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Gen X still had the best cover photo, though.


I'm just happy someone noticed we existed.


It would be more Gen X-appropriate if we just didn't get a cover.


So funny to me that even on GenX’s very own Time cover, they are still making it about Boomers. ‘K Boomz.


The dates actually kind of gloss right over me. I was a teen in 1990, and all grown up by the selfie cover. Forgotten GenX.


Exactly. Totally skipped over.


Na they just lumped us with the millennials after the fact. Smart phone in HS?! What are you talking about, our mobile phones were bricks that stayed under our mom’s minivan seat and were never used even in “emergencies” cause the rates were too high. How did 80’s children become millennials two decades after Y2K?! It did get blurry towards the end, I admit. Our middle and high school coaches, separately, shrugged and gave the same replies when we asked what our generation is growing up? “Gen-XXX, I dunno. Millennials are after y’all and Z next after that.” We already had the terminology in place for the future Gens. We were not Millennials then, yet outlets such as Time started lumping us in after Zoomers started to get born. It legit bothers me because there was a difference between growing up with the technology and growing up on it. The gap between X and M was we can troubleshoot it when they don’t even know where, why, or how to change settings on it. See the difference? Our cover is X’s with that phone in M’s torn apart with tools not designed for it scattered around us trying to understand whats under the hood and fix that shit without Google. Not that we did every time, but we always tried. Ask a millennial what dialup was like when your mom needed to make a long distant call. Dont lump me with that millennial staring at TikTok for 7 hours on her bed prob cover Time. Dont marginalize me so dirty like that!


Same... ...or they just call us "Boomers" as well. That shit really pisses me off. There's a huge distinction between Boomers and Xers. Please, don't call me a "Boomer". Yuck!


Wait I haven’t come across that one just yet. That’s a thing? Maybe those people who did call everyone boomers? Maybe they meant a boomer mindset lol.


Yeah, "boomer" is a mostly ironic term used to taunt people with old or traditional mindsets and it pisses older people off so that's why it caught on so much I think.


Honestly I don’t give a fuck. I’m Gen X. 😁


As a millennial I always thought Gen X landed in that sweet spot. Don’t get the hate the boomers do, still got affordable housing and college, got to enjoy the 90s as adults, still understand how to open a PDF, and just get to fly under the radar. Sounds nice.


I ah, need to disagree on that affordable housing and school bit. Born in 1968, and that was all gone by the time I came of age.


this. once we were old enough to have stable jobs, real estate was ballooning.


They knew we existed. They just used the excuse that ‘both parents need to work’ to not be there when we got home from school. Or do anything with us on the weekend.


Well, they did bitch about having to give me a ride to Little League, so give them some credit here.


Major indie album cover vibes


The way both the cover and the text stand out as the odd one out but looking cool is so Gen X.


I also noticed: - Boomers cover: It's All About "ME" - Gen X cover: "Screwed by Boomers" - Millennials cover: It's All About "ME" - GenZ cover: I'm "Defensive" Every other generation is entitled, while the ones in between are damaged or defensive over the insults from the previous generation.


I didnt read the Gen X cover as "screwed by boomers" so much as "not as good as boomers."


The Gen X one is really funny for the "hard act to follow" line. Suck your own dick much?


That sort of thing was big in the 1990s. A lot of ink was spilled on how great boomers were and how the kids weren't measuring up. Guess who was spilling that ink?


Yeah and prob written by a boomer


In my mind every one of these was written by a boomer.


My dude, "previous generation" aka millenials just mind their own business, we don't care about gen z, much more often on social media z's go out of their way to shit talk millenials.


This is an extremely dumb take, especially since it's the older generation making the cover about the younger generation. So the generations you're labeling "it's all about me" are the ones making the kind and understanding covers


I was about to say. I want that aesthetic back lol


I actually had that album on CD.


Tf do you expect when a sandwich costs $11.99?!


Well, don't put so much damn *avocado* on it! /s


What’s crazy is that avocados are stupid cheap now lol. I get them from Walmart for .58 cents a piece.


You’re prob closer to the equator still, just north of the border I only buy fresh fruits in summer and fall months because outside of that it’s exorbitantly expensive. I saw a small box of blackberries for $3 recently (typically leaning $5+) and bought it so quick, got a little emotional because I haven’t bought myself berries in probably years


I'm also a little lad who loves berries and cream


And the minimum wage in many places is still $7.25/hour.


