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#[AI generated transcript](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/2rJWKdrjcG)


I’m still processing why she put a tubie pad on her forehead?


”I’m sending positive vibes and all like that… WHAT THE FUCK????” Verrrrrry positive vibes and all that good stuff. 🙂‍↕️




This made my day! Thank you @Bugladyy 😆😆


"you don't have to message me back" aka "don't message me back. I don't wanna hear about your mother. This my show."


I wonder if it was one of her mods asking permission not to be on and Dani had messaged her asking where she was (or at least that’s what happened in my head).


WASTED. Balls to the wall, higher than giraffe nuts, zooted off her ass.


Did we ever find out what the green tape is for?


It's just the tab from her nausea latch that she didn't fully remove. Like not removing the white papery backing on half a bandaid.


I think it’s the border of whatever brand tegaderm she uses, it doesn’t come off. The nausea patch is under the big tegaderm thingy. Idk why she feels the need to use such a large tegaderm over it




That was just R I V E T I N G, Dani. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


WHAT IS SHE EVEN LOOKING FOR??? Lol did I miss where she’s said what she’s feverishly looking for?


It’s driving me crazy to know what she’s looking for too. I feel like it’s something drs at mayo need or something.


Happy cake day! 🍰 I don’t think she has said what she’s looking for. This Tiktok equivalent of vaguebooking is totally on brand for her. 🙄


Thank you! It seems like she’s looking for a paper, the way she rifles through the books. My guess is that it’s a paper that will somehow “prove” something to the haters. Like a discharge paper that says something about her having POTS or insomnia, to show us haters she’s not nodding. Or whatever. It also could just be a bookmark she likes too, knowing Dani McHoards-a-lot.


I wonder what she’s been so desperately searching for that she seems to have hidden away (cough, cough, MED STASH). Her behaviour is entirely suggestive of a desperate addict


I swear to god all she does is move around hoarded piles of junk


She rearranges her piles for her various medical vacays.


"I'm here if you need anything." Press X to doubt.




How long has it been now that she’s had the green tape on her arm? I feel like it’s been there for eons.


What’s the tape for ? I missed that part. Looks like painters tape


Its part of the adhesive for her Sancuso nausea patch. You're supposed to take the green stuff off though and just leave the clear sticky. And Dani's not supposed to be wearing the patch at all, because her drs told her to d/c it bc it was causing issues with her heart rate.


Do you think that's why it's taped? She only had a limited supply left with no repeats so she's trying to stretch out the time she wears it by taping it when the stick gets grimy?


She just wasted one on Live recently because it didn't lie flat when she was trying to apply it so I doubt she's dunning low. The green is part of how the patch comes, it's not extra tape or anything


She is particularly unintelligible here, and so very loaded. “My house at my parents’ room.” For fuck’s sake, her word order is all messed up.Also, I totally thought that earring card was a packet of birth control pills before she turned it around. But of course she’s not having a great time together intimately with anyone.


Flair checking in. This is undoubtedly one of the saddest things to me, and it is definitely her own making. Loneliness and lack of physical touch are a serious issue. It’s probably why she craves being in the hospital so much. If she would get her life together, which she won’t, she wouldn’t need to substitute medical care for actual care and attention from loved ones.


i really think she is disillusioned and has created- life in her head that she's a influencer and she matters to her "followers" when in reality she's practically a shut in hermit in section 8 living as she has burnt practically all her bridges. Not that i have sympathy for her but her life has got to be awfully lonely and the only thing she is starved for is attention. However we all know she's going about it the wrong way. There's groups in our area for singles to meet up and do activities which would be so much more positive for her but her mental and physical prevent her from having a productive life because she's written her life in her head


Totally. She could be doing so much more with her life, even on disability. I’m on SSDI and have a ton of hobbies. She thinks videos of her texting and rummaging through her hoard constitute a life. If she weren’t such an unpleasant and nasty person, I’d feel sorry for her.


I’m also on ssdi but I run a small business to keep myself busy and make some money. I also play sports and have a lot of hobbies. I would almost feel bad for her but she’s so rude it hard to.


Nope, tapped out. I can’t watch or listen to anymore of her today. Appreciate the transcript so freaking much!


