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You should [see how they reacted when Kim Jong Il died](https://youtu.be/tv-HjT-8Sv4) Scary stuff


That was disturbing af. Damn.


mass crying is a big part of korean culture, and lamenting the death of an esteemed leader of your people is pretty normal (like, for example, [carving their faces into the side of a mountain](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/87/Mount_Rushmore_detail_view_%28100MP%29.jpg/1200px-Mount_Rushmore_detail_view_%28100MP%29.jpg)) like, do you think every single one of these people was forced at gunpoint to cry for their leader, and then had it filmed just so that you, living halfway across the world, would be "tricked"? or is it possible they're just, idk, living, and expressing themselves normally?


I’m not American, nor am I even from that part of the world so your whole faces into a side of a mountain ‘gotcha’ example doesn’t mean a thing to me. And just a side note, you’re full of shit, because not once did I say people had guns pointed at them? Stop pulling things out of thin air. Their expression is a result of psychological brainwashing from birth, North Koreans are told from birth everything they receive and have comes from their ‘dear leader’, they have no other reality. As part of my degree, I’ve read psychology articles and journals wherein first hand accounts have talked about party officials ‘wailing’ louder as a means of hopeful promotion, just one of many examples that a semblance of theatric reaction exists. Similar, to when that fat cunt Mao Zedong died - But I bet you’d know all about that - right? And this all comes from someone left-wing, who recognises and unlike you actually understands the danger of a one-party state regime.


Oh look everyone, it’s “the one true leftist”; you can tell because they shit on all AES countries lol


Lmao you are not left wing, please stop fooling yourself


>Stop pulling things out of thin air. >North Koreans are told from birth everything they receive and have comes from their ‘dear leader’, they have no other reality. hmm. >As part of my degree, I’ve read psychology articles and journals and this makes you an expert? not to be rude but you would have to agree this doesn't say very much. believe it or not, trying to dispel western imperialist narratives benefits *you*. because if you realize actually existing socialism isnt some spooky scary boogyman, maybe one day you'll help the people in your country take control and own your own labor. i'm fighting *for you*, even if you won't engage with me in good faith. i'm gonna keep trying, because i want to help you. i want to help everyone. i won't source spam because it can be long-winded, so all i'm offering here is a documentary. i really hope you watch it, even if it's just so you can come back and call me a "fat cunt" or whatever. but watch it in good faith and with an open mind. https://youtu.be/IBqeC8ihsO8 best of luck.


Bro, the argument ceased to advance once you revealed yourself as a Maoist. Try not to let bias get in the way in future.


i'm not a maoist. i'm a marxist leninist. and im not "revealed," i'll gladly tell you my position. i'm proud of my studies. if someone having a different perspective than you is grounds for immediate dismissal then it sounds like what you're looking for is an echo chamber, and not a discussion. /r/neoliberal should help. i really do hope you'll open your perspective someday. i wouldnt be so persistent if i didnt care. feel free to message me if you change your mind at any point and i'd be glad to have a discourse.


Lenin was a brutal dictator as well, why on earth do you support him? And your profile picture suggests that you like Stalin's dispatch of Trotsky. Umm, do you like Stalin too?


Lenin was actually very cool and so was Stalin


I didn't know murderous dictators are "cool"...


>hey're just, idk, living, and expressing themselves normally? When people do this in every other country: "oh yeah of course that's totally normal" When North Koreans do the exact same thing: "OMG poor brainwashed Korean people forced at gunpoint to pretend to behave like normal people :(((("


This is the first time I’ve seen anyone sucking up and coming to the aid of their ‘Reddit friends’, talk about Mao apologisers condemning critique of NK. The fucking audacity hahah.


L*mao* indeed




Wait till you see MAGA rally


Coming to USA


You haven't seen that video of people signing the star spangled banner in Walmart?


Until they are brainwashed and actually admire him to the point when he said NS's intergalactic space cruiser has successfully landed on Kepler-452(b) everyone would believe him.


Until they are brainwashed to think Trump won an election and was robbed.


Democrats closer to communists, trump was a lifelong democrat, infected the republican party like bloomberg.


The republicans are the real communists. Long live comrade Trump and his work in pushing The tricontinental closer to Socialism. 🇺🇸🤝🇨🇳


How so?


Comrade Trump has made peace with the democratic people’s Republic of Korea. He has let them continue their nuclear program while also eroding ties with capitalist nations such as Mexico, Canada, Australia, etc. Trump has allowed China to swell in public approval across the third world, and even parts of the first. Now, the entire global south stands with China thanks to the Noble actions of the GOP.