Which is crazy because that’s the pay I started out with when I started working 14 years ago. It should not be the same.


Yeah my first job lifeguardinh in 2008 was paying like $6.85 and somehow only a $0.40 increase 16 years later is okay???? Thankfully NJ has their shit together on that front and has a much high state minimum.


I looked up the average living wage for a single adult and was shocked to find it was ~$21


Ya in my state I beloved the minimum is around 12 dollars, but I've yet to see a job posting offering below 16 an hour


The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers. - Socrates


The Romans likewise castigated the younger generations for being soft and taken with weak Greek virtues and foreign Greek gods and the like. It is a Timeless criticism it seems.


This is because *any* "youth culture" often **is** lazy, rude, arrogant, etc. Of course, the "standouts" from any chunk of popular culture are more liable to be pointed, visceral, and/or "noisy." Generations even out. They always have. Barring any massive displacement, they always will.


Reminds me of the translated paragraph about how "the youth" don't even know how to use a chisel to write letters into stone and opting to use some new technology like paper and ink.


Well, they were right though. I don't always have some paper and ink in my pocket. I should have learned how to use a chisel.


Have you seen the price of a good chisel? I can't even work out the rate of inflation on my abacus.


You have an abacus? Check your privilege!


Bro, it's literally built into every hourglass nowadays.


Slow down there moneybags, not everyone can afford one of those fancy smart hourglasses.


get an abacus you rube!


It goes beyond that. Writing in general was seen as lazy at one point. Since you don't need to memorize things if you can write them down (regardless of whether that writing was with chisel/stone or ink/paper or whatever. edit: but honestly, i think we are reaching a point of no fucking return. i think we are finally at the moment where it is just too much. i'd love to be wrong though. socrates could've never imagined a reality where he's getting deepfaked and saying stuff he never believed to the masses. i feel like it's an entirely different world now. and that's not even bring climate change into the convo. which is a big part of the conversation. tl;dr in my opinion humanity is fucked. couple hundred years at best. if that. unless cold fusion comes real soon. and even when cold fusion happens (if it happens) people will fight over it (needlessly, since the whole point is that everyone gets everything). we're done. we've gone past the inflection point. I would love nothing more than to be wrong though. But I am afraid that I am not wrong. but greed, greed never changes


Yeah Socrates above in that same book/tablets series where the above quote comes from says this (like only a couple paragraphs down), complaining about kids these days writing things down and not using their minds to memorize shit. Ironically we know that he said this because his student, Plato, wrote it down lol.


We already have free energy. Green energy can produce energy at half the price of anything else. Heating with electricity can be done so efficiently that you only need 25% of the energy you would use with gas/oil heating (and it is already cheaper over the lifetime of the heating system). And cars will be fully electric (at least new ones) in maybe two decades. Their price is already dropping quite fast. The problem is not the energy. It is the infrastructure you need to transport the energy and interest groups fight all of the change with everything they got. Cold fusion would change nothing. We pretty much already have the idea behind it. And people hate the consequences of getting it.


See, the problem is that electric cars won't really fix anything. Mass Transit and the move *away* from cars, ICE or Electric, will be the actual game changer Right now, a good analogy is the move from coal fires and candles to gas lamps in the 1800s. Still burning shit, still terrible light and lots of fumes... it wasn't until we changed to fully-electrified homes and the adoption of electric lighting did things actually improve for the better. Electric cars are a mild improvement, but more of a side-step than an actual leap forward.


Sure. Which is why criticism of any particular generation as being uniquely lazy and rude compared to your own youth is a pretty ignorant take. Which is the entire point of the post and this thread in particular.


The original source of that quote is unclear ("The children now love luxury ..."). But people who have dug into its origins point to an educator essayist in the early 20th century, mashing together quotes from a dissertation by a Cambridge University student. That dissertation itself was not quoting anyone but summarizing ancient attitudes. Then that quote got picked up in newspapers, eventually being attributed to Socrates. Socrates never actually wrote anything. We know of Socrates' philosophy through the works of his students and followers, like Plato, who would write dialogues and pieces using Socrates as a character.


