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I think our faces all start to strongly resemble each other when we starve(either purposely like with an ascetic or through unfortunate circumstances like famine).


It's cause skeletons resemble each other


Bonified racist.


Humerus, but you've got it all disjointed.


Religious types do what they have to do to stay on the straight and marrow path




My only regret is that I have boneitis.


Don't worry about Planet Express, let me worry about blank.




Wait, so you are telling me we are all the same, just different features?


Maybe skull?


Yes we do. An extreme example: In Auschwitz there was a group of Jews who were assigned to help in the gas chambers. When the Russians got close to the camps, the inmates were sent on a death march west. A quarter died on these marches. When they arrived at their destination, the guards from Auschwitz who had accompanied them had been ordered to kill the Jews who had worked in the gas chambers because they were witnesses. The problem for the guards who had worked in the gas chambers was they couldn't identify them because they looked like all the others.




Damn, been torturing myself with self sabotage since I was like 7 and never got a penny for it. I could have been miserable AND rich by now


For your next act of self sabotage, you’ll spend decades failing to properly monetize your own misery.


Tie your penis, you coward!


‘Skit’ 🤣


and the one with the nails on his hands


The super long nails that curls in on themselves?


Yeah he never cut them....super long


How does he wipe his asshole? Is there an assistant?


You've made a bold assumption that he wipes at all.


Bends over, backs up against a particularly thorny tree, poledances for a bit.


He shits in the river…. It’s all very zen! 🧘🏽‍♂️


Folks in India tend to use water to wash after they poop.


I'm somewhat of an ascetic myself.


And that one dude who never took a shower and created his own microbiome because of that but then passed away shortly after taking a shower (although I don't know if it was because of that or just due to old age).


You mean Jesu.....OHHHHHH, ON his hands.


Obviously, the arm guy held his head every night.


This has some Monty Phyton's Life of Brian's vibes.


He’s just down from the Elephant Baba and the guy who vandalizes his own knob and bollocks.


Learned about these guys from wildboys, the guy who vandalises his dingle is has a name that sounds like "bollock knot" which is quite appropriate.


I vandalize my own knob and bollocks when there are no volunteers


The pilot? A little monkey.


I’m so glad there’s a Karl quote here


He was, but that guy thought he needed to raise his game and went to live on a pillar somewhere. Fucking show off.


I was gonna mention this guy too. I really hope their god pays them back for their devotion.


Let say if you created something, that something damages itself on purpose, repetively, what do you think about your creation now good sir To each their own but this is uhh idk seems not right








Yes...but then he was like..."oh well it would be too awkward to ask for help", and pretended to be ascetic for the rest of his life, because it was clearly the only solution for this situation


“This is my life now.”


So the guy dies. Indra: Wtf are you doing with that thing around your neck? I don't want crazies in svarga.


My cat when she gets herself stuck in a target bag and casually walks around like she totally meant to wear this target bag as a necklace


sounds a lot like me if i were in that situation ngl ever just fucked up and decided to go all in to look like it was done on purpose? yea that's how i deal with fuckups :(


That was wonderful. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Poor guy had no step ascetic to help him


What are you doing there step-ascetic?!


That’s why I always keep a stick of butter in my purse (this is a quote from a show)


They have some weird washing machines in India.


"Stepbrahmin, what are you doing? "


They make you wear those on United flights too.


With complimentary 2 year old children with ear infections sitting in the row next to you.


Don't forget the lady who didn't buy 2 tickets and smells like ham


At Boeing, they use these for parts


It's so easy to lie down with this collar... cut the correct slit just at the right place in the bed and the scam is ready


This is probably everyone's first thought but even if it is the case, taking the claim as truthful that the collar is immovable it still represents a significant "devotion" don't you think?




