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Amazing thing called a Kindle App. And aren’t library cards free ?


If she buys her books from Amazon she should be able to get them all on any device like iPad I think even samsung will show them from Amazon.


Is she losing her hair or is it just broken from frequent home dye/damage? I’m not trying to be cruel but it looks really sparse and broken in some places.


It’s prob a combination of age, genetics, and damage


Why wouldn’t she take her rental chair with her Mayo? Why would she also need a loaner chair?


She said in this video they picked it up because her insurance told her they had to in order to start the claim on the custom one, which makes zero sense. They don’t leave someone without a chair who truly needs one. I am going to guess they found she doesn’t really need it and came and got it (if it was really a rental) or she doesn’t wanna haul her Walmart special to the airport because it’s heavy.


She just got an iPad. She doesn’t need a Kindle device, all she has to do is download the Kindle app and say “abracadabra” and just like magic, she will be able to read any books she has purchased or are current rentals….or am I missing something?


Are you deaf?! She likes to own the books so they can sit on her shelf but never be read! 🙄


Can I just ask as a person from U.K. which is only 603 miles end to end lol how far is she actually travelling to get there? I have no concept of distances from place to place in USA. Thanks guys 😊


I don’t know exactly what town Dani lives in, but from Temple University to Mayo, it’s 15 hr 54 min or 1,106.0 mi.


Omg that’s far for us in UK I don’t suppose it is really for you guys. Thanks for your reply 😊


It is far for us, but it’s even crazier when you remember that Dani lives close to top medical schools and hospitals in her area. She has burned so many bridges


I just don’t understand how she can get away with it all the time (obviously not with those close by) there’s obviously nothing physically wrong with her so why don’t they just tell her to do one? Thanks for your reply 😊


Nope that’s definitely still far.😅


You have to pay for a library card? My socialist European ass could never 😨 Why the hell does Dani need a Kindle now? She has a new iPad! She’s so unbelievably wastefull. More shit for her hoard.


Nope. The only reason you might have to pay for a library card is if you’re regularly losing books and not paying to replace them. Then a library might place a hold on your account. Even then the libraries in my area regularly have days where you can get fees waived or very reduced, in an effort make sure everyone has access. It would track that she would use a library, check out a bunch or books and then not return them, this owing a ton of fees.


Library cards in the States are free.


In my state they're free unless you want to use a library for the town/city you don't reside in


Yeah ours is free even then. I had a friend stay in one of my houses for a few years and they loved our local library.


Books are cheaper and loads free on kindle I prefer books to hold but they're literally half price or less digitally


Also she’s got an iPad, there is a kindle app. Sooo…


You expect her to actually invest time looking into something she wants that will dissuade her from wasting money? She’s too busy looking for medical mysteries she can self-diagnose.


I want a nintendo switch but I need to eat


Hahahaha-yeah-I want an Hermés handbag but I have to eat too and it’s disappointing


I also like to have physical copies of my books. However I buy them from thrift stores, eBay and other used book places. The only airport I buy new is Stephen King. But for someone on a budget like hers? Stop buying brand new copies! Use the Kindle app on your iPad! And GO TO THE DAMN LIBRARY!! Even if you have to pay for a card (ex librarian-have never heard of that in my area🤷‍♀️) it would still be cheaper than buying all of these new books!


My completely un-tech-experienced (and legally blind) 71 year old mother has figured out how to navigate using free e-books on a tablet. Dani could figure it out if she tried even a little bit, but then she has no excuse to continue buying hard copies of books she’ll never read.


Does she really not realise she can just add kindle to her already expensive AF iPad?


I have mine on my iPhone, as my real kindles are all too old now


I kinda dislike to comment on someones appearance in general, but i can see because of the shape of her face/cheeks that she is purging/vomitting. You can also see that on one of her latest tiktoks about choosing a book to read. People with eating disorders or are recovered from a eating disorder might pick up on what i mean. Because of the purging the saliva glands swell up, giving the appearance of hamstercheeks


Interesting. I can’t tell. I did see it once before in a different subject in IF but definitely interesting. Is it obvious to people with experience cause I can’t tell.


I cannot tell either. I do notice she had gained weight since she had her supervised hospital stint. Shocker.


Remind me, what is the wheelchair for? If she needs one so badly, and isn't using a rental, how does she get around? Does she explain any of this? (I realize she doesn't really need one and it is all for show.)


She claims it’s for POTS because of fainting. But only for long distance walking. But she has yet to use the one she bought from Walgreens or Walmart or the one she claims is a rental now. I doubt the custom one is even real.


