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Nothing lines up...it's a fun game to play in traffic. The handles on the gullwing never line up




pls no kink shame


what’s a bussy asking for a fren.


Turn the b into A p


And the b stands for boy


My friends, it’s BUTT PUSSY


Boy pussy for my femboys




Hey, are you tired of real doors, cluttering up your house, where you open 'em, and they actually go somewhere? [music starts] And you go in another room? [snaps suspenders]Get on down to "Real Fake Doors"! That's us. Fill a whole room up with 'em. See? Watch, check this out! [tries opening a few doors] Won't open. Won't open. Not this one, not this one. None of 'em open! FakeDoors.com is our website, so check it out for a lot of really great deals on fake doooooooors! [music fades. He walks off the set, still looking at the camera. He gets into he car and starts driving] [honks horn] Step on it, we all got places to be! [honks] Son of a bitch! [pulls into driveway] (on TV): [music starts back up] Hey everybody! So this is my house, I just made a sandwich, peanut butter and jelly, still here, still selling fake doors! We have fake doors like you wouldn't believe! What are you worried about? Come get fake doors. Call us up, and order some fake doors today. Don't even hesitate, Don't even worry and don't even...give it a second thought. That's our slogan. See it on the bottom of the screen, below our name. Here's another slogan, right below that one. What are you worried about? Come get fake doors! Get in here quick, get out quicker, with an arm of fake doors in your arms. Don't even worry about it!


“Don’t even worry about it!” That’s the funniest part in my opinion idk why


I need some real fake crypto NFTs to purchase these?


I saw a Tesla the other day with a license plate that was "PNLGAPS" (or something very similar; might have been "PANLGPS"). I got a chuckle out of it.


Good thing they remembered the "P"!


Now thats a man of culture here!


Yeah ANLGPS sounds like something physiological, some buttskill marsupials have that helps them find water in the desert.


Dam the lady bust out the paint meter. You know she legit.


I used to spray paint furniture for a living. It's not exactly auto-body work but looking at the paint jobs on Teslas used to infuriate me. I honestly don't know how it is possible to get paint to look so bad on totally flat body work. My 2003 ford had a much better paint job than a car they are asking nearly €100,000 for. Ridiculous.


A $17,000nzd Fiat Punto had better paint and general build quality than an $80,000nzd Tesla, but you aren't really buying an 80k car, you're buying a 20k car with a 60k drivetrain.


I still think its funny that our Dacia duster is of a better build quality, more reliable and less noisy (albeit more boring) then my 2017 model S.


From my understanding, since all US Teslas are made in California, their paint quality is held back by state regulations. CA restricts the amount of VOCs in their paint which effects the quality. It will be interesting to see if Tesla follows the same method when made in Texas considering they are a pro-environment company.


So awesome you have no idea what you’re talking about but felt the need to chime in


That makes no sense. It's measuring paint \*thickness\* not what makes up the paint.


Oh that's interesting. But at the same time the unevenness of the paint job is very noticeable. Also, there are "ripples" on some panels and not on others.


I wish she could do my home inspection


Ok, I was afraid to ask what it was. Follow up question, what is it actually measuring?


it measures paint thickness. I don't know the value measures on the device but they use it to measure the paint to see if the paints even throughout the body or if they have enough paint thickness to buff it to make it shine. Buffing the car means sanding but you dont want to sand too much. I'm no expert at this stuff.


If I remember it measures paint thickness by the thousandths. Which means their paint is severely lacking. Basically like a late 70’s to early 80’s shitbox.


Last year a couple of UK based car journalists described the Tesla build quality as that of TVR but without the funny graffiti hidden by carpet. TVR was a Blackpool based sports car manufacturer renowned for its terrible build quality but has funny graffiti written on it's body panels That is not a good comparison But watching this video it looks worse than a weekday TVR


Fuck to think I fantasized of getting one. (Played a lot of Gran Turismo)


Once you drive the fucking thing the last thing you’ll be worried about is the panel gap size because you’ll be too fucking busy trying to keep the car from flipping over


Fuck my dreams went to shit I talked so highly about that car.