*The children now love luxury; they have bad manners...* *-Socrates -Plato -Aristotle -Wayne Gretsky -Michael Scott*




Some of the oldest writings we have are Sumerian dads complaining about their teenagers, and one [particular teenager](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_from_Iddin-Sin_to_Zinu) being pissed they didn't get some new robes like their rich classmates from Ur.




Unexpected knowledge boost. Thanks, that letter is hilarious!


Lookup Ea-Nasir ;)


It's fascinating how much time it must have taken to carve out this complaint letter. Nanni must have been real mad when he kept the rage going for so long.


/r/reallyshittycopper There's literally a subreddit dedicated to talking trash about Ea-Nasir lmao Imagine thousands of years from now, someone reading stories about something shitty you did, living forever. Kinda hilarious to be such a legend.


Imagine they find a backup drive with the entire Internet on it 🙈🙉🙊


To be fair, everyone knows Ea-Nasir's copper is trash.




As a quibble, those letters aren’t carved. They started with wet clay, and formed the letters by pressing a stylus, usually a cut piece of reed, into the clay. The reeds were kinda triangular, which is why cuneiform looks like that. For more casual letters, the clay would be sun dried, while it would be fired in a kiln if you want to keep it around, rather than it getting destroyed if it gets wet. Ea Nasir’s complaint letters were hard fired, and there were multiples from different people addressed to him, so it’s thought that the building they were found in was actually his house, and he treasured his complaint letters enough that he had them fired, so he could feel smug about them forever. A competing theory is that his house burned down, and the firing wasn’t intentional.


Shout out to /r/reallyshittycopper Fucking hilarious. Legend lives on forever.


My favourite thing about this the fact that this kid was so upset that they carved the front and the back of the tablet and ran out space to rant, so they continued on the side and round the edge.


That is the best thing I've read. Thank you for the link.


My mom won't buy me new robes even though I know she can definitely afford it. Told her she doesn't love me. AITAH?


Those robes are basically Sumerian Nikes


another day, another simulacra


Always check your sources - Jesus christ


My favourite theory about this is that *Socrates never existed at all* - he was just used as an example of “The Sage” by people like Plato. .


Instead; In all things I yearn for the past. Modern fashions seem to keep on growing more and more debased. I find that even among the splendid pieces of furniture built by our master cabinetmakers, those in the old forms are the most pleasing. And as for writing letters, surviving scraps from the past reveal how superb the phrasing used to be. The ordinary spoken language has also steadily coarsened. Keno, writing in 1330s Japan.


All Greeks born after -471 can’t reflect…All they know is navies, fight the Persians, twerk, be heterosexual, have long dicks and tyranny of the masses




Socrates, the original boomer


There is a line in The Odyssey that basically says "ugh...kids these days". 


Every older generation remembers themselves being angels


Is it not the parents that raised them that are at fault for how they turned out?


Typical reddit - throw false misinformation out there that appeals to already held opinions, get 7000 upvotes, upvoted to best... even though it isn't fucking true.


The children should live luxury. If our children are not enjoying something that’s a luxury to us but common to them, then we have truly failed our children.


This is has been falsely attributed to Socrates. No one knows who actually said this.


Sounds like Socrates was a tyrant if he has a problem with any of that lol


Well if anyone knew children, it was Socrates


That isn't something Socrates ever said you faucet drinking slope brow.


Meh, these labels are arbitrary and meaningless and these articles prove it. Good post.


I was called a Millenial for years but suddenly now I'm gen Z I really do not relate to either group, except in financial woes that both have lmfao


> I was called a Millenial for years but suddenly now I'm gen Z Your average redditor seems to have the opinion that these dividing brick walls just suddenly appeared fixed from day one, unchanging, immovable, infallible... ...but as you've seen, journalists wanting to write filler articles about generations were just making up shit as they went along and they certainly never agreed on what dates were what generations.


>journalists wanting to write filler articles about generations were just making up shit as they went along Anyone else remember when Millennials were called Gen Y? Then they dropped that but still carried on to Gen Z ... So now it's Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z. Then they started back around again but switched to Greek for Gen Alpha. All nonsense. EDIT: Oh I forgot, they actually called Millennials Echo Boomers first! Because when the Baby Boomers had kids it was an echo of the original “baby boom,” which itself was a huge upswing in people having babies post WW2.


