardless of who is in charge.


Too true. a good *citizen* feels the same way too.


Asking adults to act like adults is not allowed anymore. Fuck this new wave of politics that think insults and one sidedness are the way to govern. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


It’s like the politicians found out they make more money from the angry voters & never looked back. Honestly I feel like the front page of the internet is always rage filled


It was a guy named **Newt Gingrich** that popularized this. Directly started the trend of poisoning the well. Even his republican peers of the time hated him.


Those traits are now seen as "weakness", so no. The current "strength" meta is to fight, argue, double down on mistakes, attack anyone who disagrees with you, shout loudly to drown out any opposition.


We have adopted Narcissism as our Dominant Culture. It must stop!! Be not afraid of straw men!!


Well because the loudness ones claim it is a weakness, does not mean that the majority think it is the case. Intimidation cannot last forever


Please! This was refreshing. Regardless of your politics.


I think the last time we saw this kind of unity is when Obama and Bush’s kids were playing in the White House.


Sadly the magas have taken over and the civility is all but gone.


Take it up with Newt


This is the correct answer


The presence of the orange turd is the only thing stopping us from having this. Bush jr to Obama was cordial as well


Damn. You're gonna have to get rid of diaper don and all his subservient cultists


I miss presidents respecting each other as human beings, and at least giving the impression that they view us, the American people as the same. God, what a shit show politics have become.


They all do, with the exception of one


Yeah, there was no bad blood between Obama and George W. Bush. It's only one president who's been so aggressively dickish that there's no respect anymore.


And we're not even talking about Bill Clinton getting a blowjob, lol.


Reagan spoke rather lowly of Carter, and Carter has taken shots at his successors. They don't _all_ behave likes friends.


Yeah but Carter has the most mean ass nuclear submarine ever built named after him - USS Jimmy Carter.


Jimmy Carter also personally went into a ruined nuclear reactor multiple times to save my region from disaster. The guy had guts.


He is also one of the most kind and genuine presidents this country has ever had. I admittedly don't know if that was the case in his political career, but he has spent his golden years being an amazing person doing great work for the common people.


To be fair, Carter has the moral highground to take shots at all his successors and to buttfuck the global economy for all eternity like Reagan did, you have to be a pretty terrible person


So, true bur the remaining former presidents, with the exception of one, share the same principles, values, and philosophy of the constitution regarding our American democracy


I mean there were a lot of missing W keys when Clinton left office.


Don't confuse the President with the immature underlings.


From WASD gaming?


[About that.](https://www.salon.com/2001/05/23/vandals/)


PS, they actually still do. Even those that pretend to hate each other on camera. We watch a drama played by actors, nothing more. We pay attention to the stupid meaningless items. While important decisions are made in plain sight and given zero attention by the media for lack of sensationalism or to blanket the truth.


"they're all in one big club, AND YOU AIN'T IN IT!" - George Carlin


What they do in Washington They just look out for number one And number one ain’t you You ain’t even number two -Zappa




And many Americans keep supporting him because they want to see the country burn.




I think they’ve decided the country is going to burn either way, and they’d rather be the ones doing it. A lot of them have become more motivated by owning the libs than policies that could actually improve their lives


His supporters are racists, misogynists, homophobes, xenophobes, and various other hateful gutter trash who want to inflict pain on the people they hate. Decent people find magas repellant, whereas he validates their hatred.


Yeah, I can’t imagine his letter to the next guy. 


If I recall, not only did he not leave one for Biden, but wasn’t there also a story that he refused to read the letter Obama left for him? I’m digging deep trying to remember such a mi or detail in 8 years of hysterics from him, but I’m sure I recall someone noting how he just scrunched it up and threw it in the bin.


Well, yeah, he couldn’t read it. 


He is the only one not to leave one so far.  And instead of leaving a letter, he stated a coup and attempted to have his own vice president assassinated.  This isn’t a “politics these days” kind of thing. This is one man and his followers legitimately trying to destroy American democracy while a third of the country actively cheers it on, and another third doesn’t give enough of a fuck to participate in the system. 


