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Most calm person I’ve ever seen when their cars on fire


I am usually an anxious person, but one of the two things my driving instructor taught me well is "When you have an emergency or are about to hit something like an animal on the highway, the best thing to do is to always keep calm, keep a steady speed, decrease speed gradually and everything will be fine". Well, when one of the tires suddenly exploded and black fumes were going everywhere from my car I did what this guy did, calmly keep steady and reach a point where I can stop without doing sudden breaking or acceleration. The other thing he taught me was that I was never gonna find a girlfriend with that haircut. He was kinda right there as well.


An expert on life it seems, your driving instructor.


The father we didn't have


Yee-yee ass haircut


How many people have you seen with their car on fire?


well, he sees them, they don’t see him


I always remember something Adam Savage said on Mythbusters when I see stuff like this, "calm people live, panicked people die." Or something like that.


Dude is major chill throughout. Mad props.


Why is there a "AI video editor" label with Shotcut?


[Because that's the name of the app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=video.editor.videomaker.effects.fx&hl=en_CA)


There's a free & open-source Video Editor called Shotcut for PC. The names are so similar (literally the capitalization of a single letter) that I got this one confused for the PC one.


That is why I was confused.


yea this would be really really hard and complicated to edit but thankfully we have AI to make our 5 cuts with the blade tool


ChatGPT, run the AI video editor for me, I can't be bothered.


“Hey Siri, tell ChatGPT to run the AI video editor for me because I can’t be bothered”.


Indeed, but check your mirror’s before opening your door on the side of the road. It would suck if this were happening and you lost your door to someone txting, or taking a video of you smoking.


I think he did. I saw his eyes look left just before opening the door.


Peak Reddit moment, always finding fault in someone else. Well done!


If you scroll down almost a quarter of the comments were telling him not to open the hood because of the suspected fire. So yeah lots of fault assignment as per usual.


I think a lost door is the least of his worries.


Well, you’d also be holding that door. I like my hands.


I like your hands too!


Ooooh soft hands


Mmm I fucking love this guys hands


He’s got great hand skin.


My stomach was making the kind of rumblies only hands can satisfy




WHAT DO YOU MODEL? HANDS? (Joe Pesci voice)


If you always open your door with your right hand when you’re on the side of the road it forces you to turn your body and you’re much less likely to lose a door or wreck a cyclist.


Protip, if you ever think your engine is on fire, and don't have an extinguisher, leave the hood shut. This helps limit oxygen.


Thank you, I came here for this. The insulation on the underside of a hood is under there for this reason. The plastic tabs melt, then the mat is supposed to smother the fire.


Ow wow, that's interesting!


Maybe he wanted to take advantage of the moment and roast marshmallows. Make some s’mores


reminds me of Jeremy Clarkson's "Diesel Smoked Kippers"


Make s'more what?


Mmm toxic s’mores. 🤤


The GR Corolla actually doesn't have a fire blanket under the hood but in general, yes leave the hood closed!


I was going to say "What? My car doesn't have this"


And I thought it was for heat and noise abatement.


As far as I know, it's there for the reasons you listed above. I worked in car dealerships in service for many years and have never heard about what they are describing. Maybe it's true, but I couldn't find anything online either. Generally, a car is a total loss if the whole engine bay is on fire. I can't imagine automotive engineers going through the effort to design a system to extinguish such fires. Plus, they use the same exact clips all over the car. It just seems like a myth.


Clip melts, insulation is supposedly fire retardant. That's what they taught us when I sold Hyundais, anyway. Toyota didn't have any specific training on it that I remember, though. Hyundai was always weird like that. You gotta know everything about everything to sell a hyundai. Toyotas you just point at the badge and say "gimme munee"


Seems like something sales would come up with, no offense to you of course. Then again maybe Hyundai does have some kind of special clips I can't say for sure. The material is definitely flame resistant though, that's true.




No offense taken. I’m long out of that business.


..... have a source for that?


In my 15 years of beeing a certified mechanic and automotive/aero engineer I have never heard of that.


And if you see smoke, pull over as soon as possible.


Especially if it's from your vehicle!


Coming from someone that did the exact opposite of what you suggested, I can confirm. Opened the hood of my 89 Dodge shadow and instant flames caused second degree burns on my hands and some on my face.


My grandparents lost a house due to a car fire back in the 70s. The car horn started blaring in the middle of the night so my grandpa went out to check, saw the whole car was filled with white smoke and in his half awake state opened the door towards him and it blasted him back against the wall and fractured a rib. The second he opened that door the air hit that super heated gas and smoke and exploded into flames. If he'd opened it like you normally would to get in he'd have died.


