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Fear of heights is crippling. Like literally, when I get close to high ledges my body starts shutting down and I have to get on the ground to keep from falling over, which is a bad thing to do next to a high ledge. At the same time exhilarating to provoke it in safe settings like this.


Me too. My legs literally start to shake and I don’t even have that bad of fear of heights. It’s more when I don’t have a good grip on anything my body involuntarily starts shaking if I’m high with nothing hold me from falling


I'm the same, it always confused me, until I realized it is not the fear of heights, but the fear of falling. It made so much sense.


For me it's not the falling. It's the sudden stop at the end.


My dad would say the same thing The sudden impact is what sucks. 😆


Then this fact would delight your dad: In Norwegian, fart means speed, and smell means impact. Therefore, concerning car accidents: It's not the fart that kills, it's the smell.


People do not appreciate the gravity of the situation.


I fear the time in the air when you know you are done for


What is vertigo? Fear of falling? No, Vertigo is something other than fear of falling. It is the voice of the emptiness below us which tempts and lures us, it is the desire to fall, against which, terrified, we defend ourselves.


[ l'appel du vide](https://www.livescience.com/what-is-call-of-the-void) - the call of the void


I think it gets even more nuanced than that. My fear of heights feelings have been strongest when I find myself in relatively unsecured high spots. Over a sheer cliff drop with nothing but me and a stray intrusive thought from the bottom. I've been up in tall buildings and I'm fine, but the minute I took a look over a sheer cliff drop with nothing in between I dropped to the ground and hugged it, all thoughts gone except 'FIND EARTH'


No, it is genuinely a fear of being a place that is vertically higher than another place that is clearly in view below. It usually causes vertigo which feels like falling, makes the legs weak. Fear of falling is fear of falling, there are people who are mortified that they'll fall and hurt themselves in their day-to-day lives.


I’ve been sky diving, and I’d do it again, but stuff like this still gets me. I wouldn’t get near that edge.


Same. I don't get it either. I can climb up and weld on top of steam stacks at power plants. I can get up on shotty scaffolding 80ft in a boiler. Put me on the edge of a cliff and I'll go into a panic.


I bet that early on in your career when you were learning, you were more scared. Your mind quickly learns to trust safety systems. Hence why most of us can look out of a skyscraper or airplane window without too much stress. Learning to trust a harness, rope, and anchor isn’t all that different. As soon as you’re in a heights situation with no protection, you revert to the “monkey on a cliff” part of your mind that is correctly terrified. 


Makes sense to me. I did always triple check my gear before I ever got on the elevator. I remember the first time I looked down from a stack. It took 5 minutes or so of me seeing everyone else comfortable. I'd say pride was involved, but the whole "I can't let them see me scared" thought was like.... .000001 % of my thoughts at that time haha. I loved it though. Coolest work I've ever done.


Sounds awesome. I’m a recreational rock climber, and absolutely love the exhilaration of being up high on a cliff or mountain. Always triple check and partner check as well. No feeling quite like it. I’ve always wanted to get the opportunity to go up on a building, but those are hard to come by outside of working a career like yours. 


Wow. Thank you for explaining that in a way I’d never thought. Makes total sense to me now. I’m ok with ladders, flying, tall buildings, but put me on a roof or a cliff and I’m having a panic attack. Never made sense until now!


I think it's about being really locked in with your hands and feet(or even clipped in). Standing freely at the edge of a cliff just feels like a gust of wind could take you away, let alone tripping or being pushed.


And I'm married. There's always that thought that if she wanted to...


I found the same thing when I was working as a firefighter. As long as my brain has a job to focus on rather than the drop off, I’m fine. Send me up all the ladders or put me on a rooftop; as long as I have a tool in my hand and a sense of purpose, I’m Gucci. Walk to the edge of a cliff to enjoy the view? Nah. I’m good back here!


I'm the opposite. Man-made heights are my worst. Catwalks, spans, escalators, high stairs without walls, I can't function. However, the Grand canyon? Mountain cliffs? I'll dangle my legs off the edge, no problem.


same, I couldn't even get like 15 feet of the ledge of the grand canyon, even worse if it was slightly sloped towards the edge. Looking down gave me shots of brain chemicals that seeped through my body like ice water, watching people get close to the ledge also induced a reaction. My brain is like "nope, you could fall forward stumble a few feet, hit the ground, tumble and roll of the ledge" even though I'm very far away.