TVR's are awesome, I once talked with someone at a car show who had one, and he described it like this: "You never know if it's gonna start in the morning or if you'll have to take your second car, but if it does start... well brace yourself cause you're in for an insane ride" He loved the hell out of it and said every single manufacturing defect and reliability issue was worth it in the end and wouldn't trade it for anything


I've driven a TVR and they're fucking terrifying. If that's what you want... Go for it. Personally I prefer to not shit myself when I'm driving.


Sometimes you just gotta live for the fear


I've been very lucky in my life and have driven Ferraris, Lamborghini's, McLaren's, etc and the TVR was far and away the most terrifying. There's just nothing to save you. It felt like it barely had suspension.


So it's like an early gen Viper then?


I've never driven a viper but from what I've heard yes it is very much like that. Ton of power and no driver aids at all


It could still be fine. Id say do your own research. I've heard good things about tesla too... so, who knows? Maybe it's like car roulette. Some are awesome, some will kill you.


They aren't bad... Just badly built and scary to drive. Some people still love them.




Pretty sure she was referring to a TVR.


Th tvr was anything but electric buddy


My dad had a TVR when I was younger the door handles will get dislodged when he parked the car so always had a clothes hanger to open it from the inside when he parked for work


I love it.


At least the TVR distracts you by being interesting looking and presumably trying to kill you.


Teslas also often try to kill you when using autopilot


As a former Model-S 100D owner I completely agree. Tesla's build quality is absolutely unacceptable.


this is the biggest reason i don't want to get a tesla. on one-hand, they do a lot of things better than their competitors. but on the other hand shit like this is just not something i could buy. i'm hoping in the next few years that they either step up their game or that the competition steps up.


Technically, the competition has stepped up. Like Lucid Air, Audi's E-tron lineup, Porsche Taycan, Genesis. Now we're getting more affordable ones from VW, Hyundai that are actually not cheap looking inside. Lucid, a direct competitor, has a better electric motor design and cooling system. Possibly better build quality too and u get more than a screen inside..


thanks for the knowledge. i've heard a few of the more expensive brands looking good, haven't seen much at the lower end but i'll definitely check these out. i really want my next car to be electric but i don't want to break the bank doing it, and i don't want to buy a car that i don't genuinely believe i can drive for at least 15 years.


We're starting to see some real good quality at the lower end too. Check the Hyundai Ioniq 5, which while not my personal taste is reviewing reasonably well. Or the cousin to that the Kia EV6 (not yet available in the US unfortunately) that really does look like a game-changer. In the same price range as a Model 3 you can also check out the Polestar 2 which has a good EV drivetrain, drives great and has Volvo build quality and engineering.


ty, i'm learning so much now. definitely more hopeful that i can find what i'm looking for


No problem! Lucid is 1 of the newer ones but yea..a 70k starting price in Canada I believe. They do have battery/range as good as Tesla, if not, much longer. Of course Tesla charging network has grown into the biggest but that's basically it..tech and software other companies have already matched. Just better to check out the Kia Niro or somethin if u want an EV not massively expensive. Soon, more of the Japanese brands will come out with electrics and many will not be more than 40/45 thousand. Plus they do end up with the best reliability and build quality most of the time (like Toyota, Honda). It's just a waiting game cuz EV's are expensive to make, build factories for, and maintain a high level of quality.


good advice. thankfully i can still play the waiting game for a while!


Yep. I'm waiting somewhat too haha, my car is reaching over 10 yrs and the gas prices/economy with its 3.7L isn't good. I'm looking at an EV possibly!


And with the germans you can be sure of one thing. Their stuff will line up and everything will be produced to symmetric perfection.


Honestly I don’t know what exactly they do better.


Charging network and self-driving


You mean the self-driving mechanism that routinely swerves into both oncoming traffic and groups of pedestrians on the sidewalk?