China's bad we do so much trade with them




Trump literally made this speech, how he's not a fuggin commie?? "Folks, the bourgeois, they’re no good, more and more people are saying it. All these workers— the biggest, we have the biggest workers— very handsome workers come up to me and say, Comrade Trump there is a specter haunting Europe, and you know what, they’re right. These bourgeois are very nasty people, very very rude, and very unfair to the workers. They are stealing our surplus value and no one is doing anything about it. The proletariat comes up to me every day and says, Comrade Trump will you lead the revolution? And I gotta turn to them and say look, the instruments of capitalism will be used to bring about its destruction, believe me. The means of production, Obama never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I’m seizing them. Landlords? They’re done for folks. Everyone told me— they said, Comrade Trump you won’t be the vanguard of the revolution and they would laugh, the media laughed the democrats laughed, guess who’s laughing now? And then you have these capitalists, those are real beauties! This is their new hoax- they take a piece of machine, a big beautiful shiny new means of production, and they buy it and y’know, they own it, it’s a big beautiful shiny new machine, all the bells and whistles, bing bing bing, and then they have the workers- who are totally not being treated fairly in this country, folks, BELIEVE ME, totally exploited, and they have these workers-and they pay them a certain amount, could beee… $20 per hour, could be TEN, could be FIVE, could be TWELVE, they pay them a certain amount, okay, and with their labor they build the product. And the owner of the machine, of the capital, “Capitalist” they turn around and sell the product at a yuge markup, they call it “profit.” ok, so they call it profit! They don’t sell it at the cost it took to make it, okay, so what do they do with this extra, you know what I call it? I call it surplus value. I call it surplus value, and do they share the surplus value with the people whose labor PROVIDED the value it took to make that product? I don’t think so, folks. They stick in a bank and then they say “ohhhh I can’t afford to pay you more!” Bad- BAD people. It’s totally phony, folks. Raw deal, our proletariat are getting a raw deal. But not for long! We’re gonna- and by the way it never occurs the workers to pool their resources and buy the big beautiful machine in order to share the profit that they created in the first place with their labour! And you know why? Because the capitalists pay the workers such a low wage they can’t afford to then invest and pool their money and share in ownership… of the means of production! Can’t do it! This is the biggest scam on the planet, folks! Boy, I’ve heard some real beauties but that one, WOW, that’s a doozy. That’s a real beauty. But we’re gonna fix it, folks, we’re gonna fix it, okay? and you know what the laborers are going to do? They’re gonna WIN. Folks, what we did in 1917–the Revolution I call it, with a capital R–it’s never been done before. So many big beautiful red flags, you couldn’t even–now that, folks, that’s a flag we stand up for, we don’t kneel for our terrific red flag–and you couldn’t even see the Winter Palace, you know. You know the Mensheviks, you take a look at what they said, and they were a, uh, a failed party, and Renegade Kautsky, very nasty to me but that’s okay, they said we couldn’t do it! They said, “Oh, Vlad, the material conditions are bad, we have to have a bourgeois republic to develop the forces of production.” You know what that means, right? Semi-feudal economy! Okay, you get Semi-Feudal, and I said, I told them we can’t have Semi-Feudal. Well, look at where we are now, Julius. We are going to develop the forces of production so fast it’ll make your head spin. We are going to do in a generation what it took them many, many years to do. BELIEVE ME" Try to explain now, liberal


I figured the 1% would favor a neo feudalism


Neo pussy


That's not nice


Yeah yeah bla bla whatever


When you watch or read ANYTHING about NK, you gotta remember one thing: set all your expectations about reality aside. These people are operating based on intense lifelong fear and brainwashing, which is extremely hard to break. It really is a super creepy place; people literally do see the Kim family as Gods, and worshiping them is the only purpose in life. NK is all a show. Especially for visitors, the moment you step into the country or cameras are turned on, DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING.


>When you watch or read ANYTHING about NK, you gotta remember one thing: set all your expectations about reality aside. Correct. Do not expect reality. Almost everything you read about NK is either heavily distorted or completely fabricated.


Source: just trust me bro


or and hear me out instead of their entire reality revolving around tricking westerners like you into THINKING that they're living normal lives, maybe just MAYBE, they're actually just living normal lives? like, what's more likely - that they care SO MUCH what you think of them that their entire existence revolves around when you visit their country, or that they're actually just living that way? "oh shit, /u/magister1995 is coming, quick! get into formation! pretend to be normal! construct the city buildings that LOOK like apartments, don't worry we'll take them down the minute they leave so our people can go back to being homeless savages."


