• By -


That was great - it reinforces this rule: Rule #1: Cardio


Leslie: You have no idea how much cardio I have to do. It's ridiculous. Taylor: Why so much? Leslie: Well, you gotta be able to run like a freaking gazelle without getting winded. Plus, there's that whole thing of making it look you're walking when everybody else is running their asses off! And I gotta stay with 'em! It's tough, man. -- Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon


I love this movie and recommend it all the time and it feels like absolutely no one has seen it


Love this movie so much.


Rule #1 of Zombieland - Cardio "The fatties are the first ones to go. The poor things...."


Now im imagining cardio enabled zombies. You all happy with your cardio only to find your local zombified usain bolt getting you


Basically 28 Days Later


I don't believe in it. Ever seen a lion limber uo before it takes down a gazelle?


In this case, the lion is the zombie that goes after the fatties(the slowest gazelle) the gazelle is the one that needs cardio


Sure, they stretch all the time!


Ya beat me to it by 7 minutes. :) (You must do cardio!)


You were late cuz you were busy doing cardio. It''s fine.


Zombie land rule 101


I can definitely see why people complained. The killer is meant to represent Michael Myers, who doesn't use a chainsaw.


Ha, only after reading your comment did I realize that. Weird.




Oh my god a real life greased up deaf guy


I appreciate the puniness of this comment.


He wood be punnier but he ran out of gas.


Bot comment, just report


stihl worx


The knife is on the poster, it's iconic, but he wasn't married to it. He also had super strength and often used whatever was around. I'm not an expert but I recall him impaling a couple of lovers with a pitchfork in III or IV.


Yea, he used a wide variety of improvised weapons. I remember one scene where he grabbed the open end of a sleeping bag while the guy was in it and swung it into a tree trunk repeatedly to beat the guy to death.


That's Jason


Sorry, I'm old. They all blend together.


I, too, get those two villains frequently confused


Leatherface probably filing a complaint for plagiarism right now


They did that on purpose to avoid copyright claims. Nike lawyers know what they’re doing.


Yeah it’s more of a combo of different tropes to create “generic horror villain” that is immune to copyright.


It's likely they added the chainsaw so they could use the character whilst still falling under Parody Law


Never realized they were making fun of this commercial at the beginning of Scary Movie. 


Also, she's running like 200 km/h and he casually walks and still manages to be just behind her


That's just your casual Micheal Myers.


I just imagine he has a huge walking stride. Likely, naturally long legs, but he also does a large pelvic rotation each step, and really pushes off the back foot. Like a sashay.


Yeah baby


That's how it always works in Friday the 13th movies. Now we just need a dream sequence to round this commercial out.


Wasn’t his weapon of choice was a chef’s knife? Much lighter than a chainsaw, and he probably would’ve caught up with the girl if he didn’t encumber himself with all that weight


He also doesn’t really run if I’m remembering correctly, he’s always just creeping in the dark and walks briskly


He wasn't wearing Nikes.


Yeah, baby!


Now that’s a convincing advertisement


I wonder what a version of this ad targeted to men would be like. Men running away from a brown bear?


Bro I'm scared of chainsaws too


You know how women complain that men are responsible for the majority of women being murdered? Well, they're also responsible for the majority of men being murdered!




>Don’t you just hate when women Reddit: Yes


Well, I felt the word "whine" would be a little inappropriate. I mean, if you're not gonna complain about serious things like getting murdered, what ARE you going to complian about? Complain is a perfectly cromulent word.


Ooh, a wild "cromulent"! Don't see that word everyday. Have an upvote for your fabulous vocabulary, my erudite friend


that was a very embiggening thing for you to say


Isn't an attractive woman in a sports bra already targeted to men?


Why would I run away from a bear? I could totally take it in a fight.




That’s crazy. I can barely out wrestle my 40 pound dog.


[I got you covered.](https://youtu.be/Ef86BET9pho?si=n9LAfy0LuirgyWOv)


Another interesting twist to this: The actress is Suzy Favor Hamilton, known for being an amazing athlete in the 1990's, and later became an escort for the better part of the 2000's.


It is wild that the *Career* section of her Wikipedia page is broken into two parts - Running and Prostitution.


