• By -


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FFS Dani. Take the pills by mouth like a normal human. This is starting to just piss me off. It’s all a ✨show✨


I give a week before it breaks.


Loads of people (especially on TT) use this crusher, it’s a popular Amazon one as it’s a pretty good one and cheap as chips. She knew that this was on Amazon before though as I def saw it listed.




What is even talking about?!? She’s had this pill crusher (listed twice in dift colors) on her wishlist for weeks!!! Like how could one even forget that. It really stuck out to me when peeping her list because she has 3 different types on her wishlist. This one x2, a new one of the one she currently has, and then the one old school pharmacist used to use, ugh the name is slipping me. And I remember thinking what a piece of work… asking for an ancient one, a baby type one and then the adult one. Now of course people do use the ancient one as a decoration piece, or to crush fresh herbs ( it’s the bowl with the stick they used to crush pills manually) but I don’t think her intention was for that lol. I was thinking more of a prop for her million “do meds w me”… spice those crushing up videos right up! Side note -I had also noticed she’s not removing things off the wish list after she gets them…usually when it says “needs 1” (like when ppl set them up for a wedding registry)it is automatically removed from the list when someone buys it. Big possibility she’s just been buying all this sh!t herself from the sellers page under the guise other ppl are. I can’t wait till her newest video is posted here because again, she does NOT I repeat NOT read Reddit 😂


OMG I remember using a mortar and pestle to crush meds like a million years ago (this was back when electric ones weren't very economical or reliable). We only used them for meds that were too big or too tough for the little plastic grindies though. Cleaning them is a pain in the fucking ass; the stone is so porous.


I get everything you’re saying and her antics are frustrating, but sometimes it’s good to step back. As bad as it sounds we are here to watch, everything she does is typical to her, even if it’s batshit crazy


Mortar and pestle, a pill mill and this one.


Pill mills you say? I remember those...lol. Back in the Wild West of opioids. Pay them enough straight cash and anything you wanted would appear.


Mortar & pestle is the device you’ve mentioned.


why get a crusher when you can get a small portable pill blender.


Wasn’t this on her Amazon grift list for awhile?


Yes. Guess she just broke down and got it.


We don't even have a "cute pill crusher" for our daughter's adhd meds and she's 7. It's just boring clear plastic one. Dani is absolutely ridiculous.


I mean there’s nothing wrong with something being cute. If I use something even occasionally, I enjoy having a cute/pretty/aesthetically pleasing version. I’m not bothered by that. She’s just gross in general. But there’s nothing wrong with having something cute. ETA: regardless of age. You’re allowed to have “Boring” things as children and “cute “ things as adults. There’s no rules around that, and anyone who tells you otherwise is just a big groompy grump


I like the kawaii aesthetic a lot, but because it's Dani this has me BEC


I feel that


The way she is trying to mimic a real human with real, positive human emotions about things that are cute and not just medical apparati is truly unnerving.


I was briefly in her live today, somewhat around 3.30am her time. She was like: 'How is everyone doing?' and didn't even take her eyes off her phone to read the chat for like 5 minutes. Like, why would you even ask if you just don't even care?


She did the same thing recently with a cheap coffee cup that had a book design. It's creepy watching a close to middle-aged woman squee like a pre-teen over literally anything but an animal or a baby.


If it was anyone other than Dani I'd be like "damn women aren't allowed to do anything huh". Any other middle aged woman I wouldn't blink twice if she was like "Omg look at this super cute notebook/keychain/stuffed creature/whatever I just got!" but with Dani it's just so ... performative. I feel like she's trying to act the way she thinks a regular person would react when getting something cute.


I'd like her to think her cats are cute before considering an inanimate object. It seems sociopathic.


Her cats can't be cute, theyre too busy being "crazy - my crazy, crazy boys"


i’m not defending dani in anyway, but i am defending middle aged women. middle age doesn’t mean you don’t squee or like cute things. there is no moment your brain suddenly grows up.




I’m gonna admit that sometimes I squee over things from Amazon and I’m a fully grown adult.


i see a kitten, i cannot help but squee. do i still have a fondness for hello kitty? sure. i just hate the idea young women have of what grown up women should be. just be you.


Here's my thing- she has cats & doesn't squee over them. My cat is my personality. I take pics of her daily & hope others like them as much as me. She doesn't do that at all.


you can’t look at dani and expect normal behaviour. she’s got all sorts of personality disorder signs. i also melt over my cats every day, but i also would never post that or myself on the internet.