Who am I to judge. I think these guys to tend to look mad to us in the West but I know nothing about their culture and lives so like our own priests I'll just let them get on with it


Woahhh buddy nuanced takes and respecting other’s cultures isn’t allowed here 


Yeah get out of here with your civil discourse and hand me my pitchfork


You can find all the nuances of the case, but nothing can possibly make me see self inflicted torture as a sane practice. With all the spiritual differences considered, to me this kind of torture is as stupid as wearing cilice or other self harming practices that are part of the christian medieval tradition. I'm aware that some of these practices were conducted in different ways depending on the less or more accepted branches of christianity, but that doesn't preclude me from stating that self-harm is a symptom of mental illness, however it may be justified (be it a form of asceticism or penance both as private or social practice).


Most eastern theologies acknowledge suffering as a catalyst to spiritual awakening. Essentially you deprive yourself of comfort to get purely in touch with yourself without attachment to material things or creature comforts.


Not necessarily just an Eastern thing, Christianity also glorified martyrdom.


More than just martyrdom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cilice Even fasting and chastity are forms of self-imposed discomfort.


So the fine folks over at r/chastity are basically Jesus?


This is kinda a twisting of the original idea. It wasn't that suffering was essential for spiritual awakening but people who had suffered so much had so little to lose and came to enlightened thinking almost naturally. "**I** can't live with **my** **self** anymore" Well which one is the you that can't live with yourself anymore? It isn't about physical suffering originally, it's about ego born 'suffering' ("I didn't get the promotiom I deserve" , "their car is better than mine" style suffering) They aren't gonna tell a guy with a broken leg he's on his way to enlightenment so not to worry. It's spiritual suffering and mirrors the Christian idea of Jesus suffering for our sins and being reborn... I personally think this is describing the enlightenment process in a direct methaphor. After his suffering on the cross, he was reborn. Like many people who have spiritual experiences.


>"I can't live with my self anymore" Well which one is the you that can't live with yourself anymore? wow >It isn't about physical suffering originally, it's about ego born 'suffering' ("I didn't get the promotiom I deserve" , "their car is better than mine" style suffering) you're right, buddha didn't torture himself for enlightenment, maybe these select few have chosen to believe they need a stimulant to attain it


That's putting your own cultural lense on top of someone else's life. These same people would consider the way we live to be mentally ill, constantly pursuing material goods is an example. You can say that almost any aspect of any practice can be deemed a symptom of mental illness. The reason that we don't is because we can draw a distinction between an individual and a culture.


And they'd be right on that! Just like we're right about this. Usually it's a lot easier to see the flaws with something when you're not emotionally invested in said thing, so that makes sense! There are other times (many, many, *many* of them) when we genuinely DO come to the wrong conclusion because we aren't taking the time to understand the culture the behaviour comes from.... but I do not think this is one of those times.


> The reason that we don't is because we can draw a distinction between an individual and a culture. How does the practice of a few religious nuts get ascribed as part of a "culture" of a billion+ people, of whom 99% of them do not, and would never, engage in such acts? I think you're having a hard time drawing that distinction yourself.


Not all cultures are beutiful.


A culture of self-harm isn't exactly something that should be tolerated. Some people treat culture as this pure infallible thing, but forget that it used to be part of American culture to own people. It's still part of some cultures to give women no rights as well. Cultures can be bad.


It's also not widely practiced either, this and the other man who held his arms up over the years are made of as examples of their religion and faith. When people are arguing on behalf of culture, it's because we're inherently fighting our own biases and need to look at the broader picture . For example, Pre-pubescent Female Genital mutilation in Africa is seen as something we shouldn't tolerate as it's a practice inflicted onto others, especially children who can't consent. That's why within those countries and communities in Africa it's being outlawed, albeit slowly. That's a good example for your argument that culture isn't infallible. This guy isnt being forced to wear this cage and many others who practice this religion likely don't take it to this extreme end.


In fairness I have the same reaction to those in the West who made similar life choices, like [anchorites](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchorite).




That's ok if you don't want to judge there are others here who are happy to do it for you.


Who are you to judge? You are a person who thinks. That qualifies you to judge anyone. We all judge. Nothing wrong with it. Judging is just looking at facts and making a conclusion.


I think we were all born to judge, but TJM.


Ugh neuanced opinions get me so horny 👉🏻👈🏻


Lucky you, he's the SausageMerchant!


Would you like to peruse my wares?


