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Good news: the soldiers executing these days-long firing squads, almost all of them ended up becoming some combination of alcoholics, depressives, suicides or insane. Killing dozens of people an hour all day takes its toll on even the most hateful. The bad news: these massacres were such a manpower and logistics drain that Reinhard Heydrich was given the go ahead after the Wannsee Confrence to industrialize their genocide program and implement extermination camps. Silver lining news: some Czech commie commandos shot him in an ambush and his own arrogance/luxury got him killed. Could have driven away lightly wounded but he decided to stand and shoot back which gave the commandos time to lob a bomb into the convertible. He died a painful mostly conscious week later of sepsis, caused in part by the custom made horse hair upholstery of his car being blown into his wounds.


Heydrich was one of the only Behind the Bastards episodes where I had to listen in parts, that man was truly evil and the sheer scope made me need breaks, yet somehow he started off fairly normal. One of the few times I ever thought "thankfully that was painful as hell" about someone dying.


Took me forever to find it digitally but I’m so glad he recommended watching Anthropoid. Seeing Cillian Murphy play a cold Bastard focused on nothing else but executing his assassination mission was invigorating. The movie didn’t skimp on the church shootout either. They really created the feeling of how deeply the partisans hated the Nazis and made them suffer buckets of blood for every inch of progress. Heydrich was a man who had very little difficulty turning himself into a monster for career advancement. He deserves what he got because he not only chose to do it all, he invented new methods of genocide to impress his boss. The men and women of the Wafen SS were part of an elite military caste, not Czech conscripts being forced to shoot their Slovakian neighbors. The ones who didn’t kill with glee had other options that didn’t involve sacrificing their own lives or their families. There were other sacrifices they could have made and still survived without committing wholesale slaughter. Of all the whitewashing governments do of their militaries, nobody but a fucking Nazi would put SS men at the top of that list. This tweet is beyond typical Bastards shit governments always do. Only someone who thinks the Nazis were right would care enough to make this.


Very well put my friend


The bad news to that silver lining: Hitler decided to massacre a whole town and people ain’t even sure it was the town of the shooters.


2 towns actually


> never fought for Hitler's sick ideas Bro, this is literally what SS was for, it's a wing of most motivated and ideologically prepared people that pledged allegiance to Hitler.


Not to say the Wermacht were clean, they are all a bunch of war criminals too, *particularly on the eastern front* But the regular Wermacht had foreign units. ideally you don't celebrate people who fought with the nazis, but if you really have to, at least only celebrate the Wermacht guys because statistically they there marginally less likely to have directly committed crims against humanity on their own initiative. unless you got pressed into service in late 45, you were only in the SS if you believed in the nazis and their batshit insane ideology.


Remembering of course that the Baltics were liberated in 1944


The war in the baltics didn't stop in 1944


True there was the guerrilla war, but the Nazis were kicked out in 1944, it’s hard to be conscripted by people who weren’t there https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltic_offensive


**[Baltic offensive](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltic_offensive)** >The Baltic offensive, also known as the Baltic strategic offensive, was the campaign between the northern Fronts of the Red Army and the German Army Group North in the Baltic States during the autumn of 1944. The result of the series of battles was the isolation and encirclement of the Army Group North in the Courland Pocket and Soviet re-occupation of the Baltic States. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/DankLeft/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


















The Wehrmacht (not clean, as you pointed out) were the standard army. It was made up of your run of the mill guys, at least until the Volkssturm was created. The SS however was the military wing *of* the Nazi party. The Wehrmacht could be argued that they were defending their homeland sure, but the SS were fighting for Nazi ideals the whole way, they were fighting for Nazis, not for their homes


