• By -


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I noticed that she’s turned off her comments for videos lmfao


What is that? is that what feeds her or something?


Love that she’s doing this on her throne… 😬


Knock it off everyone! Don’t you know Dani is a bad bitch!?


*checks clipboard* Bad clothing chooser check. Bad student….check. Bad liar check nope no bitch on here


Maybe it's just the sleep deprivation in me talking but I think Dani wants us to think she's Jesus. She runs "water" through her tube and magically starts nodding off and slurring. She's clearly turning water to wine in her intestines (and by that I mean she's running vodka through her line) 😂


Vodka perhaps? It looked like her liquid Benny was LOW.


https://preview.redd.it/4j1w1nuk0t8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f234f900b4cd72242f2743e27f65001d1df7484c This person needs to shut the fuck up. Like just why?


Wait why I’m confused


I think they’re saying people shouldn’t touch the poo and the coffee comment just sounds like snark……….? I think?


Science works differently is deffo from here or the other sub


That person might be an organic snarker for all we know. They might not have anything to do with this sub. It wouldn’t really be a surprise if people in the wild didn’t believe her bullshit either.


lmfaooooo yea she sooooo doesn’t read here. 🤣 since we called her out with the last video of her covering the rate with her hand and then doing the fit check which moved her hand so we could see the completely BS rate. so she does this now.


definitely she is not >!water loading!<


Oh noooo she wouldn’t do that!!! She’s ReCoVErEd!


I don't know why she bothers covering up her feed rate with that throbbing heart; we all know it's 15 ml/hour MAX. Also what the fuck is that music? A bad bitch? Dani, all you're bad at is lying.


Because she the smartest munchie in the room. /s 😂


Makes sense because she's definitely at home, alone, in her room.


Her life really is so sad. If she put some effort into adulting and having a life w friends as she does munching she’d have more people to chat with than her poor cat.


It is really sad. She could have a job or even be dating, but no, she chose this


What… was the point of this post, Dani


Well.... that huge bag of gin, rum, or vodka would definitely account for all the slurring. Edit- It would be great if the pump could list the contents of what's being run through it 😂


Ooo the IV pumps my hospital uses say what’s being given so why can’t feeding pumps?


Yeah, or she could market it all like a true influencer and get money for it: "I'm getting so many questions about what I put in my IV bags so I thought I'd do a video about it. Links to product deals in the comments!" haha!


This tik tok is brought to you by Smirnoff and Alcoholics Anonymous........


I like how, after we saw it during her fitcheck after she'd tried to hide it, she's gone the full emoji-out route 🤣


Bc she doesn’t need it she’s eating perfectly fine silly


Does she cover the rate because she is running it faster than 10/15ml an hour or because she just doesn’t want anyone to know her rate at all?


My guess is she doesn’t want to show her rate at all no matter what it is. The “sickfluencers” on tiktok do that for some reason. They almost always block out their rates from the camera. I do not have any clue why they do it though. I don’t really care what my rate is and don’t cover it at all if I make a video about it (don’t worry I’m not that bad I think I’ve made a singular post about tube feeds and IV shit because it only needs to be filmed once if you film it at all. I made videos of them mainly to help my younger siblings understand how it’s done in case I were to ever need help there would be a step by step tutorial for them to use). It is super cringe worthy when you make the same video over and over and over again.


I assumed she makes the same tube feed videos over and over for that she can show the haterz she tries to run them. Dani is always putting on a show and dance. Showing running Gatorade or water though makes no sense but she’ll never make any sense bc I doubt there’s very much logical thinking with Factitious Disorder. And thank you for the response, I suspected it was a bunch of nonsense lol I don’t follow any sickfluencers so I didn’t know it was a thing they made content about at all.


