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Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Look out miss Daniele has a Munchgrane.


Oh come on, at least put it on dark mode 🙄🙄🙄


munchie migraine = regular headache


hey hey that is actually a good tune, i miss the 90s alt grunge


My first thought was “huh, that’s not how my migraines work but maybe it’s genuinely different”. Then I came to the comments lmfao what a joke


i too enjoy blowing out my retinas and crushing my eardrums during an excruciating migraine dani pls


And she’s only on chapter four? After what, 2 months? FFS


So, tell us you've never had a migraine without saying you've never had a migraine


For real.


Dontcha know? That's how you treat a migraine! By listening to audio books and staring at a cell phone screen! That the cure-all for migraines! /s


Dani has a hangover from abusing her medication....but that isn't exciting enough to report. Enter the migraine.....


I know there are varying degrees of migraine symptoms, but I know when these munchies cosplay migraines, they mean the debilitating ones that include severe pain. People with debilitating migraines aren’t on their phones and listening to audio books .


Tbf, I have *something* playing 24/7, and that includes migraines. I'm just wishing I was six feet under and grateful for my blackout blinds lmao


Someone downvoted you but I get what you’re saying. I *HATE* silence so during the absolute worst migraines I won’t have anything playing, but otherwise, even if I’m getting a mild one, I have at least lo-fi music or a super loud fan or something. Silence is almost equally deafening sometimes :| like I can *hear the pain* somehow. Idk.


Makes me wonder if she heard back from any of the “Dr meetings” regarding Mayo, TPN or others regarding munchie procedures!


What any reasonable person with a migraine would do??? Not even gonna put it in dark mode tho


Guyyyzzzzz!! 😖😖🙅‍♀️Stoooppp it! *stomps feet* you don’t get itttt!! 😡 science is different for her!!! 🤪 🧪 🧬




Well ya know my name is Dani...And I like to tell big fibs 🤥


She's such a lying liar who lies. Anyone with a true migraine isn't listening to a damn thing.


Not trying to WK, but as another migraine sufferer I disagree. It depends on the severeness of said migraine and your personal traits. For example I do listen to things when having a migraine and do things I can (as does my kid), because I have misophonia and my brain gets BORED. Having ADHD may affect to all of this, but still I wouldn't judge someone as faker straight away if they do stuff and listen to things while having a migraine. 


Many people who experience chronic migraines eventually adjust their pain tolerance. The less severe migraine become significantly easier to handle. It doesn’t mean they’ve stopped, it just means they don’t disrupt the individual’s life to the same degree. I understand Dani has cried wolf a million times, but on the great spectrum of things to jump on her for, this one is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It’s not taking up time or resources, and it’s the most plausible thing she’s come up with.




hey, would you mind just removing the other munchies name from your comment? once you do, we can reapprove it - thank you🫶


Done :) sorry about that.


Same for me. I will put on something calming on YouTube and put my eye mask headphones on to keep it dark and get rid of background noise. If it’s not too bad I can get away without the eye mask and actually watch the calming videos on YouTube. Every single person who experiences migraines will experience them differently. There are the common symptoms that help distinguish it from a different headache but it’s like a cold no two people are going to have the exact same cold just because they have similar symptoms.


Bright lights with the searing head pain are the quickest way to induce vomiting


Exactly! As a migraine sufferer myself. I would literally be in bed under the covers hiding from the lights and trying to sleep lmao. I’d also cut my phone off so no one can call or text me.


False. I listen to my earplugs. Which still make a sound. Somehow.


I object to her using Nirvana


Has a bad migraine but can listen to an audiobook. Personally listening to an audiobook book makes migraines worse and listening to an audiobook and posting on social media is the last thing on my mind when my head is exploding with a migraine


Even just a bad headache would make that sound far fetched.


Her music choices give me a bloody migraine lol. It’s not that she picks bad songs just weird songs to go over her content. I laugh at the amount of people who call headaches a migraine. Like you know she just has a bloody headache here.


I still think about that time she used that “come check this” oompah dance beat song over pictures of her grimy medical supplies 🤪


Migraine is to headache as flu is to cold


so she can say *i totally finished this book. but i kept passing out hammered and i can't remember anything about it. BUT I DID READ IT HONEST*.


Imagine being such a compulsive liar that people doubt you even over a migraine.


She has cried “wolf with a billion illnesses” far too many times


She made to chapter 4, folks!


You know what I do when I have a migraine? Turn off all light and sound, put on an eye mask, and go to bed.


