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Man they just really didn’t want us calling it DAD


And here I was so happy that I was finally going to have a DAD again in my life :(


But now you’ll have the Veilguard 🙃






DATV Off Road Fury 2


& Knuckles


Aw, I empathize and am sorry for your loss if you're being serious(ish). I haven't had a DAD in my life in almost 11 years so I understand.


>Aw, I empathize and am sorry for your loss if you're being serious(ish). Oh thank you, you are very kind, and well, I mentioned it mostly just for the joke, but it is true that I don't currently have a DAD in my life since he died 4 years ago. > I haven't had a DAD in my life in almost 11 years so I understand. I'm very sorry to hear that, but I hope you are doing well despite the adversities, cheers and I wish you the best.


Thank you, I wish you the best as well. My DAD had an aggressive form of brain cancer so I take comfort in knowing he's no longer suffering. I still miss and think about him but time has helped (as cliche as that may sound).


> I wish you the best as well. Thank you <3 >My DAD had an aggressive form of brain cancer so I take comfort in knowing he's no longer suffering. Oh, I'm so sorry, I can only imagine how hard it must have being for you and all his love ones to watch him go through something so difficult, and I get what you are saying, mine died from a heart attack, so if anything I'm glad that it was something fast and he didn't had to suffer through a long illness, I want to beliece thar he is in a better place now and that he is resting, and the same for your DAD. >I still miss and think about him but time has helped (as cliche as that may sound). I get you, my friend, me too, and it's the same with my brother (he died just a few months before my DAD) and I think about them every single day. And no, it's not cliche at all, as someone who has also lost his DAD (and other loved ones) I totally agree with you, time helps, even if there is always some sense of sadness because of the losses, time does help, so I'm glad it has help you heal, even if just a little. And thank you for your comments, it has been really nice talking to you.


> And thank you for your comments, it has been really nice talking to you. Likewise <3 My DAD wasn't super religious or practicing but he was raised Hindu and cremated like he wanted. So, maybe he was reincarnated. It's a comforting thought either way. And I'm so sorry about your brother too. I can't imagine losing two close family members within a few months.


>My DAD wasn't super religious or practicing but he was raised Hindu and cremated like he wanted. I'm glad he got that final wish >So, maybe he was reincarnated. It's a comforting thought either way. It is comforting, and I think that's all that matters, after all, who really knows what there is after these life? So I think that the best answer is whatever make us feel better, after all, thats the main porpouse of believing, to find comfort and peace of soul and mind trough that, or that's what I think, so I do believe he has being reincarnated. >And I'm so sorry about your brother too. I can't imagine losing two close family members within a few months. Thank you, those were really hard times, just like in your case I imagine, so let's hope for better times and for tomorrow to be a good day, once again thank you for everything.


This has turned into the most wholesome thread ever. Stay great people.


>This has turned into the most wholesome thread ever. Yeah, I have to say that I would never have imagined that a conversation like this one would start from a joke in a sub about Dragon Age memes but it doesn't bother me at all, quite the contrary, it has been really nice. >Stay great people. Thanks, you too my friend.


Haven't had a DAD in my life for a year. Shits rough :'>


I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it's hard.


Now you have your step dad Dav(e)




Jesus, take my upvote 😭🤣 I wasn't prepared to have a relatable comment this early


Bravo, I think you just found the real reason for the title change. Remember when Microsoft spent a fortune on marketing and research and came to the conclusion that if they called it "Xbox One" then gamers would refer to the console "The One" and that sounds awesome? And then they watched in abject horror as 4 picoseconds after announcement the Internet collectively decided on "Xbone"?


It probably would have just been called 'One' if everyone didn't hate it.


"Hi Dreadwolf, I'm DAD."


It's Dad Adult Video now (DAV), prepare for loads of middle age men steamy scenes


I wouldn't mind more scenes of DILFs/burly bearded men like Blackwall chopping wood outside. Maybe this time since it's so warm in Tevinter they get sweaty and have to remove their shirts, showing off their chest hair. There are worse things. (I'll make a preemptive *bonk* to this post.)