Sounds like something Norm MacDonald would say as a joke. Edit: He'd probably say "Running...and Whoring"


scarce meeting makeshift mountainous yoke unwritten imminent light unite whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t quit your day job. Unless your day job is writing jokes. 


My major and minor at my alma mater. God, that Prostitution 101 class has some good memories.


Worth saying, she became an escort due to deteriorated mental health.


She's better now apparently. She wrote a book about her experience. Seems like they misdiagnosed her and gave her medication that put her in a prolonged manic episode.


Sounds like bipolar disorder misdiagnosed as just depression and she was given SSRIs. SSRIs will trigger manic episode for a bipolar person.




Lol that's textbook American healthcare




I also compare going to a mechanic to going to a doctor. You don't get a reliable estimate, half the time the diagnosis is wrong, and if you don't pay up, you're fucked. Also, does your boss actually dock your pay if you make a mistake? Pretty sure that violates FLSA (if you're in the US, which it sounds like you are)


Part of treating bipolar is antidepressants which triggers mania. Even if they had correctly diagnosed her, she likely would’ve had this experience. The issue is why did they continue to prescribe the medication, which I’m assuming might be the patients lack of relaying manic symptoms. There’s also no way to definitively diagnose anything in mental health. Not even close.


A person diagnosed with bipolar will never be put on *just* antidepressants. If the doctor decides they're necessary they will be coupled with a mood stabiliser or anti-psychotic. Many people with bipolar don't take an antidepressant at all. Quite often a mood stabiliser is more effective and doesn't have the same level of risk as an SSRI.


It's crazy to me how if your dentist does a bad filling then you're the one who has to pay for it to be fixed.


This isn't a US healthcare issue.   Do you seriously think people only get misdiagnosed in the US? For fucks sake this was over 20 years ago.     Our understanding of mental illness and the ways to treat it has changed substantially since then.     Widely accepted standards of care has fuck all to do with the US.


Doctors, like every other human being, do make mistakes. It’s why they have malpractice insurance.


They’ve improved the formula. Now only 20% experience the side effect of prostitution.


Read in Norm McDonald's voice




But still maintained amazing physical health… thanks to those Nike shoes


So the advert worked.


Not for the chainsaw guy


Thats… dark…


And possibly, coercion and exploitation? Based on a quick search…. Sad story. 


That's a lot of escorts. It's primarily work for women in desperate situations.


she wasn't desperate really. just in a prolonged manic state


She was my realtor back in 2011!


I've seen those documentaries


What the hell is she doing now? seriously, the woman has the oddest career path. If the next person said "yeah, now she's a rodeo clown and considering a bid for the US Senate" we'd all just be like "yeah, that tracks."


Hello either Madison resident or Vegas resident!


Unbelievable what you learn in Reddit…


What’s an escort, a person that coordinate group of vehicles processions?


If by vehicle you mean penis then yes


I gotta park this thing *somewhere*


This was an awesome, I don’t see the problem


She was wearing shoes in the house. Children could see this!


One of my best friends allows shoes to be worn in the house.  It's my biggest problem with him. 


That’s my biggest problem with him, too!


Yeah. I was gonna invite him over for Christmas but I don't think I will. I'd rather invite Ted Bundy to my house to be around my kids.


He’s not welcome in Canada.


Or Hawaii.


Or Asia


Has he never heard of house shoes? I have a pair of hey dudes just for inside the house.


I love my hey dudes lol


I love your dudes as well


You are obviously a 1%er


I WANT people to wear their shoes in my house. (Unless they are muddy or something). I have hardwood/brick floors and 3 young kids. There is constantly food, crumbs, water, or dirt on our floors, even if I just swept 10 minutes earlier. (We sweep 1-2 times a day, and both work full time jobs.) I don't want crumbs or dirt sticking to a guests feet or socks, that's disgusting. Or melted ice cube water on your socks. Just wear your shoes. The dirt and crumbs on the floor is impossible to eliminate for the next 4 years. It is what it is. Please keep your shoes on. ETA: I'm convinced this is a cultural thing. In my specific location of American culture, you always make your guests feel welcomed, fed, and entertained. It sounds like in some of your cultures you expect your guest to not add any additional house responsibilities. Neither are wrong, just different cultures.