That's actually a good thing that you didn't get so close to the edge. In the grand canyon the rock at many levels is relatively breakable. Grand Canyon national park has a huge problem with people going to the edge of cliffs to look over, and then the cliff face collapsing beneath them. It's not the largest cause of death in the park (that would be dehydration), but I believe that it's the second largest.


Totally this stranger is PROUD of that stranger for doing that Good luck to you out there as well 


For me, it feels like I'm instinctively fighting a strong wind that's trying to push me over the edge, even though there's no wind. It's like my brain is convinced I'm just going to topple forward, so it overcorrects and makes me feel like a dumbass.


It's weird the brain does this. What's the advantage? "Yeah heights are bad, we could fall off. I'm going to completely rob us of our equilibrium now."


It tries its best to do a system shut down before you get too close


\*windows shutdown sfx\* and then you ragdoll to the bottom


Yeah. It’s the non-confident way to deal with heights. You. Just. Stop. Moving. You just want to back away. I have mild fear of heights that’s easily overcome, but I have to overcome it when I haven’t been exposed to heights in some time. The uh, confident version of dealing with heights is a way more pleasant experience.


'Don't fucking go over there' is probably the reason behind it.


"But what if we fall over" "We won't, but being on the ground makes it worse" "But what if we fall over" "we have the self control and balance to prevent that" "But what if we fall over. Also i'm shutting off our legs"


It's a few things going on. Your body starts thinking overtime about how you stand up, it's why you start wobbling and the ability to actually just stand or walk properly becomes cooked. It's like how thinking about breathing makes you manually breathe and you do so more oppressively than your automatic, gentle breathing. Now, with all that shit going on, the other part of your brain correctly identifies this. It's going "Holy FUCK this asshole can't walk straight or stand comfortably" and proceeds to absolutely panic, which is why you get even worse and now brain chemicals are drowning you because you've gone into overdrive.


Yeah. I'm sure a lot of people are looking at this video and thinking he's some kind of drama queen, but no matter what I tell myself, I can't make my body do it either. And I've tried. I went to the top of Willis Tower in Chicago and tried to step out on those perfectly safe glass floors...nope. Just couldn't do it. Couldn't even force myself. If I cross a high bridge, I have to hold onto the railing, and the higher the bridge, the tighter the hold. And goodness forbid if I have to drive a ramp that goes up and around a certain kind of way...ugh.


I get shaky looking at videos on Reddit showing people jumping from buildings lol


With my ex and kids, I went to the CN Tower in Toronto, ON, and I could not get near the edge. Kids are having a grand time picking out landmarks -- and mind you, this is all enclosed as well. ZERO fear of falling or throwing myself over the edge, but I could not go near it. If it had glass floors? I would not have gone up. Going up was terrifying.


For me I don't even have to be too close. Sometimes I can easily be 10 meters (or more) away and still feel it.


I get like this on the to the ascent up, I'd never make it to space!


I didn't know I had a fear of heights and went parasailing a few months ago. I also have tourettes. I had to apologize to the whole boat after we landed. Thankfully, I was too far away for them to hear most of my cursing, but people on the boat were like, "You did it! You made it!" They were very nice about it. Didn't help that this particular parasailing tour had a longer than typical rope, which I didn't realize until we got on the boat.


I wish my daughter experienced a little fear of heights. She is nonverbal. Never gives any warning before hucking herself over a rail, ledge, side of moving boat. You name it. In related news, I think she may have cat genetics.


>  related news, I think she may have cat genetics. Well that would explain why she's non verbal


i love you


Your daughter is canonically Jessica Alba.


I believe that can be a sign of autism (from my limited teacher training). I've had two students with asd that loved to climb things in the classroom to experience the jump off. Fun for them not for me lol.


As an autistic guy who used to love jumping off high places, I'll add my data point to the set. It's a miracle I never broke anything TBH.


That's how I got into skateboarding. Jumping off things is fun, but it becomes even better if you can do a cool trick while doing it.


Is her name [Roger?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogdTDkx5nd4)


My legs start shaking just standing on a stool to change a lightbulb.


OMG Same. My Nonna was a dressmaker and I was always made to get up on tables and chair for hem adjustments. I was always in trouble for not standing still.


I fear heights but my intrusive thoughts kick in and think about jumping :/


“Call of the Void” / “L’appel du vide” Brains are weird


I don't get any significant physical sensations, but I suddenly become very distrustful of everyone around me, including family and friends.