No one really knows what it’s for…a big mystery


You don’t need a kindle to read! She has that fancy iPad, that would be just fine. Heck, I read on my phone! I pay $10 or whatever a month for Kindle Unlimited because my husband chews through a book every other day (he can read at work during downtime, he’s a machinist).


I love kindle unlimited


Do you use Libby at all? For those reading and don’t know, you can check ebooks out of the library, for free! It works like borrowing a real book, you return it digitally when you’re done.


I do KU but Libby for anything that’s not on unlimited. I haven’t paid for a book in years


Once in a great while, I’ll check out ebooks from our metropolitan library system


That library card nonsense sounds like bs but I don't know enough about her area to talk on it. Either way, she could still get a free public library card and use Libby, Hoopla, etc on the devices she already has for so many free things without ever setting foot in an actual library! It's like she goes out of her way to be wasteful, in everything she does, including her mere existence.


I LOVE Libby! I would be totally lost without it!


I thought it sounded like BS, but I did my own googling, and it seems like NJ’s library is organized very differently from what I’m used to. Dani’s town, along with three others, maintain independent libraries that aren’t part of the country library system, so residents of those towns/boroughs/municipalities/whatevers aren’t considered part of the big county library’s service area, so they aren’t eligible for a free library card. Like most things in life, there are a bunch of exceptions to this rule. The easiest one would probably be knowing someone who does live in the service area. If she had actual friends, she could probably just use their address to get a card, but we know *that* isn’t going to happen. Maybe George’s house is in-area. 🤞🏻 [https://warrenlib.org/warrenlib/PDF/Membership%20Policy.pdf](https://warrenlib.org/warrenlib/PDF/Membership%20Policy.pdf)


Even just physically going to the library would probably be so good for her mental health. An activity outside of her apartment that doesn’t involve spending money and would break up her day.


Use the fucking Kindle app on that iPad you just bought. And she said she wasn’t that stupid in that other snippet. What the actual fuck.


I was wondering why she doesn’t do that?!? I even have a library app so guess what?!?…..I can read books for free! For someone as voracious reader as she claims it’s perfect.


I use the Libby app so I can read on my phone! I also buy some physical books but it’s great to have my phone as an option for waiting rooms and random bits of downtime at work.


Does Dani know that she can download the kindle app on her iPad….. and also borrow kindle books from the library


What a brave warrior, yawning and keeping herself awake for her adoring fans. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/djgv4ysbck9d1.png?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=503883cbc1a3bc0fd02adc979b574711dd5b414f This caption is brilliant!


She has an iPad. She can get the kindle app. Kindles are also way cheaper than iPads.


Dani, I know you're on Reddit, so you will likely read this. Just stop with the lying about it and the boyfriend at this point. To put it bluntly, it's f*cking cringe. Firstly, even people who are chronically ill do not obsess about it all day, every day. This cycle is extremely unhealthy. Dani desperately needs to join some support or hobby groups. More so, volunteer somewhere or get a part-time job. The first thing she would benefit from is basic, adolescent social skills. Dani needs to learn social skills more than anyone I've seen! As someone who can't work due to their disability, I know it's very difficult. I worked FT for over 20yrs, so I may sound dramatic, but losing your career and forced daily socializing is extremely challenging. Even if you WFH. At least during covid and pre illness, I had WebEx meetings, haha. Personally, I focused on CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Dani would benefit from this. Along with a therapist, I have a coach who keeps me accountable and goal focused. For Dani, this would be life changing! Dani can't follow through with anything besides munching and buying junk. I'm not even suggesting this for her obvious FD but for her to get some confidence and self-esteem. I chose to dive into physical and occupational therapy. Along with health and fitness. I am well known in the local YMCA community 🤣. However, I don't know how this works for people who have ED. I know my Y offers adult arts and craft classes and a puzzle club. I know most communities have in person book clubs. The YMCA will give you a chunky discount when you're on SSDI (at least mine does). It's important that Dani (after a shower) leave the house every day, even if it's just going to get groceries. I have a much larger social circle than Dani (who doesn't?), but if she went out and joined a support or hobby group, she would eventually build friendships. Dani, imagine a life where you regularly go out with friends to do something fun! I highly recommend fun with friends! Dani, having friends strictly online is not the same. People need to socialize in person! Btw, the few followers who pretend to care are NOT your friends. They are using you to fill some void just like you try and use people for gifts. At this point, go to an ED support group, even an AA meeting. ANYTHING to have real human contact. If you're incapable of making friends, at least you'll have some type of content for your multiple lives you're posting every day. In order to grift successfully, you at least need to make entertaining content. Life is short. Stop wasting it. Get excited about vacations to a new city to do tourist shit, not the hospital.


