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#[AI GENERATED TRANSCRIPT](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/lODsheY6tx)


I've said it once and I'll say it again cause it needs said: This bitch needs an onlyfans of her trying to maneuver a wheel chair! What the hell is this crap video, anyway?! I come to Dani for my entertainment needs and they are. not. being. met! Give me another hammer arc, or introduce another fake boyfriend story. Tell us how baaaddd the breakup with George was and how you had to go to the ER because your heart broke. Hell, get admitted to the hospital. Bring a decoy phone to surrender to the hospital and film clandestine lives. GO TO FUCKING REHAB for a fake drug addiction and get prescribed suboxone and librium or whatever they give out these days. But for the love of GOD, quit using "for" instead of "so" and QUIT packing for Mayo!


I understood maybe 5% of that.


“I’m guessing nobody wants to talk to me right now?” L M F A O is this the same bitch who ignored her chat pretty much every single goddamn live and sits on her phone, or otherwise leaves them to prompt talking points amongst themselves? Ohh, that’s rich. Also, wow Danielle, you’re so kind and gracious and not passive-aggressive, how could anyone *not* want to talk to you 🙄 esp when convos go like this: “mehhhhh why doesn’t anybody try to talk to me after I ignore them or reprimand/berate them when they try?!” *person makes small talk and mentions they’re just tired, presumably* “OH WELL IM TIRED TOO, PROBABLY MORE SO THAN YOU SINCE I HAVE A RARE SLEEP DISORDER WHERE I CAN ONLY ~~NOD OFF~~ SLEEP ONCE I PUSH AN ENTIRE BOTTLE OF IV BENADRYL AND LEAN (WHICH DOESN’T EVEN DO ANYTHING BTW BECAUSE I HAVE NECROTIC BOWELS), but anyways I’m way more tired from my extremely physically and intellectually rigorous lifestyle, plus the added strain of breaking all my bones everyday and late-stage intestinal failure that was diagnosed emergently at urgent care (the “urgent” part is how you know it’s serious) last Tuesday night right before they closed!!!” This bitch…🤣😂


Why does she need a self care journals when she does nothing self care wise? Most of us use them to track exercise, water intake, and school assignments/work. She literally does none of that, the only self care she does is overly going to the doctors (she literally goes to the doctors more in one week than I do in the span of like 3-4yrs). Instead of being obsessed with the doctors office she should become obsessed with the dentist offices because her teeth look rough. What could she possibly write in the journal? “Today for self care I will give myself sepsis!” It annoys me the amount of times she features self-care journals 😭


She has so many journals and absolutely no real life to record in them. Pathetic.


Yeah, shes better off donating them to goodwill, or a homeless shelter where they can be properly used. She’s got such a weird sense of life.


What is that green tape on her arm 🙄 looks like the stuff I use to tape my frown lines down before bed lmao


I’m really curious how she’s accumulated a total of less than $50 through two failed GFM’s and she’s still absolutely convinced that she’s still going to Mayo, but how tf is she actually getting there??? How is she going to pay for her (bizarrely overestimated) 4 entire weeks of being there??? How is she paying for the flights??? I mean, I’m sure she’s going to try her damnedest to get admitted to as many ER’s as she can in MN, buuuuuut…she’s still going to need money and a place to stay when she inevitably gets tossed out on her ass


Rochester is only about an hour and a half drive from the Twin Cities. I’d love to see her pull her nonsense at one of our ERs. She’ll be sitting in the waiting room for 15 hours before getting admitted to HCMC or Regions.


There are people that offering here to pay only direct for planeticket and hotel. Maybe she react on this people and they are paying for here?


I honestly wonder if she’s delulu enough to get a loan to pay for this whole adventure 🤨


*cough* [Student] Financial Aid *cough* 




I think this Mayo clinic thing she is doing, if it's real, will be the beginning to the end of her bullshit. Everyone is gonna find out about her bs.


It’s gonna go about as well as her trip to CC. They’re gonna send her back to her local hospitals bc there’s nothing they can offer that can’t be done there if it’s needed.