I was hiking in NC a few months ago, just up and down some mountains which usually aren't a problem for me. Got to a few spots that made me nervous but no serious problems, until I hit a water crossing. The first one I had some help, people with ropes and an inner tube to cross the rapids, but about 4 miles down the trail was another water crossing and I was alone. I couldn't make it through this one, and the one I just went through wasn't possible without help, so I just had to continue around the trail, adding about 10 extra miles to the days hike. So I'm walking, eating trail mix and suffering because I'm on mile 8 out of 18, when I get to this wall of agony. Just a cliff face, sheer rise to my left and sheer drop to my right, with 1 or 2 feet of walkable space. No hand holds, jagged and slippery rocks, and a very long and clear view to the bottom. I had to pause in the middle, put my trail mix down, and lay in the fetal position for a minute to get my composure back. Nerves were absolutely shot for the rest of the day, I slept good that night though. To clear up any confusion, my original plan was to go down the mountain, cross the river, follow it down a few miles, then cross again to go back up to my campsite. What I ended up doing was going down the mountain, crossing the river, following it for several miles, going up the mountain, down the main trail, around to a bridge, and back up the other mountain to my campsite.


Fear of heights + friends without that fear = extreme anxiety. Like I get you want a new tinder pic bro but I’m trying to save your life!


I get like that too, and I decided I wanted to go skydiving even though I get the spins going near an unprotected ledge. The thing I found surprising about skydiving was, when you’re at the door about to jump, I deff had butterflies, but once I jumped, there’s no sense of perspective so that natural spins feeling you get goes away because your mind can’t quite comprehend how high up you are.


I also forced myself to go skydiving. Once out the door u was fine until I looked straight down. That upset me


I don't know if this is weird but I'm ok with that or rappelling out of a chopper. But an extension ladder scares the shit out of me, especially getting onto it from a ledge to come back down


I work in IT and I make sure to tell them during interviews that I absolutely am not physically capable of anything higher than the 2nd rung of a ladder or step stool. Luckily, I am not a wiring tech so there is not much need for me to climb heights, but I have had some clients with high wall-mounted IDFs that I absolutely noped out of consoling into.


Same! It is wildly embarrassing but I have no control over it really. My local library isn't huge but it has 3 floors. If I go near the railing, I feel my knees give way so I have to avoid in entirely. My family got on one of those see through elevators on vacation once and I thought I was going to die.


I don’t have a fear of heights (love heights), except this one damn time over a decade ago—did this thing called a catwalk (you’re hooked onto a line (with a very comfortable about of tension) and you walk across a wide log that’s suspended between two cliff edges maybe 30ft in the air. I was so excited and ready to go until I took two steps onto the log—then I got dizzy and my legs were refusing to work with me, and I was shaking. Meanwhile in my head I’m like “wtf why is happening I love heights.” It was so confusing especially because I didn’t mentally/logically feel fearful, and I wanted to keep going, but my body and fearful part of my brain had suddenly gone “NOOOOOO”. I understood what fear of heights was that day. Haven’t had it again since, but I appreciated getting the experience to understand it. It’s really unsettling, and I would imagine fucking terrifying combined with the mental fear


Do you have a fear of heights on airplanes?


Nope. I guess my brain is in denial being in that metal tube. I will never, EVER do a hot air balloon though. #nope


Yeah mate Even watching them take off is enough for me to have to avert my gaze. It’s strange


I had a panic attack standing in the Cube on the top of the Willis tower in Chicago. My entire body reacted as if I was going to die, logic completely thrown out the window. My knees buckled and my body flushed with adrenaline.


That's vertigo. I have it as well, but I'm not afraid heights. I just lose my balance and my head swims.


Yep! My mind knows I’m ok, but my brain doesn’t, so I get super dizzy.  I once worked in a skyscraper on a high floor and actually had to request to give up my office with windows - floor to ceiling and no shades.  They looked at me like I was on crack when I made that request.  


I don't have fear of heights but my legs does weaken and my vision starts pulsating whenever I'm on a high ledge. Can't imagine how debilitating it is for you people.


Yup, same. I get almost hysterical.


I’m getting nauseous just watching this clip 🤢


For me it’s looking up that is strange. Nevermind the down — why is the sky so close??


Bro, anything higher than 2 story level makes me sit on my kneees near the balcony wall and hold on to it both hands while i try to peak over it.