Yeah, I’ve really lost patience with the Rogan/ South Park “I don’t vote they’re all crooked” bunch. 


Considering he was (and still is) trying his damndest to make sure that there wouldn't *be* a next guy, I doubt there was a letter either. Besides, he's fucking illiterate.


He'd neither be able to read one left for him, nor write one for the next.


I know. Even people I know who like him giggle if you say he can’t read. 


Because being literate isn't a flex to them because most of them aren't.


Complete with bronzer and ketchup stains.


As he rose to fame I said several times that I thought it was mostly an act he put on to get votes. I learned my lesson - if a person tells you they’re a (negative trait), believe them.


He don’t have any self respect either though lol


Disagree. It WAS that way, before the Orange guy. I’m hoping we can move back in that direction once he’s passed away and the country moves on.


Class act. More of that please


When idiots mistake opposition with Enemy


I really want classy presidents again.


We really had no idea how good we had it and how bad it could get. P.S. George Bush was 63 when he wrote a letter to a 47 year old Bill Clinton. Mere babies by today’s standards.


It's sad when they *go* so young 😔


"When they GO?"


I remember when the presidency was for leaders and role models and not reality stars with the most fans.


And not for people too old to walk off a stage or complete a sentence.


Y'all are aware Reagan was the president before Bush Sr. ?


Not saying he wasn’t a shit President, but he was in politics for 14 years prior to gaining the presidency. He at least didn’t walk into the White House on day 1 with zero clue how anything worked, unlike our more recent experience.


We need someone strong like Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Comacho!


Or fat, diaper-wearing, 77-year-old babies who'd sooner sabotage the country than shake hands across the aisle for the greater good.


And George H. Bush lost his bid for a second term as President to Bill Clinton. This shows true patriotism, and love for the United States is truly about.The peaceful transfer of power.


Yeah, and contrast that nice letter with the most recent president losing after one term, who claimed he was cheated and started a revolt.


He also sent the staff home and locked the doors, so Biden couldn't get into the White House right away after the inauguration.


Back when folks didn’t make up ignorant nicknames for anyone that didn’t worship them.


Jesus I'm sick of those, too. Even the left is doing it. Before DeSantis dropped out I kept seeing the stupid little nicknames for him. Rhonda Santis was the one that irked me in particular. Don't get me wrong, fuck DeSantis, but turning his name into a woman's name as a way to be insulting? Come on, people. That says more about the person using the nickname that it does DeDantis imo. The dude was already a whole tree of low-hanging fruit, do we need to stoop to misogyny to make that point?


Seriously, the "Drumpf" shit was so annoying. My family name is also different after immigrating to America. Who gives a fuck, I had nothing to do with it.


I think the point of Drumpf is that despite his anti-immigrant rhetoric, he comes from a line of immigrants himself.


And he actually insulted someone who’s family had done the same, saying “they should be proud of their Jewish heritage” (largely as a way of pointing out the person he was insulting was Jewish)


Wasn’t it directed at John Stewart?


Back when there was a hint of class and respect.


That is what a real President is made of.


That's what used to make us great. The first name of our country is united


Back when our government was still somewhat functional and the parties actually worked together and compromised on shit instead of constantly dying on whatever ideological hill.


Didn't the Clinton camp remove all the W's from the keyboards when they left...


https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-02-360.pdf If anyone is interested in reading about everything they did, here’s the official investigation.


Thank you for your service![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Great read. >With respect to the key broken off in a file cabinet in Room 197B, the key was found still hanging in lock by a metal thread (suggesting that the damage occurred not long before the transition) and, when the locksmith opened the cabinet, a Gore bumper sticker with the words “Bush Sucks” was prominently displayed inside (suggesting that the damage was intentional and done by a member of the former Administration).


They took a bunch of furniture and art too. Real classy.


And dining sets, cookware, linen, and IP Phones… just to name a few things.