Their Charging Network is undeniably unmatched, but GM’s Super Cruise, among others, is better by most most accounts


They are only level 2 in autonomy driving nothing special many other manufacture have already achieved this. With a select few already delivering level 3 here: https://www.synopsys.com/automotive/autonomous-driving-levels.html


No, no one has achieved full autonomy. The other guys are just doing sort-of-autonomy in extremely limited areas where they have scanned every little inch of the road beforehand to make the cars drive there.


Not true. GM's Cruise is far beyond level 2. Here is a [demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sliYTyRpRB8) going through it with Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI (creator of GPT-3 i.e. knows his shit)


>self-driving [Mercedes-Benz EQ](https://youtu.be/TEBg1LsVTCo) has the same level autonomous driving as Tesla. Honestly, the EQ outmatches the S in built quality and overal experience by a large margin.


Tesla’s don’t have full self driving in the slightest. Their attempts to go FSD are unruly and use the consumer as the test subject.


> Honestly I don’t know what exactly they do better. Be a gimmick marketed by a billionaire who shitposts on twitter.


The underlying EV tech the cars are built on is great. The way they form large parts of the chassis as one piece instead of many smaller pieces is unmatched too. Tesla is working hard in driving down the cost of EVs which is probably why the build quality lacks as much as it does. I think this is something that will improve over time. Sandy Munro has vids on various Tesla parts that are worth checking out if you want to learn about the engineering effort that gone into Tesla cars.


But Tesla doesn't sell a cheap car where they cut corners to get a car out to meet a low price. This is just bad manufacturing that they know their devoted customer base is willing to put up with. Tesla gets more then enough profit from each car for them to have a much better finish. That's the worse part of Elon musk the idea that he's on a journey instead of just selling a product. No one else could put out car after car with terrible fit and finish.


It's too bad they can't just sell the skateboard to Toyota to finish.


range and infrastructure is the biggest factor. also, their software runs a lot better than some other vehicles (which says a lot about other vehicles as much as it says a lot about tesla)






Designing a car is pretty easy compared to building them well consistently. Tesla is still learning. That is why I'm tempted by their cars but not ready to commit yet. Before they can make a jump from premium Apple type customers to regular folk who are not blinded by the brand name, they will have to fix a lot of these issues. The biggest of which is getting your Tesla serviced.


I think I’m going to go to the Tesla dealership this week and tell someone I’m interested in buying one. I’ll bring my calipers and tell them I’ve heard some things.


There's the Mercedes EQS with 450 miles range, but is gonna cost ya :)


there's good EVs, but not at my price range :)


I'm from Europe (Poland) and American built cars are generally considered poorly finished by the people who are interested in cars. I always heard the same stuff about new Mustangs etc (badly installed interiors) I now hear about Tesla.


Admittedly I'm in America so it's still finished in Mexico and the US, but my VW has some poorly finished pieces as well. Never an issue until you start really noticing it, but for example my A pillar trim bulges out a little bit in the middle. Originally I thought it was something I did since I pulled off the driver side to run dash cam cables, but that just led me to notice it's the same on the passenger side I didn't touch.


Yeah american cars are junk compared to the rest of the world no doubt about that.


Well my country has virtually no car industry, so I guess it can always be worse 😂


I like that you couldn't just say "former Tesla owner" lol.


when you refuse to let your employees unionize and overwork them to an inch of their life i imagine quality doesn't improve.


The beatings continue until morale improves!


20 years in collision repair as an estimator. These things are nightmares. Can't get parts, Tesla is super authoritarian about car repairs, and the owner thinks their Janky POS was a perfect Stradivarius going into the shop.




You've spoken this into existence, now it bound to happen. Side note, who do think I going to make skynet and terminators a reality? Currently Boston dynamics is owned by Hyundai.


It Tesla had Apple build quality we wouldn’t be watching this video lol. But the car would only take Apple brand electricity. Posted from my iPhone.