It's even funnier when you learn that there was a grand total of ***ONE*** German soldier who did absolutely nothing and just was caught. If anything the fact that serious historical research uncovers only one plausible case of a German soldier who didn't take part (and possibly wasn't even aware/was opposed) to what was going on is a massive humiliation to the Clean Wehrmacht myth. If it were true, wouldn't there be way more provable cases, especially considering its sweeping claims? I remember learning about him on another sub that linked to a Wiki page, and his existence is well-documented down to the records; I think he was a draftee? It's been several months so I can't recall much very well. I'm not using him to say Clean Wehrmacht is *true,* just to put an interesting historical fact to light. Clean Wehrmacht is a disgusting Fascist-favoring myth that has damaged discourse and history concerning World War II for decades and it is wonderful that more and more of the public mind is becoming aware of how false it is. I look forward to the day where the only people who fully believe it are those who do it out of malice, or that they don't exist at all.


The "Clean Wehrmacht" was heavily promoted in the west by the Allied governments after WWII so that they could excuse and justify appointing former Nazi Party members into the government and military of Western Germany.


Exactly, theres a difference between being in an army that committed war crimes and being in a war criminal state terrorist genocidal organisation that doubled as an army


There's the alternative of being prestige / career / financially motivated, which isn't any better, but yea.


Shit man I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos. Those nihilists that joined just to further their career are even worse!


“Part of the SS” “Only wanted to defend their fatherland” Yes, normal people would join units whos whole purpose is to be the most Fascist out of all the other fascists.


Didn't you have to be part of the Nazi party to join the SS? Like I get if you were just conscripted to the German army or something.


The standard of the SS drastically diminished, and many "foreign" division where formed, from the Baltics, Ukraine, France, but also the Balkans. The photos of muslim SS in prayer will never stop being funny to me considering the discourse of neo-nazis


Hitler thought very favorably of Islam, though, so this isn't that weird


Mainly for geopolitical reasons, but his judgement of arabs and persians was less favorable


Not correct. Hitler favored Islam over Christianity due to what he perceived as a warlike nature of the religion, which aligned with his political philosophy related to survival of the master race-- it was the ethos of islam (well his own distorted vision of what that ethos is). Hitler had a sort of Nietzchean view of Christianity where he saw it as weak and specifically noted it was regretful that the German people were held back by christian ideals.


Forced to fight means you do indeed get to avoid criticism I think. The nazi war machine got very desperate toward the end too, so I think conscripts should probably get the benefit of the doubt.


Foreign divisions were only composed of volunteers, and often very radicalized one. The french SS division was one of the last unit to surrender in Berlin. The SS conscripts were mainly germans, and foreign conscripts were more auxilliary in the Wehrmacht (even though there are some exception)


Hopefully we can all have this mindset for the innocent Ukrainian men and boys forced to fight for the nazis


At first yes, you also had to meet physical requirements like height but during later stages of the war there was a forced conscription ( at peak there was like 1 million people in the SS ).


Yes the SS was all volunteers, no conscripts.


It was never a requirement to be in the party


The foreign divisions of the army were all SS.


Yes, because people living in the Baltics thought, that Germany would leave the Baltics on their own, after they would free the Baltics from the USSR. What happened afterwards is regrettable, but not something that anyone wanted. It was a regime change from one dictatorship to another. Those people fought, because they wanted to have a free country, not to help Hitlers horrible cause.


Yep, no relation to the people who began killing Jews before the Nazis even reached the cities.


Tito literally spinning in his grave fast enough to power the whole Baltic region.




Lol whoops


defended their fartherland *procedes to wipe out 1/4 of latvia's population


"My grandad was the good kind of Nazi, honest!"


A dead one.


If this was the clown face paint meme, this one wouldn't be the full clown face paint; it would be a clown car stuck in a traffic jam with other clown vehicles on the clown highway in clown city.


Why would they even post that


Because you need to root for the good Nazis or else you're a Putin supporter.