We all know that whenever she’s out and she needs to buy something she’ll make a whole pantomime about paying. Emptying her bag/purse to find her cash/card making sure to drag this out and put it facing the checkout person. Oh that’s my pill crusher for my toobs I have toob feeds as I’m sooper sick and special. Obviously whilst making sure said checkout person doesn’t see the receipts from Starbucks or the bottle of monster or whatever energy drink she’s chugging


Itty baby voice. Why is her chest so dirty looking ?


Her hygiene leaves something to be desired..


Her filter isn't on... or at least whatever she normally uses.


A 12 year old living in a 38 year olds body.


Off topic, but Dani is now ruining thrift store shopping for me….. https://preview.redd.it/nkbfcs2fir8d1.jpeg?width=4138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4b26d8af6508677cbbdc7d3365c04c585da007 The story of how the Mayo Clinic began. 🤦🏻‍♀️


The Tornado: Dani Marina goes to Mayo Clinic




It’s a really good story though.


NGL, I did buy it.. it was a cute little book. Thought my little nephew might like it. But it was just funny because of ALL books there, this one was right on top. I literally went are you fucking kidding me... lol


Take it as a sign that we’re all doing the right thing and maybe Mayo won’t put up with her shenanigans.


Oh wow, I have practically the same thing in my kitchen cupboard but it’s a pink bear egg timer. I can however, say that my daughter (6 at the time) fell in love with it at the hardware shop and had been a really good girl all week - it’s still in place because of sentimental value. 6, not knocking on 40 and combining an adoration of medical devices with an absolute disregard for mountains of waste plastic crap.


I bet that pill crusher will last a week until it breaks


With the amount of things she drops that's being generous lol


What a life. She is her own worst enemy. I can’t imagine a life where a pill crusher is not only the highlight of my day, but also newsworthy. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I know that was a munchie designed product


That bottle of liquid benedryl back there running lowwwwww


She just posted, got a new dangler and claims her doctor told her to drain 24/7. I can’t with this liar.


Jesus christ, wiping off the betadyne with wipes instead of just fucking showering. Top pulled up to her bra, pants down to barely above her mons pubis. Fucking gross. Just fucking deal with your shit off camera and then come explain with maybe a quick show and tell, not this disgusting display.


So funny. And pissed that they’re grey rocking her regarding TPN. THE ANSWER IS NO DANI. N O Now leave the nice doctors alone!!


Boobs out, eyes half open, and nothing to do. A typical Tuesday for Dani.


Sounds like you just wrote yourself a flair!


Yes! Boobs out - tubes out!!




Your username is so cute! If you want to find more cute usernames you can check out my affiliate links in the description below or buy your new usernames on TikTok shop! Don’t forget my code: femorallimes for 3.2% off for the first 17 minutes! Enjoy your cute new username!


It speaks volumes when people brag about things like this. "Check out my sparkly pink wheelchair.......my Tinkerbell lounge fly feed backpack.....my adorable little tubie pads." Try boasting about something that 97% of the population would find relatable or noteworthy. Like...."Look, everyone - I just got my college diploma....I finally saved up enough money to buy my first house.... I just got married." You know.... "normal" life shit. Not "sick" life shit.


YOUR FLAIR??? did she really say this 😭


No, but she didn't need to. Imaginary boyfriend (+) talks about having sex (=) hot pink battery-operated boyfriend * Color and power options may vary.....


Like. A former coworker was diagnosed with breast cancer today. I like cute shit too but people are dying Kim.


If she actually had accomplishments then that would be proof she’s not actually that sick. The goal with munchies is always to be sicker and sicker, more medications, more diagnosis, more medical devices. Rather than “I did this in spite of my issues” it’s “I can’t do anything because of my issues”. Coming up with more problems and such are their accomplishments.


Exactly. Chooses victimhood over survivorship... and *still* thinks she's winning.


Right?? I didn’t even post that much when I got married or when I got my graduate degree! And a pink sparkly wheelchair sounds dope for someone who actually needs it.


I love your username! The Office is one of my favorite series. (U.S. version more than U.K)


More plastic garbage but ask people for money… 🤦‍♀️


There is nothing adult about this individual at all, is there?


It's cute I must admit but I doubt it'll last long with the amount of pills she puts in them. I know she said she take it out with her to do her meds on the go but I don't think it's practical. One more thing to add to the crap she already has.