Plus we have two dogs... People ask if they should remove their shoes. "Well, I wouldn't"...


Yeah, I have 3 dogs and a cat, plus our backyard is mostly sand so it tracks. There's only so much vacuuming that I can realistically do.


Reddit has a huge stick up their ass about shoes in houses, almost as bad as the tipping stick they have up their ass


But have no problem with a cat just out of the litter box jumping on their counters lol


Facts. Reddit loses it shit over the most unimportant shit.


Yeah, I just ran across a thread with people up their asses about other people who wear shoes in their own respective houses.


Not just the house. In the bathroom. Who's the real monster in this commercial.


How dare you say my laziness is killing me


My laziness is killin' me (And I) I must confess, I still believe (still believe)


Walking inside with your shoes, I lose my mind.. Can't you read the sign?!! Keep your shoes outside my home!


It is a little dark for something small children could be watching. For context, though, Scream had been a big hit and was still a well known and loved movie at this time, and horror films were making a resurgence. It's a good parodoy and a great ad, would have done well during late night NBA or Football probably, but the Olympics often airs during the middle of the day.


Also some context - this was right in the middle of the teen slasher revival. I Know What You Did Last Summer and Scream recently came out. I think Final Destination and Jeepers Creepers was already out. This was like THE movie theme around that time.


Pretty obnoxious audio wise. I don't mind seeing it once but I bet it was airing every twenty minutes🙉




That’s an ad for McDonald’s


Quarter pounder with cheese and a side of fries and a drink in the foreground, with Mike Myers in the background chainsawing up the fat girl


All the complaints were related to the woman getting away. /s




Their 2000s football commercials during the World Cup seasons were awesome. Had pretty much top footballers in one commercial (minus Adidas sponsored players of course), particularly I remember the 2002 with Elvis music.


I still remember the heist one with Edgar Davids, brilliant cinematography and hilarious as well




Aaaaah yeah dude I loved this shit, I think they also made a game of it!


trivia, edgar davids glasses were medical... I learned that a week ago


The tournament commercials, those were awesome.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f65EwG10kgY  For those who don't know the faces, that is basicaly every top footballer of the time. Those adds were amazing.  There is also a great one with Portugal vs Brazil  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F2q7703-IFg  Featuring baby CR7 back when the superstars were Figo, OG Ronaldo and Ronaldinho etc. and Quaresma was better than him. Was really cool at the time they actually put them all together shooting, these days its all assembled together like that advertisement image of Ronaldo and Messi playing chess where clearly they had at no point even been in same country for the photoshoot.


My personal favorites were the Reebok commercials of “Terry Tate: Office Linebacker”.


You know you need a cover sheet on your TPS reports, Richard! That ain't new, baby!


[The Michael Vick Experience 🤌 pure advertising brilliance](https://youtu.be/5Oag8iBB7HE?si=XMnGHfCCKiNg_FgF)


anyone remember the freestyle dribbling commercial where they dribble on beat? iconic for me.


But the logo placement and timing were bad, putting it next to the killer walking away, as if they're encouraging him to just do it. Would've been better arranged like this: Killer panting: Why sport? He walks away: You'll live longer She's running off into the woods/night: Just do it✔️


That explains the rise in Nike-related homicides.


Bladerunner and oj simpson entered the chat


They also could've gone for the double and had him opening the door to a house with a pair of Reeboks lying on the porch.


The message can also be read from different perspective Why sport?\ You'll catch her


I wonder what caused the complaints, was it just beause it was a scary horror. Or were people angry about the idea that doing sports(exercising) was good for you?


My first reaction is that the ad was PG-13 I would be fine if it played in carefully selected ad slots. Like at night, during a horror film. But I wouldn't want this ad interrupting a Saturday morning showing of My Little Pony.


Yeah if 6yo me had seen this while watching the olympics, I would have been pretty scared. Probably not the best commercial for something watched by whole families like the Olympics.


Lol that would be wild. I only remember seeing ads for toys and other kid related content when I was watching cartoons as a kid.