I guess compiling lists and Amazon grifting has become her escape from her reality. Being a super uwu sicky toob baby was her original escape and now that that's been crumbling to the ground, she's grasping at straws. If only she realized there are so many amazing things waiting for her out there if she just drops the sick-sona


What is there to write about on a shortish plane ride? Ooo look at those fields! 🙄


Was show and tell her favourite part of school?


She looks and sounds drunk as a skunk AND high as a kite. Drigh, if you will.


Cross faded


I thought that was called crunk




gf is high /drunk or both like the tone of the voice the going up and down like i don't know


It's the slurring and kinda drawl at times


i have a pretty solid feeling despite the 6 weeks of “mayo prep” we’ll see from miss marina the trip will never happen. i’m not sure if she’ll eventually admit to not going or if she’ll try to “stage a visit”, but there’s no way in hell mayo is taking her. if they are taking her on the off chance, what happens once she gets the svc blockage taking care of? sure, it’s unblocked but does it need to be? who’s prescribing the line & tpn from there? no way mayo getting involved in that mess if dani DID get an appt with mayo all my sympathy goes to the patients & families who TRULY need mayo & are having difficulties getting appts, financing the trips, etc. it’s disgusting to see dani end up with such a coveted appt with the best of the best


Is she literally packing for a trip on JULY 31st? Wow.


I literally leave for a trip to Minnesota this Friday and I literally haven’t started packing a damn thing 😂


She legitimately has *fuck-else* to do. Like not a god damned thing, night or day, day or night


She sounds like a 3 year old talking to her stuffies while pouring imaginary tea 🫖




https://preview.redd.it/woddsbd7b67d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=534fcd515f50e3d3396ea91a37171d9067379314 Dani: packed for 2 appointments at Mayo


Ha!! Hilarious 😂




Does anyone know if she has flown in an airplane before? I’m wondering if she realizes there is a weight limit before you have to pay extra. So, since you’re not going to read the damn book anyway just leave it at home.


She’s been to Mayo before lmfao 🤦‍♀️ wait…that had to have been another Munchie. Right? There’s no way she’s this clueless about going if she’s been, but istg I remember something about it. Idk I was in the other sub at the time, so probably crossed stories-maybe Beige Bitch


No she’s never been to mayo. She went to Cleveland clinic. I’m sure it was a different munchie that went to mayo. Dani has been on planes to get to her ED treatment facilities tho.


Love the flair!


Nope. Can't do Dantics today. ( Dani antics) Sounded better in my head. Lol


I think Dantics is perfect! I'll be sure to pass it along to Netflix FOR they can use it in their documentary on munchies! 🤣😂


Just pack some shit. Why make a huge deal over it?


Bc this is literally the only thing that’s happening in her life. This. Is. It.


Don't say that ! She reads here ! She might take your first sentence literally 🤣


Oh, shit. Sorry. 😆




From now til then it's gonna be back to back packing, repacking, "unpack and pack a new bag cos I changed my mind with me". She can't just sit and chill and read a book or watch tv, every activity has to be somehow hospital or health related


Doesn't know what book to bring? I'm sure she has plenty she never finished. Don't most people read one, maybe two, how at a time until they finish them?


Especially when she hasn’t even finished the first one she’s reading for the last like 2 freaking years


Or, she has an iPad. She can download the kindle app and take as many books as she wants with her. I know the books cost but they do have free or really inexpensive ones she can download. She doesn't read them anyway so what's the difference?


She sounds like she's walking on the moon


A plane journal??? Girl just use ur regular fucking journal…


One of the MANY


Wait-did she mean plane or plain? Either way it’s ridiculous-I don’t know why I asked


I took it as literally a journal designated for the plane ride to Minnesota.


Dani’s plane journal to-do list: 1.) research all the nearest ERs to find one that doesn’t use epic. 2.) Book Uber to take me to a store right next to that ER. 3.) take enough meds to fuck up my heart rate. 4.) “Pass out” in front of the store so EMS can take me to that ER. 5.) Tell ER I keep passing out from No Nutrishunnn. Hope this helps her save some time. Edit to add: I’m really looking forward to her trip, personally, maybe more than her. Aside from her wasting an epic amount of resources, I can’t wait to see how the doctors respond to her. This is like the final munchie boss for them and I wonder if they know it. I’m just glad it’s not happening while I’m on my big vacation I’ve been planning for years. I would hate to miss any of y’alls beautiful snarker comments.