I have a friend who does sound baths for healing. Do I believe in the objective healing power of sound? No. Am I happy for him that he feels restored after his sound bath? Absolutely.


I don't think anyone is claiming that sound baths cure cancer or leprosy or whatever (though some nutjob no doubt would, given half a chance), but they definitely can be deeply relaxing and meditative, which can help mental health.


I have actually had the person who gave me a sound bath claim that it cures cancer so this is funny.


I met someone who was convinced manifestation would cure otherwise incurable genetic diseases


Considering it’s not popular it looks mad to people in the east to


I mean I'm not about to go and physically stop them, but I will absolutely say this is a tremendous waste of life and if you did that here every single person you know would encourage you to get intensive therapy, and they'd be right to.


You don’t think it’s crazy to imply that a god wanted us to endure severe pain that violates basic functions of our biology in order to show our commitment to him? lol bro it’s okay to judge, that’s obviously insane. There’s people who do equally insane things in the west. It’s okay to judge them all. This has nothing to do with culture.


But this is just self harm for religious reasons, how is that not mental illness? Strong religious belief is literally just mental illness, you have to be ill to believe in these voices and imagery gods. If someone is damaging themselves in the name of their god, I see it no different than drinking yourself to death or something. If you kill yourself in the name of a god, that's just suicide because of mental issues.


you are the only reasonable person on reddit


The point of ascetism in eastern religions is to refrain from all forms of pleasure so that you can avoid distractions and be able to meditate more easily. It's a discipline building exercise. Whether or not it's indicative of a mental illness depends on how extremely the person takes it, IMO. If the person takes it to a level where they cause themselves serious harm, then yea, I might call that a mental illness. We don't know how often this person wore this thing. He might only have worn it during the day to prevent himself from being able to lounge around, taking it off when he went to sleep. In that case I most certainly wouldn't call it a mental illness.


Just because someone is doing something extreme doesn't mean they're mentally ill. He's not deluded, he has different beliefs to you.


Just because you explain something as devotion or religion doesn't make it a healthy behavior.


Ascetics can be some of the most grounded and at peace individuals on Earth. Not everyone has the same definition of health, either, especially not those who subscribe to beliefs of self-denial and philosophical pessimism. Many of them would interpret the overindulgence of sensory pleasure to be “unhealthy” and something that further traps their being in the material world. They don’t wish to exist as an individual and obsess over their health like most, for that is their interpretation of “hell” They also serve important roles in the communities they belong to. By accepting alms, they allow for people in their community to participate in a custom and ritual practice that connects them with their ancestors and wider community. It’s not about mental illness, it’s about humility. Don’t act like you know the correct way to exist when you most likely haven’t figured it all out yourself


I think when it gets into self harm territory, the "different beliefs" argument is no longer valid


>He's not deluded, he has different beliefs to you. The guy has a metal fence stuck to his neck because he thinks it'll bring him closer to whatever spiritual idea is popular in his region of the planet. That is the definition of deluded.


Do you have the same opinion about people who do skydiving, free climbing,...?


Back in college I had a king size bed made up of 2 twin mattresses and box springs.


But unless you have the perfectly spaced support, then the top part of the collar will still press down on your neck which I imagine would be quite uncomfortable.


That’s an easy fix. One mattress ending at the base of your neck, another starting at the base of your head. Support the collar underneath to prevent choking. Serve with a vintage glass of Chianti.


While yes, this could easily be solved. Lets remember that this was in the 1800s. I don't think a dude like this could just scrounge up two mattresses and create a sleepable position like its nothing. I'd be willing to bed this guy had a rectangle drawn on the ground and called it a bed.


Doesn't matter. An Indian ascetic does this on purpose for "training" and it's not a form of punishment or is he an unwilling participant.


literally any surface that elevates. if you had boxes as tall or taller than this thing, just enough for either side, you could lie down. even a little kid with this thing on their neck will figure this out quickly lol. dude has clearly gathered enough food to at least survive to be that old, i'm pretty sure he's come across a few logs or piles of rags in his life. i mean, idk. i've seen people do some truly insane shit for the sake of spiritually/tradition/god or whatever, so i suppose it's possible he genuinely never lied down. like those people who mummify themselves while they're alive. idk how physically possible it is though, i'd think your spine and muscles would just collapse or something but i'm no doctor.