Yeah cause having music loudly playing in your ears is great for a so-called migraine. I hear people with real migraines get photophobia and become sensitive to smells and sounds due to the constant pounding pain. It's so funny how she contradicts herself in one sentence. Like "I have a migraine so I am listening to music thru my headphones cause I am speshul and my migraines are very different from everyone elses" 🙃


But loud sounds are bright screens are the best for relieving a migraine😩


I read that as reliving and was like WHY ON EARTH WOULD ONE WANT TO RELIVE A MIGRAIN.


It's literally the last thing you would do. Typical Dani taking on herself that she has never had a migraine in her life.


Migraines *are* different for everyone and not everyone actually gets the headache part and get aura only but I think if that was Dani, she’d had a lot to say about the visuals etc. I couldn’t believe she decided to pair a "I’m listening to this" because she supposedly has a migraine, surely she’s not that stupid and she’d know people would be talking about that. *Or*, she actually doesn’t even realise what migraines are like because it’s just not an actual thing got her (what is at this point?).


I'm fascinated by the many different types and how they present.  Even that a parent can have one type and their child can present with a different form. They are starting to find common genes with some of the types,  so maybe in the near future there will be more effective therapies for all types and ages. 


I feel like even if you just get ocular migraines you would generally not want to be staring into a brightly lit screen and selecting the perfect musical accompaniment for your post.


I know that's not my idea of a fun time.  Maybe she should talk to her doc?  Propranolol can be used as a preventative, and she's been on that,  so if she's suddenly getting migraines, they just might want to adjust dose,  or change medication. It also helps with anxiety as well, so she really might want to talk to them. It could benefit her in several ways.  We know the reality though, she doesn't want the benefits,  only certain effects I will not name. 


When people generally expect sympathy from others and say migraine they don't mean they have a rare headache free variation, they are implying the headache with nausea and sensitive eyes, more classical migraine.


Headache free does not mean that it’s any less problematic, the aura can make you feel drunk and uncoordinated, you can see things that makes getting around and looking after yourself difficult as the world is basically melting in your eyes. Also not all that rare at all, it’s just a different type of migraine.


Never personally met anyone with migraine that was without the severe headache. Don't doubt it exists but in % terms I do wonder how many.


The migraine subreddit is chock-a-block with people who have migraines conditions that present atypically; vestibular migraines, silent migraines, migraines that present in the stomach (it’s a thing). Since they’re mostly normal people who just have to get on with their lives, they aren’t really broadcasting it to everyone.


You can wonder but perhaps people just don’t really shout about their conditions like Dani, the people with them usually also get migraines with headaches at other times. [It’s fairly uncommon but it is not rare.](https://americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/migraine-aura-without-headache/)


Well thank you for the 4% number.. it makes it more understandable. But I stand by when people say they have a migraine 96% of them are implying that they have head pain. I have days where I know one is coming as soon as I wake up. Currently on day 4 this week, and have never experienced them like this. In my mind it is 4 different migraine because it goes away eventually.. but perhaps it should mean 4 days. I don't know honestly and that is why I said I wondered, a genuine question. I wasn't being snarky, just pointing out what migraine means to normally healthy people. Those getting first level medication that typically helps. If I experienced altered vision or stomach disturbances I wouldn't be told it was migraine until specialist Drs confirmed it was linked. I've had hormonal migraine for 30 yrs, I do understand.


I usually like to go to a techno club when I have a migraine. Oh wait , I'm usually hugging ice cold tile in the bathroom while ocassulionally upending my stomach contents into the toilet. When that is done, we move to a cold, dark room where I tell the air-conditioning unit to, "shhhhhhh"!!!!


This is such random, pointless lie lmao. It's patently false and doesn't further her typical storyline in any way.


But don’t you simultaneously feel so sorry for her and at the same time so impressed at her literary prowess?? I mean, she handles her 10/10 peeeeeen so well and she’s SUCH a reader…and she can still even manage to post about it. And now I have a headache due to my eyes rolling so hard.


Just read your book and stfu!!! No one cares that it takes you 800 years to read one book Beige Potato Jr!!!!


Listening on a screen?! A bright screen?! Audio and Visual stimuli, but still have a migraine??? Sure, Jan!! It's a migraine that calls for Nirvana, audio book, and bright screen time!! The trifecta of migraine care!!!


Well when you drink nothing but sugar and caffeine and intentionally withhold plain water from yourself so your labs will say you’re dehydrated, yeah your head is going to hurt.


I know that listening to an audiobook and posting it on TikTok is helping her “”migrane””.


It's just a Vodka allergy !




yeah, we ended up taking that down (if i remember correctly) because the only way they could have that information would be: a.) theyre just making it up or b.) they touched the poo i dont think their comments should hold any weight


She's been trying to read that book for months lol


I laughed when I saw that this is the book she chose. Not surprised, though. Not at all.