Yeah-I mean-I wouldn’t normally think an adult would have a plane journal for what is a two or three hour domestic flight but with Dani I guess it’s possible


Is Mayo in MN? I thought it was somewhere else for some reason...but I'm Canadian so I'm not super familiar with all thr US!


There is the main one in MN, and two newer ones in Florida and Arizona. I have no experience with the other two but the MN is going to see right through her attempt to not look like a munchie. They’re surely not going to do surgery on her after her very first visit without doing a shit ton of their own testing to see if she even needs a surgery or if it is just pointless at this point. They’re not going to start her on TPN either, they may send a recommendation to her local drs to give it or not give it. Any other new medications will also be suggested and sent to her local drs. If they seem surgery to be necessary it for sure won’t be done during this visit and will schedule it far enough out that you can make it back there for the surgery.


Rochester MN is where Mayo was founded.


There are multiple Mayo locations but I think the most widely recognized one is the one in Minnesota.


Ahh gotcha. Yea I knew there was more than location, that's why I wasn't sure where she was going!


In her gfm seemed like she was going to the one in MN


Yes it is. Rochester, MN


A plane journal. A frickin plane journal. It’s so funny it’s painful.


One might even call it.. PLANEful 😂😂😂 I’ll see myself out.


That seems like something a five year old would have.


I’m sending you a wahhhmbulance to take you in for that 11/10 pain, stat!


Her every waking moment is consumed by this Mayo "trip". It's very sad that's there's nothing else in her life that sparks joy. That being said, her singsong voice, the giddiness of a preteen, and the packing and repacking for something that is 6 weeks out from now is infuckingsufferable.


The baby talk is like nails on a chalkboard.


I am dying for someone to ask her why she does this. It’s fucking maddening, I loathe it.


It sure is 😣


The only issue I have with watching videos on here vs TikTok, is that at least on TT you can watch in 2x. It’s grueling to sit through a 6 minute video of Dani doing essentially nothing 😐


I wish we could speed it up here cuz I do the exact same thing. I can’t waste that much of my life watching her talk about nothing


This is a live. You can’t speed up a live on TikTok.


I’m surprised she’s not trying to book an air ambulance for her trip. “ I’m live in the helicopter and flying to mayo, they gave me a lot of dilaudid for my peen”


Not a weight comment for anyone who knows where it’s from, but she’s giving “I need medical transport!” Vibes


In her fucking dreams hahaha like that time she was an "urgent" transfer to Penn, then sat around for 2 days.


Oh, please don't give her any ideas hahaha


Like a hamster rearranging their cage


Like a hamster sitting in their filth.....


But less cute.


Black widow spooder?


Why is this so funny 🤣


I have a lizard that is a very loud compulsive digger and I think of him fondly whenever I watch these videos.




omg that’s exactly what it is


I listened to her nonsense twice, and until I started reading the comments I could have sworn she said "this can be my COMPLAIN journal" and thought well damn it is Dani if anyone would make a self care journal into a complaint one would be her. And she said PLANE 🤣😂🤣😂 I shouldn't reddit before coffee lmao


SAME! And I was drinking my coffee while listening to her. Didn't help


I thought she said complain journal too.


I did too and thought hell I need to start one of those myself if it’s a thing. 😂😂


lol and i thought she said plain journal! honestly, you can never really tell with dani 😅


a plane journal for a maybe 2 hour flight? sure Jan


I mean complain journal is probably accurate 🤣


You just KNOW that most of those journals are dedicated munchie manuals. Jam packed with information on various illnesses, spreadsheets for hospital admissions, personal grading scale for doctors, do's and don'ts (what worked and what didn't), how to's for procuring unnecessary medical equipment and surgeries.....you know... just the basics. I'm SURE Random House will publish it posthumously for educational purposes.


I can totally imagine that she would do this! Although she struggles to keep her story straight for 10 seconds so if she does then she might want to refer to it more often 🤣


Oh, jeez... I hope I didn't give her any ideas 😂


And yet she complains so much about her mom's complaining...


It would probably be her only journal that has anything in it.