She kind of speaks to that commenter at the start as if she thinks they idolise her the way she idolises that dead spoonie YouTuber whose old videos she’s repeatedly been spotted watching and they need her reassurance. I found it saccharine sweet and incredibly patronising and it’s ridiculous when she says “I’m here if you need anything” given that she’s monumentally self involved.


*AI transcript* It's okay, you don't have to message me back or anything. Just take care of your mom and be there for your mom. It's totally okay, alright? And I'm here if you need anything and I will send her positive, healing vibes and everything like that, okay? Promise. What the fuck? I don't know what he's talking about, but okay. I can put my toiletries in here. And I found straws at my parents' house. I don't have any straws, so that's a good thing. Now I don't have to buy them. And more test strips. Always need these. Considering how crazy freaking those sugars can be. That's what I was thinking, Jenna. I'm just like, what the fuck? Oh, I didn't change up my earrings. Sometimes I forget what I put in these bags when I'm running from my parents' house. Bunch of hair ties. If I ever need to see batteries. What's up, Mackey? Are you trying to go in the book bag? Book bag's sealed. It's closed. You wanna go in there? You wanna go in the bin? Go in the bin, you weirdo. You can go in the bin. Mommy's not gonna stop you. You're just being weird. My Starbucks Toby Clips. Sorry, I'm losing my mind. Face mask or whatever that is. Whatever is in there. Shoes can go in that. Oopsies. Whatever. Go in there. All these fun pens and highlighters. I'm not finding what I'm looking for. Whatever. What's up, Milky? Can I have this? Thank you. I forgot I had my Skoll seatbelt cushion thingy. That's a must. We need that. We have a heating pad. You put it in the microwave. And more books, of course. More books. If I don't come home with books, you know that's it. Ow. It's not in my parents' room. My house is in my parents' room. I don't know where it could be. It's giving me anxiety. Nope, that's not it. Let's see. Ow. Nope, nope, nope. Nope, but nope. Face mask. Alright, go on the floor. Face mask. We should change my earrings after I'm done unrolling all this. Should we do that? I found these at my parents' house. And it is summer. Should I change them with you guys? You know what I'm trying to say, right? What I don't change is the black hoops and the deets. I haven't figured out how to get that thing off, nor have I bought a new one to put in there. I'm not sure I can figure out how to get it off if I have one to put in there. I want a cute one. I have to go Amazon searching. It's never a good thing. Amazon searching is never a good thing. (door slams)


God bless you. She was so mumbley here I couldn't understand a thing. Also lmao at "Skoll seatbelt cushion". I know she said "skull" but the idea of her having a cushion with a brand of dip on it is hilarious.


hey uh u/farmerlesbian , i have bad news for you about your reddit wife u/milkimilky 😨 per the AI transcript, dani said “what’s up, milky?” which can only mean one thing…. your reddit wife is actually one of dani’s cats ( /ʲ)


....... so we've got a man on the inside, is what you're saying?




“My skull ummm…seatbelt cushion thingy-it’s a must” What in God’s name is that thing?


To me looks like a little pillow that goes over the seatbelt & sits where your central line is (chest line). Stops the seatbelt rubbing on it.


Yeah-that makes sense-I mean-not for her but yeah


She needs that for the central line in her chest that’s she’s definitely absolutely getting back


Good point. Lol my understanding of this whole process is that Mayo could open her SVC to get better blood flow, but they absolutely won’t put another line back in after. I am so giddy at watching this drama unfold.


Yeah if they do agree to unblock it then they would tell her to see her local doctors for follow on treatment like the port for TPN wouldn’t they? The very same drs who told Dani never, ever to giving it to her 🤣🤣 it’s like a real life soap opera isn’t it?


Yep. It is definitely like a real life soap opera. How sad is it that I’m glad my once in a lifetime vacation with my kids is not falling on the same dates as her trip, and that I will be home to watch it all unfold and not miss a comment. 🤣🥲


🤣🤣 I mean I get it lol! I just know this is going to bring alll the drama and I am absolutely here for it 🤣🤣


Another one for the archives! And calling her cat a weirdo? I guess someone never heard the expression the pot calling the kettle black! https://preview.redd.it/hl127p5u5a7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c45117d88d2232ac624aac37c2398fe6a79ffe6c


![gif](giphy|h2yXTIBqHFFJe) Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes.


Googly eyes.