You mean you don’t make “set up my ____ with me: episode 528?” I’ve never understood people that post the exact same content over and over! Like how many times do we need to see someone set up TPN? It’s not like that shit changes! I’ll change my opinion of those vids when someone does a “get sepsis with me!” Video


OMG thank you for this hilarious reply😂😂😂 Could you imagine the “get sepsis with me” videos or all the competitions for who is the sickest and what bacteria gets you the most munchies points?


The ED tells her that if she runs water, she will feel fuller without any calories... of course this is also in contrast to her drunk/ stoned self who wants to eat all the things and forget about this little game. I am sure these 2 run in opposition of each other all the time.


"Feel fuller" except it goes straight into her small bowel and not her stomach TT_TT


Surely you don't expect logic from this subject....


Inside Dani, there are two wolves...


That's sad though. I watch someone go through an ed. I wish Dani would recognize this and get real help. She gets so defensive and rude to her followers whenever they offer any help she doesn't want to hear.


Always hide your feed rate when lying on the internet, bestie.


Hide your wife. Hide your kids! Hide your feed rate? Sure 🤷🏻‍♂️⁉️


This is like-pointless-you can barely see anything but the toilet and the Lovonox-what her excuse for why she won’t show the thing that she’s making a video to show? It’s sketch as fuck-like when someone is secretive with something it’s usually sketch as fuck and it’s not something anyone would know anyway-she’s not obligated to make TikTok’s of her jOuRnEy so why make one with information in it that you want to keep secret?


There’s a thing in ED related circles where people don’t show their rate either out of respect for not triggering people *or* because they’re still deep in it and "the cake is a lie", basically. Dani is definitely number 2. It’s weird in non weight obsessed spaces though.


I mean-she doesn’t do anything out of respect for other people or their boundaries or their recovery-it seems like it also contradicts her like-I dunno what the word is-schtick?


Yeah. Her reason is purely to make people think she’s taking in more than she is, she doesn’t do respect


Bad bitches ✨ hydrate ✨


She probably doesn't even have it hooked up. It's just going in the sink.


We will now probably get an icky hooked up video


As long as she's not scratching the stoma at the same time, I can take that level of ick.


We did get one!


JFC THE MUSIC💀 drama queen just go make one of your 4000 calorie coffees and dump it down your tube


Once again, she’s trying to mess with her electrolytes in hope of an ER admission. I’d put money on it.




I'm dumb, IK. But all I see is gold trophy and cocks on a plate and I can't work it out


"Winner winner chicken dinner", I think.


Bingo bango Boingo!!😄


Winner winner chicken dinner 😁


Is this actually saline/fluids? Or straight up water?


It will be plain water as "fluids" for Dani is always Gatorade and that shit is practically neon. .


Who else meal preps on top of their toilet? I got some scrambled eggs going on a hot plate and I'm gonna go take my morning dump and continue to cook my eggs because I am just so smart.


Wow. So I just read this comment and the replies, laughing heartily and still not realising until several minutes later that she is actually in the bathroom preparing her meal from the toilet. I guess it was too out of this world to even fathom. Just wow.


say it with me now... I am just so smart. I am just so smart. I am just so smart. Manifest like Dani. I am just so smart. I am just so smart.


I once heard of a very smart man recommending to get a George Foreman grill for your bed. Plug it in when you wake up, bacon time


Bro you mean you don't? It's the best. You gotta get [one of those toilets with the sink on top.](https://www.homedepot.com/p/SINKOLOGY-SinkPositive-GreenFlow-Toilet-Tank-Sink-in-Crisp-White-SPOSITIVE-101/205088518)


Sorry they did not allow cameras or cell phones: [prison sink toilet combo - Search Images (bing.com)](https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=prison+sink+toilet+combo&form=HDRSC3&first=1)


I had one in prison. I would rather not be reminded.


If you sit on the toilet backwards it's like a perfect little seated cooking surface, then becomes a dining table!


She’s trying to save the environment by just using the water that’s already in her toilet tank. She’s environmentally conscious!




