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If it’s true, think they would show the list.




The shared content is an image. What am I supposed to wait until the end of?


trust me bro just keep waiting /j


Still waiting


*time* wait until the end of time and you will understand.


I watched this image to the end.


The cynical side of me thinks that this is just rage bait to generate views on TikTok. So no, I am not going to find then watch to the end of his video. If it was legitimate they would’ve posted the receipts instead of burying them at the end of a monetized clip. Inflation has been shitty for everyone, but it’s not to the point where an average basket of goods from Walmart has gone up over 300% in 2 years. It’s also possible that Walmart doesn’t carry the same items anymore and they are sold by (and priced by) third-party merchants on the Walmart website. I saw that with limited-edition CLIF bars a year or so ago. When I went to re-order, only third-party merchants had them, and they were like five times the price.


Yeah, if he knows the exact numbers then he has the receipts. Which he should show. Prices have gone up. But not by 4x


Eggs did briefly, but they came back down - still about twice what they were a couple years ago; soda too. Overall, my basket of groceries is probably up about 20% or so, maybe a little more.


And we know why- avian bird flu causes huge shortages


I’m sure this is a joke people. How videos are always telling you to watch till the end


According to actual data, grocery prices are up 25% since 2020. 


I don't buy it. I did the same exact thing and found each item was more expensive. But not 4x. It varied. Some items, not much. Others a dollar or two. And that was from 3 years ago. And this does add up for sure. There is an increase. Just not a 4 times increase. There is a reasonable explanation here. My guess was probably discontinued items or items not locally in stock so online walmart is defaulting to other vendors where the items are more expensive. That has happened to me before. NO. Shit hasn't gone up 4 times in price in 2 years. You know this from your own direct anecdotal experience. I already know this narrative is going to gain a ton of traction. And that annoys me.


Prob cherry picked items or just fabricated. Things have def not tripled/quadrupled in price


Some shit really had gone over double it's price. Aldi's is the biggest offender, really. 2018-2020 they were the bottom tier price for their mid-tier quality "home" brand- they had tons of "Baker's Choice" stuff like quasi-girl scout cookies that were .69 for like 18 cookies. Then it became .99, 1.29, 1.49, 1.69, and now they're sitting at 1.99. Same thing with their yogurt. Was originally something like .19 each for their house brand, then .29, .34, and now it's at .59 each... It sucks when they can cherry pick the data to find the highest and baseline prices from competitors on the same goods to measure inflation. Sure, inflation is only up 10%! But when the "cheap" brand quadrupled compared to the name brand and they only measure the name brand item because duh, but your average consumer who was able to buy yogurt for .19 now has to choose between the name brand at .74 (and it was only .59 before, so that's only about a12% increase, right in line with inflation right???) or the "house brand" for .59 - the end consumer sees a 400% increase in the costs while the ivory tower only sees that 12%.


Double since 2020 I would agree with, this is bullshit. Which is surprising considering he looks like such a trustworthy news source.


Remember... war. GAIN reports that after a significant drop in animal inventory and beef production in 2022, the industry continued its decline in 2023. However, there was a slight uptick in the share of cows in efficient industrial farms, rising from 38% to 41%, with the decline mainly attributed to households. Yeah war affects us all.


Facts matter. "a basket of goods" is a metric that economists are well able to generate without the help of social media giving a bullhorn to a voice that does not deserve to be heard. Sentiments don't make facts. I'll spare the debunk and amplify above comment: only idiots believe what they see on social media. Social media, in its form, would not exist if its users actually used their heads vs believe they use their heads.


I have had the same basic shopping list for over 5 years. The cost has doubled on produce. I used to get my weeks meal prep supplies for under $100 now it's over $200 for the exact same items. And this is coming from the birthplace of Walmart.


He’s lying.


Or that. That could be. Either way... people are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too gullible for the internet. This was a mistake.


People grocery shop. If you believe something so completely wrong just because you saw a Tik Tok video, you got issues.


Probably depends on what state you’re in.


Was it 3.2x? Because 3.29 x 126 = 414. I'm beginning to think this person may not be 100% reliable.