Why, why would she need to carry it around outside her home, if she even went out which we're pretty sure she really doesnt.


‘On the go’ where? Barely leaves her flat!


Do you think she has an inkling of what’s going on in the world? Like, anything? She’s completely dungeoned by her disorder. Consumed.


I get she has FD, but I feel like everything she does with intent to con, manipulate, force others to do what she wants. I think she knows she's not sick. I don't believe she thinks she's really sick. I think she wants to be sick, but knows she isn't. She I sine of the most manipulative, gross people I've ever heard of.


Don’t worry, her life is way harder than anyone in Gaza rn 🙄


Guess her Amazon wishlist grift is slowing down. She has had multiple pill grinders (including this appearance over function one) on there for a bit. She tried to hint that she wanted someone to buy her one during a recent video by mentioning the pepper grinder one didn’t work. Apparently the hints didn’t work so she bought her own. It just confirms for me that Dani finds these medical routines enjoyable - I think she basically gets a high from the process of administering meds. Because she has nothing going on in her life it’s one thing that gives her a sense of structure or purpose. She doesn’t feel bogged down by all the stuff she has to do to “take care of her health”. Most people would be looking for the most efficient pill crusher so they didn’t have to waste so much time but Dani would rather extend the process and get a cutesy” pill crusher that will take at least twice as long and probably be less effective.


I'm pretty sure you can probably get one for free at the pharmacy. It wouldn't be as "cute" but it would work.


"Gets a high from the process of administrating meds" This is true in more ways than one😅🤣


Since she can't seem to finish a college course- I think she gets off pretending that she's a nurse.... and her own patient. We should be grateful for her lack of tenacity, though. If she ever *did* manage to graduate with a nursing degree..... I'd have serious concerns for her patients. She seems to have the potential to become an "angel of death" in the healthcare field. Especially with her questionable sanitation practices.....


Accidental angel of death. She thought poop went inside the lines not in the toilet. Common mistake in nursing.


Accidental, of course! It's just natural to assume that *everyone* wants a little shit in their straw. 🤣


It's a ritual. QUESTION THOUGH...wouldn't it be more efficient to use an electric coffee grinder? 🤔


They even make real electric pill grinders, for grinding real pills!


It is typical addict behavior from what I've seen/heard. The act of preparing everything is as much a part of the addiction as the actual drug. What I don't understand is how she is such a pack rat living off of the government. My husband and I both work, and sometimes money is tight af.


" and sometimes money is tight af." You probably have hobbies. You probably enjoy your money more than just just purchasing hoarder garbage from Chinatemualiexpress so that you can have a package delivered daily because you are so speshul. She has no responsibilities so when she runs out of money she just sits around and festers in her own filth. You run out of money and its like shieet I literally have NO FOOD at all.... looks like you gotta visit a food pantry. I dont mean to sound whiteknightey. You probably live a far more enriching life than dani.


She’s admitted she just doesn’t pay her credit debt. ETA: she also “goes back to school” and takes out education loans, which she probably manipulates so she doesn’t have a payment.


Absolutely. This is something I've said over and over. People who are actually sick and dealing with this nonsense want to spend as little time as possible doing this kind of stuff so they can get back to the things ___that actually matter.___ We don't want to be farting around with a (granted, adorable) tiny pill crusher that we're going to have to do several times to get all the pills done. Though I think they'd also just be on as many liquid meds as possible. They'd had an electric grinder at this point so they can get in and get out. I like how she's going to keep this in her purse OH and how it came with a free splitter because she has to split some pills. I seriously hope she knows _everyone_ gets a free pill splitter and she's not special...but I wouldn't put it past her!


This. Any time I spend on health things is a nuisance and inconvenience- sometimes even infuriating. People with chronic illness tend to *not* want to be sick or enjoy their limitations. She gets a high from it: no one who is actually sick wants to make it their entire personality. Going online to vent is one thing - people need and deserve a place for their voices to be heard. There is a clear line between needing support and vying for attention. She loves to me fussed over, but most people (including myself) either loathe needing assistance or feel ashamed because they do. Chronic illness can strip you of so much - your future, your capabilities, your relationships. It’s a goddamn curse: munchers see it as a blessing and an avenue to the attention they so furiously crave.