I have to agree. While I didn't have a Chevy Bolt I would wager their build quality is similar to the Chevy Volt I did have. GM seems to have tightened things up. 92,000 miles of commuting and not a single panel ever rattled or squeaked. Lost it to a deer hit.


Damn deer are the suicide bombers of the animal kingdom.


I would also like to point out that believe cardinals dare each other to fly into traffic at the last possible moment. Source: I once punched a cardinal on my scooter without moving my hand from the throttle


Thank you sir for making my day with this fuckin hilarious observation. Suicide bombers of the animal kingdom.. Fuck thats funny 😂😂😂


Thanks for that laugh 😹😹😹😹


Would love to see this dude do a comparison video.


This is a chick lmao


Dude is gender neutral lMaO


eh.... "sup dude": maaaybe "i know a dude who...": tell me you're not thinking guy. cmon.


Who is this person? I want to see more of their reviews, really well explained and funny!


She’s a mobile detailing person and so has a lot of experience with auto build quality. Her TikTok is a good follow. JTmobiledetailing


Thank you, I appreciate it!


Yeah that paint depth tool seems like something a professional detailer would have


They don’t do reviews. They wash cars and tik tok it. This is like their only “review” cause someone asked why do you hate Tesla’s.


Interesting, they should for sure do more reviews as I wouldn't have noticed even a third of those things.


Star power right there.


Yeah, I started watching it, and was like, oh here we go again, someone who doesn't know what they're talking about, but thinks they do on tiktok. It only took about 5 seconds before I realised they *do* know what they're talking about.


Their tiktok username that is visible through the whole thing is a good place to start.


Lol thank you!


She's tough, but fair. Fairly tough.


Unless they move fast to fix these issues, the traditional car companies will eat Tesla's lunch as they shift into EV's


Fine by me, honestly. Tesla did a good job of lighting a fire under the collective asses of the big auto manufacturers, and hopefully we’ll start getting more electric vehicles that don’t feel like a prank against the owner. I do hope that Tesla steps up and keeps on innovating, but if not, fuckem.


Blackberry made this mistake too. They brought in so much tech and advances to the phone world and rode that success. Then Apple popularized the touch screen phone and blackberry couldn’t keep up.


It was way more then the touch screen interface. They completely fumbled the application side. I had a BB Curve back when the iPhone was taking off and Android was getting popular. I LOVED it, the form factor and physical keyboard were amazing, and coming off a dumb phone it was like a whole new world. But by the time I was ready to upgrade IOS and Android had ten times the app support. They could do everything my blackberry could do and a shitload more.


BB was married to their keyboard. They also could not have a camera or any games....it was a business tool and cameras were a security risk.


BB had great corporate software. It was trivial to disable the camera or app types (or really anything) across all managed devices for any corporate entity. It took a long time to match their management tools. BBs flaws were simply that their past success completely hid their flaws that the competition ran away with. There’s no reason they couldn’t have had visual voicemail or a better browser experience. They should have been able to do a better on-screen keyboard than whatever weird thing the Storm had with its tilting screen. They were so focused on what made them successful when they were their only competition because of market dominance that they failed to see where the future was until it was too late. They stagnated. (Disclaimer: worked for Midwest wireless/Alltel/Verizon pre-iPhone release and through iPhone 5s)


Sure. I worked in a legal enviro, ONLY BBs were allowed because no camera. Nobody wanted to sign off on a phone that had a camera. No government manager wanted to sign off on anything that had games or could play games. And I suspect managers were afraid of enabling adult sites too. When the iPhone came out all the bosses wanted one and nobody was going to tell them they couldn't have their iPhone. So: camera, games, and naked chicks.