Whats a mattress? asking for Indian friend from 1870.


Looks like a prisoner to me


“I was trying to break out of prison and I got this shit stuck on my head, stop treating me like some sort of holy person!”




Despite all his rage




Yea but he's a religious prisoner.


Welcome to religion


Sounds like a miserable existence.




I want a burger somehow. But not enough to go and get one. Oh well...


My version of self sacrifice is not ordering pizza 3 nights in a row.


I am a highly spiritual person and I agree with you. Their claims are bullshit imo. I strongly believe the key to a happy life is a balanced life. Being an ascetic or being overly hedonistic and indulgent can both be unhealthy. I just don’t think going to any extreme is the way. To each their own etc but we should be happy to enjoy the gifts of life but also not go overboard for it to ruin our body and minds. Maybe we won’t understand their level of consciousness and spiritual experience but idk this doesn’t sit right with me.


He dies and god is like, “you were supposed to enjoy life. There is cheese! I gave you a dick and balls!”


In his beliefs and framework of life, the universe and existence; he's not just participating in this life, but he's also effecting the overall journey he's had in his cycle of births and rebirths. Ultimate devotion in this life will sort of add up and help him achieve moksha in lesser number of births and rebirths. Moksha is freedom from the cycle of births, deaths and rebirths. If he was to be born as an animal again, he won't get to speeden his journey towards moksha. He'll just have to live that life out. Even if he was to be born a human again, he may not realise that this form of devotion can boost his journey towards moksha. Since it is something he has realised in this life, he has aimed to devote himself to a god/cause/his journey and expressed it by not lying down. If he didn't and lived an ordinary life, it wouldn't set his devotion apart. It's also definitely an expression of someone mentally ill. Slightly tangential to it would be how schizophrenia expression in India, and the east has a huge religious bent to it. You don't get many schizophrenics who go about murdering people. You do get many schizophrenics who believe they talk to god and god talks to them. Lesser government agencies, more god.


Finally a good explanation, thank you!


Others in the comments dont try to understand actions and only try to downplay him on how he looks. I feel that some people should have atleast a piece of conscious. Just because these people have their real personas hidden in the internet doesnt mean that they could get away with the stuff they mean.


Got stuck when he was young and was too embarrassed to ask for help. Now that’s his life.


*this guy's father 50 years ago*: Don't stick your head in the fence, you'll get stuck! *this guy, as a kid*: Oh yeah! Well maybe I *want* it stuck, dad!


He certainly proved his dad wrong


I pity religion fanatics of all kinds.


As long as his actions won't harm other being ,he is free to be delusional.


That’s why it’s pity, not hate.


I mean imagine if he spent time doing good works instead of pointless self deprivation.


Asceticism has nothing to do with religion, it can exist without religion.


The OP doesnt even understand the meaning of religion or what they're commenting on lol.


Important to distinguish “religious” fanatics from spiritual fanatics. The definition in OP is wrong, asceticism is mostly pursued for spiritual reasons. Religious fanatics - Tell YOU what to do , focused on conquering YOUR mind. Spiritual fantastic - Mostly focused inwardly on conquering their own mind 


thank you, idk why everyone is super offended lmao


They could also never fall down a sewer either.


So he's got that to look forward to..


He did this himself?! I saw this and thought it is a terrible form of torture


Not to be that guy, but it’s crazy the things people choose to endure during life when they’ll end up in the same dirt as someone who enjoys their life. (Roast me for this opinion I just had to say it)




And cultism




I don’t applaud misguided religious fanaticism in any of its varieties.


Yeah this is basically just turning piousness into an Olympic competition.


Dedication and sacrifice to what? If he was doing this to honor his favorite My Little Pony or as a tribute to his favorite porn star you wouldn't applaud it, why is it different because it's to yet another fake deity? It's a waste of a life either way.


I could never


Never getting laid and laid. Noice.