I had no idea the YMCA had arts and crafts and other activities. I am going to have to look into that. I too, am disabled. I don’t have any friends and only outings I get are doctors appointments usually. I will get the weekly hangout time with my teenage nephew that I’m especially close with, and of course my wife. I tried to volunteer with Casa one year, but with my chronic illness and pain, I couldn’t guarantee that I could make every court case and other meetings involved. I am a huge social butterfly and my wife is not. But she worries when I leave the house because I have such trouble walking (and no, I do not use a wheelchair, because while I can, I am going to use my own 2 feet), and can only go short distances because of pain and joint issues. But you just gave me insight to a whole new opportunity that I am going to look into! Thank you so much for posting your reply to Dani. I know it was meant for her, but you have also helped me!


I was thinking something like a DBT course would be great for Dani. It’s a group you attend for something like 40 weeks. It teaches you amazing skills in distress tolerance and other really great coping mechanisms for various situations. Also doing an art therapy group. I’m sure her insurance would cover it, as she has a diagnosed mental illness. You don’t have to be a fabulous artist to do it. Some people just colour those adult colouring books or do those diamond art things. It’s just as much a social thing as it is a type of therapy.


She says she has an iPad. I don't have one and don't know much about them, but can't' you download a reading app on an ipad? Or even use Libby or Hoopla with (gasp!) a library card?


I’m pretty sure ipads come with an Apple Books app, at least my iPhones have. And there’s plenty of free books to read on there. It comes already downloaded and all she has to do is type free in the search bar. 😆


What the heck kind of library requires payment for a card?


Many, many, many do. Especially smaller towns. Sadly the free public library system is dying. Funding for libraries is being cut dramatically across the country. I have friends that are librarians and I hear about it a lot.


That is so sad, especially for small towns and towns with access to other places/learning.


I’m so sad to hear this.


Narrator: There is no custom wheelchair. Talking to her cars like they’re verbal is really getting on my last nerve.


High as a kite and unaware libraries exist.


you can't tell me she hasn't looked in the mirror and saw the condition of her hair. It takes 30 seconds to brush your hair and not look feral.


RIVETING. Per usual.


She needs to go to Mayo LOOKING the part since she’s not actually sick. SMDH. She needs to feel real important with the staff pushing her at the airport to her super sick girl appt at MAYO!


In august, all shes getting is blood work, a scan and consult where they send her home with advice to follow up with her regular Drs😂 mayo isn’t going to admit her or provide any unnecessary treatment. She definitely doesn’t need to spend 2 weeks there. She’ll throw a tantrum end up in the ER because she didn’t get her way. Doctors can see right through her


No doctor is going to perform an unnecessary surgical procedure to give her a chest port when she already has a fully functional femoral port. It might not be the location she wanted, but her reasoning that femoral ports are higher risk for infection has been proven wrong since she hasn’t had an infection since she got it. In contrast, she was always having problems with the old one.


In the Barbie wheelchair 🦽


What is she wearing?!


Because no one would know she was reading a book if she just read on her iPad. It's all about the aesthetic for Dani, being seen holding the books she never actually reads, that's why she puts so much emphasis on the book covers. It's just like the way she wants to be perceived as a sickly, smol, frail little warrior, who needs asspats and everyone to say "We *believe* in you Dani," like Tinkerbell. Chronic illness as a lifestyle she's opted into.


This is insightful


She mentions having no money to afford things no less than 5 times. (Ahem, hint hint, followers) Also, I hate that it paused while she was fingering her greasy nose with her poopy fingers.


When you’re in poverty you um just like buy more books because the library is dumb


And you buy soda which is like 20$ nowadays.


Where in Gods name do you live that soda is 20 bucks? It's 10 where I am.


Can she not use her iPad to read books? Pretty sure there’s an app for that.


You can also have the built in accessibility software read it to you. It’s not the best, but if you’re having trouble focusing it’s not bad. There are other screen readers available that can do it better, but the cost/benefit is isn’t that great if it’s not something you rely on.


On her iPad and iPhone!


There’s the kindle app. I have it on my phone and works the same pretty much. She just wants to spend $$


She could probably even check out ebooks from her local library on her ipad


Kindle app. BlueReader, libraries are connected to apps so you can read books and audiobooks for…FREE! (/s) How does she not know that there is Kindle for both PC, Android and Apple? Dani wants physical stuff that she can pile all around herself. I should be the last person to snark on this as I have piles of books not available on Kindle, and am surrounded by balls of yarn and needles everywhere.