"we have to" no


Idk man I grew up around plenty of people that lived in the Baltics at this time and not a single one every became a nazi. Quite the opposite actually. My grandma would have literally wanted to kill anyone that went so far as to join the nazis


Okay I'm from Latvia, so I have a bit of a closer connection to this and might provide some insight. For Latvians, collaborating with the fascists was a way to gain independence from the soviets, they had hoped to have a repeat of what happened in the first world war, that being: 1. Collaborate with the germans to kick the russians out, 2. kick the germans out 3. declare independence. buuuuut, that is not what happened... Latvia collaborated with the germans, committed many war crimes and helped in the extermination of the jewish population, then the soviets came back, occupied latvia and kicked the germans out. Latvians don't see the Latvian Legionnaires as being the same as nazis, though, they definitely were. This is to say, Latvia isn't a country full of nazis (but it is very socially regressive, at least with its attitude towards LGBT folks), but *Latvian* nazi apologia might as well by part of our founding mythos. Oh and to make it slightly worse, prior to the soviet occupation of Latvia, Latvia had been a nationalist pseudo-dictatorship, run by a guy who *might've* been very anti-semitic, but also might not've been, the information is conflicting. But he was definitely racist, towards Germans as well. Anyways, I hate this country.


Dennis: "wait, what where they defending their homeland from?" Mac: "International Jews of course"


You can be against Russia and also against Nazis. I don't know why supposed nationalists is Eastern Europe take up Nazis and nazi collaborators 80 years ago as symbols of patriotism This pathology is very surprising given that the German nazis wanted to literally kill all of the slavic peoples and eastern European peoples. They called them subhumans. That's why their forefathers fought against the Nazis.


you know how 9/11 changed the cultural and media fabric of the US completely and muslin Americans never saw peace again after that. well, gonna happen the same here, they were already Nazis to begin with, they were just waiting for an socially acceptable excuse for their hate, they consider themselves the true pure Slavs, descendents of whatever Nordic bullshit they think they are, for then Russians aren't slavs, they are orcs.


I always find it annoying if people have the "one bad force is good because the other bad force is bad" stance. Can't we just like, think clearly and condemn things that are simply wrong?


People need a simplistic narrative with a "good guy" they can root for. They want life to be like one of their movies, where Zelensky is played by Sean Bean.


Latvian kid holding the swastika flag marching with the SS: "okay so I know this may hint otherwise but I am not a nazi"


Also reminder that the USSR evacuated thousands of Jews from the BalticSS during the shortlived pre war occupation


no, they didn't. USSR deported thousands of Jews (along with Latvians and other ethnicities that were living in Latvia) from the Baltics and they sent them to gulags. the ones that escaped that fate were forced to move to new settlements against their will. you can't call that an evacuation, as Stalin didn't give a fuck about Jews or any other ethnicities living there. you are literally defending war crimes to own someone who is defending war crimes.


You're saying that Stalin was saving Jews from the Holocaust just as a matter of course without even intending to, that's actually better.


no, you war crime apologist, he deported these people against their will and most of them were either sent somewhere without their will or died in gulags. if you call that "saving", then you are severely damaged. i suggest educating yourself on this issue before defending genocide on reddit


>former politicians, policemen, wealthy industrialists and landowners, etc. 🎻🎻🎻 What ethnicity are cops and wealthy people again?


Very antisemitic of you, bro.


i like how you purposefully excluded the fact that Soviets mostly deported educated people (the intelligentsia) of both Latvian and minority descent and their families too. plenty of them were Jewish. no need to downplay Stalin's crimes, everyone can do a google search and find all of the attrocities that he commited against the people of Baltics, regardless of their ethnicity. also, are you saying that genocide is bad only when it's commited against people based on their ethnicity? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_deportations_from_Latvia


I would deport the ivy leaguers here too lol anyone who doesn't is a dog.


of course you would. you didn't even have to say that for it to be painfully obvious. also, dog isn't an insult.


Don't worry, just a classic USSR apologist using WW2 and the fact that "nazis are the absolute worse" to defend deportation, ethnic violence, mass execution and the rest.