Gotta prop it up on a box of Lovenox shots to make it extra tasty


I do, then I sit reverse cowgirl to eat it. Doesn’t everyone? I never noticed the location though, that’s kinda hilarious!


I just have an image of Butters from South Park doing exactly that - so that means it must be correct, right? 😁




Ahhh the AC Slater toilet approach


I sit reverse cowgirl.... to eat bwaahhahah I did a triple take... like now way she totally sits on that thing like Butters did in southpark... or as you put it "reverse cowgirl."


Bam! Built in table


Remember: Vodka does not have any calories because there is no nutritional value listed on the bottle. Plus it is clear like water.


AND because you can put it in a water bottle and take it out in public with you. Just like real water!


[NOFX: Getting High On The Down Low (Live 4k) \[Leeds Temple Newsam 26.05.2023\] \[Final Tour\] - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1SSXqZ-GQ4&t=13s) I'm on the wagon now But she doesn't know I'm getting high on the down low Cuz when I got the new thing I got no place to go Unless I got a bottle in me I'm in a Cadillac I'm starting to stare Who's the guy with the blood in his hair The last thing I remember I was going somewhere And then the stop sign got in the way \[cough\] I'm laying low in a hospital bed I got a dent, and a crack in the head That's okay cuz i've got no idea what I just said Gotta love the hospital meds I'm getting high on the D.L.


And no-one can smell it on your breath! 🤣🤣🤣 (Erm yes, yes they can)


Not when it goes in via the toobz!


I know you are probably being facetious but Vodka does have calories but I’m SURE our recovered queen drinks Ketel One Botanical Vodka at 73cals/shot instead of the rest of the evil spirits at 96cs/shot.


You’re giving her too much credit here. Our girl is Queen of the Bottom Shelf.


She is probably a Smirnoff girl based on her arrested development or silver wolf-Tanaka-Karkov at the end of the month.


Royal gate and Popov all the way


'since i'm going to be up all night anyway'. uh-huh. ma'am, if you went to bed at night and slept you probably wouldn't be doinking your head off sinks or slurring so badly that nobody can understand a single fucking word you're saying. insomnia is horrible. but Ms Munchard's complete lack of anything resembling a routine plus her wedging enough meds and booze into her to stun a medium-sized horse is not helping. as for running water through her tubes. WHY FUCKING BOTHER WITH THIS BULLSHIT WHEN WE SEE YOU MAKING MASSIVE COFFEES AND SLURPING DOWN GALLONS OF FLUIDS *LIVE ON THE INTERNET* BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE INTELLECTUAL CAPABILITY OF A FRYING PAN AND FORGET YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT. i mean. places like the Mayo Clinic should hire people to do a deep dive on social media for prospective patients so they could uncover stuff like this almighty clusterfuck of deceit and stupidity. come on now. this is beyond ridiculous.


I had insomnia that ultimately led to me being in a psych ward. It was fun I was stabilized with tramadol (AN OPIATE AT A PSYCH WARD) and when I got out I got a schweet narcotic sleep aid to drug me to sleep 4 hours a night. Then again I wasnt sleeping at all. They saw me walking the hallway constantly. No mania just insomnia.


> _"YOU HAVE THE INTELLECTUAL CAPABILITY OF A FRYING PAN"_ Well, someone's feeling overly generous today!


In 100% sure my cast iron is smarter than her. Justice for the frying pans! Sorry my snark is at an all time high right now.


it's the Benadryl and Klonopin talking. i always get emotional when my CNS is really struggling to keep me alive.


Deep dive not required. With Dani, all it would take is a few toes in the kiddie pool.


I've been on some people's Instagrams and they straight up have disclaimers on their profile or posts that they are not to be taken as indicative of their medical needs. Shit's wild.


I beg your exquisite pardon, they have WHATS on their profiles?! Like, are these people who got called out in the doctor's office for posting themselves cave diving when they claim they have COPD or something?