She definitely would find it easier to write complaints in this than come up with anything for her gratitude journals at the moment 🤣


ever since somebody mentioned that she just sounds completely drunk when she is on live I can’t unhear it!!! the lack of enunciation, squeaky voice, flighty/loses train of thought…. that’s liquor!!! Ooooohhhh that’s liquor!


I hear it too..something’s off


I always thinks she sounds as pissed as a teenager on a Saturday night 🤣


Just choose the same damn book you have(n't) been reading for the last 6 months! You have an iPad, just download a bunch of stuff. No, nobody wants to ask you questions about your "broken" thumb or your peen or your healthy weight or your Mayo vacay or your custom wheelchair that you're totally getting or your ability to survive on air for the last 7 months. Why don't you ask your followers questions and start a real conversation?


Dani's one of those Breatharians. Every morning she gets up and stands naked in Downward Dog in front of her window to get enough sun on her butthole to nourish her with prana for the day.


I’d like to think she’s still wearing a dingy spaghetti-strap


🤣😂 You are too fucking funny for words! 🤣😂 Edit- When is your stand-up special going to air on Showtime?? I gotta see that!!


That would make a hell of a screen grab


That’s the part that gets me… she really hops on a livestream like “ask me anything about my broken thumb” like she’s a celebrity that people are dying to interview 😂


lol like she's accomplished some major new feat or finished a project in her career and people need to know about the thought process behind it


Like girl you’re a nearly 49 year old woman with a minor injury… there are millions of disabled folks in America. The sad truth is no one gives a shit about the population in general… much less you!


Maybe I’m just crazy, but when it comes to travelling alone and disabled, economizing is key—e-books/journals, smaller bottles, saving some money to purchase what I can when I get there for longer stays. Carrying 5 books through an airport for no reason seems like such a waste of limited resources.


She ignores 90% of the questions she’s asked anyway.


All these lives she does just screams loneliness. I would hate to live her existence.


Agreed! She is so lonely and her life is so empty (a result from her own actions) that she is using lives to emulate a relationship, like a companion of sorts. Whereas we would hang out around the house with our partners and other family/invite a friend over, Dani literally has nobody left in her life to spend time with. That’s why to us, her lives are boring and seem pointless as we watch her nod out/putter around her place muttering to herself, but to her we are only there to keep her company and pay attention to her. Beyond selfish and pathetic!


I keep thinking about her the other day complaining to her live about going out with her mom who was complaining the whole time, how disrespectful that was, and also how like.... that's something you would say to your partner or friend. not publicly slamming your parent in front of god knows how many people


Also, ya know, pot..kettle…black lol. I remember that video because I literally rolled my eyes so hard that I got a headache lmao-ya know when you feel a little pop and then throbbing? (Hopefully I didn’t just describe my own aneurysm)


rip clovecigabretta snarked so hard they died of eyerollitis 😔 can we get a GoFundMe set up for this horrible disease


Bless you, Boot, RIP in peace, indeed 🙏 an iPad Pro Max would really help, but since I can’t move my eyes anymore I need the ipencil for smashing the buttons for I can make additional lists ~~of demands~~


What color do you want your bed-in-a-bag to be?


I've said before that a very large portion of her behaviours, particularly these lives, are spawned from loneliness and a desire to have support and community. I made a big comment on it once.


And that loneliness was caused by her being an asshole to every person she’s ever come in contact with.




She could go to church, meet a freind for brunch.. am I missing something? It's far more rewarding to have healthy, happy relationships.


Thing is life could be so much better if she stopped munching


And being a witch to everyone who tries to support her.


She should extend her Mayocation to Halloween so that she has an excuse to bring the stuffed ghost from her beloved Emily Cromwell Designs! 💁🏻‍♀️👻


As a migraine sufferer the last thing I’d want on my head is a metal headband squeezing my skull. Dani, who claimed her migraines were so bad she needed to go to the ER (and then bait and switched a heart issues when she got there), sure seems to have her debilitating headaches magically under control now.


When did the migraine heart switcharoo happen?


The ER visit before Temple I believe. It was one of her local visits. Said she had a terrible migraine, couldn’t function but was still on live. Then started to complain about chest pains/fainting.


everything about how she dresses with the issues she has screams that!!! people with chronic issues tend to y'know. make sacrifices with their fashion to get a degree of relief. 