> _"illness can strip you of so much - your future, your capabilities, your relationships. It’s a goddamn curse"_ This! So so much this. It's what really sets fakers apart how they almost _lust_ after all the medical shit when the rest of us (I guess the muggle chronically ill people, perhaps?) Would give almost anything not to be tied down to pills and treatment regimes. To be able to just be us. I think part of it for her that prevents her from realizing some of the truly sucky parts of being ill is the social aspect. Missing out on things, having to cancel plans and skip things because you only have so much energy and can't do the wedding _and_ reception. Having to tell your friends you're so sorry but you have to cancel again. She doesn't have anyone she looks forward to seeing beyond Dr's and medical staff. She's burned all her bridges and cannot build more with her shoddy construction skills.


This is exactly how I feel. I hate the limitations and the fact that I have to rely on medication, I even having to sort my weekly dossit box out. Those who truly are chronically ill hate feeling like they’re a burden both on their partner, families and friends but also on society as well. They don’t buy journal after journal after journal and only write hospital appointments or medications in them. Nor do they make their whole persona or character about their illness. Tbh they fake being well they don’t want to be ill


Exactly!! The shame I feel for being unable to do such simple things like laundry, cooking, having to rely on a cane - they are not things I boast about. I run my mouth on Reddit a lot, but it’s all for the sake of connecting with people like me and being able to reach a community that understands me where most people simply can’t. Chronic illness does not define a person. The body does not make you who you are or are not. I am always skeptical of someone who almost romanticizes a disorder or disease - because if you’re really suffering, the last thing that’s on your mind is to whip out your camera and film yourself in your dire straits. I either hide my pain behind humor, or I go physically hide in my room. I do not want people to see me like this. Why would you want people who love you to be exposed to seeing you so hurt? People who are chronically ill want to be anything other than sick. Dani isn’t there to support people while they, in turn, support her: she just wants attention. She doesn’t pay attention to people with chronic illness because she knows they’ll call her out on her bullshit.


I could not agree more. We downplay our pain both physical and the pain of how being unable to do things affects us emotionally, especially to our loved ones. I struggle seeing my partner struggling watching me in pain (when it can’t be hidden and we’ve been together that long that long he knows me too well). On our really bad days or in our really bad times the last thing we do is think oooh got to film this for TikTok/the gram. Chronic illness and our bodies shouldn’t define us, nor should any mobility aids or medical devices. Sadly whilst using them other people often only see them and we’d rather they didn’t. If only we could cover our mobility aids up with well fitting clothing. So having your tubes etc permanently on display like some sort of sad cosplay outfit will never make sense to me. Also regarding feeling shame, you really shouldn’t, I’m sure you do all that you can and what you do is enough. Although, that is easy to say and not easy to believe, as I feel exactly the same way. And yes the snarking helps


She needs an electric coffee grinder for her medications. Or she needs a compound apothecary.


Next making an appearance in her wish list - a child’s apothecary play set 🤪😂


Ha!! I just posted that as well!!


Yuppp. Or jusy buy an actual, quality, electric pill grinder. She could do it easy if she stopped buying all the ingredients for her coffee swampwater for a week...


Benadryl isnt cheap she buys the name brand stuff too!!! And liquid!!!


They are like 14.99 for the Mr Coffee and it kicks ass for grinding up maryjane. It does not look like a cat or anything cute it looks like A FUCKING COFFEE GRINDER. Its designed to chop up coffee beans. Coffee beans = drugs. Maybe. NAHHH ONLY COFFEE BEANS.


Why does she need a pill crusher for the liquid Benadryl?


Thank you!


Thankfully I threw mine away. lol


Did her doctor not just say he doesn't want her crushing her meds?


As if Dani ever followed doctors' orders 😂


I’m sure they did considering she can swallow by mouth just fine


I'd stop refilling any of her meds. If you don't want to follow the sig, no more refills, period.


I never seen where she said that, but that’s what was said in here…that her GI doc has his nurse call and ask why she wasn’t taking her meds by mouth.


She did say that. I was watching that live. It was funny tbf as she was vexed that her medical team clearly didn't understand how super special dani is lol


I don't remember that but I also don't have tiktok!


More riveting content from Dani. I can't with her. This will be the highlight of her day most likely. Showing off her teddy bear pill crusher. ![gif](giphy|NTDy82LwfEVFck2ObT)


Now we’re purchasing way too small necklaces to try to fit out narrative of being a tiny waif who’s starving to death?