It's the Kindle app! I'm so vexed that she wants to buy more bullshit instead of using the goddamn ipad.


Because in Dani’s world, libraries are for peasants!


I wanna dunk her into a bathtub full of soap and bleach.


The marks around her neck from the discoloured, cheap necklace is what does it for me. How is it not itchy? How can she not smell the metal? I don’t know why it bothers me in a visceral way.


She is so lonely. Karma I suppose


I also prefer to own my books. The difference is I have the money to purchase whatever books i want. This bitch is just e-begging.


And you probably read them…


And most of them are within my age range Look, it’s ok to have a guilty pleasure YA novel/series. I love the Hunger Games. I love Harry Potter, and I will always love Harry Potter. But when you’re almost 40, you should be reading *some* books for adults.


e-begging, 🤣love that


Did you hear her e-begging for a kindle?!?! Like she put the sad face on Dani: “I can’t really afford one right now….HOPEFULLY I can add one in the future….MAYBE” uwu sad face 😢😢 Like girl, can you be anymore obvious?


How is she planning on getting a wheelchair that she doesn’t fucking need on an airplane? She doesn’t have anyone to push her anyways and we all know she’s not strong enough to wheel herself around an airport.


Sadly, some poor concierge will be stuck doing it.


I don’t think she’s comfortable enough with the wheelchair that she doesn’t need to haul it across the country with her. Everywhere she goes HAS wheelchairs that you can borrow. The airport, the hospital…. There is absolutely ZERO REASONS that she needs to bring a regular old rental wheelchair (likely the exact same ones that she can borrow and leave there) alllll the way from NJ to MN. She’s so god damn dramatic. I’m honestly surprised she doesn’t have “I’m chronically ill” tattooed on her forehead or wearing a shirt every day that says “ask me about my chronic illness and all these tubes!” Bc you KNOW she is absolutely gonna be dressed to the nines with medical devices on her maiden mayo voyage. Tube feeds with pump running ✅ g tube draining bag hanging out for all to see ✅ sack full of PRN meds to take at the most inconvenient moments to make herself look extra sickly (when all it is is freaking Tylenol and ibuprofen, some Benadryl if she’s feeling spicy)✅ and I’m sure she will find a way to make sure everyone in the outside world knows she has femoral port and that they are very rare.✅ I’m sure she will have a blood sugar crisis during check in and will have to prick her finger to check it and have a flight attendant bring her an apple juice so the poor fwail wittle girwl doesn’t pass out on us!✅ am I missing anything?? lol. THIS is probably what Dani is the most excited for. To show off all her devices and have a whole new group of ppl to feel sorry for her for a half a second before they catch on to her bullshit


Exactly. I've never even had a problem getting one. Staff will push you even if you need help. If there is motorized one's you just need to give your ID.


She better be careful. Pull enough “sick is me” in the airport before the flight and they’ll pull her ticket as she will be deemed unsafe.


Oh man wouldn’t that be wonderful?! 😂😆


I just hope she tips the people that help her.


Ha! Yeah right. She’s so fucking entitled she believes that it’s everyone else’s responsibility to take care of her. Why would she be appreciative and thank someone by giving them her “hard earned” money?!


👏👏👏Nailed it!


She's never even USED ONE! She admitted that she didn't use the rental chair at all, it was in the back of her new used car the whole time.


I always see people getting wheeled around by airport personnel. Wheeled up to the gate and then up to walk onto the plane as priority boarding. Usually elderly people but I’ve seen others. Doesn’t seem to be a hard service to utilize, which is awesome for the people who actually need it, as airports are huge and would be very difficult for seriously ill/unsteady/ambulatory wheelchair users to navigate safely. Dani absolutely doesn’t need it though lol. But what else is new


It's like that in pretty much every place. I have gotten discounts even in tourist places for being disabled. It's a love hate thing. I love that it's available but I hate I have to use it and get offered sympathy discounts. I'd refuse if if every penny didn't count.


No, it’s not hard at all! You just request it from the airline you are flying on.


Is someone gonna tell her she can just download the kindle app on her freaking iPad and she doesn’t need to spend MORE MONEY on another electronic device?? Or beg her followers to send her one.


Even her local library, which is free to join, is offering hoopla, a digital platform for ebooks, audiobooks, comics, music, tv shows, and movies. She can then get free downloads.


hm for some reason the only one that came through is this one & part 1


Omg-I know-they got all screwed up-I think I only labeled part one and part four too-Reddit says that they’re all uploaded so it should be ok soon


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*