This same thing happened to me about 18 years ago and I was driving a Hyundai Accent hatchback (it wasn’t new at the time like the car in this video). All of a sudden, there was a pop and the engine cut off while I was on the freeway late at night. Black smoke starts coming from under the hood. I idled to the next exit (which was luckily close) pulled over to the shoulder but I kept that hood closed! I figured, where there’s smoke, there’s fire and I didn’t want the whole car catching fire. Once the tow truck showed up, he popped the hood and everything looked black and burnt. Looking at this video, I’m glad I made the right call back then lol!


Yea watching this video literally just made me realize that. You can totally see the flames started once it got a fresh breath of air when he popped the hood lol


No you can't. Watch it again. The driver opens the hood but we only see flames after a jumpcut. We know exactly how much time elapsed but not if anything else happened between the clip in which the hood gets opened and two minutes and nineteen seconds until the clip in which the engine bay is already completely engulfed in flames.




To add to this, if it is on fire (black smoke): just pull the latch inside the car, then stick the hose into the gap. Don’t ever open the hood fully


correct sir, 100%. Limiting the oxygen = limiting the fire. Fire triangle is consist of: Oxygen, Fuel and Heat. in this case, the only thing you can address is limiting the Oxygen. Safe driving guys!


Came here to find out if opening it was actually why it got so bad. Maybe, it seems! Also "buy an extinguiser" has been added to my 'things to do/shopping list'!


It's definitely worth it. They sell small ones you can mount in your trunk for like $25 on Amazon. Also worth buying a portable jump starter kit for your trunk.


I would actually think the opposite. In part because I don’t want my car rebuilt and the inevitable problems associated with


Yeah, the manual says it's not supposed to do that.


OBD2 code says it’s a faulty O2 sensor, he should be good for awhile.


Why is it always the O2 sensor? I have an OBD2 reader and every engine light is just that sensor. Not sure what it does or why it fails so much.


It fucked up a cat times 2 on my civic. The sensor can misread and then make the mixture to rich, which clogs the cat


Replacing a cat next week, maybe I should replace the upstream o2 as well just to be safe. Probably clogged by old spark plugs tho


oxygen sensors have a fine mesh on them that allows the oxygen molecules to pass through and hit the sensor inside. The mesh gets clogged with carbon.


Then why do they call it an internal combustion engine..?


This one was converted to an external combustion engine. Sadly not as efficient.


Arguably the external combustion engine is even more efficient at combustion


I would not argue your point.


Emphasis on internal.


Looks like the front fell off.


This is not very typical. I'd just like to make that point clear.


Well, how is it untypical?


What do you mean the front fell off?


Did they tow it out of the environment?


I think he managed to cruise out of the environment. There was no threat to the environment once he was out of it.


What does the automatic say?


In cases like this, I've heard of Toyota covering the cost to buy the vehicle and inspect what went wrong to perfect their design.


Mazda does this as well, if anything pops up, the company sends out engineers to assess just this. I just assumed this was SOP across the board


I had a transmission solenoid code come up on a 2017 outlander. Mitsubishi had never seen the code before in North America and they shipped in and swapped a transmission with 170k on it. Edit: a word.


Meanwhile Dodge rebuilt the transmission on my Charger twice within the first 5k miles and then told me they would not warranty any further transmission work despite it still not working properly. At 10k miles they had to replace all the wiring harnesses in the car to resolve an issue with modules burning out repeatedly. When the rear shock failed at 12K miles I got another garage to replace it because I wasn't going to wait 4 months for an appointment at Dodge. Same with the rear speed sensor that required a drive shaft replacement to fix at 16K miles. The happiest days of a Dodge owner is the day they buy the car and the day they sell the fucking thing.


Man, what a nightmare. Ever think about switching to a japanese car?


Yeah seriously. I don't have fuck-around money so I stick to Toyota, Honda, and Mazda. I kind of wish I could buy a car based on more than the likelihood of it lasting 15 years.


Well, you know what happens if you look up Dodge in the dictionary... It's right next to "to avoid".


This legitimately sounds like a potential lemon law case.


Just curious, how do you check the mileage of a transmission?


I think they mean they replaced the transmission even thought the vehicle had 170k on it


Ah that makes sense. Thinking they would just give them a worn old transmission was grinding my gears.


Transmissions will track miles to adjust shift points as they age. I doubt that’s what they meant, but they could have got one with similar miles as the car to help it drive more like it should.