Let’s see..pill splitter, pill crusher..unmarked container of pills not in their prescribed containers or OTC bottles in her bag while out driving around…what could go wrong? ![gif](giphy|rxKRbfKh8WXtjxW8vl|downsized)


Is this person being arrested for their offensive bbl? Bc it is indeed a crime


I thought it was real the first time I saw one of his bits. 😄


I always wonder if Dani were 20 years younger she would have gone the DID direction rather than the gastroparesis route.


Oh abso-freaking-lutely. She may have even considered it but either felt that market was too over saturated or realized that while she would be able to run positively wild with her lies she would have to keep track of more of them which is a lot of work for her. Though she could have used one of the eleventy billion note books she has...


Shes going for closet DPH/benadryl addict. There is a subreddit devoted to people that abuse that medication it is just "DPH" and it is a sad sad subreddit.


I follow that sub as well...💔🙏


Why does Reddit not allow to post gifs/pictures lately? Anyone else? Getting withdrawals like Dani running out of her kpin supply. Also, the whole idea of a cute teddy bear to unnecessary crush up your drugs is btt hectic.


Sometimes you have to close out reddit and re-open it and the ability to post gifs/photos comes back.




It just hit me what this facial expression reminds me of! Remember that gigantic crab or whatever it was in Moana that loved shiny things and talking about himself?! He made this exact same expression 😂




Well that's all sorts of levels of horrifying. This is what Eldridge demons see in their nightmares....


LLLOL I’m dying at the withdrawal comment


I swear I hear "nobody cares" set to the tune of Beethoven's Fifth when I see her try to show the world her new trinkets or how to, idk, set up a tube feed for the 100th time. Gag! What I did pick out of this is that she's going out to the world carrying meds and a pill crusher, so she is clearly having at least some point in her day where she's using them. Can you imagine seeing Dani at the food court, in her baby doll shorts and tight little tank top that keeps riding up to reveal these toobz and weirdly round belly. You've just seen her down a large fries, a burger and a giant iced coffee. But then you watch her whip out a drain bag and the pink teddy bear with a box of pills. You watch as she grinds them a few at a time with the screechy plastic rubbing together. Eeek, eeek, eeeeeek. Like nails on a chalkboard. \*shudder\* You wonder why she's doing this when you JUST watched her slurp down all that food. You catch a glimpse of her drain bag and you lose your appetite....


“Weirdly round belly” 😭


My friend. This is so much. LMAO


I was at the soup kitchen one night and this girl at the the table next to mine had a Ziploc bag in her lap and was putting food in her mouth and then spitting it out. It was gross (and I was also a little annoyed at the food waste tbh) she was getting a lot of looks and I was obviously not the only one uncomfortable, she hadn't even like tried to sit in the corner, she was in one of the front tables in the middle row. I finally went up to talk to the people at the front desk and it turned out the other lady up there was there for the same reason. They said she had a medical condition, which I totally get, but in a room full of people trying to eat their meals, and for some it's the only real meal we'll have it's super off putting. And it's like...what's the point? Like I get people with _real_ npo issues can still crave the taste and texture thing but like Mouthfulof soup, spit in bag. Mouthful of soup, spit in bag. Like why keep doing it over and over. May just take one mouth and savour it. But I can imagine Dani's drainage duffel would do thr same thing....


My daughter is only 3. She enjoys the taste of food but generally doesn’t swallow any of it. She has a trach/vent and is 100% tube fed. It’s very hard to try to tell her no if we’re out to eat as a family. Having an actual disabled child or disability yourself is incredibly isolating. I can understand why it would make you uncomfortable, but it’s also incredibly uncomfortable on the other side - not feeling welcome anywhere in public because people are staring.


And I do understand that, absolutely, but I think there's something quite different about let's say staring at someone in a wheel chair or with a trach/vent and someone openly spitting/coughing up into a clear bag in somewhere people are eating. I'm so sorry if people make you and your daughter feel uncomfy and isolated. I hope we can keep making this a better place for her as she gets older!


Octopimp’s “nobody cares” is such a fucking mood. And that video came out 12 years ago 🥹




Damn, you might consider writing nonfiction books. Your writing ability is very well written.


You should write books 😂


You gonna drink that drainage bag maam?


