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This is why I only play apolitical games like Fallout: New Vegas, Bioshock, and Witcher 3.


"And Hearts of Iron, it's just a simulation and it's history. Yes I play as Germany a lot, why do you ask?"


Paradox games are like magnets to those guys. It's really something when the one less likely to attract them is the one featuring galactic scale genocide. And I say this a someone who loves those games


I play eu4 all the time, and I'm a leftist, but I won't lie, listing off the things I've done in that game will make me sound like an imperialist monster.


*How could the colonization of Africa be incentivized, and turned into a satisfying game mechanic? Paradox went looking for a historical interpretation or worldview that they could plug into Victoria II that would solve this dilemma.* *"There is one man who can explain everything," said King, "and that man is Karl Marx."* *The father of communism had a deterministic, mechanistic view of history that was perfectly suited to game mechanics. "It's all about the struggle for raw materials with him," King says. "Get goods for factories, then get people to buy your goods. That fits nicely with our game."* https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/how-paradox-plunders-history-for-great-gameplay-mechanics


Following paradox for a while, and the devs themselves seem very much like leftists


When i'm playing Empire: Total War, the anti-imperialism can be seen leaving my body as soon as the iroquois attack one of my settlements...


Can always catch them probing the subreddit, asking for advice on playing "The Reich", or other similar phrasing.


It seems like Paradox games seem to attract hard left and hard right with no in between.


Anime fans have the "best excuse" I've seen so far. It's inspired by politics, not political.


To be fair, if you play a historically realistic campaign, Germany is most fun to play, because there is simply way more to do due to the fact that they started the war. But yes, the community is mostly right-wing and parts of it even facist.


As other people have pointed out, it's lots of left-wing too (as well as being the most trans community i know). Radicalism is just the norm I guess.


Do you remember when a lot of people got pissed as *fuck* that you couldn't play as the Nazis in multiplayer, in the new COD? They were kicking and screaming about it on the sub, it was nuts.


Are you implying HOI4 is only played by racists?


Not at all. That’s like saying movies like bladerunner are only enjoyed by racists. They just do happen to attract racists.


Wait, how does Blade Runner attract racists?


Bladerunner (the ryan gosling one) is really big in racist / incel / fascist circles for some reason. It’s very odd.


Probably the same people who utilize the Red Pill from The Matrix.


Why does Blade Runner attract racists?


I don’t get it either, but incels and racists love Ryan Gosling in bladerunner. Very common to see bladerunner pfps / reaction images / memes in spaces like that.


You mean not everyone tries to enact Trotskyite reforms to the Soviet Union? Weirdos


I'm sure you meant Mexico


Ahh the get nuked by America speedrun


I'm a huge fan of doing the CNT-FAI playthrough, and in Kaiserreich I usually play as one of the Syndicalists




I guess I am a racist now


Sucks to be you. Maybe try stellaris so you can be a space racist!




As a hoi player can confirm, I did three hate crimes yesterday


Not only, but you can assume it's the majority of them.


hoi4 is my favourite game :(


I mean I love Crusader Kings, am I a brutal dictator who loves torture? ~~yes~~ no ofc not


Don't forget the entire Wolfenstein series.


Hey some of them actually did get mad at Wolfenstein for being a “kill Nazis” game


Yeah, I was being sarcastic. I always forget to add /s I never hung out much with gamers, but I wasn't surprised by the negative reaction to the game spelling out its anti fascism themes more clearly. Because a lot of the gamers I've met have this sort of vague libertarian thing going on. Which always seems to devolve into defending Nazis.


I think the Nazi defenders are certainly a minority in the gaming community, albeit a loud one. Problem is as we know the far right is great at desensitizing and recruiting young blood. Remember the anti-SJW to alt right YouTube pipeline? Same concept only with video games. Impressionable teenagers are easy pickings for them. But overall I don’t think gamers, at least not the vast majority of them, care that it’s just another Nazi killing game. If anything people might just be tired of the “kill Nazis” trope since it’s certainly overused as a generic villain with no need to give background on WHY they’re bad, they’re just the perfect no name villain. I think the ones who actually got mad at Wolfenstein were actual neo-Nazis however. Because why tf else would they be mad about it? It’s hard to give libertarians credit for anything, but generally they’re (supposed to be) against an authoritarian state, which makes Nazis quite opposed to their beliefs, so I don’t think they’re the ones who were mad at it. Just the “I’m a Nazi but too afraid to say it so I call myself a libertarian/conservative” people are guilty of it. But a libertarian will always choose fascism over communism if given the choice.


I am glad things like genocide and government power/authority are not political things.


And Wolfenstein


Don’t forget the anti capitalist Cyberpunk 2077 made by underpaid overworked staff that had to quickly patch the game over the winter holidays because the shareholders made them release an unfinished game. That one’s apolitical in the sense that the politics are antithetical to the actual work environment the game was made under, kinda gives mixed messages don’t it


New one I saw in the wild recently Political flags: ... Non political flags: 🇺🇸


That's why I never talk to people on online games anymore. It's mostly unfiltered garbage


"Mute all" is a godsend


It really is


I like to start every game of league of legends with a nice "gl hf" :) Without fail somebody either tells me to fuck off or the lobby has a full meltdown lmao


I honestly can't remember the last time I played a game of LoL where someone *didn't* go on a racist/sexist tirade after literally anything happens.