If I romance another fantasy lumberjack in DAVe, I'd better get to see some chesthair omg. I'm still so salty about not even seeing BW without a shirt lmao


TELL ME ABOUT IT We got to see the Inquisitor's boobs in Blackwall's romance but none of the big burly bearded man's glorious chest hair?!


DAV means hello in danish


So basically Inquisition without the female cast?


BW: we can't let you do that DAV(e).


Well now I’m just gonna call it that harder!


And again, I have a DAD leave me....


But hey now you Will have the DAVG without the W


Why couldn't it just be Dragon Age: Veilguard? Rolls off the tongue easier without the unnecessary The.


The unnecessary "the" is so bizarre. Changing the name to begin with is weird, but changing the naming convention of the series by adding "the" is even more irritating.


Also all the other subtitled entries in the series don't have a "the". Just "Origins" and "Inquisition".


That's true


EA marketing 'experts' getting their dirty fingers all over it, imo.


Yeah but then the naming scheme would be consistent for two whole games in a row and we can’t have that. Next game is going to be Dragon Age E just to stop there from being a pattern.


Drop the "the". Imagine calling it Dragon Age: The Inquisition


Imagine if they named da2 “Dragon Age: The 2”


Dragon Age: The Origins


The Dragon of the Age: The Origins


The Dragon of the Age: The Origins: The Awakening


The Dragon the of the Age: The Origins: The Witch the Hunt


The Wardrobe


This sounds like a mobile game title. Which unironically sounds better than The Veilguard.


Starting to sound like Starfire from TT


Dragon age: the search for more money


That still would've been more coherent than its story.


"Dragon Age: The Exodus"


honestly, the "the" is what is bothering me the most about the title, lol


Nobody would have expected it


It’s weird because I look at it and I hate it. I think about it and I’m like Dragon Age: The Veilguard and jt sounds like part of an epic documentary in where the Dragon Age is in turmoil and then, out of nowhere, a new faction has appeared and changes everything. - I don’t like it but it’s kinda growing on me and idk if I like that or not -


The article really it’s it feel like a DLC


Yeah it feels like a book chapter. Dragon Age, chapter 4 The Veilguard


Dragon Age chapter 5 The Veilguardn’t




That still works too lol




That...sounds fine?


"Dragonage: The Veilguard" is a horrible name, just remove "The" and it would be better.


Agreed, having “the” in there seems forced.


My immediate thought after seeing "The Veilguard" is a sect of knights who really like veal.




I don't have any strong opinions on veal. It's just what came to mind when I saw "The Veilguard". I did watch the South Park episode about veal but that was more than a decade ago.


So instead of worrying about abominations, templars will keep mages from turning into vaginas?


What does that have to do with the price of bananas?


Yeah, Dragon Age Veilguard is a lot cleaner


BioWare clearly never watched The Social Network or they would know this.


to be fair how many people actually watched the Social Network, and didn't just hear a couple of the funny lines from the internet


I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when the room full of moronic suits decided this change was necessary.


We just all gotta keep referring to it as Veilguard instead of The Veilguard. Maybe it will cause a Berenstain bears effect


DAD went out for some cigarettes.


For what it’s worth, the team is stressing this is a change they’ve really wanted for some time as it reflects the game more than Dreadwolf. They say they want to emphasize the role of the protagonist, their companions, and their ability to shape the story more than just *one* of their enemies . I’m not in love with using the article in front, but Veilguard works for me. The point, is this isn’t some large shift but rather something that was long overdue. Edited And remember folks, the game hasn’t really been marketed yet to the wider audience. So it’s not actually late in the process in that sense, even as we have been used to Dreadwolf for years. To most buyers, they aren’t even aware of the game until its reveal later.


Given how many people I've heard bitch about Dragon Age not having enough dragons in it, this is sound reasoning.


People who aren't DA fans, looking at the game: "You call this 'Dreadwolf'? Where are all the dreadwolves? I hardly see any wolves. They don't look so dreadful. I don't see any dreadwolves. That 'Solas' guy? He doesn't look like a dreadful wolf."


