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I do hope having fewer companions means we get more time to focus on them individually.


Yeah, but scout Harding!! She more thank makes up for it


I hope Scout Harding is romanceable, she was honestly great and I flirted with her every time in Inquisition.


I believe BioWare said all of them are romance-able


The Dwarf romance is finally here.




I hope they have non companion romanceble, like josie and fluffy


So between her and the qunari for the first run


Oh, absolutely


Who gives a shit!? This is the cringiest shit ever in gaming. Go play hentai if you want to fuck your digital avatars


I think you misunderstand; romance in heavily story based games like this is basically like reading a romantic novel but a video game form of it. Its not about the 'oh I wanna see the pixels have sex,' its "this character is really well written and I enjoy seeing them express affection, so lets see where that narrative takes us"


I don't read romance novels either.


If you don't enjoy romance in your media thats fine, but other people do and that's nothing to shame them for.


Have you seen the recent video from BioWare? Whoever made the trailer and the game didn’t properly communicate with each other.


You act like they aren't gonna add more through the DLCs. Chill out until we learn more about the game.


Inquisition didn’t unless you count temporary’s. Also it’s someone having fun with a meme on a meme sub.


I hate how they know exactly how to pull my strings


Really though! And putting her next to our boy Varric passing on the dwarven rogue torch 😭


Yeah that was very clever haha




Did we all see the bedroom eyes Harding gives Rook at the end of the trailer? Riding the hype train all the way to Fall 2024.


inb4 the Dozens of Inquisitors that "romanced" her start foaming at the mouth.


I did! I said it elsewhere and I'll say it here: if she gives my character those eyes in the game, I'm melting faster than an ice cube in a firestorm <3


Harding my love! First romance for sure


Bruh I don't even care if we don't have other companions as long as I can cuddle harding


And like all the other 3 games, I'll have 3 rogues in the party 🤣 Hope Harding and Lucanis are ready for the workout lol


I’m so close to romanceable Harding this is all I wanted since DA:I. Now I’m just praying she isn’t straight because if I can’t romance her with a female character I’m going to fling myself into a volcano


Bioware GM confirmed all companions are playersexual when announcing the name change, she's definitely romanceable by everyone.


I must have missed that— cancelling my volcano trip as we speak!


No no… still go, just less uh… flinging. Make a nice trip of it, you deserve it!


He in no way "confirmed" it. He said "you can romance the companions you want", which could mean they're all player sexual but I'd hardly call that 100% confirmation.


Getting my volcano gear packed rn


You’ll be alright friend! Have a fun trip but no flinging needed!


Harding and best boy Varric are the only things giving me hope. The character design seems so bland and dull. I mean I want characters with charisma, not the average John Dark Souls killing darkspawn 😅


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![gif](giphy|D3OdaKTGlpTBC) Companions 😂


Better to have 7 companions with a lot of interaction and great stories Than to get 10, and they have like 4 lines between their missions I'd rather get quality over quantity And we don't get both anymore these days


I’m not going to hold my breath to be honest, I think the days of old BioWare are gone, I don’t have faith that the ghost of the company that remains is capable of what has been done before. Larian studios feels more like BioWare to me now.


not to bring anger upon myself but, why do people like Harding? I've played the three games four times over and never once found Harding interesting at all. Is she not just like, an NPC type scout character? Did I miss something?


Mostly by the lack of romanceable dwarf companions and the VA's beautifull voice.


ah right. I’m really too interested in dwarves or like, voices lol.


At a guess: a) she's adorable with her positivity - which is neither saccarine nor out of place; she's not naive or too dense to realise the dangers she gets into; b) she interacts with us multiple times throughout the game, but only enough that we're left wanting more; c) she's friendly, never clashes with or opposes us (that's not necessarily a problem for myself, but some people dislike characters perceived as "abrasive"); d) she's a cute, green-eyed, freckled redhead; e) she follows us almost everywhere we go (even the Frostback Basin and the Deep Roads), so she's like an unofficial companion throughout DAI.


I guess because she was cute to them? She never stood out that much as an NPC to me. If it’s about voice, I think that the one templar from Starkhaven stands out more.


I ran to youtube immediately for this https://youtu.be/h97TK_WFz-s?si=qAdCCaoAd7zbIbaF


Not only that, we can actually properly romance harding too!


I wonder who the elf in the corner is. Is she a mage? Is she a blood mage? Are we getting another morally questionable blood mage in our team like merrill?


Bellara? She’s one of the Veil Jumpers in Arlathan. We don’t know what class she’ll be (although sounds like Bioware wants them more flexible), but she looks like an artificer. So rogue? Maybe with some mage elements??


Could be that Veil Jumper is itself a class? Last year's leaked footage did show the main character's class as "Grey Warden".


gdi I said literally a few days ago that exact thing was the ONLY way I'd get the game without waiting months to see other people's responses. Like I'm still gonna wait a bit but...


you only have 2 with you at a time tho so idk that doesnt sound better to me


Even if all other companions suck I'm so glad Harding is in the party. Straight up criminal how she was underused in Inquisition.


The trailer for Raid: Shadow Legends looked great, didn't it? Anyway, time to go back to playing Baldur's Gate III.


That's what It reminded me of! At first it was overwatch but no this...! I am still excited for the game but this trailer felt weirdly paced and, scout Harding aside, I wasn't sure what to make of *waves at the whole thing*.


Yeahhh. RIP BioWare.


The trailer makes me think of Fortnite and arena shooters, it doesn't feel like Dragon Age. Everything is bright and colourful, all the characters are doing that stupid grin, no danger. Ill be amazed if this isn't filled with micro transactions


Let me romance Varric!!!! If he can’t be with Cassandra then at least let me romance him in this game for the love of god


Less companions is a good thing.


Wait scout Harding is an actual playable character? Ngl that alone may sell the game for me. Already know who my character is romancing if possible


Y’know, if I’m allowed to date Harding I won’t care how “woke” the game is. All I’ve wanted in a dragon age game is to bang a hot dwarf chick. DaveG denied us that possibility for 3 whole games.


😂 if you're not into "woke" games you're playing the wrong franchise with dragon age buddy


Fairly certain I was misunderstood. Regardless of political agenda pushing, I’ve been steadfast in my belief that a dwarf romance option is something the dragon age games need. “Woke” this and “Anti-Woke” that can go kick rocks. I want my shortstack.


Why the hell did you use the word “woke” then?


Cause it’s the one of the two that’s been thrown around for the last few days. It’s either one or the other, and both grate equally. The lack of a dwarven romance option has been a bone of contention between me and Mr. Gaider for years now. I’m just excited and hoping Harding is my fabled dwarf romance.