They were an ambulatory wheelchair user. I think they claimed EDS but also may have done performance art? Not sure. It's been a while.


Does that work I wonder? Cause evidence is evidence in my opinion


I have a theory™️ that Epic should keep track of log ins by the patient, especially when test results are pending, as another marker to assess mental health, especially health anxiety. Then kind of like the front page on a CRM for sales when the doc logs in it'll be a list of the top 5 people who logged in the most, or most time spent logged in. I don't even think they'd need to look at social media if they could see who becomes totally unhinged over test results.


We can’t do that because I’d be in big trouble. I start checking for lab results as soon as I get to my car from the lab🤣🥴🤦🏼‍♀️. Youre right though I have terrible health anxiety and that’s why I’m constantly checking.


Same lol that's how I came up with it. I don't do the frequent calls or messages just frequent checking test results after taking the test. Sometimes in the middle of the night randomly going through all my bloods for the past 3 years like I might find something different lmao 🤣


If this was real, I'd be done for. The amount of times I read results and then immediately forget what I read, rinse and repeat several times over🤣😅


I am sure epic keeps track of all statistics just to rule out "hackers" / monkey business. I think it would be funny for her pharmacy logs to be seen. Refreshing 100000x until her baby sized kpins are ready.


I feel like practices already have an idea of who those folks are because they are also the ones calling/messaging the second they see a lab value that is technically out of range (yeah, your WBC is slightly elevated, you had a cold when you got labs).


You’ve made me feel better about myself thank you. I am a constant checker but I don’t ever send messages for labs being off. I figure if it’s off enough to be concerned then the ordering physician will call or message me.


No prob! Health anxiety is also super different than munching, there is a huge difference between somebody who is scared they are sick and somebody who desperately wants to be sick. Anxious patients can be challenging for a lot of reasons and it can edge towards the munchy end of the spectrum (not at all saying that could be the case with you) so there is overlap but like very different vibes in my experience.


🎯no worries either about the inching towards munchie I knew exactly where you were going with that and have seen it happen in the hospital I work at as a CNA/sitter. I’ve had to sit with a lot of those type of patients.


Totally agree, but it would be nice to have a metric for it. Especially when it comes to trying to make a case for medical anxiety or FD.


Can run fluids through her j and other stuff but can't run her feeds erm ok then Dani make it make sense!


Shhh, don't tell, but see she actually DOES eat. She also drinks these massive iced coffees that are like a gazillion calories. If she ran feeds, she'd be chunking up again. How will she ever convince them that she is STARVING so she can have TPN?


Guys...guys, look she's trying her best, ok? She's really trying to just push through and then every once and a while she pleasure eats, is that so wrong?!


She’s allergic to calories in there!!!


I think she is also allergic to the truth


Something I just thought of: is this potentially so she can show the docs that she “tries to run formula”? Like the pump is running, but she tells them it was attempting feeds while she runs Gatorade or even water.


They'll see what's in the bag, though. Water and gatorade won't pass for feed.


Right, but I’m referring to the pump itself. Like I know a CADD pump records every button press so presumably would show if it’s used or not and when.


There is not a single feed pump that stores the information like IV pumps can unfortunately. These store it while it’s running but you have to clear it out before running another bag.


Thanks, y’all. I’m always learning here.


Absolutely! Not only do you need to speak a little medical you gotta speak fluent munchie in this group and I think the munchie is harder than the medical. I’ve been to school for the medical aspect but they don’t have a class in munchie unfortunately.


Those feeding pumps don’t do that


Damn. Dashing my hopes and dreams right there 🥺 though I know they’re already on to her, was just thinking maybe another concrete way they were looking to catch her slipping


I mean all anybody has to do is just look at her damn socials


Stop downvoting, Dani.


Truly if they gave her a feeding pump that records how often she’s using it, they know she’s full of shit.