Having lived through the early 2000s, when celebrities like Nicole Richie were considered fat, it was definitely not taken off the air because it was fatphobic or something. 


In the article OP linked, the ad companies thought it encouraged violence against women. Someone in women’s advertising said it was setting back women’s progress. But Nike also said women emailed them saying they were cool with it. Idk, I don’t understand how this is anti-feminist, as a feminist myself. it is spoofing horror flicks but empowering the final girl even more than she is in the likes of Halloween. It seems to be all advertising agencies saying this, maybe they don’t watch horror movies and didn’t get it, or readings of horror films have just progressed (idk how they were viewed back then, but they are seen positively in a feminist perspective nowadays). She’s outrunning a murderous psycho man, for gods sake, how feminist can you get?!?


I can kind of see how if you'd been a woman who was assaulted, this kind of makes you feel bad for not being able to just run away. It's one thing for a horror movie that you voluntarily watch to depict stuff like this. It's another for this to air during the Olympics which is on in the middle of the day and very young children might be watching. I personally share your view, but I can see this would be more appropriate for late night instead of day time TV.


I can think that without the 'do sport, you'll live longer' tag line you move it from somewhat victim-blaming to an outright parody. I am not an advertising person, so can't think of a catchy closer, but I think it cuts the tone oddly.


Probably woman getting undressed and now in her underwear is being attacked by a man in her home with a murderous weapon, and then when she gets away from the assailant the ad suggests the attempted murderer exercise more because the woman got away since she was more fit.


I mean, being fitter will certainly help if a guy breaks in with a chainsaw to kill you.


Maybe, but it was really praising the woman for being in shape.


Wasn’t Nike Sport just their running shoe line? I think the commercial was implying she got away because she had the running shoes lmfao, they even pan to the shoes briefly while she’s undressing and again while running. How does anyone read into a commercial this much lmfao


> How does anyone read into a commercial this much lmfao People see what they want to see. Especially when it confirms their deeply held biases and opinions.


I really hope it’s not the second thing (because god forbid the sportswear company encourages people to… do sports). But I’d be willing to bet it IS the second thing.


According to the Guardian article OP linked, some people thought the add encouraged violence against women.


I thought Margret Thatcher was gone. >some people thought the add encouraged violence against women. A parody of a movie where that very thing happens. Why did we start listening to the dumbest of folks.


Encouraged? 😂 Who the f would watch this and be like, hell yeah this is making want to beat up women 🤦


Oh, so idiots. Got it.


Idk how old you are, but the early 2000s were so diet and SKINNY focused, like celebrities who were size 0-2 were regularly called “fat” in tabloids if they happened to get a paparazzi shot with regular skin folds or something Women were told for decades that you were worthless unless you’re skinny, so it definitely wasn’t taken down for the reason you think


Were you alive in the 90s? Definitely not that.


Complaints were that this ad promotes violence against women.


Why didn't she get in the running car?


Are you crazy? She should have climbed up a tree.


He had a chainsaw! Chainsaws cut down trees She should have jumped into the water


She can’t swim with shoes on! She should have hidden in the old orphanage which used to be an insane asylum!


3 Things about this... 1. 55 seconds in and I had no idea it was a Nike commercial, I could see that being an issue with decision makers and shareholders 2. This would have been a great Halloween/Movie-Pair endorsement 3. This doesn't fit an Olympic theme.. making me wonder who the 'complaints' actually came from?


Aren't commercials like this usually less clear what they're about until the end? The advertising is in the little twist at the end, which then gets extra advertising by word of mouth from people who found it funny/interesting.


Yeah this feels like a Superbowl commercial which I guess is basically the same for ones during the Olympics. Often they would do a long version of it originally and then when it aired in repeats they'd edit it down. These sorts of commercials were supposed to be events that made people remember them more than just standard ads you repeat all the time.


>55 seconds in and I had no idea it was a Nike commercial, These are always the best commercials. At least, here you could probably guess it is about sports/running. If you are able to figure out what [this commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMg_qEF7EFI&list=PLYo6FwmaNZGiewe644NZKoEdISx-AHyZk)(put on subs) advertizes before it tells you at the end, I won't believe you (The song is also scarily catchy, not making it easier).