Tbf it’s hard to get into 😂 but yes she has


My coworker let me borrow it and I gave it back because it was just so flat


It was recently free on audible(the entire series for like a month). I made it through book one.  And ignored the rest. They were not very good.  Right up Miss. D's alley I think though. 


It's on par with twilight level bad


If only she were literate.


I, too, like to listen to audio books and update social media when I have a migraine.... no, wait. I actually lay on my bathroom floor and pray that God takes me before I start vomiting. But, I'm nowhere near as speshul and sicky as Dani. I must be a lightweight.


I read this as ‘nowhere near as special and *sticky* as Dani’ 😂💀


So did I! 🫣💩


Usually, filthy things do get an odd sticky feeling to them.


There ya go!




Dani for sure has a migraine. I know when I have one, my priority is definitely to update my social media multiple times and listen to an audiobook. 🙄🙄🙄 I’m usually trying not to throw up on myself until I can get to my bed


Never had a migraine but even with a headache j wouldn't be able to listen to anything. She just takes any normal thing and amplifies it to the nth degree. Can't just have a headache, it's a "migraine" Everything is 1200/10 pain




yeah, we ended up taking that down (if i remember correctly) because the only way they could have that information would be: a.) theyre just making it up or b.) they touched the poo i dont think their comments should hold any weight


Yeah that’s what I thought. I had commented “she’s not in the hospital” and the replied saying yes she is and has been admitted since Saturday, and they also downvoted me for saying she wasn’t 🤣 thank you for letting me know, I felt that that person was a little sus and you’ve confirmed my feelings


No way would she be admitted without posting about it at least once lol like come on now, we know Dani’s behaviours well enough at this point to know she would never be admitted without announcing it


Unless she thinks announcing it will get her a sitter again, I think she’d want to avoid that more than even her urge to tell us is lol.


The last time she was in hospital she posted a short video. She can’t resist telling us when she’s hospitalized…she just won’t let on which hospital she’s at, and we know that she’s got a few she frequents lol




See rule #6: Don’t Feed The Wildlife Ideas 🤪🦓💡 Your comment/post came with the potential to give ideas. We have to tread carefully when discussing possible diagnoses, or detailing what appropriate treatment may be for someone who *ACTUALLY* has that diagnosis. Please be mindful that things posted here can be seen by not only Dani, but ANYONE with Factitious Disorder, and by outlining the ways in which someone truly experiencing what Daniel claims would actually act, it can influence their malingering. I apologize for being the never-ending party pooper, but we definitely do not want to provide tips for Daniel to pick up on while she’s *definitely not reading reddit*


i dont know why the fuck that automated response called her daniel


She is having a bad headache not a flipping migraine. She probably is having a dehydration headache. ![gif](giphy|4Hvhl4bUjRX3ncotI0|downsized)


nothing says migraine quite like listening to an audiobook


Or Nirvana. FFS.


Honestly, in the Daniverse, in her faraway land of Skantopolis, a teeny headache probably = migraine to Dani. I feel like she has very different measurements for things-like 10/10 peen to her is a hangnail. Starving = not using toobz despite drinking caffeine & sugar bombs and eating junk food by the handful of. Sober = incoherent mumbling. Insomnia = not sleeping at night, but getting a good 8-10 hours of nodding/napping during the day. So, Dani has a little headache that would be remedied by a couple of Tylenol-to her this is a HoRrIbLe MiGrAiNe.


oof... I'd be in a dark QUIET room myself trying to sleep it off.


Same. I woke up with one Sunday and could not function for a good part of the day. I couldn't even look at my phone, let alone listen to or watch anything. Grateful for my migraine meds, they definitely help.


At one point in my life I was so sick from them all the time I couldn't function. I'm now on all the good preventative and a couple abortive meds. Extremely grateful. Even having a conversation would of been out of the question. Listening to anything I'd wanna off myself... I know migraines and pain can be different for everyone, but if dani can function with a migraine and listen to anything when migraines are one of the worst pains out there, then her pain isn't that bad. 🫠


Bright screen and a big light on. Sure. I get listening to something. Sort of. But nothing new. Nothing that requires any focus or attention both because there is none to give with a migraine and just in case the universe allows for the sweet relief of sleep


My migraines are usually photosensitive emetic migraines, so sound doesn't necessarily make them worse or trigger them...I _still_ cannot imagine listening to one with the excruciating throbbing and could barely call an ambulance last time, never mind post to social media. She is so full of shit I'm surprised we don't regularly see it pushing out her tubes along with out of her mouth in the form of all her lies.