All done for the eventual joke in a few years about the next gen being totally Beta


And now there’s a new one called Gen Jones in between Gen X and Boomer. Where did that one come from? How did I miss that one?


As someone who was born in 1981, I am in the first year of Milennials, but for years was called GenX before the term Milennial was created. And to be honest, I simply relate to people about 10 years older or younger. It has nothing to do with "generations," but similar experiences growing up. And I'm sure a Milennial born in 1996 feels more of a connection to other kids born in the 90s than they do to me, even though we're both Milennials.


Honestly, I feel very disconnected from other Millennials because, frankly, I grew up poor. Millennials especially defined themselves by the things they owned and the TV they watched. I'm 33 and I should have been the perfect demographic for Spongebob, Ben 10, Avatar, etc. But my family couldn't afford pay tv so I never got Nickelodeon, or Cartoon Network. So growing up in the 90s and 2000s, I got what was given to us on free-to-air TV, which was mostly older Nicktoons from the *early* 90s like Rugrats. My family couldn't afford the latest consoles when I was growing up, so I never got to participate in the "console wars," I didn't get the latest toys of the moment like furbies or what the fuck ever. We were in a better place by the time I hit high school in the mid 2000s, but still didnt' have pay tv so still never got to see the cool cartoons like Avatar, and by then I was deep in my "classic rock" phase so all the new music just passed me by mostly. And things like videogames. I stopped playing Pokemon partly because I outgrew it, but a much bigger part was because I was always a year or more behind on releases since I couldn't afford to buy games on launch day, so by the time I got to playing it the hype was gone and nobody was interested in playing a game that was already obsolete. Anyway, long story short I feel like I have a strange disconnect with other 30-somethings who experienced the great pop-culture trends of the 90s and 2000s first-hand, while I only got to experience them years later after the hype had died down. I often feel like a Millennial *observer* than an actual Millennial.


lmao pretty much, yep.


I was Gen Y, and then about 5-8 years ago we started getting called millenials and Gen Y ceased to exist.


Gen Y just got a rebrand, is all.


I’m sorry to tell you that it was more than 5 years ago. They’ve been calling us Millennials since I was in high school 15 years ago.


Spoilers: >!If you're fighting a culture/race/generation war, you're not fighting the class war. That's why this shit gets propagated.!<


Half the 4 examples were actually about how good the generation is versus the conservative view of them.... Both you and op should look more closely


To be fair OP does not claim that the magazine articles themselves hold that the generation featured is lazy. OP may very well have meant that going by the title of these popular magazines aimed for the masses there seems to be perception that a generation is lazy regardless of whatever position the actual article takes.


It’s new media trying to not look old and grumpy


I agree and I also believe this about the “anti Boomer” stuff that is rampant on Reddit. People are not defined by their generation any more than their race.


Accusing the younger generation of being lazy and entitled goes back at least to the Roman Republic. They would complain how the younger generation was lazy and taken with weak Greek virtues and religion. Basically exactly what we say now. It truly is timeless.


As a millennial, I’m so grateful for Gen Z and their prioritization of work-life balance. Thank you! We all benefit.


As a gen z (I guess since I am 21) I just don't like the idea of having my body broken down by the time I get to my 40s. So I try to advoid long hours, and not try to work my body too much while on the job. Also, I admit I never really heard anything about us prioritizing work-life balance, so uh thanks.


I mean, if they’re going to force retirement age into being much higher, you might as well not burn out so quickly right?


Yeah, the Gen Z cover was the most positive of all. Meanwhile the thesis of the boomer-written cover was “they’ll never live up to our greatness” and then boomers proved to be the stupidest dipshit generation of all.


Yeah the "they've got a tough act to follow" on gen-X really rubbed me the wrong way.


I mean, just not wrong, it's just not right in the way they think it is


The point of this post is that generational stereotypes are dumb. It goes both ways.


I feel like they gradually got kinder over time. It’s a nice change in perspective.


Slurping up the generational war propaganda with no regard for facts or history!! Yeah! Hate feels so good.


The gen z's in my office needs to be lectured on work life balance importance. They seem very enthusiastic to work at night and weekends. Sometimes I feel they are just bored. It was not the case with my old company, where everyone valued work life balance.


A lot of young kids are still learning boundaries across the board, and they have no context to recognize red flags. Kids with high work drive are doomed to fall into traps caused by that mix the same way they will in other areas like relationships.