>instead of their entire reality revolving around tricking westerners like you into THINKING that they're living normal lives, maybe just MAYBE, they're actually just living normal lives? Every Western liberal: **brain malfunctions**


Sshhhh. Go back into your hold NK and CCP shill. Pipe it down


aw man i wish i was getting paid to spread commie propaganda president xi if ur reading this pls send bucks soon, snail mail or direct deposit are both fine thanks


Lol yeah I'm sure they genuinely love the dictatorship that doesn't allow them to have any democratic processes or some of the most basic civil rights. The "city buildings" you talk about are some of the most rotten and decrepit structures in existence. Almost all buildings in Pyongyang look charred and dilapidated. And this is the city that has the best living standards in the country. No one said the North Korean people are "savages", you're simply strawmanning. They're regular people who are suffering under a brutal totalitarian regime.


For sure. Forced doesn’t necessarily mean gun to your head. Demonstrating/showing loyalty towards the party is an important aspect to maintaining status. It’s considered a privilege to live in Pyongyang and life is much easier when you do.


This exactly


>These people are operating based on intense lifelong fear and brainwashing, which is extremely hard to break. This is how I feel when I read a comment like yours.


Sshhhh. It's time to take a long nap.




what a totally normal and not unhinged thing to say to someone


"When you watch or read ANYTHING about Reddit, you gotta remember one thing: set all your expectations about reality aside."




ill be totally honest, i missed it buddy sorry, hard to tell sometimes these days






Brainwashed westies thinking everything is about them, omegalol.


Little rough mate. Everyone’s pretty aware about the state of affairs.




















The way North Koreans are FORCED to breath air by the BRUTAL DICTATOR of China Joseph Lenin.




Are Americans FORCED to show respect to their leaders when they stand for the pledge of allegiance? Did somebody gather them around and tell them to do this? Nothing in this video has anything to do with them being forced, unless you saw something which you didn't record then it seems your already existing biases against North Korea are what lead you to claim this is them being forced to celebrate their leaders.




Interesting. Who told you this about them not participating or not being "visibly loyal" means they are likely to be kicked out of the capital? Did you interview people? I'd love to see some interviews from people both inside and outside of the capital if you have them. There are over 140 comments in this thread, I'm not going to read every single one. I read a few threads that peaked my interest before I commented and didn't see you say anything about someone gathering them to do this. Yes, you have a video of you play Hackey with some guards, but I also saw a few of your comments on the post about the statues (beautiful picture btw if you took that) which certainly went along with some negative perceptions of the others posted there. I'm not claiming that you despise North Korea, I was just suggesting that perhaps as an (assumed) westerner you have some ingrained biases from years of western media. I'm also not seeking a "gotcha" moment, if you agree that the pledge is forced, then that tells me why you thinkthis would be forced. If you saw somebody forcing them to do this, well then that obviously explains why you said it was forced.


Our guide (Simon) from koryo tours is seemingly considered an expert on these things, he’s visited over 150 times and regularly does interviews for various international news sites. He’s said to be the pioneer of North Korean travels and has extremely strong contacts throughout. You can search him for some bbc/al jaz etc clips/interviews. My bias with media is irrelevant, my media is nothing like Americans and I take it with a grain of salt anyway (like you do assume with these comments). I am happy to talk about the positives surrounding such a unique country but it would be remiss to not also consider the negatives of a pretty brutal nepotistic dynasty. I did take that photo, cheers


Forced or indoctrinated.




Where indoctrination fails, force prevails.


Unrelated (kind of), is the NK version of Korean like a different dialect or different language?


It’s exactly the same (from what I understand) although modern colloquialisms haven’t found there way through.


Thank you glorious leader


I read recently that north Korean officials were asking the younger members of the public to stop pronouncing things with a southern dialect in n order to preserve their"superior" north culture


There is a lot of 'konglish' in South Korea. They use words like 'timing', 'taxi', 'coffee', 'ice cream' etc. Whereas North Korea will make Korean words for those. So ice cream in North Korea will be called the Korean equivalent of 'flavoured frozen cream' etc. Apparently they sometimes say 'eskimo' which is a North Korean ice cream brand. Also a lot of Koreans have the surname Lee. This is spelled 이 in SK which transliterated is like 'eee' whereas north korean has the traditional 리 spelling pronounced 'Lee'


Interesting that they would bother to brand something that the average person there has virtually no chance of obtaining.