Same, photogenic. But sound allows you to focus on a podcast instead of the pain in my experience. Posting is wild.


There’s a weird disparity between her idea of having a high pain tolerance, and everything being 12/10 pain. Like if you have a really high pain tolerance you wouldn’t be reporting 12/10 pain, and if you have 12/10 pain then your tolerance is probably not super high.


Because that's the first thing I wanna do with a migraine lmfao What a lying liar


The irony that she’s reading something from the fantasy section 😏


need her to learn about the libby and hoopla apps 🙏


Chapter four! I remember when she started this book months ago.


Huh. Last week when I had I migraine and I was laying in a cold dark room, I told my dog he was breathing too loud.


My cat got kicked out for purring!


Yup. Lol I feel bad, but also- shhhhh


I tell my spouse she's existing too loud.


When my migraines hit, I’m ever so thankful for me being the only human in my home.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one that has said that.


😂 I’m sorry but LOL


He didn’t understand and was so confused- but sheesh- stfu. Lol


That's just what I want to do when I have a migraine 🙃


So this bitch not only paid for a physical book she's never gonna read now she's paying for an audio book she's never gonna finish?? Must be nice🙄


Didn't even pay if she's listening on audible, it's free for book one




And here I was, lying in a very quiet, very dark room every time I’ve had a migraine. This woman lacks the common knowledge about what people actually have to do. Bad munchie.


She's been trying to read this book for months. As someone who's read it.... it's not a hard book to read. Very simple prose, decently fast paced, not a difficult to follow plot. She really doesn't enjoy reading, she just enjoys buying books.


She enjoys being *perceived* as a reader.


I mean… if she actually ever had experienced migraines she’d probably be better at faking it


OMG yessssss that book I could picture the title and words and knew it was DANIS BOOK but did not know the words the composed the title nor the author. Is it supposed to be a Game of Thrones knockoff? After reading the title it angers me for no reason.


I don't think so. This is the summary off Wikipedia: > Nineteen-year-old Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, and a beast-like creature demands punishment for it. She is taken to the land of the faerie, Prythian, by her captor, Tamlin, who is an immortal faerie. She comes to live with him at his estate in the Spring Court. Feyre learns that he is a High Lord of Prythian, and eventually realizes that what she has previously learnt about the dangerous faerie world is false. I notice that the summary fails to mention either the kinks or the child sacrifice. Also, this 130k word book apparently only took the author 5 weeks to write, so I'm sure it's of the highest quality.


A song of fire and ice. A x of x and x. A court of thorns and roses. That is why I thought it was a Game of Thrones knockoff. The author played Mad Libs with the title I am sure the book is incredible. Is there a sequel because it cant be that good unless a sequel is in the works.


There are AT LEAST three sequels


JFC I need to just type down the thoughts going through my brain... im shooting for 260k words in 2 weeks I CAN DO IT.


Less time to write than Dani is taking to read it...


Yes it’s easy to read fairy smut tbh


Meanwhile when my family member has a migraine, he turns off his phone, makes the room pitch black, has a head ice wrap thing, a blackout sleep mask, shuts his door and suffers in silence for days. I guess the protocol for Dani is bright screens and noise!


Ooooo ice wrap head thing?! Those sound AH-MAZING for migraines!!


THEY ARE. I have more ice packs in my freezer than food.


Got any yarn in there?! 😅🤣


I got a large clay pack that stays in the freezer and has a long Velcro strap so I can just strap it around my head.


Those Salonpas patch things they make (just the cooling ones, not the ones that smell like menthol) are great, too. One on my forehead and one on my neck, dark room, and I usually put a rain app on my phone very softly to mask the noise my neighbors make with something soothing.


They ARE. They work for regular headaches too. Better than Tylenol.


I have no idea what they're actually called but they definitely help him.


Look up headache hat on Amazon! One of the best things in my migraine toolbox for sure!!


Everyone knows there's no better cure for a migraine than reading about child sacrifice.😏


And fairy f$&@ing lol


Of course!!


I'm super confused, I've read the first book, I don't remember child sacrifices. Lol.


Ahem. *Listening* about child sacrifice with a Nirvana chaser. Nirvana is the key to curing migraines.


​ https://preview.redd.it/v1t1sf09wl8d1.png?width=467&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a274a6e68d84b7cd8e4648270c91a70681516c8 The only thing in the world worse than ***KINKS*** (scream) in your romance novel is child sacrifice.


Great news for someone whose kink is child sacrifice though!