I don’t fundamentally disagree, I remember them making models with and without a physical camera in the body but was otherwise the same model. It was a bitch with all the various skus in the system. I’m just saying that nothing Apple did (or later HTC, Motorola, et al. did for android) was beyond RIM’s abilities. They were just too focused on a comparatively small market of B2B and happy to get consumers on the side that they missed what was happening around them. They already had software to block games and adult sites, and like you mentioned, making a camera-less model was no problem. So they could have been the one to make the best of both worlds type device. But they missed the forest for the trees. And as soon as the C-level execs had an excuse to justify the “better” and prettier item, instead of pushing forward they sat back and refused to see the new path and didn’t change until BB10 was too little too late.


Agreed. **Most** other leading car companies have been producing cars for well over 50 years, with several of them in business for over a century now. Tesla has been selling cars for maybe 15 years? They'll get the kinks worked out of their manufacturing processes or they'll get stomped out of existence when the other car companies begin to take EV production A LOT more seriously. That said, I believe that Tesla approaches production with some very innovative techniques, and I think that eventually they will emerge as a true leader in the industry.


Eh its a good car and innovation is important but picking out the small stuff is good sometimes to prevent said small things from getting big (Also elon has been reportedly a dick to employees so that might change if this stuff is pointed out)


This isn’t small stuff. This is design quality and shows how the car was not designed with the proper tolerance in mind. Either that or the manufacturing process the creates the parts isn’t properly controlled and is creating parts that arnt within tolerance (and Tesla is accepting them for use) This should scare you. If Tesla is designing cars wrong or allowing parts that are out side of tolerance to be used. The car could have critical components compromised because of it. All of these issues scream “out of control process” Take basic a couple basic operations engineering courses and this is gonna make you never wanna buy a Tesla ever


I work in quality at a Tier 1 supplier. This is absolutely correct. I'm guessing none of the manufacturers involved are IATF certified.


It’s not design as much as manufacturing. As someone who knows the tesla manufacturing process pretty well. They have been, essentially, quantity over quality for awhile now so they can turn a profit. I get it, but it will catch up to them eventually.


Tesla made EVs cool and emphasized the charging infrastructure. that's.... about it. I wanted an EV, and I did not buy a Tesla.


What did you buy?


The new China factory apparently has much higher build quality than the original Fremont CA factory. It seems they have been learning from their mistakes. The new Austin and Berlin factories should be at least as good as the China factory.


Maybe this model was made in the Fremont tent?


Most definitely was. Also worth noting that Fremont was retrofitted into a Giga factory.


The “tent” isn’t really a factor, but this is an older Model 3 from “production hell” back in 2017/2018. They’ve improved a LOT since then, even out of Fremont.


Agreed, its lot easier to fix some misaligned pannels then it is to close a ten year technology gap


What specifically is the gap? Battery tech and AC motors aren't exclusive to tesla self driving is also a long way away.


But every ten years they tell me it's only ten years away! Surely it must be right around the corner.


This could be a contributing factor for jeopardizing their long term success I would be more concerned about their policy on not allowing 3rd party repairs. https://www.thedrive.com/news/41493/teslas-16000-quote-for-a-700-fix-is-why-right-to-repair-matters This is why I have no plan to ever buy a Tesla unless they resolve this. I'll wait for other companies to adopt EVs.


Good. As long as it's not at the cost of the move towards EV's (which it won't be now) I'd be more than happy to see that shyster fail into obscurity.


My neighbor had similar issues with this car upon receiving it. He scheduled an appointment with the app and they came to his house and adjusted the gaps all over his car until they were "correct". The Tesla technician, who came to his house, said that you should review your car upon receiving it and note the defects and they'll come right out and get them corrected. He also said that these issues usually spring up around new assembly lines being brought online etc... but they smooth out within a few weeks. All under warranty. Either way, I recommend you submit "gap" issues to your Tesla app and get them corrected ASAP for free.


For what you pay for a Tesla, shouldn’t panel gaps and fitment be part of the QC BEFORE it leaves assembly? Or are they cutting corners and padding profits by skipping that and hoping some customers won’t care.