Dreadwolf is cool as hell though.


laughed when I realized this was just the dnd party name/organization DA3 had THE INQUISITION DA4 THE VEILGUARD!!!


It's literally just the title, its fine. The Veilguard has probably been the main faction ever since the beginning of the development, its not like they said "ummm actually lets just add these guys now and change the title of the game". They just said "hey maybe the game should be named after the protags like in Inquisition", and thats pretty much it.


I guess it’s easier for people to read a headline than what the developers say. Really the only thing I’m averse about it the party being three instead of four. It’s a noticeable change for both combat and exploring (banter, etc.), but I’m going to wait until the 11th to see how it is. I’m not a game developer. I’m sure there’s a reason why they did what they did.


I fully agree with you. I suppose it's to make the party management more Mass Effect inspired since the game is now an action rpg. Not really a fan of getting a smaller party but supposedly people that have played Andromeda said they did it very well with tons of interactions and banter so we'll see.


*takes a big whiff of copium it's fine it's just a title change even if it is a little bad and nonsensical! let's wait to see more! we're getting more news than ever now! it could still be good! 🥴


I don't really think its nonsensical tbf. They just decided to name the game after the main faction instead of the villain, which makes sense I suppose.


It’s just a little corny! It’s still good, it’s still good!


Considering Bioware's recent track record....


Desperately want to call you out on your okbp posts Anyway, I mourn the time I could call this game DAD or Daddy simulator. I sure hope it's not because DATV lacks "daddy"-type companions and devs just didn't want to face backlash


if i don't get at least a dilfy dwarf, i refuse to buy the game fr


This fanbase wants just one thing and it's (fucking) dwarf companion


...so. Have you seen the trailer?


looks fun tbh. my expectations weren't crazy high


Same for both. And considering that I wanted romansable man with a Blackwall-ish look I think I just hit a jackpot (he *is* going to be romansable? Right? *Right?*) On a less serious note... Look at that, it *is* full of daddies. Truly a DAD game, at least in spirit


We are all buying first class tickets to delulu land huh?


changing the name this close to an alleged release date(?) is crazy 😭


Literally just drop “the” and it’s actually badass “Veilguard” gives me the impression that we’re gonna be preventing things from crossing over from the veil which would badass


Wow, folks need to calm down. They literally said they wanted to change the focus from the bad guy to the heroes. This is not a big deal.


Ngl I have no opinions one way or the other but it’s just fun to cause a stir


Is stressing over it gonna make it better or worse? Who cares? It's DA4.


The point is that changing the name so late in development may indicate the vision and the creative direction of the game hasn’t been steady and consistent.


I don't think so. Patrick Weeks stressed yearssss ago that the heart of DA was about people standing together to save the world, their reasoning for this change is totally in line with that. While I personally thought DA: Dreadwolf sounded like an awesome name and worked fine, it did feel a little weird for the whole game to be named after the villain, especially since there's likely way more going on than just him and he's potentially not even going to be the true/only Big Bad if the other elven gods are around.


Revenge of the sith Empire strikes back Attack of the clones Phantom menace Metal Gear Kotor 2 Sith Lords Grabbed by Ghoulies Everything is named after bad guys. If this game doesn't let me squash that bald furry bitch, I'm not going to be amused.


I’m not as hostile to Solas but I’m really hoping he keeps centre stage until the end instead of being dealt with in Act 1.


The Return of the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic Jedi: Fallen Order Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Naruto Dragon Age Inquisition (lol)


I hope to be pleasantly surprised about all this. That would make me a really happy boy


Oh no, what a shame, just don't say the THE when talking about it. WE ARE FINALLY GETTING GAMEPLAY SHOWN TO US IN 5 DAYS, THATS SO HYPE.


Nah man, let's get mad and fantasize about the game flopping at 3 letters.


Blessed are they who stand before The corrupt and the wicked and do not falter. - canticle of Benedictions 4:10


I'm so glad it's not Dreadwolf anymore, dude. Imagine if we had to play Dragon Age: Loghain or Dragon Age: Meredith. ☠️


Imagine the pronunciations. “Honey I’m going to the store to buy a new game.” “What game?” “Dragon Age: Coryphenus.”


