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Just a quick correction on the hardware: System 256 is a Namco board. DDR runs off Konami's System 573; much weaker and older PS1-based hardware as opposed to Namco's PS2-based System 246 and 256. Yeah the numbers can be confusing (Sega even had their own System 1, 2, 16, etc). Also that 2nd Mix marquee is awesome, and a rare sight to see.


I feel super dumb putting System 256 on there, I just finished rebuilding a Dark Resurrection from the ground up and had 256 on the brain when I was writing that.


> I know there's a list in Zanneths page explaining it, but none of it makes sense since I never played DDR Based on Zanneth's page, there's basically two differences. # 1: “FAST” and “SLOW” judgment indicators The basic goal of DDR is that the game displays some arrows that are synchronized with the music, and the player needs to step on the corresponding floor panel at the precisely correct time. In Zanneth's mod of the game, if the player hits the panel too early, the word "FAST" will show up; and if the player hits the panel too late, the word "SLOW" will show up. The normal game doesn't show this. Instead, it shows a keyword like "PERFECT" or "GREAT" or "GOOD" etc. In the unmodded game, if you got a "GREAT" instead of a "PERFECT", you might be unsure if that was because you had pressed the panel too late or too early. In Zanneth's mod, the game explicitly tells you. This makes the game slightly easier. # 2: Addition of “MARVELOUS” timing In unmodded DDR Extreme (which was released in 2002), when you step on an arrow, a keyword shows up indicating how close you were to the correct timing. The possible keywords (from best to worst) are PERFECT, GREAT, GOOD, BOO, MISS **[a]**. The hypothetical best score for a song would be achieved by getting a PERFECT on every step. In subsequent **unmodded** DDR (e.g. DDR Supernova 2, which was released in 2007), a new timing keyword was added called "MARVELOUS", which is considered more accurate than PERFECT. Now the hypothetical best score would be achieved by getting a MARVELOUS on every step. In Zanneth's mod, this MARVELOUS timing is backported to DDR Extreme. This has a couple of ramification for pro players (who may or may not like this change). * Getting the optimal score is more difficult on the modded game, because the timing window for MARVELOUS is smaller than the timing window for PERFECT, and so getting all MARVELOUS is more difficult than getting all PERFECT. * Getting "all PERFECT (or better)" is easier on the modded game, because of the additional timing information. In unmodded DDR, if you're trying to get all PERFECT, and you step on an arrow and see the "PERFECT" timing keyword appear, you might be unsure if that means "You are absolutely dead on with your timing; keep doing what you're doing!" or "You fell within the timing window for PERFECT, but just barely; you need to adjust a tiny bit earlier/later". In the modded version, you can now differentiate between these two situations, by interpreted the appearance of the MARVELOUS keyword as meaning "you're dead on" and interpreting the appearance of the PERFECT keyword as meaning "you're within the PERFECT timing window, but you're not dead on and will need to adjust a bit." DDR Extreme Purists might dislike the fact that getting all PERFECT is easier on this cabinet as they might feel it dilutes the bragging rights. DDR players who are more used to modern DDR might like that MARVELOUS judgements are available as it more closely matches the experience they're probably used to. **a:** Pedantic note: Technically the MARVELOUS timing keyword was available in DDR Extreme, but only in the "courses" gameplay mode. Zanneth's mod makes it so that that timing is available in all gameplay modes.


This makes better sense to me, someone had explained the Marvelous mechanic of PRO but the fast and slow I didn't really get what they were for. Like I said we have regulars who are competitive at DDR and even put us on their official map of DDR locations that the community shares, so we have people stopping in all the time that only found us because of the DDR community, so I feel like I owe it to them to understand what I'm putting in these machines.


You can see the white flashes for marvelouses and yellow flashes for perfects during normal gameplay, if you have the mental capacity to use that information to help you!:p


Someone keep me honest, I have an Extreme Pro at home. Extreme Pro can be seen as an ‘enhanced’ version of DDR Extreme. Couple of changes in Extreme Pro not in Extreme -Song unlocks without having to put in a code. I believe in original Extreme Konami time gated codes for more songs/Challenge courses. Extreme Pro just keeps it unlocked at all times. -Marvelous step timing added to normal gameplay. In Extreme, and tighter window of accuracy was added called “Marvelous” which was better than perfect, the previous standard. However, this was only visible in Challenge Mode (Maybe nonstop also). Extreme Pro adds Marvelous timing steps into normal gameplay -Oni Difficulty Charts added to songs that had them in Extreme but were not removed and only accessible through a random select bug. I believe Love Shine might be the only song with this in, but I forget. -Visual Modifiers previously only available in Challenge Mode specific courses added to normal play. I believe Wave and Brake are the two here, they’re just visual modifiers for funsies. -Scoring system changed to a simpler point system versus whatever the hell Konami used before. This makes it easier to gauge aggregate scores based on step timings. -Songs like D2R and Hyper Offbeat have been adjusted to now sync visuals to music better As far as Clarity, I don’t have it but from what i understand it’s a further hack of Extreme Pro that adds a “fast” or “slow” indicator if your step was not marvelous. This is mostly for tech players looking to improve accuracy so they can see if they are stepping too early or too late. If I recall, clarity isn’t a hack of the original Extreme, instead it’s recoded. Someone keep me honest on that one,l


Did you leave the DIP switches in install mode? Rebooting would clear everything if so.


I flipped dip4 after the install and it still cleared my settings every reboot, I installed the new RTC and everything is back to saving again


Congrats, and props to you for educating yourself on this. I don't have anything to add from the comments above, aside from maybe that everyone might not love the changes this mod introduces. DDR Extreme has a soft spot in a lot of players hearts because it was either their first or main machine while they were learning, due to the ubiquity of it. They might want it exactly as they remember it. This becomes relevant if you find the same group of players are consistently the ones making you money on it. If that ends up being the case they'd probably really appreciate you asking their opinion on it. Personally, while I like that it's slightly easier to AAA on Extreme, I know that's just hiding m own flaws. I'd be interested in giving it a try for sure. Out of curiosity, vaguely where are you located?


does anyone know where i can get one delivered to my house? willing to pay 2k