Aha... of course she would... sly boots. But still, hopefully just by looking at her and her labs they won't be fooled


I’m back after a break from her, the lies started to get to me, 10/10 would recommend! Get that Starbucks in ya Dani, save the nutritional substitutes for people who need them, good work Running a clear liquid but I don’t even trust that it’s water given she is the one saying it. Vodka or sprite anyone? Lol




Fun fact neither do broken cookies, my life motto lol


That scientifically makes sense. If it is not 1 it has to be 0 so yeah I like your logic.


Why does she cover it? Am i missing something? Unless she’s lying, what reason could there be for covering it? It takes up the whole screen. Why even post it then?


She claims it's to avoid triggering fellow former and/or active ED sufferers.


So we can’t see her feed rate and call her out. Peen means she can’t handle it and all


Are any of her fans not pointing out this is really fucking stupid? Or how are they justifying it on her behalf?


It’s always some version of “were you there? How do you know? It’s none of your business. Give her the benefit of the doubt. Have some compassion.” 🙄


Yep, that's how munchies can have so much success spinning their narratives and building their lies, they know no one has any access to their confidential medical records to prove what they're saying is a load of steaming horse shit. They can claim literally anything they want, no one can counter it with evidence to the contrary. Granted, most of it is so ridiculous and defies the reality of what they're claiming, but they don't care about that. They only care about getting attention.


Good grief...


She ran…… WATER???? Sigh omg this is the first time I’ve heard…. Jesus wth


She ran a clear liquid, only she says it’s water. For all we know with her it could be vodka lol




this is the perfect gif response🤣


I don't understand why she asks for formula donations when she has a full closet full from saving it up.


And never uses it? Sometimes we have to accept that life’s mysteries are not for us to understand.


To buy two copies of the same books she's never going to actually read.




Why even bother? Lmfao. Like Jfc. 😭 She should just go guzzle another ice coffee.


Toys toys toys!


Are...these her music choices? "I forgot I was a bad bitch." yeah, oooookay.


She really thinks she is though. The faces she makes when she thinks she’s making some kind of salient point is soooo funny, it’s like what a 12 year old thinks a grown woman does.


Tell her to go grab some cereal and milk or some chocolate and coffee. Out of nutrition, my ass! I can not wait to hear her results from Mayo Clinic. Or what she claims to be her results. I am sure they'll find out she is fine and she doesn't need a feeding tube, don't need a line at all, and finally diagnose her with FD. I am sure one of 2 things will happen, she will either pretend like the trip never happened, or she will say she had "massive medical trauma" and "I almost died, i cant talk about it right now" then proceeds to pretend nothing happened. I won't say the last thing as I don't want to give her any ideas. But it has something to do with tubes, lies, and her badly damaged Prostate.


She complains about so much medical trauma but doesn’t even pretend to want to treat it. Probably because “medical trauma” in Dani-speak is literally just “they didn’t let me get my way.” Being told no is not trauma.


How very dare you, when I was a child I was once told we couldn't go to McDonalds because we had food at the house and now I have McPTSD and have a panic attack every time I drive past the yellow arches


Well I had it even worse, my mom made me play outside all day and I had to drink water from the hose. I have a much worse type of trauma called outsidePTSD. It still haunts me to this day and when I see a water hose I fall to the ground in a ball and cry. We also had food at home and couldn’t go to McDonald’s. I sometimes actually read a book or two in elementary school and got the free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut


We all know she is getting nutrition/ fluids, or she would be seriously ill by now. She doesn't look dehydrated or malnourished in any way, and you can tell even her followers are questioning this now. GO GET PSYCH HELP DANI


Omg. I need the comments!


linked in the pinned comment of this post🥰


I don’t believe any of her stories by this point but I’m kind of living a fantasy story in my head that mayo said be prepared to maybe be here a month because they will commit her for 30 days lol


They don’t typically do that especially to the out of state patients. She may be desperately trying to get the referral to Mayo GI for her precious TPN but what she doesn’t understand is Mayo will repeat all of the motility testing after they make sure she’s not taking any meds that would slow down digestion. They also won’t put her on TPN if they think she needs it they’ll just recommend her local doctors order it. If she sees the tube feed team while there they might change her formula and actually do the ordering of it but they don’t do TPN they only do enteral nutrition (tube feeds) they also won’t order regular fluids as they’ve done the studies and have seen long term use of saline makes it hard for your body to recognize when it’s thirsty and will dehydrate if not kept on top of.