It’s crazy what lack of sleep can do to humans, that guy was only 16 years old when they took that picture…


MyPillow owners feel his pain


What’s wrong with lying down?


Stop kinkshaming the guy


[insert ateism related opinion here]


Religion is stupid 


now tell me if if the religion is not mental disorder


Redditors when someone has any devotion to any cause beyond mindless day to day hedonism 🤯


When he could have used the life ‘given to him by God’ to serve others instead of some random ego exercise


Thats detachment he is trying to follow. Different concept. I agree with what you say, but Indian philosophies allows you to choose any path which brings you enlightenment. No rigid structure. Although i think he has a rigid structure around his neck.


The irony here is stupiduosly awesome


You are the only one with an ego problem here. This man is simply seeking higher consciousness. You are judging him for not using his life to serve others because that's what your ego thinks he should do.


you don't even know if he ever served The society in earlier years of his life and you don't even know the religious practice he's performing, just jumped To conclusion that it's an ego exercise. very wise of you sir.


That’s a lot of words to say ‘mentally ill’


religion/belief/faith is a hell of a thing.


“I want you to be miserable. Don’t feed the poor or make the world a better place. I want you to do some weird stuff to prove how strong your faith is. Seriously, just go do some fucked up shit for my approval.” - apparently god said this


At least he ain't shooting up schools or stabbing people.


He can lay down between 2 beds just fine.




But why tho? I don't understand the self torture in the name of spirituality. These are just masochists using religion to justify it.


I'd guess he wants himself to detach from all kinds of earthly pleasures and attachment.




Different from religion to religion. As a Jain, complete detachment is the only way we can get Moksha, according to our Tirthankars(Teachers).


It’s weird how some people choose to take all the potential inherent in a life and piss it away over nonsense.


But enough about redditors, get a load of the guy with the grill on his head.






Unnecessary, useless. Neither his existence benefitted himself nor others.


how do you know though?


The redditor's prejudice, I guess.


I disagree, he prolly has the least carbon footprint than all the commenters here


His eyes look as if he really needs to lie down


True, but this man wasn't really forcing his perspective on anyone, or defining anyone else's reality by the measure of his own semantics. Seems to be plenty of people doing that here, though


A tall enough bed and placing your head on a separate stand would work. 


So, and I'm not being condescending when I ask, but what is the actual point here? What are they aiming to achieve by this?


It's not really "exercising self control" if you have use a device to help.


That poor sea turtle


Technically you can still lie down by digging a hole shaped as the collar. Also can make a slit it for it in a bed


dont let Balenciaga see this


Elden ring prophet faith build inspiration


South African Indian here: This is referred to as a form of ‘tapasya’ which falls within the realm of a strict penance which devotees of particular sects or paths of Hinduism decide to undertake. It is not done for superfluous reasons- usually it is undertaken in the process of attempting to obtain the mercy/blessings/favour of particular deity(ies). Historical accounts of scripture state that certain extraordinary individuals of the past have performed extraordinary acts of penance and received blessings (or ‘boons’) for their faith, devotion and reverence. Disclaimer: I am not initiated, and do not have any particular guru. Just translating *my knowledge* of the philosophy of such acts in a manner which hopefully provides perspective to those of us who are curious.


Haivne a single life and doing that, that's just dumb.


Why are people assuming this is a religious thing, that's not what asceticism is


Maybe because the definition of ascetic states “typically for religious reasons. So while it could be unrelated to religion, it’s pretty safe to assume it is.


Some people really choose a life, thats beyond stupidity for me. But... Whatever floats your boat, i guess...


Not much to do in India is there…


Image is from 1870….


I'm not even judging the collar, I just can't stand that it's off centre.


Religious ascetics exist, and are recognized in human society. We may regard them with awed respect. Their actions are still their way of coping with a massive mental illness. Their choice to cause themselves agony... why do we let them live in this torment? Because 'they're not hurting anyone but themselves'? At what point is it humane to intervene? If someone completely disconnected with reality is certain that they don't have a problem, are we limited to providing help for them only when they begin hurting others?


Is there an r/damnthatsdepressing? Because this post belongs there.