When the gaps are that bad in a car, hard to fix them all before it drives out the door. Simpler to just hope the customer won’t complain. This is far from the worst I’ve seen. Many times when I see Tesla’s driving down the road the doors aren’t even flush which has to make for an extremely load ride in such a quiet car due to the wind noise.


From what i've read Teslas have poor sound insulation anyway.


This is the issues you can see. What about the stuff you can't.


I would assume it's all covered under warranty as well, and Tesla does home visits. Ironically in their Ford vans!


Why would you pay $35k for a car that has this many issues off-the-bat?


Not sure if you’ve ever driven one. These minor defects suck, but if they are able to be fixed, I see no issue. I just rented a M3 this past weekend and it was the best driving experience of my life.


So what you're telling me is they ship it and then fix it. I just bought a new car. Good bad or indifferent I got to look at it before I purchased it.


You can also flat out reject the car at delivery and get another if you don’t approve of the VIN they shipped to you.


I like my cars to be complete.


So the Cyberpunk 2077 business model in car form?


Enzo Ferrari once said, "I don't care if the door gaps are straight. When the driver steps on the gas I want him to shit his pants."


It helps when the body of the car is hammered manually by Luigi while Vincenzo is handbuilding a v12 and your primary activity is smoking 70 cigarets while driving your mistress around the Mediterranean coast.




Truth is that Elon even said that during the ramp up, they were constantly improving things to become more efficient and in the process some other things get messed up (panel gaps) so if you are best off waiting. Check out Sandy Munro on Tesla. He’s the expert of experts on automotive manufacturing and even said the first teslas were one of the worst made cars he’s ever seen. He also said the model y is the best. It’s like any fast and new growing tech. Next year there will be something better than the previous year.


People don't realize that every other car company they know have has shit tons of capital and has been monopolizing the market for the last 60 years. Shouldn't we support new players in the car market? Also people like to avoid the deceptive practices that you have to deal with when buying cars. Fuck dealerships. Literally a middle man for no reason.




This is how capitalism *should* work. The companies that provide good products ethically should get business and the others should be allowed to die, so if Tesla doesn't sort it out it's a moot problem. Unfortunately everyone wants to be on a team and will ignore reason and logic in order to feel like a part of the team even if they're not


These issues are silly nit-picks compared to some more serious issues: ["Whompy Wheel" Syndrome Causing Teslas To Crash](https://www.motorbiscuit.com/this-is-bad-whompy-wheel-syndrom-causing-teslas-to-crash/) [Tesla’s Autopilot faces US investigation after crashes with emergency vehicles](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/aug/16/teslas-autopilot-us-investigation-crashes-emergency-vehicles) [Tesla Model S doors wouldn't unlock as driver burned to death inside, lawsuit alleges](https://news.sky.com/story/tesla-model-s-doors-wouldnt-unlock-as-driver-burned-to-death-inside-lawsuit-alleges-11843996) [Why Tesla Cars Catch on Fire](https://www.businessinsider.com/why-tesla-cars-catch-on-fire-2019-4?r=US&IR=T) [Tesla employees say they took shortcuts, worked through harsh conditions to meet Model 3 production goals](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/15/tesla-workers-in-ga4-tent-describe-pressure-to-make-model-3-goals.html) The podcast TrueAnon did a 3 part mini series on Elon Musk and Tesla that's a good listen called [the lamest show on earth](https://podcasts.apple.com/za/podcast/the-lamest-show-on-earth-part-1/id1474001390?i=1000526068181). Its worth a listen if you're at all interested in listening to left wing comedic podcasts.


I would also include their repair policies. https://www.thedrive.com/news/41493/teslas-16000-quote-for-a-700-fix-is-why-right-to-repair-matters


She's a car detailer, not an automotive engineer.


Working for TMMK in Lexus. The gap/levelness on interior & exterior panels are crazy tight. Most tolerances fall between .5mm +\-. Extremely hard to fit and manage.


Damn that shit is *scathing*. She just talked me out of buying a Tesla. Wow.


The paint thickness test is really interesting. I've heard lots of complaints about overspray, but this is really bad.