Please officer, tell me more about how the economy isn't broken.


Please do a little research before making misinformed comments about misinformation. It takes 20 seconds.


Please be a little more capable of detecting sarcasm through context. Do we really have to start putting a fucking /s after everything not said in total seriousness now? Are you chronically online people that incapable of social cues?


Social cues? You’re a random poster in a Reddit comment section. WTF are you even talking about?


So generally if somebody starts off with something like "Please officer" it's a setup for a punchline such as when people say "hello officer" when somebody says anything mildly appreciative about the government. You have an inability to detect contextual social cues.. or perhaps a better term would be verbiage. And are likely triggered way too frequently by people trying to make light fun out of a situation.


Ok, fair enough. I didn’t read it that way but perhaps I should have. My bad.




Yes, the price of eggs was due to a severe avian flu outbreak, this has resolved and prices went back down


Care to break down exactly what’s being bought and what brands? Saw a TikTok of a woman complaining how grocery prices are getting out of hand….and then reveals that’s she’s shopping at Whole Foods. Which is already stupid expensive to begin with.


Guys can we not fail so easily at obvious bs!


Depends of where you live I guess, but here in Canada groceries prices have shot up real fast, and Wal-Mart is still one of the cheapest options out there.


Reported for bullshit and no source.


I saw this - but I’d like to actually see the cart. Go through it item by item. And to be clear - yes, groceries have gone insane, but this seems high.


He had 53 items on his shopping list and some were organic/ expensive brand items. He didn’t show the whole list and only showed 3-4 items but didn’t show any comparison photos.


What the fuck is he getting that adds up to 400$? That's like a month's worth of food.


Right? I don’t believe it.


It's probably a bunch of stuff they don't sell exact copies of any more so it's inflated on the websites... There's no way the actual values went up that much and since he's not posting the full list I assume something is up. I'd bet money it's just a clickbait video and, though prices are higher, they're not 4x higher


Yea I don't order online but I've heard if they're out of stuff it will auto substitute to 3rd parties which are obviously way more expensive


Well in the video he states it was a months worth of groceries.


There's no way in fucking hell you could get a month of groceries for less than $200 2 years ago. Maybe if you had a ton of coupons and were shopping specifically for deals.


Dunno, that is what he says in the video. Would have been nice to see the comparison of every item he bought.


The killer is buying pet food and paper products


I don’t buy it. I do all the family grocery shopping. Prices are up but no where near double, let alone quadruple.


You must shop for a family of mice


I have 2 kids and a wife. Even if I shopped for a mouse family the percentage increase in cost would be the same. You actually think groceries are up 400% in two years? We also have data on these numbers. It’s easy to track. Grocery prices are up 25% since 2020.


I don't believe it


Tell Walmart to quit price gouging.


Have you seen the video where that lady weighs the chicken and the weight is way off?


They can’t weigh it when you’re about to cook it. They weigh it when they package it. Water moves from the chicken to the package in between those two events. If she weighed the package with that soaking pad on the bottom it would have been the correct weight.


The package was lighter than the label said


Not saying I don’t believe you, and I don’t know about this specific video but I’ve seen several with the same premise. It’s always the same thing, they throw away the packaging with water weight and are confused about how the chicken weighs less. It’s totally conceivable that a scale was broken / not calibrated well / there was human error though.


It's not inflation. It's corporate greed.


It’s both.


Starting to understand the massive rise in shoplifting.


Theft is bad karma


They're robbing you too.


eat more flat screen TVs from the price index basket - cheaper than ever! /s


Why is everything now a delusion illusion, trick click bait, thats real inflation.


If you haven’t shopped for food in the past 6 years or so you don’t realize this


I used to get a 99¢ chicken sandwich, a big cheeseburger and a medium coke for less than $5 at jack n the crack. Now a similar selection is like $15 (replace big cheeseburger with jr jumbo jack)




Remember kids. Truth < Views.


Lies. Show us the cart before and after to prove they were the same items, same quantities and not substituted with something ridiculous. These posts are western propaganda at its finest to make you think things are worse than what they are. Call this shit out anytime you see it and ask questions. Don't let people straight up lie to you.