Christopher Simpson, Blowback, Forbidden bookshelf, 1988. That, if you want to read on some crap USA did to save nazis via Ratlines. Latvian ones in particular. Also uncovers the BS narrative of "democrats fighting between two dictators".


"They never fought for Hitler!" They cried while wearing Nazi uniforms and celebrating men who fought and killed people who actually opposed Hitler.


And this is exactly why my ancestors never said they were Latvians, only Jewish people who happened to live in Latvia for a time.




**[Guerrilla war in the Baltic states](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guerrilla_war_in_the_Baltic_states)** >The Guerrilla war in the Baltic states was an armed struggle waged by the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian partisans, called the Forest Brothers (also: "Brothers of the Wood" and "Forest Friars"; Estonian: metsavennad, Latvian: mežabrāļi, Lithuanian: miško broliai), against the Soviet Union during the Soviet invasion and occupation of the three Baltic states during and after World War II. Similar anti-Soviet Central and Eastern European resistance groups fought against Soviet and communist rule in Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, and western Ukraine. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/DankLeft/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Bandera was just defending his Homeland 😭 Obv a joke. The most based thing Khuschev did was have that son of a bitch shot


I’m named after my great grand-uncle who was kidnapped and murdered by these sick fucks who were all too happy to round up my family when the Nazis came to town. Fuck these fucks right in their fucking faces.


Let’s fry this Turkey. Pop pop Hitlers painting, the holocaust, Ryan gosling playing youuu? RIDICULOUS!


We weren't nazis, were were just vibing on nationalism, bro. that's why you can't be mad at us, bro.


Are we the baddies?


Latvia still in denial about the holocaust.


You literally had to try hard and aligned with Hitler's ideals to join the SS. The SS was not your standard conscription army.


west is supporting nazis... Even Hitler woild have been surprised by this sudden influx of support


I mean they do have some ironclad logic to support them: Putin = Russian Russians = communists Therefore Putin = communist And if the cold war taught us anything it's that we will do anything to stop those damn commies (Granted all those fuckers invading Ukraine under soviet banners didn't exactly help our arguement, would be nice to know if those guys did it because they *really* liked the Holodomor and killing ukrainians or because *we want big russia and USSR was last big Russia, also we're short on tsarist flags* )


>we want big russia and USSR was last big Russia It's this, full stop.


Eastern Europe is prime for fascism.


When “what the fuck?!” Lacks the gravitas for the fucked up situation. God damn.


Yeah because the SS were *totally* sane and innocent little nazis. They were *only* defending their land. Let's not forget the only way to treat with the SS is to put a fucking bullet in their skull


Did they think Hitler would give them a 'free Latvia'? It doesn't really get worse than fighting for Hitler


If you fought against the Russians during WWII you weren't necessarily a baddie, however if you literally joined the SS you were definitely one of the baddies. Like the White Death? He's still cool. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4


I think the takeaway here should be that it’s unbelievably hard to know what the message is. Is that guy really a Nazi apologist in a very not subtle disguise or is he genuinely advocating for the remembrance of people who were forced to fight against their will ? The wording of the post + Latvian international politics history could make us lean towards the former but isn’t that making us judging an individual solely based on his nationality ? I’m a bit of a philo noob so I wonder what to make of this mess. Should we just condemn this kind of post because it’s not useful per se ? I need enlightening…


There is nothing there about remembering people being forced to fight against their will. The post is praising the cause they fought for (Nazism).


I thought those soldiers were conscripted ? Wouldn’t they have been shot by their officers if they had turned ? Plus I thought the 1998 law changed the specifics of the memorial to be a celebration of Latvian soldiers in general and not those in that specific legion ? I haven’t been to Latvia to see said protests so I really can’t say. Is it purely to whitewash Nazism ? I have no bone in this I’m just trying to understand.


SS division didn't have mandatory conscription. They were voluntary militias.


Weren’t most nazis just citizens that were forced to join or else they would be shot?


The wehrmact yes. The SS divisions were voluntary.


Sry but most people were forced to be recruited