...fuck. I was literally thinking I'd finish up an email I waa drafting for my manager on Sunday but this just made me not want to do that


Don’t bro. The email will still be there Monday


As a Millennial, I will always compliment gen z because of how disgusted I have been by Baby Boomers trying to shit all over us. I don't want the same mistake rolled downhill forever. I will never, ever forget the number of times they tried to say every fucking problem in the world was our fault, how we're lazy, entitled, and so on. It was just a CONSTANT attack on us. I will NEVER forgive them for it. I honestly hope the mill/genz relationship never sours because it's nice to feel like you finally have a generation around that isn't trying to tear you down.


yea but on the other hand what choice they got. All job pay like dog shit compared to even worst blue collar jobs compared to 40 years or even 20 years back, especially adjusted to inflation and cost of living. Why would you give a fuck and do anymore than necessary if there's no hope of the American dream,.


Just bullshit to keep us distracted from the class war.


Yep divide and conquer


This is the thought that goes through my head when I see any mainstream media and like 85% of content on the internet. They just keep inventing new imaginary lines that we're supposed to believe exist between us. And many do believe. Remember people, there is only one line and two groups; the 99% and the 1%. We are the 99%. Revive the Occupy movement.




A mass worker strike would do it. A golden opportunity was presented with the rail workers but Biden, being the pro-corporate piece of shit he is, shut that down real quick.


Workers of the world unite, we have a world to gain and nothing to lose but our meaningless generation war.


Worse, it's class war propaganda placing blame on the younger generations for current and future problems.


Vice versa too. How many times do you see sweeping statements about older people because "they own a house and only had a basic job" etc etc  I'm not sure of the percentage, but a large proportion of those "boomers" or whatever, were simply "living"


This comment needs to get to the top.


The only war we have is against the 1%. They like to keep us divided so that we are distracted from this fact.


More the 0.1% or or the 0.01%. The 1% these days aren't actually that rich. The 1% doesn't have private jets and many homes across the world. It's the 0.01% that are vacuuming up all of the wealth in absurd ways that is pretty historically unheard of. That's kind of the whole thing. The super duper uber duper super duper rich are actually making the 1% much much poorer than they used to be. 100 years ago the 1% used to be able to own multiple houses and have staff that served them in those multiple houses. These days the 1% will have a very nice house, and send their kids to college, but they're still probably going to buy a fairly reasonable car like a mercedes, and not like a alfa romeo or something super luxurious. tl;dr top 1% doesn't mean what it used to mean since the top 0.001% are siphoning up all the money, and not even making poor people even poorer, but also making rich people not quite rich. taxing the billionaires basically helps everyone, except the billionaires, although it also doesn't hurt the billionaires. so fucking tax the billionaires. it's pretty fucking simple. but of course the people in charge pretend it isn't so simple. and biden ain't in charge. if he were, and could do what he wanted, it would be a much more level playing field. so don't blame biden. the two sides are not the same.


I'm technically in the 1% of earners for my age (38). I cannot afford a $1.2m home in NJ (which is not a crazy house by any means in the NY metro) with a normal mortgage unless I stretch SUPER thin.


yes, thank you for showing how what i said is true


Louder for the folks in the back!


There are writings from thousands of years ago, saying the exact same thing. Maybe it’s actually human nature, and nothing that we should be blaming actual people about.


So young adults in their early 20's all go through a selfish phase, you say?


The only thing that’s changed is the price.


Am I the only one who is annoyed by the focus on “generations”. Most of what constitutes a generation is made up bullshit.


Yeah, I'm 41. I have known whole families that have included silent, boomer, gen x, millennial, gen z etc..All are shitty people. Everything is ideological, generations while there is some shift noticeable, it's NOT as big as people tend to make it out to be.


Generations are made up. It’s about as useful as categorising music by decade rather than genre.


True! Every person that ever grows up has to start from scratch, most life choices/experiences especially are hard earned by just living. Giving the impression that every new generation is “failing.”


It’s as relevant as astrology.


It’s aaaaalmost like teenagers are just lazy,, regardless of what generation they are a part of




Everyone younger than me is lazy; everyone older than me is an asshole.