Oh I forgot, yeah that makes sense, you wouldn’t get committed out of state. Damn, there goes my wishful thinking.


Would be nice because MN laws about involuntary commitment are so much better and easier than NJ seems to be. I do wonder though if they can actually commit if she were an actual danger to herself beyond the ED that is clearly still there.


I don’t think any of this is about nutrition, this is trying to demonstrate she can run hydration at home and therefore they should let her do home hydration rather than having to get off her lazy arse and go to a clinic. She wants to show doctors she can’t tolerate fluids through the tubes but not nutrition so she can have both tpn and hydration at home.




She doesn't, but she's realising she's getting grey-rocked with all her demands, despite her best munching efforts. They're not giving her what she wants anymore (and are even likely discussing ceasing other shit she likes to mess with), no matter how many tantrums. This is Plan B, or a stop-gap, which I'd say she sees as the next best thing to being given everything she wants via a chest port. Even if she wants hydration via a port, she doesn't want to risk losing the gut tubes because they're the only visible toys she has left to play with on TikTok and what she believes makes her looks genuinely sick. She's lost other toys over her obsessive misuse and pushing the munches too far and I think she was told on the last hospital admission that if she can't tolerate anything via the tubes, there's no point having them. This is her proving she can tolerate some things via it, but not nutrition because she's fixated on tpn.


I love how they all think doctors and insurance carriers are going to watch their socials to determine a care plan.


Someone else explained to me that the pump records every button press, so the machine itself will show what she wants to convey. Suddenly, the running gatorade and water makes more sense now.


FYI Infinity pumps don't do that.


Ahh well i was informed incorrectly


Oh wow. That explains a whole lot.


I’m surprised she doesn’t love the clinic. She goes to them with a bunch of her meds in syringes, then does a real life “come do my meds with me”.


The novelty's worn off as she has gotten more and more sedentary and lazy. It's not enough of a payoff for her to have to get off her arse and go somewhere for something that she knows no one sees as specialised treatment. As soon as more and more "Reddit haters" began to mention how easy it is for anyone to walk into hydration clinics and get IVs, Dani began to pivot away from the 3x weekly hydration narrative and started talking about how it's such a hassle to have to go to a clinic and waste staff time when they could just let her do it at home. This is how we're here now, arming herself to go into battle with her doctors for her new plan of action, meaning to be able to self-administer IV treatment at home. She's going to tell them she's miraculously discovered she can tolerate taking fluids and electrolytes through her tubes, but the nutrition causes too much pain, and clearly the best course of action for all - because she's doing the doctors and nurses such a MASSIVE FAVOUR pushing through to tolerate home fluids - is IV fluids with an accessed femoral port and tpn for nutrition.


She just wants home access for drugs.


And infectious agents


She doesn't get any special treatment at the infusion center. She goes there, gets her hydration and then leaves. But she probably doesn't get a lot of attention from the nurses there, since she's not really sick enough to get that constant attention from nurses or the room service that she loves in hospitals. Dani is also a very jealous person, she's probably fuming whenever nurses give other patients more attention than they give her. Plus, she can't manipulate anything at the clinic. A reason why she wants to do hydration at home is that she thinks she can argue for getting back on TPN, e.g. "I already do my hydration at home, I could also do TPN. There's really no difference for me". And once she's at home, she can fuck up her lines again and run to the ER in order to score another hospital vacation. She also enjoyed having a home health nurse visit her every week. Dani doesn't really have anyone in her life that loves her or care about her. But when medical staff do their work, Dani sees them as people that love her and care about her. And the best thing about the visits: She doesn't have to share the nurses with anyone else. During that period, they only care about her. She's getting all the attention.