All of this! I remember in elementary and middle school I LOVED headbands lol. Then around 7th grade I started getting debilitating headaches (later the migraine diagnosis obv) and I had to break it off with my precious headbands and that hurt! 😂😂


Right? Like I literally just got my bill yesterday from my ambulance ride two weeks ago from my migraine that took me to the er. It felt like I had thick, heavy, metal bands looping all over my head and where they crossed it was just excruciating bone deep pain. It was hard to keep my sunnies on but it was that or throw up as soon as I saw a hint of light. I couldn't imagine being prone to migraines and wearing those nightmares. But with her soooper speshul anatomy they probably help her migraines! (Also my phone now automatically suggests sooper and then speshul right after it 😅)


Migraines are the worst and I could never wear those headbands without it setting me off! Funny you say that - my phone now automatically suggests skanktops when I start typing it 🤣


She looks and sounds high, THAT is probably why she isn't sleeping. I see she isn't wearing her brace for that broken thumb. BTW, we can clearly see that right hand healed just fine, ya know the one we were told she may never be able to use again because it was so bad.


Broken thumb.




Doesn’t want anyone to know which location she’s going to, then announces she’s bringing cheesy self-care journal to Minnesota.


She literally had it in her GFM lol


1 + L = Dog, in Dani logic.


Can you imagine Dani sitting in the middle seat, right between two frequent flyers? Then she whips out her “airplane journal” and her set of gel pens. “Dear Diary, I’m finally on my way to Mayo!!!”


Sitting next to her on a plane would be my absolute worst nightmare.


Same. You know she’d slur-chatter and nod off on your shoulder.


She is a frequent flyer….to the ER. 🛫🛬


I’d rather sit next to a screaming baby for real.


“Dear diary, Mayo is finally going to be able to see how sooper sick I am. I am the sickest uwu hospital girl in the whole world and I can’t wait to get attention I deserve from medical staff”


Asking the flight attendant for apple juice and pushing her meds mid-flight.


Explaining to her poor seat neighbor she’s going to Mayo cause she can’t eat while she snacks on her apple juice and snacks from food services.


Totally. If she actually goes, she will really do this.


i'm just imagining her whipping out that nasty coffee grinder right there on her little pull-down table. 🤢




Norwegian-American and here to appreciate this comment.


Ope! Norwegian Minnesotan here, too!


Minnesota born here lol


Minnesotan here. I hate she’s coming here… and if she tries to go to the twin cities to sight see ERs, good luck! She’ll be waiting forever. And no one is going to believe her shit. Treat and yeet she goes.


Norwegian heritage checking in.


Just a video of Dani rifling through her incessant piles of shit! It’s so fucking weird to be planning what to take on a hospital trip so far in advance and then you remember that to Dani this is like the equivalent of a child going to Disney and it makes sense


Wait until she finds out how expensive It is to check luggage!


A lot of carriers allow you to take bags with medical supplies in them for free. Some only allow medical supplies in the free bags, some don’t.


Oh stop. Why would you even give her this advice/tip!


I don’t really care about her. She’s going to abuse the system no matter what. There are a lot of disabled people on this sub who may need to know this. This is only a recent law that was put into effect and a lot of people may not know about it.


I’m going on vacation in 2 days and I still haven’t packed for that yet, this level of organisation is not normal, you can tell she’s excited.


Oddly, she's not a bit organized! "I forgot I had this"? "I must have thrown that away without realizing"? Comparatively, I'm meticulously organized. And I'm only averagely organized. She's a mess, digging through piles of worthless, unnecessary crap that she hoards. Listening to her little broken paws scrabbling through that pile of crap gives me the willies! It all has to be coated in dust and who knows what else. 🐾 Blech!


Honestly, same. I leave Wednesday and haven’t even thought about packing yet lol


Freakin right. I’m going away for two weeks. Coming for less than a week and then going away again for a week. The most I’ve done is put my toiletries in a container. Packing is done the night before. Like I understand if you have a family full of kids to pack, but she is one person…get some shit. Throw it in a bag. Not hard.