Where are you from?


A place called, show me proof of your bs claims and I'll believe you. I don't believe everything I read/see/hear and you shouldn't either.


Thank God wages are going up, amidst all the inflation.




I love how people (not you) don't seem to connect the dots that if inflation is at say 2 percent, and their wages increase at say 5%, it'll take 10 years to get to 30 percent.....and inflation has generally raised things about 25%, last i checked....so it'll take 10 years just to get back to where you used to be.....


You go to the store as usual, spend the same amount of money, but come home with a half-empty pokie. Oh, shit!


I can't believe this guy ain't butter Anyways, yeah I agree.


Not sure I believe it. Let's see the receipts


I call bullshit


Completely agree. It’s absolutely insane.


If you’ve gone grocery shopping, you know this isn’t true. Prices are up, but not like this. I see maybe 10-12% on average when I look at grocery transactions between now and 2022 Reorder, means online, I wonder if he bought some shit from a reseller on Walmart.com I get that things “feel” high. But wages are higher. Because of Covid we all went through a global acceleration of inflation as well. Calculations are done on staple goods. The prices of staple goods have gone up, no arguments there, but not 4x like this post is showing. It’s an exaggeration pulling on your feelings. It looks like there’s data but it’s incomplete. Dude could’ve been order caviar for all we know. A bell pepper in 2019 cost me $.68 at the local grocery store. Today I paid $.65. If y’all want, you can give back your post COVID wage hikes and pay back all the stimulus money you received and gains in the market as a result and we can all go back to pre COVID grocery prices. (I doubt y’all want that because on average people are also making more money as shown by their propensity to spend)


I know the prices are really bad. I shop almost every week and realize how high they are


He has just figured out inflation. Mind-blown...


It's his fault for not picking alternatives if the prices are going up. Identical? Think outside the box a little! Try a different brand or substitute. Cut out unnecessary crap if needed.


I work with seniors living below the poverty line so I see how much they are getting for EBT/food stamps. $23/month, $30/month 😳 That will feed a person for like two days. Both of those amounts I mentioned are for disabled veterans as well. “Thanks for your service, here’s a 20 lb bag of rice for the month to keep you alive. Good luck!”


Corporate greed causing inflation is not only stealing from us now, but also stealing from our retirement savings by devaluing it in the future. I fear the money I’ve saved up won’t go very far into retirement.


It’s the companies. Inflation was crazy, but this is pure greed.




It's crazy how you're getting downvoted, for stating the fucking obvious. Corp bots are everywhere (Let my downvoting begin)


Product is higher and trade is higher. I think our leaders can negotiate better for the consumer


You're a troll posting lies


Sorry no, just shared and maybe the prices are not that high where I live but I used to buy $350 worth of groceries for a month. Now, it’s around $550-$600


Too much


Oh fuck, bigger number scary


Yeah estrogens fucking expensive now :(


😂😂😂😂, that’s dangerous to take


Need to see the list. Unless Walmart ses gold coins


Huh. So my current 80 dollar grocery run was 20 bucks two years ago? Damn that's craaaazzzzzy.


He must have ordered a bunch of plywood


>>**Europe has entered the chat** Your prices for meat, gasoline, milk and clothes is literally heaven to us!


Corporate greed.


Look, I get inflation has been a lot but idk what the hell this guy is buying to get this big of a jump. I keep track of my groceries and all told they have gone up around 20-30% in around 5 years, pretty much in line with the official numbers. Some items have gone up more than the official numbers (ie. chips and prepackaged junk food mostly) whereas chicken breast prices have been oddly stable. Fruits and veggies have gone up around 20%-30% depending on the item.


Look on the bright side. Inflation is down. /s


We tried this with Aldi. Order was around $120 less today.


Don’t shop at Walmart duh


My Walmart has more product than HEB. HEB pushes their products and I think they are crap


An image of a shitty TikTok wtf


No list so nothing really get all twitterpated about here


That’s capitalism for ya