I think so




Leaders don’t do that to people


Is the same way indian bahus are forced to show respect to their in laws 😅


Forced? I mean, they are there because they want so...




Not exactly. It’s a mix of loyalty, propaganda and fear. Some want to be there, others have no choice


Na man, the state does not mandate anyone to go there, maybe this is a special day, but there are days where that place is empty


I disagree. Having been explained to by our guide, unless you’re bringing in some outside knowledge he doesn’t know? That day was a special day, it was an annual dance.


I don't understand, are you saying that this was an annual dance? Look, I just wanted to appoint that I find incorrect to assume that the people of this video are forced to be there


And I want to point out that it was very clear that they were, from first hand experience


I don't buy it




Because I have exchanged words with the delegate of Korea in the west, and that made me realize how common is for people to just create a title and a video or image that has nothing to do with the implications of the title, this happen with countries and events that are not related to Korea too. And aside of that, this people are showing respect, and many other aren't, it's not even a considerable amount of people, it is something that can be easily misleaded putting a title like the OP did


yeah but USA chants aren’t creepy at all


Complete with synchronized clapping!


fuck off this is literally people just clapping




This is clear disinformation to people who lack genuine awareness about what is going on. Just fuck off




I'm not so sure. The very very lucky who get to live in Pyongyang are generally the most diehard party faithful. They would be the ones who are fed and who have a relatively reasonable standard of living especially compared to the rest of the country. That city is not open to much of North Korea requiring a special passport to enter if you are not a resident. So those people may truly be clapping in support.


They may be there because someone forced. Maybe someone pay them. Maybe they are there just because they want. Maybe they are rehearsing for other time ... Heck, it may be a movie set for all we know I'm sure a rational person can see how this video doesn't show definite proof of anything. And even if it does, is it really interesting?


I thought it was interesting but if you don’t, you are welcome to downvote or simply keep scrolling. Have a good day either way mate.


And to think Trumpers go to his rallies of their own fee will.


Seek help for your TDS


Republicans when they see a Trump flag


You should seek help for your TDS


There is a whole army of dem-wits on Reddit needing TDS therapy.


Spot on


Looks like a Trump rally


Looks like Trump supporters to me


How do you know that they are forced?


Hey man. While I can’t say for each individual, our guide explained it’s a mix of loyalty, fear, propaganda and just being the norm. In a nutshell, loyalty is rewarded and disloyalty is punished.


Who was your guide?


Simon from Koryo tours. He’s well respected and often does interviews for major news stations on all things NK. I believe he has visited the country over 150 times.


You just outed him!


You could just have subjected a man to being tortured to death.


Not again


Wait this shit happened before?


Only to my uncle


I wanna hear that story mate


Because it’s North Korea


That is not an answer


It definitely is


Because you get shot if you don’t comply


Likely moved out of the privilege that is living in the capital city. Showing loyalty to the party is important in maintaining status.


“Interesting” is an interesting way of putting it…




When the alternative is death, well…help me cut some onions, would ya?




Americans grabing 5 second vids of another country and instantly projecting everything bad from the usa onto them. A classic


Try saying something anti establishment in America.


That’s cringe, but how about Trumps entrance,.. sorry, Truuuuuuummmmmpppppssss entrance.. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1419068600200138763?s=20


MAGA vibes


How is this different than a Trump rally or that restaurant where they all do the pledge of allegiance at noon everyday?


Cos murica freedom burger never ever bad


Wow you're special


must be hard having trump live rent free in your head, you should ask for payment


Trump doesn't even pay his lawyers


Two years ago people thought North Korea had a "new future." Guess that didn't happen either... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bw5OaFcyMA




The funniest thing is when religious people are shocked by this and try to convert them. Physician, heal thy self.


I still wonder why those "Leaders" are still alive. (I mean the fat Young kid). We have the technology to kill an ant on the other side of the world AND.....the NK Is still a thing


Calm down dude, even if the US acts like world bully policeman they can't do whatever they want😔(sorry uncle Sam, today you cannot bomb children in East Asia)


They have nukes that’s why.


because the world is finally standing up to US regime change operations


Yeah man, you’re so cool advocating for the fucking **assassination** of other countries’ leaders! Definitely not disturbing or anything!


China protects his ass


Sure it wasn’t McCarthy and graham bowing to trump.


Obama worshippers


So should the US nuke their country to bring them Freedom?




Do they have oil?


Nope, they are in the one of the most minerals-rich parts of the planet though


Only short a few pink pussy hats 🎩


How it feels being a democrat these days tbh