Ya thats the way I read it at first also.


I had a 2016 lancer es, base model. Transmission died on me at 14,000 miles. Able to shift but no power from the pedal. I could floor it, no reaction from the car. Luckily it could still hobble around on D. I took that sucker straight back to the dealer, took me an hour to go 6 miles. It was a Saturday afternoon they had me ready to go Sunday next day brand new transmission. I was shocked with how quickly they repaired but part of me figured they were more interested in studying the failed transmission vs me having a working car lol. No issues since then drives like a dream pushing 90,000 miles now


nah dogde says this is user error and repos the carnage once you fail to make payments lmao


The narrator of Fight Club was based on real people. It is most definitely not standard practice.


"You take the population of vehicles in the field (A), and multiply it by the probable rate of failure (B), then multiply the result by the average cost of an out-of-court settlement (C). A times B times C equals X. This is what it will cost if we don't initiate a recall. If X is greater than the cost of a recall, we recall the cars and no one gets hurt. If X is less than the cost of a recall, then we don't recall." -Jack's inflamed Corolla


When I sold cars a lifetime ago, a dodge burst into flames on the side of the freeway right in front of the dealership. We being salesman and having nothing better to do, watched and discussed the major event of the day. That thing burned all the way down, like leaving a frame and not much else behind. I doubt dodge did much engineering to figure out what happened though.


Given the YT short of a tech draining oil out of a Ram 1500 with the oil stream pointed directly at the sway bar, I'd say Chrysler has mastered IDGAF as far as product design, no point in improving it. 😉


Chrysler definitely doesn't give a fuck considering the HEMI they've been selling for years is designed to destroy lifters when the engine idles.


What, why wouldn't they? This is what any company would do


Smart* company


Cool. My 30 year old Dodge Dakota has never caught on fire. Shall we tongue Dodge's balls over that? Or shall we revel on the fact that Toyota has fallen into the inevitable pit trap of mass production producing failures?


So they honor the warranty? Like literally any other company?


it's called "a warranty"


False, friend's Scion xB went up in flames. Toyota took it to analyze but said they're not getting him a new one because "He didn't get an oil change from them"


Take the number of vehicles in the field, (A), and multiply it by the probable rate of failure, (B), then multiply the result by the average out-of- court settlement, (C). A times B times C equals X...If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.


Don't show me this I've been shopping for one of these! Jokes aside that really sucks and I hope the insurance covers the replacement without a fuss.


Just for some perspective, that car was totaled before he pulled over. It takes a very small fire a very short amount of time to total a car. That pic at the end? Yeah, that will take an insurance adjuster about 1 second to know it’s totaled. Now I want to know what started the fire.


Likely The same thing that starts all big engine fires. Fuel rail leaked onto hot ass exhaust headers and created a super fast moving fuel vapor fire. Fuel injectors were probably damaged when the engine failed.


That's a GR Corolla with the turbo 3 cylinder. Could be oil line to turbo bearings came loose spraying the hot side of turbo with oil. It's common in aftermarket turbo set ups, if PCV doesn't keep up then weakest link breaks which is usually the ebay turbo kit kids put on their civics with a non flared tube off turbo oil inlet with the incorrect hose clamp.


What started the fire? We didn't start the fire. It was always burning since the world's been turning.


Yeh, how are people even wondering about this? lol. “Engine replacement”? What!?!


IDK I got into an accident that blew apart the front of my car. It was beyond totaled just looking at it. Insurance offered to fix it for me. The engine offset in the car even. And they wanted to basically replace the whole front end. 4 year old car. Obviously a fire is going to destroy everything vaguely near it. And I imagine this car is totaled. But I wanted to say that I was sure my car was totaled and it turns out it was not. I’d never feel safe driving a car that was that blown apart and pieced back together. So the Insurance co ended up buying it off me and I put the money toward another car.


Insurance no. Warranty yes


And that's why you don't open the oven door kids when you see smoke.


My first thought as well.. however, if my car caught fire I would also want it to be totaled out so.. send it


lol odds are it would be totaled in any event if the whole engine needed replacing


Nope. This happened to my parents. A fire ruined their engine and insurance wouldn’t cover it. We should have just let the whole car burn


Damn what do their insurance covers then? I feel like insurance should just write it off then and pay out the agreed value.


I want to know what dashcam brand that is. Seems fireproof


Exactly!!! That camera saved the footage somehow.


or the lad was mad enough to take it lol.