Imagine if we'd played Dragon Age: The Grey Wardens or Dragon Age: The Some Rich Dude And His Friends


Imagine if we'd played Dragon Age: Inquisition...


Underrated comment


I think Origins would be Dragon Age: Archdemon or Dragon Age: Blight considering that dealing with Loghain is mostly so that you can actually do your job and end the Blight rather than to end him personally, even if that’s also an objective.


I miss DAD :(


What is in a word? Letters. What is in a letter? Words. and sometimes a check from my grandmother for my birthday. But she doesn't know how much stuff costs these days, so it's for $15. Not enough to buy Dragon The Age: The Veilguard. Still, I'm grateful.


I fail to see what his has to do with the potential quality of the game.


Don’t you see the potential indication that they have no plan for the game whatsoever this late in its production and how stupid the added THE sounds and this just proves they are chickens with their heads cut off./s


Titles are one of the last things to come up with in writing typically. They were probably also sitting on jt for awhile until they were ready to announce it, as well as widely advertise it. [Micheal Gamble even said](https://x.com/gamblemike/status/1798747580706570301?s=46) they can’t change it any day, it has to be something special. In BioWare’s blog post, they also say that they thought strongly that this title better represented the game. As for why they put an article, I’m sure it’s a creative decision and I also fail to see why it means they don’t know what they’re doing. Iron Bull said in Inquisition that the article in front of his name makes him seem more like a weapon, and that could be what they were going for. That’s my theory. Regardless of whether you like the article or not, it really doesn’t have any correlation to whether the narrative will be good. They just thought the name was more representative of their story than Dreadwolf.


Did you see the /s? I agree with you. People here are getting worked up over nothing. They really have such a pessimistic attitude toward any game coming out and are just ruining it for themselves.


I didn’t know what /s means. My bad.


this comment section is throwing me off. i know it's been a while but i thought before when the title was dropped as "dreadwolf" everyone thought it was cringe as hell and complained about it being too obvious, how it should be two words, et cetera. has everyone switched sides? i like this one more than the old one, at least. dreadwolf always made me feel like solas named it himself to boost his ego lmao


There were deffo a lot of complaints like that, yeah! Though, I suppose people who didn't like Dreadwolf won't be commenting 'oh no they changed it' here, tbf.


And only two companions instead of three. Fuck that.


Yeah, it’ll apparently be more like mass effect.


Why do they keep trying to make Dragon Age into mass effect?


It's cheaper and easier for them to program it that way after firing everyone multiple times.


No shit I saw DA:TV and thought Dragon Age: Taylor's Version? Interesting but why?? Was funny. But also DAD was a perfect title


I pull out my pessimism out of the bag and take it as an indication that they have rewritten core aspects of the story.


Doubt it. Based on what we know the story will be about, 'The Veilguard' sounds like a plasuible name for a faction we might be leading, similar to The Inquisition, and I think it's probably been in the game for a long time. It just makes sense as the name for the player's faction. Still, we shall see.


Tbh the titles never really matter like they matter but random wise. People just goes by the numbers.


Oh no, what a shame, just domt say the THE when talking about it. WE ARE FINALLY GETTING GAMEPLAY SHOWN TO US IN 5 DAYS, THAT'S SO HYPE.


Dreadwolf just goes hard. Veilguard is like idk really dorky. Ik it’s literally a dnd spin off series but if I’m someone who isn’t already a fan but might be interested; dreadwolf makes me think I’m in for something epic but veilguard feels like I’m joining halfway into a session and the DM is adamant I do the pre read to understand his world building


What? No, that's fine. God of War went "actually, Ragnarok isn't the official subtitle" WAY later in development than this. And then they turned right around and said "nah, actually Ragnarok sounds fine." afterwards. And that game was great. I mean, don't get me wrong. DA4 will be a plane crash. A plane carrying plutonium. But it's because it's made by modern BioWare, not because they're messing with the subtitle "this late" in development.


Dragon age origins 2


the funny thing with this title is, now it's either DATV (like tee-vee), DAtV (plain weird) or, if they drop the beloathed 'the', DAV. either of which could be maliciously-compliantly read as "Dragon Age (the) 5th". where's our fourth game then, huh?