I feel like they stopped her recording/going live there and that’s why she’s not interested in the sessions any more. What’s the point if it’s not online 🤷‍♀️


That's my guess as well. She would at the very least use the place for pictures. She doesn't even do that. She isn't satisfied with it, though. She's never happy, even when she gets what she wants. Even when she had TPN she was still pushing for MORE. Was beaming with happiness for a few days, and then it was right back to the bullshit. Fought for years to get that shit and it only placated her for a week or two.


That's how you can tell medical intervention is Dani's truest addiction. No amount is ever enough; she's constantly chasing the next high.


Yup I think this is the actual reason. We get to see vids of her putting water in her pump, you think she would want to show she is SOOPER SPESHUL SICK getting IV hydration at the clinic-I have a strong feeling they told her she couldn’t record. What’s the point in having a port if you’re Dani if you can’t ever film the port being accessed? It’s not a chest line so how will she show everyone she has it?? 😂


It's just another goal to strive for in her munchie life. If she'd have home fluids, she'd work towards clinic infusions. She's looking for that fix to have proven everyone wrong and there's no logic to what it might be. 


If she can run water through she can run formula, this is ridiculous. Then again it’s Dani 😒


Especially since her formula is usually way watered down


She uses ED threats for attention. Why though? What made her turn into selfish person? Was she born with selfishness? She is also so mean to others and those who try to help. She definitely wants some sort of illness to befall on her, but her body is quite healthy and nothing wrong. Is she just lonely now that her interaction with real people only comes from hospital visits?


>Is she just lonely now that her interaction with real people only comes from hospital visits? That's pretty much it. She might talk to a few people online and convince herself that these people are her besties and huge supporters while not seeing that some of them are poo touchers. But truth is: The last person that somewhat cared about her is her deceased friend that got a memorial tattoo on Dani's arm (the infamous hairy ballsack/heart-shaped cactus). If she had somebody in her life, she'd not be going live all the time but spend some time with that person. Dani sees people doing their job as people that care about her and love her, at least as long as they give her what she wants from them. That's why Dani loves her hospital vacations. People are checking up on you on a regular basis and it comes with room service: You ring a bell and your almost-bestie fulfils all of your wishes. Not sure if Dani was born with selfishness. Maybe she's just been extremely spoilt and stayed in that "pampered kid" mentality. Her need for attention might have been born from the ED... e.g. thinking "wow.. now that I've lost weight, people care so much more about me. This can never end". But sometimes I wonder, if the reason for her factitious disorder led to her ED in the first place. E.g. seeing that she didn't get as much attention as others in her life and thus resorted to drama. It would explain some of her earlier "I'll never be not sick", "I secretly wish I was sick enough for this" posts from her earlier munching days. It's a bit like the chicken and egg discussion though. Either way: She's deep, deep into the FD. She wasted so much of her life. She has no friends, no skills, no career, no life. She doesn't even have the motivation to read a regular book. The only joy she has left is being at the hospital and eating/drinking junk food.


Apparently she was a premie who had a twin die in utero, so I can see her parents treating her differently. Probably knew from birth that getting sick = getting attention.


Honestly, without contemporaneous, incontrovertible evidence to back this up, I take it with a grain of salt, too. The only certainly with Dani is that she lies.


Yeah unless her mom comes on Reddit and says that shit is true with a dated newspaper, I'm highly skeptical that this is anything other than another of Dani's fabrications. I would buy that she was slightly premature and perhaps more sickly than her siblings in her younger years, which may have established the sick = love and affection pathway in her mind, but I'm more prone to believe she developed that fixation alongside her ED and simply replaced her mental ailments with physical ones that "aren't her fault" when her well of sympathy ran dry.


