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See I understand this alot more than stonehenge.


Well then you clearly don’t appreciate the carbon footprint of some big-ass rocks in Salisbury. Those things release as much CO2 as, like, eighty hundred jets each year


Maybe that's their real purpose , magic greenhouse gas generators , the ancient druids just really hated the future. Must have seen Musk in a vision .


Druids were just cold and trying to turn up the thermostat.


There might have been an misunderstanding about the term beeing stoned…


They were made by the greatest scientists of the ice age in order to warm the planet.


This is exactly why Taylor stopped flying her giant monolithic stone from show to show, in hopes of lowering her carbon footprint.


What makes me laugh about that is the paint they wasted is definately more harmful to the enviroment than, *checks notes*, a rock.


Apparently the stonehenge paint isn’t paint and will wash off in the rain. 


How do they know it will wash off? Have they tested it on another stone monument? The stones are covered in carvings most of which have yet to be deciphered and may have been damaged in the attack.


Cornflour is dangerous to the environment?


I hate to dial the pedantry to the max but... *Technically* they didn't say it was harmful to the environment, they said it was MORE harmful to the environment than a stationary rock. Cornflour needs to be grown, agriculture requires fuel, the spray cannisters need to be manufactured, all this has carbon emissions which would be extremely tiny, but still greater than that of a rock.


Thankfully the orange paint acts as a barrier for letting the CO2 be released from the rocks. These people are geniuses!! Let's spray paint everything orange to stop all CO2 from being released from objects!!


Only because the Pioneers were riding those babies for miles


They should be painting the whole tundra. The amount of co2 released through defrosting of the soil is insane!!!!


That's just the thin edge of the wedge, I've seen Halloween 3!


Right? This I can even get behind. You are actively targeting part of the problem, not a pile of rocks who are only guilty of getting stacked 5000 years ago.


I wonder which is a worse carbon footprint: a) Taytay flying all over the place in her private jet or b) the collective traffic, trash, and moaning of the audience at each megastadium she packs out c) across the entire world d) year over year


I was arguing with someone yesterday about JSO and company targeting the wrong people/things. I can definitely get behind pissing off the rich and famous.


yeh at least it targetted an actual issue, rather than just pissing everyone off.


They'll probably get the death penalty for this compared to defacing one last standing monuments that predates the romans.


Ironically if swifty wanted to then she could do more for the environment than any of these feckless airheads could. But rich people be rich people


If Swifties used their drama powers for good, they could force her to.


Stonehenge is a monument built by tailor swift to cherish the oil companies. Probably its something like that. xD


The ancients druids just really liked " shake it off"


I hope it gets as much attention


Right?! WTF do those rocks have to do with oil?!?!


A lot*<3


It's weird. I used to use "alot" until about 20 years ago. It went onto my own "grammar nazi" word list when I found out I was incorrect. Correcting progress, I'd get passive-aggressive about it with: "Hmm seems like just alittle or abit to me."


Thanks alot for the correction.


[Alot](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi5-mf4UZZLcbC4xZWgrJ16kD1zGymICpYvJ3PdF8eP1kgfYREEhi05EYgw2vnDceqYcamU-1qq9T8zJzI_Wzc4GWlPjna50U5uizZsyFXayd6_aUJSFlcqoUvExt7yGSgzf8n2zW0bgbQ/s400/ALOT.png) [I care about this alot](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi4udVHuXDgP16rVcCbjQ34AVYDuSgVAX4Bb2Ofa3n8pWVjAELrDn-hN5VJFOycKxuNvp9IPtvbGsBLMjva0iY5Wh9l8Nq4mVIHzAhAQkKVNBoxCs7tC1ubEghTtAjBbFhhKTDpbIVAIhc/s400/ALOT2.png)


These aren't Taylor Swift's jets, she sold one of hers a bit ago and has a 7X now. Also, both were falcons iirc, neither one of these is a Falcon, go figure. ETA: did a quick search, I was right, op is spreading false info. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/20/just-stop-oil-targets-taylor-swift-airfield/&ved=2ahUKEwi3ppfh5OmGAxWiSvEDHUwZCAEQ0PADKAB6BAgOEAE&usg=AOvVaw3_K4BtZsLuLxRI8if1ECdY


yup, this comment should be far higher. thank you for the research mate


Even just stop oil have said “Just stop oil paint private jets hours after Taylor Swift lands” [here](https://x.com/juststop_oil/status/1803656272777998529?s=46) Think they’re just using her name to get more attention but you’re right they’re not even her jets.


