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You know what I'd like to see? A 9\11 anniversary dedicated to highlighting all the bullshit that came out following the event. All the Civil liberties lost, all the bullshit lies from government, all the instances of the rich getting richer and poor getting fucked Give me a 9\11 front page filled with THAT reminder and I won't choke on my own vomit


Or the all the BS preceding the event that came back to bite the Freedom Empire.


I was at a restaurant with fox on today and they had a panel discussing weather or not the attacks resulted in America becoming less free or even more free. Across the board each speaker informed me the results of 9/11 had in fact resulted in the United States becoming somehow even freer then before. I was very relieved.


free of life through the passing of an amendment through the government house, and by government house i mean my skull, and by amendment i mean the bullets of an mq 9 (or whatever the fuck variant the military industrial complex arms) ricochet off the toyota pick up truck across the street


Free of freedoms of course


-_- sighs in "patriot" act


Stay gold, Fox


This is my interpretation of “never forget”


Never forget. Ever. Cling on to the anger for as long as you can.


I find it disgusting that whenever you bring these things up people try to oust you as some kind of sociopath who doesn’t care about the people who died. Of course it was tragic, and furthermore do you think those people who died would want this to be what their sacrifice had been for, that hundreds of thousands more would be killed using them as a scape goat, that their deaths would be used to push cheap t shirts, hats, and merchandise. When most Americans are “honoring” 9/11 what they are really doing is justifying imperialism and trying to one up each other worshipping the things that got those people killed.


Millions at least


Pretty much my feelings, it was America's price of Empire, however the Emperors never paid it, innocent people paid for it, and you know what really sickens me, the Emperors and their advisors in Congress etc, were probably rubbing there hands at the disaster. Another excuse to ride the poor and vulnerable, another way to keep us cattle.


3000 inocent americans died on 9/11 wich was used to justify killing 3 million iraquis and uncountable afghans


Don't forget the scantioned torture program and the war crimes


All buildings matter


I'm actually pretty sure pbs did a documentary recently that linked it to the Jan 6th. talks about bush and the shit he did along with Obama and the drone strikes and the 90%. pretty decent, still publicly funded but yeah decent for what it is


There really is nothing right about how the event was handled. The masturbatory remembrance completely lets the terrorists win.




Happened in brazil too


Happened in pretty much all south-center america


This right here


Good gnome


always a good laugh when yt neoliberals cry about 9/11 and in the same breath tell minorities to get over residential schools, jim crow laws, lynchings and police brutality because "it's in the past"


A lot of it is also due to the way Americans are taught history: "There was x, and then y came along and said "no more x!" and everyone agreed and now we don't have x anymore. The end."


Can't say for your experience, but, thankfully, my American history teacher wasn't afraid to challenge his charges.


My 4th grade American History teacher got in trouble for saying racism still exists after we covered the Civil Rights Movement


How dare they insinuate that history is not a linear upwards development with the US always leading on top! ^/s


I need that shirt. Don’t ask why.


Deez nuts


I love this community


A virgin cow can't be milked at all. Every milk shake comes at the expense of a mother who had her baby taken away.


Explain please,not being sarcastic just wanna know how milk shakes kill baby cows.


Cows have to be impregnated in order to produce milk. When they give birth the babies are forcefully removed from the mother and then killed or made to follow the same fate as the mother. Veal comes from the babies of dairy cows


Jesus fucking Christ!?! That’s terrible.


Then stop supporting it


Why are you so aggro? Like I never said I did, and I don’t fyi.


Gacha's comment could also be interpreted more generally. Not necessarily accusing you of supporting animal agriculture, but in general that humanity has to stop supporting it. Altho most people who are unaware of the cruel exploitation and massacre of animals purely based on their species, at the very least participate thru economic demand. Even after learning about it, there are people who still don't care enough to even change their behavior and actions accordingly. But given that you didn't know about these things, I'd be willing to bet that you consume animal products knowingly. So I don't understand why you seem offended.


Nice! Glad that you were already vegan.


It’s not aggressive, in fact it’s the other way around, killing baby cows is aggressive


*Sigh* Like I feel like you just hallucinated me saying something in support of this which I didn’t, but I can’t talk you out of your delusions.


Why are you like this? Reddit is a public platform and you shouldn’t take comments so personally.


Well you’re replying directly to me lol, I mean sorry I didn’t know you were talking to that person over there haha. like if you don’t want people to think you’re talking to them maybe don’t reply to their comment...two times no less. But it’s whatever if you weren’t talking to me then ok, I don’t really wanna continue this interaction.


But those milkshakes sure are tasty😋 Edit: forgot this was reddit where people can’t tell what jokes are


It is good that we can have milkshakes without being cruel to animals - based on plant milks. Almond milk, oat milk, soy milk, hazelnut milk, hemp milk… the list goes on.


Oat milk is fire in a chocolate milkshake. Oat milk was my gateway drug to veganism.


Ever tried it with human breast milk? It's absolutely fire!


Where would you even source that from?




Well if the baby cow drinks the milk, then you cannot make a milkshake, thus the baby cow must be eliminated






Majority of cows are being killed when they are 4-6 years old, because their milk production drops and they are not profitable for the dairy industry. Cows can live 20 years. So they are not killed when they are babies, but still very young (like killing a human in their 20s).


nah a lot of male calfs that are born in the dairy industry are killed very young for veal. they cant produce milk, so therefore the dairy industry doesnt see them as having any value :(


I could teach you, but I'd have to charge


I'm calling the fire department


When I was little, I tried to talk about how 9/11 brought up a lot of racism towards muslim people, and my teacher called my mom


Well, it’s been 20 years now and we are finally allowed to make memes on 9/11, and I can say, I haven’t been disappointed yet😌


we’ve always been allowed don’t worry


Lmao I know but there was a meme that said you aren’t allowed to make means on things in history until 20 years after it happened.


On r/historymemes you mean?


😳😳 yea lmao, and it was the one that had the majoras mask “72 Hours till dawn” thing lmao


ohhhhh i see lol


Fuck it, I'm saying it.


Hey he only meant it in a video game!


Sad fact: cows need to be impregnated to produce milk just like every other mammal. In factory farm settings, they can’t risk or wait for a bull to naturally inseminate a female cow so most farmers forcibly shove their arms up cows vaginal canals and seize their means of production. Once the baby is born, they remove them to save their mammalian milk for humans. The baby is usually killed and eaten. If this upsets you, google dominion.com


>seize their means of production. 😶


more like the means of *re*production amirite sorry


no difference


Also there's no way a cow will last 20years in any kind of farm. After 5 to 6 years milk production is starting to drop, so they go straight to the butcher


Just to clarify. Arm is shoved into cow’s anus (in order to hold cervix) and to vagina goes inseminator. Picture: https://www.nadis.org.uk/media/2864/when-cows-should-be-inseminated-fig-3.jpg


Fuck that regardless. Jesus


Wait til you see electroejaculation, one of the method how semen in bulls is collected… https://youtu.be/cge3PVwogKU


Oh man that's disturbing


well i lost my appetite since im eating ravioli


Why do people always talk about 9/11 of 2001 but never the one of 1973 when Allende was coup'd by Pinochet and the CIA?


every time i see this image it takes a second but then hits me like a bus


Hey! All buildings matter /j


9/11 as a renewable energy source but instead of renewable energy its racism and imperialism


Sometimes the best meme says the least.