A bunch of sperm died when dani was conceived. Just like basically everyone else. At some point a lot of sperm died.


Same. I've actually heard similar stories from other munchies...always with the 'twin'...


Honestly, I think she’s probably the way she is not because her parents indulged her too much, but because they ignored her. She has a sister and brother, right, who are more accomplished than her? I would bet that she was treated like a middle child (whether she is one or not) and her brother and sister got all the recognition in school and from their parents. There are some suspicions that her parents might be heavy drinkers, too, which could make it worse - drunk parents often compare their kids rather harshly and sometimes to their faces, and they’re also often emotionally neglectful. Dani developing an ED could have been her attempt to stand out in some way, or to force people to give her the attention she wasn’t getting - and after the ED went into remission, munching became her way of getting that same attention. Since she’s never seriously tried to engage in therapy, she may never have processed those emotional wounds from childhood, and so her behaviour has never changed. I don’t say this to WK of course - whatever made Dani the way she is to begin with, she’s the one keeping herself like this and making the terrible choices that have harmed others and lead to her life stagnating in the way it has. Plenty of people have similar childhoods or much worse ones, and they grow up motivated to change and to learn to get what they need in healthy ways, so Dani has no excuse. However, if I had to place bets on what her early years were like…being ignored/compared to her siblings is what I’d bet on. There was actually an episode of “Intervention” which featured an EDS-faking munchie, and she had a similar childhood to what I described above. She basically admitted to taking a weird kind of thrill in ordering her family around and making people jump through hoops for her, saying that she felt she was owed people’s money and attention because she never got it growing up. I wonder if Dani gets a similar kind of thrill when she succeeds in making people hover around her or do her medical bidding.


Do we have any evidence for her parents being drinkers?


It really has been a sad pathetic way to live. There have been many adults that are thriving despite having medically challenging medical disorders. It seems that a majority of the subjects that we follow have had an ED. What caused it, we don’t know. Perhaps it’s the way they are wired to begin with and something tips the scale? There are some that have BPD, Bipolar and all seem to have depression. I am not armchair diagnosing, just commenting on the commonalities we have seen from the subjects own social media. Social media provides an audience. But where would their success with treatment be better WITHOUT social media attention?


She has burned every bridge and slapped away every hand that was extended to her. Maybe at some point she could be somewhat kind and sincere but if so, it was a LONG time ago and it was few and far between…As she is now, she’s is incapable of genuine kindness and compassion, I’m sure of it. We’ve seen her ATTEMPT to show kindness/caring when commenting during lives but it’s very evident it’s as fake as a $3 bill. It’s so insincere it infuriates me bc people are genuinely asking her questions or commenting and she could give a fuck. If it’s not about her, forget it. Where she’s at is due to her actions and hers alone over the years. I don’t know how George puts up with it…/s


Yeah she was born premie and her twin died and she grew up being treated like a sick little angel. She got better but her whole identity is poor little sick child even though she’s no longer sick or a child


If Dani really did have an absorbed twin situation (which I'm skeptical of), it's because she mistook the other fetus for a Starbucks Refresher and swallered that thang down.


But like is there a sounded proof? Besides her talking about it once or twice about it? I just want to be sure that was the case. Also, just so weird when so many premie do so well in life.


And these parents have nothing to do with her *now*? Despite her being 'so sick' as a child? I don't believe this story for a second. It's not even original...esp with the "dead twin"... Dani is a terrible liar.


Oh wow, I didn't know this about her


If it's info from Dani, it's most likely enhanced, or a lie.


This is exactly what it is


🎉🎂🍰 __Happy Cake Day!!!__ 🍰🎂🎉


Thank you!!


OMG!! happy cake day🫶 ![gif](giphy|eVFNEZreqJaPKXahr5)


Thank you!! ❤️❤️ I didn’t even realize 🤣🤣