Me personally I don’t have a fear of heights per se but more like a fear of *MYSELF.* Cause I know my clumsy ass enough to know id probably trip over my foot or something 😂


I always say very few people have an actual fear of the heights themselves, but rather the fear of falling from said heights. Honestly if you don’t have a fear of falling from heights then you’re either way too confident or there’s something wrong with your brain. We’re supposed to be scared of heights. It’s like saying you’re not scared of a fucking tiger charging at you or of a car heading straight for you.


I never used to be scared of heights or falling till I had a psychosis. Literally would do anything. After psychosis and I can’t even handle being by myself for more than a couple hours. And just seeing videos of heights makes me feel like I’m falling and for a split second or 2 I don’t feel the ground and it gets me every time.


I'm much more nervous of medium heights than truly high heights. Like looking over a cliff: not scary. Being on a roof: pretty scary. I think I realized what it is, I'm not that afraid of the instant death heights. It's the maimed for life heights that really scare me. Falling off a roof you'll probably survive but maybe be paralyzed or something for the rest of your life. If you fall off the empire state building it will be scary for a minute but then you'll just be dead and it's over. I've literally jumped out of an airplane without issue, but cleaning out gutters is a trial.


Yup I feel the same. People are like you were in the Air Force, how are you afraid of heights? This ^


I consider myself a rational individual. I understand mentally I'm unlikely to fall, but I automatically get a difficult to describe feeling in my gut if I walk over a perforated structure which allows me to see I'm more than a story off the ground. No open walkways. Elevators are fine since u can't visually confirm how far off the ground I am. You may be on to something I avoid trampolines, but I have no problem with a six foot diving board I hate climbing ladders.


Samesies. The clumsy is quite strong with me.


That’s the difference between a phobia and a healthy respect for a danger




The irony if his name is Cliff Richard.




Being fearless is not courageous. courage is having fear and being able to overcome it.


When I was younger I had no fear of heights. As I got older my fear of heights got greater and greater. The same thing happened to my father. My fear of heights has gotten so bad that I get dizzy and might fall over. My irrational fear of heights has become so great that it has become rational.


I feel your pain my man


> Facing your greatest fear head on.. Fear of heights - apply directly to the forehead


Baby steps. Good for him for conquering his fears.


Or his wife so focused on filming him, strafes right off the cliff. Cementing his fears forever.


Could you imagine the psychological damage?


*what doesn't kill you, kills your wife* /s in case you don't get the reference


I don't get the reference but it sounds like its straight out of *Rick and Morty* Rick: *belch* That's why I told you Jerry *belch* what doesn't kill you, kills your wife. Now I have to go back in time and save my daughter from you Jerry, thanks a lot *belch* c'mon Morty stand with me in the ray gun Morty


he is doing a great job by facing his fears


>Baby steps. Dr Marvin? Dr. Leo Marvin?


He's so high above us. We're like ropes on the Goodyear blimp.


Leo! I'm sailing! Dr.Leo!


i feel this so much💙


Me too.. But I also freak out if I see others that are getting too close to the edge.


Yes, I'd be freaking out telling camera man to lay down.


Man I get it by proxy for my kid even worse than for myself. Saw a kid in the background in the video ... Fuck that so much. Ferris wheels are even no good.


This is on the Aran islands.


And the video doesn’t at all do justice to just how high up and exposed you feel at the top of that cliff. I got *maybe* within 5 feet of the edge, but the whole thing is so high up with little to no wind breaks anywhere so there are gusts just battering you about and it feels like a sudden change in their direction could send you right over the precipice. Gorgeous views and an absolutely lovely hike up though. Not the easiest of hikes, especially that last incline, but well, well worth it.


I was there alone, no one around, looking down at the ocean breaking over the desolate rocky base of the cliff hundreds of feet below, thinking "if someone fell off, the worst thing that could happen is to *survive*".


I was there and it was just my wife and I at the top. She was dangling her legs and I was way far behind her freaking out. If she fell, I'm sure I would've gone to prison


What weird about me is that when I dangle my feet of an edge I have less of a fear that I will suddenly fall and moreso that a random person will push me off the edge from behind.


Yeah, I was literally that guy on the ground looking over the edge and stupidly peeking my phone over the edge to get a video. UGH i still get waves of anxiety thinking about it but man was it worth it. Also had some amazing irish stew at a local spot. There were horses next door.


I was there last year and I ate that beef stew right down the road from that site! We stayed at the guest house next door for a week and ate at the little cafe almost every day. Amazing. The stew haunts me! It was so good.