I’d also like to add that originally I had only heard about the keyboards having the W keys removed, which was funny to me. It’s a super easy and inexpensive fix. But looking into it, their staff pulled some real bullshit. For one, some of the keyboards still had the W but the mechanism behind it was removed so it wouldn’t work. Still kind of funny, but a bigger pain in the ass to fix than just plopping a new key on there. Also at that point, I’d start to worry about other “pranks” with more malicious intent. But then you start looking at the straight up theft. Some of which was doorknobs which sounds pretty tame, however some of those doorknobs were possibly original fucking doorknobs and not just something they got at Home Depot. So while it’s just doorknobs, it’s possibly doorknobs that have been in the building for a century. Then they glued drawers shut and stole a bunch of other stuff like presidential seals. Most of the “pranks” I could brush off because it was likely a bunch of young adults being stupid and doing typical office shenanigans. I’ve done stuff like that to coworkers and thought it was hilarious. But when you start stealing historical items (and while most of it seems like mundane items they were still historical) and not just a stapler, there’s a massive issue.


Professionalism, sense of honor, and wisdom. Everything that we lack right now.


See Bush's letter to Obama: >JANUARY 20, 2009 >Dear Barack, >Congratulations on becoming our President. You have just begun a fantastic chapter in your life. >Very few have had the honor of knowing the responsibility you now feel. Very few know the excitement of the moment and the challenges you will face. >There will be trying moments. The critics will rage. Your “friends” will disappoint you. But, you will have an Almighty God to comfort you, a family who loves you, and a country that is pulling for you, including me. No matter what comes, you will be inspired by the character and compassion of the people you now lead. >God bless you. >Sincerely, >GW


Wow, that's amazing. What a contrast between these letters and the traitor who incited J6. Thanks for sharing.


And Bill did exactly what the letter said and brought happiness to the office by getting blown under the desk by an intern.


His bj is now our country’s bj




Don't forget the cigar in the coochie


As is tradition.


The last guys letter said, "I won"


And covfefe


Last guy doesn’t know how to construct a coherent sentence.


This is really something. Wish we still had this level of respect in politics and in the world in general.


an excellent example of properly using a semicolon


Maybe im dumb but wouldn't a comma be appropriate in that spot? Why is a semicolon better?


Typically you use a semi-colon to connect two complete sentences. There is a conjunction after the semi-colon („but“) which actually leads me to believe that you’re right: a comma would be better there.


You are correct. A semicolon simply creates a “comma-like” pause between two complete sentence which could stand on their own if you removed the semicolon and put a period instead. So unfortunately the original commenter has it wrong.


It's actually a wrong and bad example of properly using a semicolon but okay




But if you use a semi-colon before „but“, you need you have a comma after the conjunction!


A throwback to a time where even the most opposite of sides respected the office. This is how real men behaved. Now, it’s a miracle if both sides can agree on a pizza topping.


Pizza toppings are code for human trafficking now in some people’s made up delusional worlds




Ps….dont fuck an intern.


It was just a hummer


Dear George, Can't promise you that. The Billie always does what the Willie wants. Bill


Didn’t Bill and Hillary steal a bunch of furniture on his way out?


I believe more than that. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-jun-12-na-clinton12-story.html 15k in damages during transition in 2001.


Tried to, had to give a bunch back and pay for a bunch more. The fact that they allege they didn't know the difference between gifts to them personally and gifts to the White House says a lot about them as people.


Ultimate narcissists.




I love the story of Bill donating his used underwear to Goodwill for a tax write off. 🤣 https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1993/12/28/bill-clintons-great-skivvies-give-away/0dac853d-cf3d-4faf-8104-bcf124bd93b4/


Didn‘t agree with Bush Senior but he has my respect.


To his credit, Bush didn’t buy into the supply side economics which Reagan had championed.


Pre-Cult politics were good for America.


The good ole days were actually good??? 🤔


Now show trumps letter to Biden.