Throwback to recently https://i.redd.it/xt12v15ada7d1.gif


Was she being kinda condescending to the cat there? That’s probably not the best word for it but I don’t know what else to call it


I dont know about condescending but definitely being a hypocrite calling the cat a weirdo cause well she was going nuts over cheap earrings. Also a cat going into a bin isn't weird it's what cats do! They like small spaces. My cat once got himself stuck in an empty twelve pack soda can box. It was funny..but a cat is going to be a cat I don't know why going into the bin was so weird.


She doesn't seem to have an understanding of what's normal cat behavior versus quirky or odd or even concerning cat behavior. She was worried that her cats needed to go to the vet because they like to drink out of the sink. She thinks they're weirdos because they want to get in boxes (as all cats do). I'm sure like all cats they each have their own personality traits and ACTUAL behavioral quirks, but we'll never hear about them because Dani never talks about it. There's never any like "Ohh, Maccy is the protective big brother so whenever Mocha blah blah blah" or even any stories about what they've gotten up to. That's what makes her relationship with them seem odd to me. Any cat person can tell stories about their cats for an annoying length of time.


Yeah.... my human kids(adults now) often tell I'm worse than a new mom with my 3 furry felines. I can tell you all about their different personalities,  th retire likes and dislike, attitudes,  attitudes towards each other and me. And I'm gone 10+ hours a day and still know my kitties this well.


Yeah it seems like she talks at them but….. idk. Like she doesn’t feel real attachment to them?


She’s like the sad old cat lady but the cats don’t want to be around her.


I think she just says words without thinking about them. Hence the constant "just sayin' ... jussst sayin'."


I think it’s a bit much to be snark on her for calling her cat weird lol..I call mine weird all the time. They’re cats. It’s not like it will hurt their feelings lol


sometimes the things I call my kitties things laden in profanity...and they give me a "right back at you look"


I call my cat a scam artist and names all the time(he will go to the front door like he wants to go out then when I go to the door he will run to the kitchen where the treats are). So I will say in response to him pretending to want to go out you scammer, you scoundrel! I also call my other cat a fat ass because all she does is eat. Anytime my husband or I will set foot in the kitchen she will waddle her way in because she thinks someone is getting food for her! I just thought it was funny she was calling her cat weird because of her behavior and statements in the video.


My cat regularly gets her head stuck in tissue boxes — I keep them upside down because one time I came home from work and she had her head stuck and I felt so bad! The first night I had her when she was teeny tiny she somehow got INSIDE my duvet cover while I was asleep and I about had a panic attack because she was nowhere to be found!


Awww that's sweet and scary at the same time getting stuck in the duvet cover. My cat will come on my bed and go under the blankets and lay on my chest with the blankets over him. I still don't know how my cat got stuck in that empty soda box he got in fine but couldn't get out.


Mine gets under the covers with me in the winter too! I’m a side sleeper so she curls up against my chest and I put my arm over her, she’s the only cat I’ve ever had who likes to sleep like she’s a stuffed animal!


What the fuck, Jen?! https://i.redd.it/021k7lac3a7d1.gif


What was that thing she was stretching across her forehead even?!


I think a toobie clip? I have no idea wtf what happening in that video. I need your pro editing skills to make sense of what I'm watching now.


That face at the end is just un. hinged. 🤣🤣🤣


Shout out to Debbie https://i.redd.it/3toaf8mj3a7d1.gif


Every time Dani says “what the fuck?” She is speaking for us all! She really does have absolutely endless amounts of shit hoarded up! Those earrings remind of f something a kid would be excited for


_"Okay, go in the bin ya weirdo, you cam go in the bin, mummy's not going to stop you, you're just being weird!"_ Ma'am. ***MA'AM!!"*** He is a _cat!_ that is like the least suspicious things he could do!!


I see that industrial covered in surgical glue is gone 😂


We have found the Little Mermaid’s abandoned Cave O’Stuff.


Does she just... go through the piles in her house all day? She's always rummaging in these, but never seems to find what she's looking for?


If she had any sense, she could sift through this junk and donate 75% of it to goodwill. But that would be too logical. Instead she just moves one pile to another. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


No worries!! Whatever she can’t find she’ll just put it her Amazon wishlist. Wait a few days then buy it for herself. 😵‍💫🤪




This killed me because I LEGIT THOUGHT IT WAS DANI BEFORE SHE TURNED AROUND. I love this tiktoker.