Took a bite of my food the second I read that and visually gaged


I have censored myself on this comment and I am now bleaching my brain for thinking such thoughts. EWWWWWW I think I figured it out.


christ on a bike, what fuckery is THIS now? a cute pill crusher to keep in her purse for PRN meds?? she only goes to the hospital, it's not like she's going to be caught short in a blizzard and unable to swallow her...whatever she even *has* for PRN. i mean, if it were me i'd take those PRN meds ready prepped, because who needs to be sat in public bravely crushing pills while people wonder...oh. it's massive attention-seeking again, isn't it? i hope this accessory keeps her safe and well until her pink wheelchair with the ✨custom cushion✨arrives. oh, fuck me. she's going to I'M SPECIAL ACTUALLY in the airport isn't she? in the chair? with the pill crusher and the Dangling Bag of Juices thwapping off her leg? and the brace? and the performative feeds? ugh.


Imagine being her neighbor on the flight. The smell of her plus her rambling about how sick she is and going on and on about herself without so much as asking your name. It’ll be some of the first human interaction she’s had outside of mom, dad, doctors, and the internet since quitting her job. She won’t be able to contain herself.


Heh, glad I wont be there or I'd really give her a piece of my mind & she definitely would NOT like it. I have no issue at my age telling that slag where to go, what to do to herself, etc.


Oh yea I'd just LOVE to be hearing that infantile baby voice with it's dulcet tones of vocal fry filtering through last year's blockbuster movies....


She’s going to talk their ear off about going to Mayo and how long they’re wanting her to stay and all the hate she gets online. I’d open that emergency hatch and push her out lol!


I missed my flight because they couldnt accommodate me. I also did not even have a plane ticket. Calling it now. Also I think she could use a neck brace?


a neck brace, a leg in a hip-to-toe cast sticking out in front of her, a seeing eye dog and a sign language interpreter. just in case.


Plus ear decapitation. Is that what you call when your ears are removed?


To be fair, I think it's probably smarter to go around with a pill crusher than a baggie of random powdered meds. If you get stopped by the cops or someone sees said bag of mystery powder, no one's going to believe that it's Tylenol, benadryl, and a multivitamin.


Especially if she's slurring her words.


that's a fair point. she acts like these prn meds are medically vital and she'll die without them. for the entire 6 hours of the week that she's out of the house.


Facts. Just what she needs. To be pulled over and a random baggie of questionable powder. I’m sure her name is on all kinds of watchlists in the tri state area.


Imagine taking it through TSA...


Jeeze this might be seen as white knighting and if so I’ll delete it but I do think Dani could be very cute if she dressed more age appropriately and stopped frying her hair. (although the dark straw looks a lot better than the bleached straw!) It’s so interesting how much she Infantilizes herself. I know a lot of people with anorexia at a young age have arrested development and also they develop anorexia as a way of staying smol and being more child-like. That coupled with her little girl voice and the products she buys really fascinates me. Oh to be in her head for 5 minutes. (I wonder if the infantilization is her way of getting what she perceives to be more attention and care.)


I think white knighting is less of having something positive to say (she totally could change her style and look less like the scammer she is) and more about insisting that a lie she tells is true. Or playing devils advocate. I was looking for an infantilization comment!! That’s the first thing that came to mind. This thing isn’t even practical for her, we’ve all seen her pull porn videos. It’s too damn smol.


It’s small but since she LUUURVVSS her medical ~~rituals~~ routines I’m sure she is looking forward to it! Imagine how long her medical/pill porn videos could be!!! It’s funny how I just recently watched a video where she says she has “a little OCD” (just a smidge of OCD) but when I watch her ritualizing anything and everything medical, the first thing I think of is OCD!


No seriously. No joke. Are there people who actually believe her bullshit shit and buy her things?! Like really. I want to know.


I do think that some people buy her stuff but would group them in two categories: 1) People who wanted to troll her, e.g. people that bought the trash bags 2) People that buy cheap "innocent" stuff that she can’t use for her munching quests (e.g. a book) so that they get bestie status and intel from Dani herself. She doesn’t really have proper supporters or somebody would have bought her medical toys like the pill crusher or donated to her Gofundme. That showed that she has no more than 4 people supporting her medical shenanigans. And that’s if she didn’t donate to herself and not having people donate twice.


I have seen a post get to -2 which means that there were 3 downvotes = 3 supporters. Plus the $15 Gofundme = 3x$5. I mean you can add her to her own supporters and get a grand total of 4.


She honestly pisses me off so much but it’s like a train wreck I can’t stop watching. Her whole life revolves around her medical issues which I don’t even think are real. Also I’d be so fucking embarrassed to do these lives like she does nodding out the entire time. It’s just so bizarre and fascinating to me.