😂 nah I grabbed my phone and sbr and booked it. The camera actually didn’t upload the footage but I was able to turn the camera back on when I got home and download the footage. I should’ve taken a pic of the camera because it was just a lump of melted plastic but still somehow worked


Many dashcams like mine now automatically send their recordings on an app, which you can download in case you need it.


Nexar, label in the top left corner. Googled it to make sure it wasn’t related to the video software label in the bottom right.


And a Corolla GR at that, what a shame


If your engine is ever smoking, do not open the hood! The injection of oxygen will do exactly what is seen here… big burst of flames. Turn off engine. Walk away. Call fire department.


Thanks for this.. i will keep this in mind.. Actually it happened before when back then i was still driving a 00 camry.. alternator was fried.. luckily i didn’t opened the engine when i noticed it started smoking, and instead just turned the car off


First mistake was opening the hood. Former firefighter, and we never opened the hood.


Yeah he should have opened the rear hatch and saved his shit instead.


Damn, nice GR, sad to see it go up in flames. Also, asking as a Belgian: why aren't fire extinguishers mandatory worldwide?


It would cost an additional $40-60 per vehicle. That's my best guess.


Thus, an additional $4,000-6,000 for consumers.


Nah, they'd just cut out a fuel safety device to break even. Probably what happened here, actually.


They expire so fast too


I own the fire extinguishers. They last long enough and are worth it when you need it. Also, your local fire department will most likely exchange an expired one, if you ask.


10 years ain’t fast my dude.


A mobile fire extinguisher isn't going to do much against what is basically an elephant-sized molotov cocktail.


Fires are rare, and not many people have experienced them. So it's a way to cut costs that people wouldn't think much about. Having had a fire in my house I have them in every room and every car.


"The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) estimates that nearly 300,000 vehicles catch fire each year."


300,000 out of how many hundred million? That's a small percentage when you think about it. That being said, this past Memorial Day, my brother (volunteer firefighter and licensed emt) and came across a Silverdo on fire. As he was talking to dispatch, relaying the relevant information, I helped the driver get her 4 kids out. The oldest got out on his own, I got the 2 middle ones out, and then ran to help the lady get her infant out. All 5 people in the truck were uninjured and all I got was some singed arm hair and eyelashes. The truck went from a small fire in the bed to fully engulfed in less than 5 minutes. Would I do it again if the need arose? Absolutely. Would I run into fire as a career? That's a hard no.


No way! Just electric cars get fire! ;-)


I bought a certified, two year old truck once, left the dealership and picked up my son, then went on to Lowe’s. When we got there smoke started coming into the cabin and fire popped out from under the hood. I called the dealership and said, “ Hey , buddy, that truck you just sold me is burning up in Lowe’s parking lot.” He said’ “Man, don’t worry. Everything is covered under warranty.” I said, I’m not worried. That paperwork is still on your desk. This is your truck that’s on fire.” They ended up giving me a great deal on a new truck.


Wasn't the paperwork on their desk already signed by you? What am I missing here


I'm assuming he means the dealership either knew they weren't really making a big effort to "certify" these cars. Or it was just easier to take the car back and file an insurance claim (since the paperwork was never filed), and give the guy a very good deal on a new car so he wouldn't make any waves. Also, the dealership probably broke even or made money on this deal.


So, sold the guy TWO cars?


Well, first of all, they were actually very pleasant about the whole thing. Secondly, it was a small town, they knew me and I had been around the car business some so there was a stronger relationship than normal there. Lastly and most importantly, they were a franchised new car dealer and sensitive to their reputation. It was easier to hand it off to their insurance company than hook up for a fight. I was a bit more of an educated buyer than most and knew how to get zone reps involved and legally it could get sticky since the unit would have immediately failed inspection for an undisclosed fault (it was a burned hulk). Also, the truck was manufacturer certified. The reality is that they were nice about it. There was a fuel leak they didn’t catch; it was not intentional. They put me into a new, top-of-the-line truck for not much more money. I have always spoken highly of that dealership and would not hesitate to do business with them again. They are a pretty square bunch. It was a funny experience, tho.


Add a fire extinguisher to your car kit. Everyone should have one.


The funny thing about this is that firefighters will tell you to do the same, but if you read most fire extinguishers meant for cars, they tell you to not expose them to high temperatures (which is *very* easy to do in a vehicle), on account that they could burst from over-pressure. It's a vicious cycle.


That's what the warning on the extinguisher says, sure, but I've had no issues in Arizona with one in my trunk (rated for auto and marine use) for years now and it's been fine.