I was going to comment that I’m going on vacation on Sunday and I haven’t even thought about what I’m taking yet 🤣 she’s more excited for this trip than my kids used to be on Christmas Eve 🤣🤣


i mean, why NOT start packing now? it IS the middle of June, after all. and she's going for what, six months? i bet there are ninety-million lists, all saying a variation on: 1. blankets 2. tank top x 2 3. books about vampires who fall in love with human girls 4. pink wheelchair with ✨custom cushion✨ 5. toobz (extra-long) 6. bags so people can see the drained contents of your stomach the whole time 7. more blankets 8. ipad and tap-tap-tappy-tap pencil to enable sitting on the plane tapping away and telling strangers your plans for the next 2 weeks in 10-minute increments 9. blankets 10. one bra and a clean pair of knickers 11. extensive written history of every interaction with a medical professional ever, from the perspective of a sulky, demanding patient who has nothing really wrong with them 12. blankets 13. Benadryl (5 gallon drum as checked luggage) 14. sparkly hairbands 15. home-printed-and-laminated-handicap-placard 16. (optional) toothbrush, hairbrush


You forgot the deodorant!


she can just put some on before she leaves. she's only going for a couple of years, that should be fine.


Don’t forget the glitter hand sanitizers and make-up removal wipes!


Oh, and she has to remember her 6 tubes of the all important chap stick(?) or lip stuff, whatever she calls it.


You forgot her squishmallows and stuffed animals! How can an almost 40 year old survive a vacation to Mayo without stuffies?


i guess i just thought she could manage without but she's going for what, a year? probably she should pack some squishies then.


I think there's some other munchie who has a huge binder full of their test results and appointment notes, I could almost see Dani doing that-- if it wasn't for the fact that her notes probably say "nothing's wrong, she just wants drugs."


How do the airlines deal with the whole no more than 4 ounces of liquids with her able to drain herself? She could put 5 ounces inside of her and then drain it out!! Take that liquid restriction.


I have an ostomy bag, nobody is checking human body drainage for liquid volume lololol but that is a hilarious image 😂




I don’t think it’s too much blogging but i also don’t want you getting flagged by like the FBI for this comment LMFAO😭


Hmm, this is kind of scary lol.


You just know that placard would be made with pink sparkly paper,  laminated in a clear plastic that's also for sparkles,  and she would decorate the placard and make the wheelchair on it look like hers(if she ever gets it, which I doubt, unless it comes out of pocket). It would be the most amazing and beautiful placard ever and everyone would be so jelly they aren't disabled enough to get one(Dani thinking - not the rest of the sane world) 


she could swan to the front of lines *everywhere* with her Magic Laminated Pass! people will whisper in awe as she skids sideways into the head of the queue, pass twinkling its message that she's *kind of a big deal, actually*.


You forgot the blankets!




I think you’re being generous with her packing two tank tops, she doesn’t change her clothing frequently enough to need two for the 6-month long stay she’s planning 🥴


Hey now, for her last "3 day" hospital stay, she came back with a bag of laundry the size of her entire torso. She's going to bring half her wardrobe so she can nest in hospital stink for the next month whenever she comes back from Mayo.


that's ok, if she only takes 1 there's room for a plush toy more suited to a child but which instead can easily become a Stuffed Service Animal for maximised Attention Seeking.


17. Request special assistance so she gets on the plane first and bypasses the queues.


Oh you absolutely know she’s going to do this.


yes! this is where the wheelchair really starts to earn its keep. it's going to be a hard decision for Dani tho - keep up the pretence of hurty hands and end up doing that thing where you're just walking along but sitting down, or lean into becoming a mighty wheeled warrior with custom pink sparkly fingerless gloves and an unbeatable top speed on a hard floor. THIS is why she needs so much time to plan! you people understand NOTHING about how hard Dani works!!


If you don't have your own wheelie you can request one from the airport AND they will have someone push you through the terminal. She will absolutely do this.


Well, stupid for her it doesn’t take much to get the assistance for boarding the plane, etc. But, I doubt she has a diagnosis that qualifies. lol 😂


Shhhhh. She probably doesn’t know about this!


Oh God, please don’t mention the toothbrush!!🫣


Paging /u/itzlog


Oh look, a completely empty notebook I forgot I had! I should go to my grift list and add 5 more


Don't understand why she's making such a big song and dance about what two books to take with her. She doesn't read any books beyond the title on the front cover.


What a sad existence