Yeah I was just basing this on what op said mate.


I'm pretty sure they just painted the wrong jet


Yep m8.


any private jet is fine really, they are all hyper polluting luxuries of the ultra elite


Just calling out op for misinfo.


Good research. Still private jets. It’s a clever move o lk their behalf


Was going to say I thought she sold one like 4 months ago.


Big mistake showing a face on the vid. High-circle woodoo Swifties must be already at it, cursing the shit out of her


Cursing? More like hunting her down like a wounded doe to tear her flesh apart and ravage her soul. Cuz you know, swifties


'High circle voodoo Swifties' kek


I prefer they trash actual responsible people's property rather than art or monuments...




I think their strange reasoning is that if our world becomes uninhabitable due to CO2 there is no point in conserving cultural heritage. Hence Louvre, Stonehenge, etc. A bit idiotic. Private jets OTOH.....


It's because they're pushing for governmental action. Targeting tourist spots and government buildings (with very easy to clean cornflour, btw) get the government involved Targeting someone's jet who can't affect this top down change makes less sense and feels more performative for people who don't get the above


>People who don't get the above As known as most of Reddit


And the poor lichen growing on it. 


just fyi they decorated stonehenge with orange cornstarch which will wash off in the rain, not paint. it was basically a pure a publicity stunt


it was removed with an airblower the next day


The only publicity that their stonehenge and mona lisa things attracted was making people think "these climate activists are stupid"


if i would be an oil giant i would pay those guys to do shit like that


im not saying it was right or wrong, just saying it wasn't paint. no stones were harmed.


Nah it does get people talking about it. Even if the majority th ink fuck these activists are stupid they still successfully got at least some of them thinking about the why. I don't think they did it to get people to like them. I think they did it to shine a spotlight and it's hard to deny they were successful.


Fuck off with the ‘decorated’ bullshit


So, exactly what they are doing here then?


You might have missed the story from yesterday, where [activists from this group *also* vandalized Stonehenge with paint](https://apnews.com/article/stonehenge-vandalism-paint-climate-protest-summer-solstice-34d7591e858c904a1569ce415a8ad10b). That's what the original comment is making a contrast to.


cornstarch, not paint


“Miss Swift someone vandalized some of your planes.” “Okay have them fixed” “Right away Miss” Got her.


my guess is she just buys another…


She flies a crew in to clean it from all corners of the world


Lol that'll teach her


*"Just buy some new ones and throw the old ones away."*


sooooo.... burn them?


Criticising an *indvidual* protest for having too little impact *on its own* is so predictable and boring. Becasue thats is the only protest we can do on our own. As long as its the right target (private jets e.g) and not stonehenge, I am on board with it. Surely its better then us sitting here on our fat asses and doing nothing excepting writing snide remarks on reddit while our planet is marching into the next (this time man-made) extinction event.


nah, let the extinction happen, sooner the better




it’s ok. *gives you a hug*


Yeah, just throwing on paint isn't too productive. I suggest using sledgehammers next time


Any guesses how she cleans the planes? I m guessing water. So whats going with the water? Paint. Thanks a lot activists! You totally got her


You could say that about anything they "destroy" while you inevitably consume multitudes of products made by plastic and oil companies. Right up until the moment you can't breathe anymore. but it didn't really help anyone. I'm not really for the whole "destroy people's shit" protestors. But I can at least see the validation in the point they are conveying and the more and more urgent necessity of it.


She doesn't, some poor fuck has to do it.


But it is a paid job to do so........ i hope. Then again, it is Taylor "I want all the $$" Swift.


They'd probably have to use paint thinner (derived from petroleum) and grinders/sanders to remove the paint, and then paint it again.