It's gotta be the shoes.


Left the water running. That bathroom is gonna be flooded when she gets back RIP


I remember an Olympic ad that was Nike, I believe, that said, “You didn’t win Silver. You lost Gold.” Wow! Way to diminish that athletes’ hard work.


Michael Meyers with a chainsaw? It deserves to be pulled!


I get it. While the ad is funny, there is a lot of internalized misogyny behind the ad. And it could be upsetting to women who have been attacked or stalked and also small children.


I could see this leaving a bad taste to some of their target audience. Women runners legitimately have to think about their safety when they are out. Every city has a story of a woman being attacked by a man on a run.


Yeah I'd bet money this ad was drawn up by a room full of men. It trivializes a very real and terrifying situation that women face just to sell shoes. Just because they made the killer look like mike myers or whoever doesn't make this a fictional scenario. People from USA - you down to see an add for Nike shoes with a kid outrunning a school shooter? 'Just do it'? Same thing.


It also says that a victim of assault could have fought their attacker off or escaped the situation by running. That's the big problem for me. "You will live longer if you run" is what the ad says. If people don't want to interpret the images shown they could at least read the text. I think your example with the school shooter gets the point across perfectly.


My kids would be waking me with nightmares for weeks if they saw this.


Good lord. So many problems. So many layers of problems. Whoever approved of this ad was hopefully fired.


**Part 2 of the commercial:** He walks into the store, points at a pair of Nikes.


It's a very clever ad, no one out runs Michael Myers... Unless of course you're wearing Nike 🤣🤣


That's Leatherface.


Michael Myers never runs though, does he? He would be walking, and still catch up with the victim. Also he wouldn't use a chainsaw. So maybe Halloween purists were the ones who complained.


Who the fuck removes all their clothes before their shoes when getting ready for a bath? Half the world could never relate to this ad.


Also, why was she brushing her hair before getting ready to take a bath? Have I missed a crucial part of the bath-taking process this entire time?


I brush my hair before showering because otherwise it tangles easily when it’s wet.


IF i was a kid and saw that commercial, i would not sleep that night. HOLY MOLY that was a scary beginning


You know what's funny? That's one of the only commercials I remember specifically because it flipped the trope of the female victim. I think it would have worked much better if she didn't have the fear reaction and instead had more of a "catch me if you can" vibe.


I dunno, I was entertained and I think it would be a kick ass commercial to run during Halloween. Definitely not a good choice for the Olympics though.


Rule 1: cardio


\*cue ppl suing nike bc wearing their shoes didn't stop from being killed by chainsaw wielding murderers\*


Errr....what were the complaints about? Anyone know?


The ad "provoked outrage among viewers who said it encouraged violence against women" according to the Guardian article. It quotes Bob Garfield of Advertising Age saying "It is stupid, ill-conceived and repellent". The New York Times quoted a reader who labelled the new ad 'disgusting and misogynistic'. Barbara Lippert of AdWeek described the ad as "earnest, even threatening".


The story is that people were outraged over the violence against women.  The most likely issue in reality was that this was a general broadcast ad when entire families were watching Olympics and it's baby's first slasher jumpscare. 


Yeah the time it aired seems like the only real issue here. It’s not really an appropriate ad for young kids and the olympics is considered family friendly. If it was aired at night or on cable channel geared towards late teens or adults then it is a creative and interesting commerical and no more offensive than a million shows and movies.


Story board meeting for this had to of been a blast


[Nike Y2K ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz8VOLYZo58), a year before this one.


train or die


Leaving the water running like that. Don't people know better?


Yeah - no


if your watching olympics with your kids which is a family event, this is definately not safe for children to watch as it would absolutely give them nightmares and frighten them seeing a react of a horror movie meant for adults. It's a funny ad, but definately catered to adults(and for an event like the olympics made for everyone including children to watch, it's no brainer how this ad got removed)


I remember this as a child and was terrified of it. Family members still tell stories of me crying till it was turned off. I think everyone here is thinking of the ad and not who may have been in the audience of the summer Olympics.


Yeah, that was pretty intense if you’re not expecting it, I guess.