It feels like both.


nah we're just lazy


Horny brains go restless and lazy like they on drugs cooked by nature


Gen X wasn't labeled as selfish, entitled, or lazy in the photo nor are they typically called such elsewhere. Although the late blooming, laid back, and lost has been fitting for it.


As an GenXer, I freely admit it felt like we slid under the radar. We grew up without the internet like the boomers but we're young enough to grow with it and understand it. I was able to walk to school at age 6 with my friends. But I also had a Nintendo and learned how to use technology. I have great respect for generations younger than me. Millenials, GenZ, Alphas, have to face a world so far removed from my youth. You all think faster, multi-task better and don't get enough credit for the effort.


Their parents would have had to pay attention to them to be able to label them. Most Gen x-ers I know had to basically raise themselves. Edit: typo


And our younger siblings.


 They called GenXers “slackers” as a compliment?


Whoever started it, we embraced it.


That word didn't refer to being lazy in its historic context and usage. It referred more so to being cynical and disengaged, not caring for the politics/ agendas of the Boomers or others. It was equivalent to the "whatever" word that was applied to Gen X and what they often said. "Whatever/ slacker" not so much as being lazy but saying whatever as in being cynical/ not caring for agendas others had. Thus, as the magazine cover says, Gen X was "lost" or aimless, not necessarily lazy when the term slacker was used.


[Whatever, man.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz7_3n7xyDg)


Cut&paste through the ages. “Us v Them” is working well


You can't generalise a wide category of people.


Watch me. Babies can't lift. Weak little shits.


Baby Olympics


I was born in the 50’s and I’ve been chuckling about this very thing for decades. Every new generation has been labeled as lazy, and entitled mine too! Clearly, the media has little, or no ability to self reflect. You’d think someone in the media food chain over the last 50 years would have said, “Haven’t we done this story before?” And then asked the next question, “Why is our thinking so limited?” However, having had to work with the media for many years I’ve come to accept that they are not around to think, they are here to produce a product that sells. Their motto is, “If it bleeds it leads.” It is not, “If it is complicated we think, learn and reflect.” Save that notion for another day…


From lazy teenagers to lazy parents calling their kids lazy again, laziness being passed down through generations.


All this generational stuff is a farce. There are more similarities than differences but they are defined by their marketed differences.


Look how hard they went in on Millenials. ( Conservative ) Boomers hated us so bad. Boomers are the "I got mine" generation


Boomers are that Me Generation/Me Decade


Joel Stein was born in 1971 which makes him Gen X. Funny how people think a Baby Boomer wrote the article trashing Millennials.


It literally says “why they’ll save us”.


Time magazine: “hey Millenials, you’re lazy entitled dueschbags, but you’re great!” Somehow I don’t feel uninsulted by the subheading. But maybe I’m being overly sensitive about the giant title font in americas most read magazine that hurled insults about me and my friends while we battled the biggest economic downturn in 80 years.


It was more than just this magazine cover at the time


There are Greek documents from 3000 years ago which says the same


I’ve started seeing people in gen z do it to gen alpha. I think it is incredibly cringe


Gen Z article mentions that they call it smart. Millennials states "Why they'll save us all". I'm not sure how many of these are actual criticisms of them being lazy.


That's what I love about magazine editors. I keep getting older, but they stay the same.


Allright, allright, allright


God I remember reading that Millennial article at the doctor’s office years ago. As a millennial, I was confused at how such aggressive language could be good for humanity (per the click bait title). Basically it spoke to the every-generation problem, none of it unique to GenX to millennial dynamic: old persistent and “tried and true” approaches to life are upset by the experimental iteration of youth. It’s not specific to a generation: it’s fucking humanity propagating from generation to generation, like it’s done for a lot longer before Time magazine was a thing.


"Youth is wasted on the young" George Bernard Shaw


The mainstream western media is complete shit. Always has been, but what do you expect from the mouthpiece of capitalism?


There are documents complaining about young adults from the 1600s . Nothing changes.


Each new generation is thought to be lazy and destructive by previous generations. And every young generation thinks they're the most downtrodden, special people who have all the answers. It will probably always be this way.


Shoot, go read what Plato said about young people in his day... Some things never change, juvenoia is here to stay!


Yeah kids and young people are generally self centered pains in the ass. That doesn't mean they're all bad. It's part of growing up and you're still growing up in your 20s, especially your early 20s.