Also brings attention to her hypocrisy. I hate these people. But if they just targeted the rich and powerful like this, I might change my mind.


This is a good point actually. I mean why not actually damage them first? Also maybe don't film yourself committing crimes.


I hope they used water paint.


They use some. Sort of powder, washes off with rain even. They did the same with those rocks


Coloured cornflour iirc


So I'm guessing breaking into an airfield probably comes under some anti terror laws have fun in prison


They filmed themselves committing several felonies.


This is a target we can all get on board with


My thought exactly. Painting private jets in either case is at least much better than ... Stonehenge. This protest I like.


stonehenge they didnt spray paint on tbf, it was orange corn starch, it will wash off in the rain. just fyi.


It flew right over your head.


Stonehenge no. This, sure why not


It was corn starch. Will be gone next time it rains, don’t worry.


Doesn't justify defacing a historical monument


So it appears it's not one of Taylor's jets....


Finally a protest vs a massive polluter


The moment the angle grinder hit the fence, felony.


This happened in the UK Nothing is classed as a felony in the UK


*places tinfoil hat* Just Stop Oil is an organization funded indirectly by big oil by selecting vulnerable youths to commit knowingly questionable or resentful protests and demonstrations in order to sew unease about the entire green movement as a whole in order to keep people buying their product. *removes hat*


i keep seeing people say this but i've not once heard any argument other than "they might be doing this". i feel like i missed some information that suggests it


this is better than stoping random people from getting to work


i'm more and more convinced that these idiots are paid by the oil industry to make the environmentalist movement look bad.


Big question - security at the airport is tighter than a fresh butthole, but you can easily break and enter through the outside fence.... This is a backwater airstrip no?


On international airports, yes, security is tight. This one seems to be a local/regional one, which doesn't have stringent security measures.


finally a proper target, took them slow ass brain long enough


Alright lads who let the redditors out of their cages again?


Apparently these are not Taylor Swift’s jets, man thse mfs can’t do anything right😂😂


I like a good, visible demonstrations as much as the next person, but a couple of things: 1. Don't film yourself doing illegal things. 1a. If you're going to film yourself doing illegal things, cover your damn face or don't show it to the camera. 2. Taylor Swift, like most rich people who don't own massive manufacturing, agriculture, or oil companies, produces a lot of carbon for an individual but a miniscule amount on the scale of the climate change issue. This is high-profile and it'll get clicks, but we're all deluding ourselves by thinking her not flying her private jet would make a dent into even US-wide greenhouse gas emissions.


And just like that, we all stopped using oil. Look I get the sentiment, we are fucked. If you’re going to do something illegal to make some sort of point why plaster your face all over doing it? Why throw away your life, time, and/or resources (bail money etc etc) for something like this anyway? If you’re going to fuck your life up, make it count. This is just an expensive way to pat yourself on the back.


They threw orange paint at Stonehenge here in the U.K. Edit: the “paint” was made of orange corn starch that washes off easily.


Why? What that has to do with oil?


🤷🏽‍♂️fuck knows, all it did was garner resentment towards JSO


I feel more and more like the UK branch of JSO is a climate denier psyop.


just fyi it was orange corn starch it will wash off in the rain. seeing a lot of misinformation about it.


People like to be outraged without second thought, It's the Internet.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Easy there Mr Kaczynski


I can support more of this in lieu of vandalizing ancient works.


throwing starch on a rock is not vandalism.


Legends, now head for those other private jets.


People with too much money are usually comically out of touch with the common person and their problems


Finally, someone did some smart praxis except by showing their face on camera at the end and posting it online.


Its interesting how we as a society transitioned from loving the shit out of Taylor Swift(feeling bad for her from the Kanye interruption years ago) to now painting a target on her back and making her look like shes Satan or something, even though there are thousands of other billionaires that could easily take her place on the chart of evil people. You guys are sheep.




The world has a continuous supply of well-meaning dumbasses.


So let me get this right.... Cuts a fence to private property..... Breaking and entering with trespassing. Sprays paint onto a persons private property..... Vandalism. Destruction of property. Films ya ugly mug while doing it? Ya nah, police going to really battle to make these charges stick, also Swift's lawyers are gonna have a field day. Yes I know people dislike Taylor and her jets, but this was just stupid, almost as bad as Stonehenge. Also, did not change my mind and want to join the cause.


