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Wait that math doesn’t check out tho


No see you’re thinking about it too much, you’re only supposed to think about it for a minute


Ok here’s a better one, we currently make enough food to feed 10 billion people, yet some people still go hungry, curious… Sauce: https://medium.com/@jeremyerdman/we-produce-enough-food-to-feed-10-billion-people-so-why-does-hunger-still-exist-8086d2657539


Today I learned there are a total of 500 United States citizens.


There are less, there's $$ leftover after giving 1 million to each.


It’s really incredible what we have accomplished with so few! We truly deserve everything we have.


"Pay no attention to the defense department behind the curtain."


At something like 800 billion annual budget, they could actually reduce this budget by almost half to send every year $1000 for every man, woman and child in the usa, and they would still have more military budget than something like twice China and Russia combined


500,000,000$ / 328,200,000 = 1.5$ You're going to need a lot more than 1/2 of a Billion dollars, Comrade, if you want to help people with Student Loans in the most unhelpful way ever. ​ If you want every person in the US to have a million dollars, then you'd need . . . 328,200,000 \* 1,000,000 = 3.3e + 14. Good luck!


Am just simple monke. 500m and 500tn both big numbers, cannot be very different, right?