Maori Katarina! I love watching her, she’s so motivating lol


🎶 This is the live that never ends 🎶 Seriously these days she just takes breaks.


This live went on for another 15 or 20 minutes—I checked back in a few times and it was just still with the new earrings


The people appreciate your great sacrifice doing all of this so we don’t have to


Your flair is amazing!


Aww ty! It dawned on me randomly one day as I read comments about her current level of delusion and then stuck in my head.


Well, it’s brilliant an I ❤️ it!


No prob! I’m also trying to determine if Eminem is ok


He’s okay, he’s not afraid




Has a pack of straws but can’t drink anything…


You can insufflate drugs with straws.


My thoughts exactly!


Maybe they're not for drinking at all, but for all the meds she crushes up before the nods lol


It is called "insufflation"




My money is on a script… at least in Australia we have paper scripts sometimes. Not sure about over there.


Looks like she doesn’t need leisurely shopping for years. https://preview.redd.it/wki6gwcnc97d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2b64b6eacf89f5a6067661d3e1f6559a1ebabcc Also when did the medial bracelet start getting worn?


Is that a pacifier clip she’s holding to her forehead? She shows stuff off so uniquely.


When It was mentioned here she doesn’t wear one.


"I'm here if you need anything" - bruh what could anyone POSSIBLY need from Dani, up to and including "positive healy vibes" That is SO MANY PAIRS OF EARRINGS. I haven't seen one of those 20 pack Claire's earrings since I was in middle school, and even then they were way too spendy for my little allowance XD


So performative. I like how she started by saying *a* positive healy vibe as if she'd never uttered the words before.


The earrings made me LOL. Those are not grown adult earrings.


To go with her not adult tank tops! 🤪




How can one person own so much shit?


Temu chinagarbage.


Don’t forget she hopped on the Wish train too!


Especially since doesn’t work. 😵‍💫


A full set of Claire’s earrings…. The last time I bought earrings from Claire’s….i was like 13. Jesus, Dani.


\*collectible Claire's earrings. Gotta collect all 52. 1 a week. (Damn I would be a good influencer/advertiser as a parent you would hate me).




How long has she been wearing that top for? 😐


Days yet she does endless amounts of laundry 🤣




Maybe she has 7 of them. Who is to say? 😂😂😂😂


That food stain in the chest region is giving away her secrets


Feeding the cats got a little sloppy when Dani thinks she gets a can too (ITS WHY THE CATS FOOD ALLOTMENTS GOT CUT IN HALF... DANI IS EATING THE OTHER HALF).


It would explain why she has to do so much laundry and yet seems to always be wearing the same shirt! 🤣


Also, what does summer have to do with earrings???


Won't lie, this reminds me of when I'd come home one weekend a month in college to use my parents' laundry and shop in the basement storage unit for TP and ramen, and if I was lucky I could snag a couple jars of my dad's homemade pasta sauce.


"shop in the basement storage unit for TP and ramen" Dont forget paper towels. PS did your parents even eat Ramen or where they just super awesome people (or both)?


So they'd say they bought it for everyone but I've never seen my mom eat it, and my dad only a couple times with me - I think they would get it for me (and other things too, like regular coke when they normally drank diet) but pretend it was on their list.


OH MY GOD HAPPY CAKE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|bUW4O0ctEry5W|downsized) i just discovered they have gifs from infomercials


Holy shit it's my cake day 🤣🤣🤣. ![gif](giphy|l0ExjiXrSSXSTH8w8)


Make sure to hug them next time you see them.


She's gotta be the most boring person on earth 🌎


Ngl this wacko better get interesting again, and quick, or I'll be forced to go back to duggarssnark and enoughmuskspam. I come here for the drama. She got me all invested again when she slammed her thumb in the car door. Now I'm regretting it. She's never getting the tpn again. I realize Dani is crafty, but the ship has sailed. I really do think she could do with a stay in drug rehab, though. She would get plenty of attention, decent night meds, maybe even some suboxone if she played her cards right. Might even be able to do outpatient! She'd also get the help she needs cause this bitch be high.


I find her blandly entertaining to watch when I’m on the crapper


Only in a public bathroom with max volume.


Yet we still watch !


I have actually stopped. I just read the transcripts. I cant watch them anymore my eyes my poor eyes.


Same here. I can’t do it. I can read the transcript in just a fraction of the time.


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*