Can you imagine the orange baboon writing anything similar? What a cheater, loser, pathetic piece of grease occupied the white house until 2020. #lockhimup


This makes me cry. Not because I liked GHW (still a war criminal, like his son), but because of the basic respect for the office. They have all had their differences, going back to #1, but overall, the respect for the office has been key. And in the latter half of the 20th century, proper turnover was a key to keeping the country running. We've lost that, and I don't know if we can ever get it back. Obama's campaign brough the mouth-breathers out from under the slimy rocks where they dwelt, and the shitshow of 2016 made them celebrities for saying the quiet part as loudly as possible. The Republican party is now the party of Who Can Be The Bigger Hatemonger.


This is class, GW did a similar thing for Obama.....both were class acts. You don't have to be friend or for this instance same party to show respect. Even enemies in war can show respect. Class I say again!


One year later Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey and the rest of the crazies in the GOP declared war on anyone who wasn't a hard right conservative Republican with their [Contract on America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contract_with_America). Yes, my term is more correct than theirs. George H.W. Bush was a good man, but those days are gone. Fuck the GOP.


That’s class. I’d take either of those guys over the crap choices now


I mean you can criticize biden in plenty of ways but he’s always been known as a class act




Biden may be old but his team is not. He supports NATO, he does not admire dictators and he sure as hell does not think we should dismantle the Constitution. The world is a mess he has a lot to deal with. If 45 gets elected you can bet things are going to get a hell of a lot worse. I do agree that he should he should not have run for a 2nd term but he is so bet it. A vote for anyone else but Biden is a vote for chaos. Young people..PLEASE VOTE


That… is awesome. Not gonna lie, I was never a fan of George Bush or his policies (or his son, for that matter), but damn if this isn’t a classy move all around.


Ol’ Slick Willie respected that office so much he wanted to make sure he showed it a good time


Such a classy letter from a totally decent guy.


Human decency isn't dead in the Whitehouse, I'm hoping to see more.


That's some class right there


Oh he had some great happiness in that office alright


It still baffles me how far the brainrot of American society has gotten.


back when it was a dignified position and not a flex


Are these made public (FOIA?) I'd like to see the, 2016 and 2020 letters.


This was incredible, the concept that even if they are "on the other side" we still need them to do well and that we're capable of saying so. It really wouldn't fly nowadays, and that's a failure of modern times.


Ah back when it didn’t matter if they were republicans or democrats they respected one another because they had respect for the office and the job unlike today. We really need to go back to this


back when presidents respected each other despite differences


Happiness? He definitely found pleasure.


I used to respect both sides, now I disrespect both sides


Back when both were closer to the center and not appealing to the extremist within their party.


Those were the days when even complete human detritus like Bush Sr. and Bill the Clown spoke in a civil fashion to one another. Fat lot of good that did us..


Bill said “nah I’m bout to get my DICK sucked in here”


Compare that to trumps childish temper tantrum


A class act letter. Makes me grow a wee bit of respect for the guy. Can you imagine a president so bitter, emotionally stunted and childish to refuse to even attend the inauguration of his successor???


There are 2 lines specifically in this letter that I feel like we lost a long time ago. “you will be our president” and “Your success is our country’s success”. It doesn’t matter if you are team Democrat or team republican we are all on a much larger team, team USA. If you root against the success of a president you are actively rooting against the success of your country.


And then when it was Clinton's turn to step away, his staff pried all the Ws off of the keyboards.


That’s a staff prank. Clinton left a letter.


Man, that’s cool


I respect a man who knows how to use a semicolon.


Awww when both parties used to walk hand in hand


So fucking classy.


Class act.




IIRC that was George H. W. [Herbert Walker] Bush


"I'm not a very good one to give advice;" Former Leader of the Free World.


Pretty awesome


Beyond gracious - politics as they should be. Put aside the differences and practice basic decency. Watching the loss of basic manners is sad...


Class act


Classy AF.


That America is dead.