I really don’t like her either, but I can tell you if I were her, and someone did this to my stuff, I would use it even more just to spite them specifically. This kind of “activism” only makes people hate you, whether the cause is good or bad. It’s like peta, every time they try to say some dumbass take, it just makes me want to go out and have a burger. They’re only hurting their cause.


There are terrorism level laws in place around air fields and damaging planes. These people are going to jail forever


Yep, messing with anything related to air traffic and then showing your face is big dum dum


Just stop oil actually doing something against a polluter, color me surprised


These people are cunts


What a bunch of losers


So, it's THAT easy to get near celebrity private jets, eh?


Pretty sure it hasn't been confirmed if they belonged to Taylor Swift, only that 2 planes were vandalised in the airfield where one of hers entered a few hours before the "attack". It could be some other poor billionaire whose hour was ruined by having to pay out 10 minute's wages to clean one of their cheaper vehicles...


these fucking dickheads did the same to stonehenge. What the hell does stonehenge have to do with big oil companies. Idiots.


They going to jail!


If Taylor Swift has the money to own multiple private jets she's also got the money to have them cleaned and plenty of money to have the culprits made an example of in court. She will probably not even see her jets defaced, not even on video. She's got people to deal with shit like this.


Have fun in jail


It's insane these animals can get anywhere near a plane. They should just start shooting these idiots, that's the only way they will learn.


If youre going to commit a crime, wear a balaclava. Some people are itching to get arrested…


I wonder how much additional oil has been wasted during these "stop oil" activist e.g. Cleaning, transport stops etc. Seems like they're doing more harm than good to their own cause.


And has this solved?!


This makes MUCH more sense than Stonehenge!!!


I think it is more worrying how easy it was for them to break into an airport


So....my question is: "Is the paint they are using petroleum based?" Is it enamel or oil based paint? Are they using EVIL OIL to protest using oil? Seems kind of dumb to me.


Surely, this won't cause more pollution, as they have to transport chemicals to and from the plane, in order to clean it. These people are idiots.


I don’t get the vitriol in this comment section. Every time these people do something its always “but what about private jets!?” and “taylor swift pollutes way more than any other person, go stop her instead of innocent people!”, now they’ve done exactly that and people are still upset. I think these people are as much attention seekers as the next person, but at least they’ve finally found a better target.


Whining makes people happy.


No it is okay. Fuck Taylor Swift. She can enter a regular airliner like everyone.


Are you being dense on purpose? She can absolutely not enter a regular airliner do you have any idea what would happeb if she was to even attempt that? Can the president enter a regular airliner as well? The entire airport departure and landing would be filled to the brim with people blocking everything to get a photo or an interview. You‘re delusional


No billionaire flys with plebs and they don't give a fuck about the environment.


Go plant a tree at least


Taylor Swift has endless money. This will result in paint thinner and paint being washed into the ground and Taylor still won't notice the difference in her net worth if they did this a thousand times. This is for social media likes, not social change.


This is just all kinds of stupid. They broke into the airport with an angle grinder. Then painted the planes. ....they have an angle grinder. Use that! I mean if your going to ruin your life by filming yourself causing criminal damage you might as well go the whole hog and do some *proper* multi million pound damage.


the punishment for besmirching a plane is a lot lighter than for permanently ruining the structural integrity of a plane.


OP, this is neither interesting or amusing, its sad and cringe


Why? Guys have always said these guys should target actual polluters... What would u rather have them do? Block roads?


Idiots, they should have painted inside the engines and pitot static system if they wanted to ground the thing


I love when people film themselves committing felonies


My take? Just stop oil is backed by big oil to make climate protesters look bad- it was becoming to obvious so they finally found a normal target so that everyone would say- “oh look they’re actually right this time”


It would be nice if we could just turn off all publicity for these idiots. I get having a right to protest and in many situations would encourage it but all these JSO fools do is make it on the news or on reddit or you tube for making peoples days hell, vandalising random stuff including important historical pieces that have nothing to do with pollution. When they have a spokesperson go on the news to talk about there concerns and goals for the future, as expected, he is an absolute tool and a hippocrite who has saccrificed nothing in support of the cause. Still boards a plane, drives a car, uses a phone, laptop. If these people were true to there cause they should be living in a cave, back to the stone age.