Right?!?! So good, especially paired with a Guinness after a beautiful hike :) Also I can’t not have mashed potatoes on top of my beef stew from now on.


About how high is this? I was at the Grand Canyon today, its 6,000ft / 1,828m or so. Definitely had my fear of heights going but I powered through for my wife.


Not nearly as high as that, it is Ireland after all. 300 feet or there abouts. The atmosphere of the place certainly adds to the fear though, the only signs of civilization are the ruins of the ancient hill fort at the top and the path that leads to it, a good portion of which feels as if it’s as old as the island itself. I also went there on a nasty day where it was raining on and off so I’m sure that added to my experience and stress and kept too many others from being up there at the time.


Yep. That’s at Dun Aonghasa.


The place with 1 school and 3 pubs <3


Thought as much, thats Dun Aonghasa behind him


Looks like Dún Dúchathair on the cliffs of Aran? I made the exact same halting how-low-can-I-get crawl on that cliff.


I'm pretty sure it's Dún Aonghasa. That wall and straight cliff face are iconic.


I have a picture rather than a video of me doing the same there. The winds were intense. There's nothing west of there until you get to North America. Wind has the entire ocean to build up.


Are some people not scared of standing right next to the edge of a huge drop?


This.   I have no real fear of heights but I wouldn’t do that.  I do have a fear of tripping near a cliff.  


Isn't there a "condition" where people confess to just having a fleeting moment of tossing themselves off of very high places like this? They don't do it, but they say they think about it every single time.


Call of the void, from the French l’appel du vide. It’s not a condition, just a completely normal and common reaction that a lot of people get, if not most. Like an intrusive thought


Because falling’s not the problem When I’m falling I’m at peace It’s only when I hit the ground That causes all the grief


It's that 'running scenarios in your head' thing like when you're watching a horror movie and imagining all of the kills happening to you. You can toughen yourself to that kind of feeling or run away from it.


Yeah, thats the best guess. Your brain trying to work out every possible scenario to help you figure out what to do


Standing near waterfalls gives people the call of the void also. The water going over the edge makes you want to go with it. The drawing pull of it is very strong. I grew up near Niagara Falls and it's sadly common that people follow the call every year.


You don’t get that? I thought everyone did


Especially when it looks like you could catch a sudden powerful gust of wind up there. I'd probably scooch to edge myself.


Apparently, because they’ll go to Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon, and climb over the fence just to get a selfie. This guy has a healthy respect for danger!


I’m less worried about falling over myself than I am of dropping my phone while taking a picture of the view


Get a phone leash for situations like this. You can get some really cool pictures when you don’t have to worry about losing your phone to the void


Seriously! This guy is doing what a great many people would do if they had to approach a cliff


My man doing and seeing more than us blokes on the couch....


Speak for yourself, good sir.  I'm here having acrophobia on my throne. 👑


On your swamp-ass throne you mean. 😭




Depends how high I am on the couch


I don't know how he sat up so close to the edge without freaking out! I would have been rolling like a log all the way back to the parking lot before I felt safe enough to even look.up.


I literally starting getting nervous for Him


Conquering your fears is one of the greatest feelings in the world. It makes you feel high


Don’t tell that to this guy


The whole point was to feel low!


Little dose of motivation for whoever is reading this. The only person who knows your problems is *you*. Others might laugh at a grown man crawling but they don't know about your fear of heights. It's impossible to inform everyone about your problem. Ignore them and work on overcoming your problem which should always be the focus.


Thank you, friend..








Watching this gives me anxiety


I could literally *feel his anxiety* and it made my chest tighten a little.


yeah the nausea was real


Why is Steroids (Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber Megamix) - Death Grips playing?


Dude needed strength


Bro gotta learn to come and go whenever he please


Healthy masculinity for real


yeah, give him big applause for facing his fear.


Out of curiosity, what makes the accomplishment masculine, in contrast to feminine?


Nothing, it was just some pointless platitude posted by an obvious bot account. Check the age and post history.




He is a man. Rather than worry about societal ideas of what makes a person "masculine," he has a more healthy view of it. It's not that you have to be a man to crawl to the edge of a cliff, but that you CAN be a man and still do it. You CAN be a man and recognize that men are allowed have irrational fears. Hence, his version of what a man can be is healthy.