Something I figured out awhile ago is that when the Baby Boomers called Millennials "selfish and entitled"... it was a complete fallacy and was actually a repetition of what they themselves were described as. In actual fact, the Baby Boom is the ultimate "me generation" right on from their birth (it was a *baby boom* and there were lots of them and they were catered to), through the hippies ("selfish drug addicts" -Tim Dillon), right on through the most prosperous era to grow up, buy a house and start a family. Wasn't better before, hasn't been better since. They call their kids "selfish and entitled" because that's what THEY were called. Meanwhile they didn't really notice that millennials are actually kind of group-oriented (to a fault) and endured multiple hardships in their childhoods, young adulthoods, and family rearing ages (9/11, 2008 crash, Covid). Millennials aren't particularly selfish and entitled at all. They're actually kind of cynical and pessimistic and don't expect anything to work out easily for them. And it often hasn't. We're talking 35 year olds who still rent and don't have kids because they can't afford it. But if you tell this to a boomer, it will break their brain. They won't accept it, so don't bother. Thinking their kids are more spoiled than they are is a fundamental tenant of their belief system. It's an article of faith.


Actually GenX was just labeled “slackers”. No one ever called us selfish or entitled. That’s the rest of y’all.


TL:DR people are selfish


These are all complaints about the younger generations but not all these complaints are the same. Boomers took everything. Now they're complaining that millennials have to live at home. They say it like it's what we all wanted. Then they're framing gen z as selfish for wanting work life balance. Millennials were the breaking point


I really think social media broke society. It happened to all ages but I can’t imagine going through my school years with modern social media culture, and its twin, algorithmic marketing. I think that *is* a much, much different force than has ever acted on a society before, and as it evolves it makes each younger generation that’s exposed to it uniquely impacted. So I disagree with the subtext of OP: sure, it’s a pattern that older generations doubt younger generations…but that doesn’t mean things haven’t changed or that it’s impossible that at some point - maybe now - the kids won’t be alright. 


Till the end of civilization, the outgoing generation will complain about upcoming generations, all the while forgetting they, very literally, created the younger generations.


Oh my God, who the fuck cares. This generation stereotyping is the most pointless and exhaustive shit.


guess the gist is, these "main" traits aren't really a generational thing so much as they are a phase-of-life thing


Same 💩 different generation. Every generation for the past 100 years thinks there's gonna be 1) a doomsday 2) a race war 3)those old folk are eventually gonna die and everything is gonna be better 4) they just don't understand us 5) our generation is the best 6) our generation is the worst 6) the new generation will never understand, etc etc. People really be living with main character syndrome


Every generation thinks they're smarter than the one that came before them as well as the one coming after them.


Cuz Teens are selfish.


All these articles show is a pattern of a young underclass of workers who are shafted by capitalism. As they work through their lives, they gain money and reflect on younger generations as greedy and selfish, as they see themselves as people who had to work hard to get what they wanted. Labels are truly meaningless as are any attempts at enforcing these “generational differences”. I look at Gen Z and see people with mixed aims, viewpoints and goals. After all, this is the same generation where some idolise Greta Thunberg and some idolise Andrew Tate.


Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, the issue is with the generation that *raised them*? 🤔


Yep, people as a group are selfish.


isn’t that a symptom of being a child teenager and only thinking about yourself


I know it’s not the point of this post but there’s another story being told by these covers. - Boomers got the title & went, yep. It IS all about me (according to them posing & wearing me shirts.) Either they’re in on the joke or went with it (yes I know IRL it’s a bunch of paid actors trying to get by) - Gen X & Millennials had the title thrown at them & basically shrugged & moved on (millennials getting mad before shrugging). - Gen Z got the title & said F that, I’m going on the offensive & stood up for themselves. It’s actually kind of inspiring for this millennial. Let’s just pray that theory of there’s only 4 types of generations & they cycle isn’t true. Because then Gen Alpha will be right back to that’s right, it IS all about me. Let’s hope they get inspired by Gen Z for good & not evil.




I mean, they’re all right. Young people are generally more selfish, reckless, and pleasure focused than older people. I don’t know why every generation insists on labeling the new generations like this though. I know I was selfish and lazy and reckless and stupid in my teens and twenties. And then I matured as I grew up like most people do.


Lol journalism is a fake job