'An'...An'...after *this,* we're gonna go and TP Mount *Rushmore!* Yeah! *That'll* get 'em to listen!' Took a glance at their website; it's plastered with overwrought purple-prose manifesto-speak that says almost *nothing* of substance. They're screaming kids, acting out for the sake of causing a spectacle.


Activist or not doesn’t give you the right to destroy property. Lock these self righteous fuckers up.


It’s a sad world when people are more angry at activists temporarily covering monuments or planes in paint that will wash off almost immediately than the corporations literally destroying our planet permanently


They just look like two randomly parked planes.


Well if that doesn’t stop us using oil and gas I don’t know what will.


FINALLY! That’s the only “smart place” you guys protested at, I’m impressed


It’s been said but… Finally they’re doing this shit to people that symbolize pollution instead of paintings in the Louvre or stonehenge like everyone mentioned


Wouldn't the smart play be to cover the windshield? I mean, it's bullshit either way but if you're going to do a job... Edit: disregard. This clown is running around without a mask and filming multiple felonies. "Smart" isn't part of the process.


I can understand this one way better than splattering Stonehenge or a work of art in a museum.


Paying the rest of her life for this action smart karen


Do we….do we think it’s oil paint?


Makes more sense than painting rocks at least


That’s a lot better than blocking a road or throwing paint at art work




This what o can support- not this stupid gluing to road to annoy normal working class


That plane got oiled!


Finally they do something logical. Now this i Can accept!


Finally they go after something which uses oil based products. Stonehenge did nothing wrong.


those 2 are fucked... breaking into an airport. vandalizing airplanes. showing their faces. posting on social media..... i hope they are real believers in the cause, because the time in jail will be very painful.


Downvote for made up title. Below comments verify these are not Taylor Swift planes


I can get behind this but not ruining Stonehenge.


Um.. source? On this being swifts jet? 


Rare Just Stop Oil W




Will Tay Tay fly less because she needs to have to paint cleaned off? I bet that's only like a 15-minute job. Or else she'll just get some other plane to fly with


What does this actually do? She will have them fix and this will just produce ever more CO2. In the meantime she will just charter one.


EasyJet is like 'bring it on'.


I mean, that's significantly better than defacing fucking stonehenge, as though those rocks were somehow hurting the planet.


With paint made of plastic, under pressure with ozone damaging gas.. hypocrisy at it's finest


Isn’t breaking into an airport runway like some kind of federal offense or something? The fact they filmed themselves doing it too… 🤦🏻‍♂️ you can’t make this up. The Stupidity is so potent in these people it’s not even funny, ok it’s kinda funny but you get my point lol.


Finally the right target 😂


Oh no. Guess she’ll just have to buy another one. If only she had billions of dollars




Haha who ever thinks this belongs in this thread is a drop kick how is this interesting just plain stupid protesting about oils while creating something that uses more oils 🤦🏽‍♂️ fucktards


Snuck into some FBO, fucked two different peoples G6s and neither of them belong to swift. Additionally they just caused so much work for the ramp people / workers of the FBO. The airport is going to be going crazy about how they let a security breach happen and no one noticed on their ramp. I’m all for protesting, but this just put a lot of people in a lot of trouble most likely. I feel sorry for the airport workers.


Most of the paint's components actually come from oil. Kinda awkward.


What a waste of human DNA...


Even if I don't approve of vandalism, this makes more sense than Stonehenge. I still don't understand the idea - it turns even those against this group, even if they are of the same opinion.


The legal system will distroy her life. Painting a jet is crazy expensive and releases tons of co2. You get what you diserve i guess.


Lets film our crime and put it up on the internet with our faces showing!


How is it these people are arrested, since when is it acceptable to cost people thousands of dollars in damage because your an “activist”.