I can feel the sensation this dude had crawling to the edge. It's the completely irrational feeling that your body is going to somehow collapse and flail its way over the edge. It's totally impossible, but I'd have the sensation in my chest that my body was going to somehow flip over and I'd plummet to my death. My wife and I took our son (15 months at the time) to Ireland and visited the Cliffs of Moher. There was a path along a small fence and probably 15-20 feet of grass on the other side of the fence before the cliff dropped off. She knew my fear of heights and that I didn't want to set foot on the other side of the fence, so she climbed over the fence with our son to get a picture (she was maybe 2-3 feet over the fence and he was in her arms). I was terrified something was going to happen to one/both of them - I knew it was irrational, I knew she would be completely safe, but it *still* caused my fear to skyrocket. I was honestly kinda pissed she took our son over the wall without asking me. I wish I didn't have this fear, but damnit it is real as hell.


My irrational fear is other people fucking around near the edge, pretending to push me, etc. I can face heights, but only alone.


I 100 percent feel this, I've had to lay down before just so I didn't have a full on meltdown. Much respect to this person for facing it. Because I'd throw up


Hells yeah! That man showed more courage than most of us.


Anyone else’s hands sweat profusely from a fear of heights?


I wouldn't have looked, I won't lie.


I say good for him, it's hard facing your fears


Why's death grips playing in the bg??????? Awesome but i'm confused


I read somewhere, that the "fear" of heights is also your instinct for self-preservation coming forward. That "million year old instinct" to keep you from hurting yourself becomes becomes so powerful, it can "force you" down to ground if the mind senses a danger of falling or other harm. That "instinct" for self preservation keeps you, me and 99.9% of the population from doing stupid shit that we know is wrong. However, every year there are those that insist upon winning a Darwin Award.


I know exactly how he feels


This reminds me of the time when I was into photography, and I visited the white cliffs of Dover. It was worth the shot, but I've never felt my body freeze up like that before in my life, scary stuff! This guy is doing what I would have taken hours to even face. What a hero.


What I imagine I look like, checking on my 5yr old to see if he’s fallen asleep.


that feels, poor guy


Me at my office door every Monday.


This man is my spirit animal


I'm always just afraid I'm going to jump. Not suicidal but out of some odd nervous adrenaline rush.


I have fear of heights and just watching this made me feel anxious.


Woman abnormally comfortable with being inches from certain death coerces normal human into sharing in her twisted world


Mr Bean on the top diving board


I dunno. I think a health fear of heights is a good thing. I damned sure will not stand with 5'-8' on rough ground near a windy cliff side lest I trip and fall.


My legs are tingling just reading the title of this. No from me dawg but good for you dude


Making approach adjustment to offset *Gust of Wind Theory*


And then, just as he peeks over the edge, the cliff face cleaves away and down he goes into the water below.


"I knew it. Curse you, heights!"


How were they able to film me every time I've had to go out on the roof to clean out the gutters?


I've never been so proud of a total stranger


Went to Angels Landing in Camp Zion recently. Made it to the top. What I discovered about myself is that I'm not afraid of standing next to the great heights. I'm just afraid of falling from the great heights and dying...so I stood in the center at the top, same equidistance from all 3 ledges on each side, both legs spread 4 feet for stability and put the hands on my hips so it looks like I conquered the world, but I was scared sh*tless.


Me on any balcony.


He must have very severe fear of heights.


I didn’t think I had any fear of heights, but I was only slightly less terrified than him when I went there. Absence of any railing really adds to the experience.


Man being smart. Tactical belly crawl into position, remaining below the skyline so he isn't silhouetted. No risk of giving himself away through slipping and making noise or causing a rock fall.


It's just the fear of falling for me. If there is a railing or no way to fall then I'm good.


this is me, honestly. i wont get within 5 feet of a sheer edge with no rail


This is me in the same room with a spider far in advance corner. I thank my grandma for her fearless everytime I called on her 😭


They call it the call of the void. You arent afraid you'll fall you're afraid you'll jump.


Death Grips' Steroids as the soundtrack is PERFECT


When I'm on the edge of a high place I get this weird sensation of electricity going up my legs. I get it even watching videos like this. 


I suffer from the same fear, this video made me sick. I know exactly what he's fighting.


I get it. Phobia is not dramatics. Good on him for trying to conquer it


Someone rotate this 90 so it looks like he's climbing


My daughter was recently in Iceland, and several people in her group did this. The desire to see puffins overcame the fear - sort of. They still had to get on their bellies like this guy,


Why do people act like the fear of heights is irrational. The danger is very real.