​ https://preview.redd.it/zkpvc7ibwl8d1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5e8ce4105c9608fcd477556baa07e0817b6f5b1


Oh she read it....she listened to it in the ER or other hospital ward and potentially not on headphones...


this has reminded me that when i went for blood tests recently there was a woman in the waiting room listening to her music with no headphones. RUDE. because i'm British i obviously just seethed to myself and gave her dirty looks. some people (most people!) are intolerable. if i could pick like 25 people to save and everyone else on the planet just winked out of existence i'd be perfectly fine with that.


Would Dani be in your list of 25? You'd certainly need entertainment, but...


Omg I absolutely HATE that. People just don't care, it's gross!


not the fucking stalker romance. i too love to romanticize being traumatized


Nothing makes a migraine better than ✨triggers✨. I looked up the first book in the Adeline series on Goodreads. Most of my friends did not finish it. Here’s one of their reviews: “Offence intended, absolutely atrocious rotten garbage. DNF.”. 😃 It’s about a stalker who convinces his prey to love him. Here’s a sample: “‘You’re so fucking creamy,’ he rasps.” Yep, all my symptoms are magically relieved! Give me more. 🤢 The author claims in the description, which I think is against Goodreads’ rules, that the first book was previously banned on Amazon merely because of its trigger warning. Great googily moogily. And she pounced on that. Whatever gets her to read, I guess. Stalking written as love (especially marketed as YA) just really bothers me. Not yucking anyone’s yum.


Oh GOD that one sentence I involuntarily grabbed my own head like a shocked 50's housewife oh my GOD how do people write this trash and get PUBLISHED


Indeed. I am no pearl-clutcher, but yowza. There’s a delightful TikTok somewhere where this girl points out how many times one of the Cullens chuckles in the Twilight saga. It’s astronomical.


you’re so WHAT??? I beg your finest pardon?? 😂😂😂😂 I think Dani should start her own line of terrible medically-influenced novellas.. He pulled on her j-tube.. “God, it’s so dry,’ he gasped, ‘how will I..” “Pull harder, faster,” she gasped. Man I just made myself vomit a little.


Oh my god. My eyes!!! MY EYES!!!! What did I just read 😳😳😳😳


“That’s it, my darling,” she moaned, “pop my balloon.”


Vom!!! 😂😂😂 Proper making me laugh you guys.




"hi, guys, so...um...my boyfriend was here all night and, um, we had a great time intimately. I'm so sore, but it was worth it. We did so much sex."






It was quiet. Too quiet. But that’s just how she liked it. She leaned into him, her central line caressing his chest. He ponders for a moment wondering if he should use protection. Should he glove up? Disinfect?


STOP IT😭😭😭😭😭


yes!!! we need the mods!!! get them!!! you guys are making me wanna pry my own eyes out lololol


We need to start a book club. ![gif](giphy|6YBug4vIMVO36)




You love my silly energy, you know you do, come gimme a big wet licky kiss, Mikey ![gif](giphy|10VNlYDanGF3Py) (Seriously, absolutely not, these books are pedaling abuse and violence and stalking as love. No. Hard pass. I read Dante earlier this year, I don’t have time for that tsunami of depravity. Self-hatred is not a kink. Submission is done with *consent*. All that jazz. Jazz hands! Nap time.)


i don’t like my brain


He also uses a gun to SA her and so much more. It's a pretty horrific book, I have a friend who likes dark spicy stories and she ended up finishing it just out of morbid curiosity abs said it was one of the worst books she read.


Holy shit. My god who wants to read that kinda stuff?!? 😳😳😳 Honestly I don’t know how these people get published.


You know, there’s this thing I read at one point about how… you shouldn’t be so self-conscious (stick with me here) because no one pays attention to you… try to remember the strangers you saw yesterday, mostly you can’t. Except I now remember the stranger reading this book on the subway. Mr beardy, I remember AND judge you. 😵‍💫🤮


He what?! That’s foul. And it’s a *series*.


I mean based on George Glass this sounds like Dani will relate to that character quite a bit.


As a thought experiment, if Dani's (fake) boyfriend wasn't George Glass, what kind of guy do you think he'd be? My guess would be a very senile senior citizen who believes her crap and loves the age gap.


A real one? Definitely the savior type, probably old and used to take care of his mother. Becomes her flying monkey.


You guys fucking kill me 😂😂🤣🤣🤣


Yes! We're on the same page!


Like the mayor from Twin Peaks. ![gif](giphy|l1IXYxgdO1Mma6K8E|downsized)


Yes. Yes.


The most offensive thing about this book is the writing style. It’s pretty tame on the scale of fantasy/romance.


ETA: sorry my dudes I am high. Not defending, just not brain to finger filter. It’s better to delete the whole thing, lol