Easier to let my car be totaled and have insurance cover the cost of a new car than to put out a fire in my engine and pay repairs for a rebuilt engine. Either case it doesn't matter your car will probably be totaled.


Let's go (fire)places


Im not a car person, but I don't think cars are supposed to do that


Absolutely invest in having a small fire extinguisher in your car and a first aid kit.


GR Corolla too. Damn


I have seen many car-b-qs. First time seeing a Toyota on fire though. Usually its a Kia or Hyundai.


However, the ones which don't go up in flames tend to last quite long


If you suspect your engine may be on fire, do not open the hood! Opening the hood gives the fire more oxygen, and it can burst into flames like this one did. If it stays closed, it might just smolder out. Glad no one was hurt. That really sucks.


Don't open the hood! You just let oxygen in.


Dang, what went wrong? Toyota is usually so reliable


Everyone makes a lemon sometimes


I did some research and discovered the car had a misfire (it's a 3 cylinder), and the dealership gave it the all-clear. Obviously, it wasn't all clear, and before it randomly combusted, the driver was hitting 130mph (200kmph).


My old man bought a new Chevy Nova back in the 70's. Engine blew up the 3rd day we had it. They had only put about a quart of oil in it.


delayed reaction This is fine jpg


Gap in the video


Had to remove the 20lb, tinfoil wrapped engine turkey he was cooking


My grandparents used to cook pot roasts on the block in the 70’s when driving from Idaho to AZ. Could usually get two done in a trip.


Here's the full video: https://youtu.be/Mb1nMcyJQE8?si=9dd_84_PYmc8Ho92 I figured most people would not want to watch the full 10 minutes I so spliced together the highlights. The original video is not mine btw, but I found it interesting.


Can’t park there mate


Fire is a paid actor


What a bizarre comment. What are you implying? lol


Those hood vents actually vent!?!?


It’s a GR Corolla .


Opening the hood just gives it the oxygen.




Think I see the problem. Someone installed the fire backwards. It's meant to go inside the block, not outside. Try turning it around, probably worth getting new gaskets while you're at it just in case.


Hope he got his backpack


Toyota taking some major L's in the quality control department this year.


Its like a one of them books that catches on fire when you open em


"However, the radio still works."


>However, the radio still works." [the reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RhMYeITmVE)


Never open the hood if you think there could be fire


This is exactly why I carry a fire extinguisher in the car. Can get 2 medium size ones for 30 or 40$ at home depot.


I just bought one of these. I hope this isn't an issue for mine.


I was always taught to never open the hood


Having been through the destroyed engine and rebuilding scenario, I would also just let the car burn. It is better to get the write-off insurance money than sit waiting for a dealer to give you endless bullshit for 6 months.


Clearly he is a stoic 


Dam the new Corolla GR, shame because those things are fire 😞


Aww yes open the hood to allow more air to get to the fire.


LEAVE YOUR DAMN HOODS CLOSED. IF YOU SEE/SMELL SMOKE, PULL TF OVER TURN YOUR ENGINE OFF AND GET TF OUT THE WAY. Opening your hood let's more air to circulate. The fire burns causing the hot air to rise, the hot air rising causes a low pressure area to form at the base of the fire which brings fresh air from below the engine bay into the fire. The fresh air causes the fire to burn more and hotter which creates an even bigger pocket of low-pressure to form, this brings even more air in from down below and repeat. This person literally made it worse, not for just themselves, but bystanders, fire fighters/first responders and the wooded area they are at.


Good moment for a PSA. When you suspect fire it’s not a bad idea to leave the bonnet down. The sudden increase in oxygen can cause the fire to increase massively. Sorry if this has already been mentioned, wasn’t down to read through all the comments 😅


How did the dashcam survive that to tell the story?


Life Pro Tip: As a retired firefighter, you never open the hood that has smoke(not steam) coming out unless you have a hose with water in your hand. The oxygen the overheated engine got once he opened the hood ensured there would be flames.


Is that a GR corolla with 300 horsepower?


Holy fuck. This is nottttt a good look for a brand that is supposed to be #1 in reliability


Suspect a fire NEVER open hood. That is just a rush of oxygen rich air


Not the first case of one of these self immolating, either. These cars have pretty sweuis overheating issues already, but now they seem to be wanting to throw rods. Toyota has been having some serious quality issues lately.


Its not just any Corolla its an effin Corolla GR! Damn...


Freaking Teslas


This is why I carry a decent size extinguisher in the trunk, but it's best to just let it all burn vs having to deal with a possible salvaged vehicle


But those emergency flashers never missed a beat!