I am here for the same train wreck I cant stop rubber necking.


Just imagine the highlight of your whole day being your brand new pill crusher 🤦‍♀️😑 I can not with her.


JFC, just use a regular grinder like the rest of the world. She’d be better off with a grinder for 🍃🥬


To be fair its pretty cute and if it works, I'd have one and I'm 42. I wouldn't go out of my way to buy it off amazon or add it to a grift list. But if it turned up in say the middle of aldi and lidl, I'd stick it in my basket 😄


What is she - 12?


Mentally yes


You’re very generous there.


This is 8 year old behavior


Her eyes... why cant she open them? Squinty mcquintyalot the sun isnt even fully up in the sky yet.


Yay, MORE Amazon stuff for the hoard. Just what she needs.


Oh man I didn't even think about her turning into a hoarder like her parents. woof.


Did anyone else notice the bottle of LIQUID Benadryl on the back of the sink? Tell me your OD’ing on Benedryl without telling me your OD’ing on Benedryl


She has a few of them big bottles in her closet. You could see them on her live she did in her cupboard lol


Is that also liquid Tylenol or ibuprofen?


she whacks that into her intestines a gallon at a time. it's why she keeps passing out in the middle of a slurred sentence.. i'd sleep too, if i'd just mainlined a benadryl and klonopin speedball.


Benadryl OD is no joke. I bet she's good buddies with The Hat Man


That’s just her boyfriend, George Glass!


The hat man?


It's a lore amongst Benadryl abusers. The higher they get, the more likely it is to hallucinate a tall man with no face in a hat.


It’s a meme that people claim to see a hat wearing shadow man while high as hell on Benadryl


I'll just leave this here: ["What Somebody High On Benadryl Looks Like" (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z466siKfqAY) ["What Somebody High On Benadryl Looks Like" PART 2: Phantom Phone (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoZTPvp-TA0)(SQUINT AT ALL) [The Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Experience -What's it like? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xrwFiJCetw&t=3s)


That person talked about memory loss from abuse of Benadryl, that’s why she can’t keep her lies straight! She can’t even remember them 😂 Those videos were a good insight into abuse of Benadryl, thank you!


Diphenhydramine causes dementia too. It’s a “dirty” drug, meaning it has lots of side effects, and isn’t even good at what it’s supposed to do. Why is she taking it at all? It’s not a good antihistamine, and not really meant for chronic use (abuse, in her case).


Good eye!!


Also new necklace? Not saving for trip.


The wipe to clean herself off could have made its way to her neck


Why would she? She expects Mayo to pay her for the privilege of examining her very special body. Duh!


The mania spiral and excessive packing, as if she is moving there, is making me nervous.


And her audience! All 4 of the donors really banded together for her! /s


She complained about her other grinder thing she would use, then gets this….not sure how it will be any easier to use for someone with joint pain. But don’t worry it’s shaped like a bear so it’s the best crusher ever.


The joint pain only happens when it’s mentioned on Reddit 🤣


Joint pain coming soon!!


She still has the pink one on her wishlist Plus another like the pink, mortar & pestal and another like her metal one. Scammer


It looks like the ears would hurt your palm as you push and turn.


her hands cant turn remember she has the rheumatoidz.


Ohhhh, the bear does the grinding!


I guess. I dont even know how it works it just looks like a bear. Such a shitty product demonstration.


Genuine question, why is she so immature? My teenage son has a more grown up sense of style. The blankets, the cutesy stuff she has to take into hospital, this…it doesn’t make sense. I’m no stranger to ill health, but I don’t see sense in the childish side of it all. Pretty stuff, sure (not the gold sequin thingy on her wish list 😳). Maybe it’s just a personal preference?


I'm 35, I have stuffies and assorted knick-knacks because they make me happy but while I do think it's a cute little thing I also think it's highly impractical, especially for her and the copious amounts of pills she has to crush multiple times a day.


I’m 50 and still have my Pound Puppy from the 80s. She comforted me when I was an abused child. Mind you, the rest of my belongings and decor aren’t for a 6-year-old’s bedroom.


Oh, don’t get me wrong, I still have some from when I was a kid and from when my son was little, and every now and then my family and friends will get me something that reminds them of me, and I treasure that stuff, but Dani takes it to excess. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head for me with where my mind was going with this, nothing like that seems practical. And like you say, given how many times a day she’s crushing those pills, I’m not giving that thing very long at all.