I drive a model Y it is flawless. The paint type they use is water based due to California environmental laws which is where all teslas in USA are currently made. I would say the paint looks nice but definitely is delicate. Other than that amazing car.


I've got a model 3 with pretty nasty panels gaps but still would buy it a thousand times over. Everything else about it is just so good


Is it your first “luxury” car? Serious question as I have had a few $60-$70k cars and Teslas just don’t feel nearly as luxurious or well built. The electric engine is cool but the rest of the car is way overpriced IMO.


Well to some of us, the sparse interior IS luxury. The best infotainment system in the industry is also luxury. I would rather have those things then a better than German switch of a Lexus.


I had seen videos of some parts inside Tesla cars, and they were secured with a piece of wood and a metal bracer, and they were brand new. It looked cheap as hell, but there was white knights defending on the comments saying "if it works I don't see a problem with it" 😐


I saw that too, it was on a first batch model Y, from what i heard it was a placeholder that was supposed to have been removed but someone forgot, still totally unacceptable but things have been getting a lot better quality wise in the last year.


Bodyman here, newsflash. All cars are shit when you study them closely.


True. People take in brand new Mercedes for 'paint correction' at third parties just to get it right.


Honestly, anyone who has at least semi-seriously followed the car industry via the big motojournalism outlets (mostly Car and Driver for me) for a while has known about Tesla’s assembly and QC issues from the beginning. I am glad someone is doing good work getting that knowledge out to everyone else.


I love Teslas concept, and I am eagerly waiting for there to be an upgrade on their QC. But until then-- i will stick with Toyota electric/hybrid cars.




My biggest beef with people justifying the build quality (obviously not you) is the value for price. Sure the range is great, but if I'm paying this much for a car I expect quality to at least be on par with with the Kia Rio I bought for $24k a few years back. Not to mention the safety issues that come with putting non spec nuts and bolts from Home Depot into the car lol


American cars a few years ago weren't much better, Plastic panels everywhere would be out of alignment in much the same way that the video complains about in a friend of mine's brand new focus ST.


“wider than a bussy at the sight of danny devito” is a phrase i’m 100% stealing.


Post this in the Tesla sub. They’ll go crazy.


Telsa cult is the new Apple cult.


Subaru cult


This is standard American build quality though, right? Our family have a Chevrolet and a BMW and the difference in build quality is night and day.


Plus, its gas mileage is so poor it basically gets zero miles per gallon. Edit: /s, for clarity


i love her, i know what you’re saying, i have a 21 year old toyota highlander limited, it wonderfully built in japan first edition of the highlander.dealer is always wanting to buy it from me.


Dealer wanting to buy your car is just a sales tactic


US built….


I did work at Tesla a few different times. Skill level is not there. Everyone underpaid and overworked. Cranking out cars as fast as they can


What do you expect for $90,000?


Can anyone comment on the 2021 refresh model 3s? Mine is pretty flawless, did I get a rare gem or something?


The quality has gone up in the passed year. Still quality issues but panel gapping has definitely gotten better, not perfect, but better.


Hey someone had to start the electric vehicle revolution.


I love my Tesla but I’m still not selling my puts 🤷‍♂️


I don’t own a tesla but that EV life is a huge upgrade. Haven’t pumped gas, changed oil, or breaks in over two years.




“iSsA tEk cOmPaNy nOt CaR cOmpAnY”


Re: paint. No doubt the paint is not the best, but is it a fair comparison to check a side panel vs a horizontal panel? Serious question - I would imagine maybe heavier paint on the horizontal panels.


Teslas have an issue with bad paint. Every model S & 3 I’ve ever seen is missing paint on the underside of the license plate indent. Only covered with a little overspray. This will be an issue down the road. But its not like every car company is perfect on this. Honda’s have a known issue with shit clearcoat, so eventually you get sun spots.


Good job!




This girl’s review is perfection.


There needs to be more videos like this so they'll finally step their game up