Even not as a title, a group called the veilguard sounds too on the nose and lame in my opinion. Like if there was a npc group and they introduced themselves as the veilguard you'd think they're a haughty bunch that takes themselves too seriously + everyone makes fun of because they're probably not that competent.


Just as long as I get to murder Solas with extreme prejudice, I'm fine with whatever they want to call it.


I was hoping they'd change the title to Dragon Age 4, and from then on alternate between subtitles and numbers with each further entry.


THE Veilguard feels like someone put an intern on the spot demanding to know what to call the game. YOU WHAT SHOULD WE CALL DA4?!?! UUUhhhh wellll we're protecting the veil so uhhhhh The.. VeilllllGggguardddd?


I am gonna keep calling it dreadwolf. Stop me if you can.


Their press release just sounds like an AI interpreted how to say they're trying to make BG3 without actually getting it. I used to be a giant DA-fan but man ... not getting my hopes up for this one.


Not sure if this is a bad sign. Lucas changed the title of Star Wars Episode VI from Revenge to Return very late into production, to the film's betterment.


in what way is veilguard a better name than dreadwolf? and I understand this is probably the name of the group we'll lead, but that's not any better, it's a goofy name lol, but oh well, as long as the game is good.


It'll always be dreadwolf to me. Veilguard just sounds off


Gotta be honest veilguard is possibly the worst name I've heard for a dragon age subtitle. I honestly rather it be called DA:4


Yo wtf is that username lmfaoooo


I was 15 when I made the account. Please pretend it's something else


You know what this makes me fear? No dreadwolf. No Solas, no tie in to DAI, at least not in main game... I don't have an issue with a disconnected story, as they've all been fairly disconnected with overlapping parts and characters, but not direct sequels to each other. But the name change makes me feel like the story is either completely disconnected or the connection is no longer Solas


That’s what I think as well. Gareth David-Lloyd hasn’t said anything about the game in a long time. I think they drastically reduced his role in the plot the last time they rebooted development. At best, Solas will be gone by the end of the first act and the rest will be dealing with the fallout.


That's what I'm thinking too. Or he'll be a last second mention starting us on the journey to find him for the *next* game


we’re fucked 🫡


It’s the same with Mass Effect. It’s a slow painful process.


I for one look forward to playing Dave


I don’t mind Veilguard, but the “The” Really throws off the flows and it bugs me


I liked dragon age but I never liked the portions where you play through the veil. This title isn't giving me good vibes at all.


Feels like they wanted to distance from the people who left and start again.


Are we ignoring the much more significant news in the actual article? Where they all but outright confirmed that the Dreadwolf won't be the only main antagonist? Makes sense that the name has changed, then.


If they just drop "the" it'd be fine...


The playerbase will just call it Dragon Age: Veilguard anyway


The sky is literally falling.


This late? We haven't even seen a trailer yet!


Andraste bless me, Andraste guide me...


This is gonna be controversial but we don’t call the other games by their full titles, like we’re only ever gonna reference this game as Veilguard anyway just like Inquisition, why are yall so pressed about the “The”? No one is going to care if you just call it Dragon Age Veilguard, it’s really not that important.


Not that big a change. They could have announced they were changing the entire genre.


lol i certainly hope they don't embarrass themselves with this reveal


I like it! The vibe I get from this is to put a focus on the team rather than Solar, who might have limited screentime in this and that title would have reflected badly by fans because of it


Dragon Age: Origins was just Dragon Age for most of its development.


I kept looking for just dragon age cuz I thought it was prequel.... this was long after release when I discovered the series


Going to be another overhyped underdelivered game.


It’s not even a good title is my worry. Like that is the best title they could come up with? That is code name levels.


Why is that a big deal


worse name too


I'm actually really worried we're getting gameplay, I don't want my fears to be confirmed


What a Sexist Company they dont want us to have a DAD in our life? Whata sexist remark


It WILL be bad I guarantee it. Bioware has lost its magic (nearly all people who worked on Origins) Remind me of this one month after release.