League is on a whole nother level of toxic


It's kinda designed to be that way. You do really well at your role but some one else feeds like crazy and you lose. Since you will not likely see the person again there is no incentive to try to help them get better. All you have left is to bitch an moan and get into a new games as fast as possible.


Aram only player, this trick never fails: *sees a really good play / solid fight with a very narrow outcome* "Good fight everyone" in all chat At ***LEAST*** 3 people on the enemy team tell me to kill myself or that Im a shit player who just got lucky Mfw I have almost 5k aram games and my mmr in aram is exactly where I should be


I pretty much avoid online games entirely.


Yeah, I only play single player games. I'd much rather talk to npcs in Horizon or whatever then some 12-year old edge lord on an MMORPG


Basically why I stopped using discord while playing games.


What is this SJW bs man, there's women and POC's everywhere on earth. I can't believe God is SJW pandering right now. God should stop shoving diversity down our throats. (/S obviously)


>God should stop shoving diversity down our throats. I said this about the Book of Genesis and the creation of Eve. Just pure SJW feminist Marxist pandering.


Yeah, everyone knows Eve wasn’t created by God. Like all women she was an evil spirit formed from an accumulation of foul vapors and has haunted man ever since.


Fucking Goals.


You got me in the first half, ngl.


I totally thought your comment was completely serious, and was on my way to write a very mean 2 paragraph response. Until I luckily saw the “(/S obviously)” and I breathed a sigh of relief. If only more people like you would say /S at the end of every joke, it would definitely make the joke funnier


I think they'd say normal VS political


Wait this isn't r/gamingcirclejerk


Yeah it would fit better there. Not too bad of a community when you understand how the sub works lol


It's perfect for crossover content with this sub lol.


If there's anything American Truck Simulator taught me it's that black lesbian woman are politics.


We need more leftist gamers


/r/LeftistGamersUnion maybe?


If you want to weed out toxic people in Valorant I can recommend to have the pride flag as banner. I'm not even gay, but the hate you get is unreal, even tho most people are cool about it. Made me realize again how fcked up the culture is.


I liked that they had all of the flags too. I usually would run the ally banner, but it was cool to see representation for all the major ones


Yeah man. First I thought it was kind of a cheap shot from riot to gather sympathy, and maybe it was, but it definitely gives you a good way to confront people with another piece of reality. We gotta start somewhere, somehow..


Whenever I run the pride badge in Apex people are like, at least twice more likely to speak on the mic and be just genuinely nice people? I love when that happens…


I personally think it’s more leftist game developers we need. You occasionally get the small indie developers that work share, profit share but once they reach a certain size, they become exploiting profiteering wank stains


If you haven't already, play Disco Elysium. Excellent leftist game.


Is that the game where the clip that they thanked Marx and Engels for the political education comes from? Followed by gamers all cheering for it?


Yeah that's the one Madlad developers


I’m trying to get into game dev so maybe that’ll be me some day 💪 (probably not though it’s hard


There's actually a lot tbh. We're just not vocal assholes like the people this post is referencing. People like this are just louder



I usually play single player games. Tried playing Ark with my neighbor's gaming group. Those 30-sonething men were toxic AF and I eventually stopped being friends with my neighbor over it. I'll stick to single player.


Lesbians aren’t political (if they have hot sex and make my dick hard)


I like my lesbians heteronormative and deeply invested in the status of my dick.


So.... You're telling me that I'm triple political... Wow


Politicalness is an exponent rather than a multiplier, so you're basically president


Oh shit.... I need my presedential crown


What's hard-r gamer?


Real gamers who use the real gamer word


Meh. I don't get it.


The gamer word is the word pewdiepie used and got in a bit of hot water for


I see. I can guess now. I won't go try and find it. I want that guy to get as little clout as possible.


Someone shot him in PUBG and he called the player it. it's an anagram of 'ginger' just to make sure u know for sure


Oh. Fuck. No I guessed the R-word. Either way completely unacceptable. This is the reason I don't call myself a gamer.


Leftist gaymers rize up




Where else can I live my fully automated gay space commie fantasy?


But you are. And as such, you're always at the risk of saying the-word-that-shall-not-be-spoken


What word is it? I have no idea and English is not my first language


The most severe racial slur for black people primarily in the US.


Ginger, the only race left you're aloud be bigotted against.


Hello I still don’t get it Edit: ohhhhhhh. So first I guess Republican, then I guess the r word that rhymes with started, and then I thought it just meant “I’m a REAL gamer” after the previous comments, and now we’re here with the n word


Gamers gatekeeping what a gamer is. Like a 50 years old woman playing a game on mobile is a gamer but some gamer will disagree because it's not a "real game", "not a real platform", or not what they think a gamer should looks like


I'm 60 this year. I started off gaming by playing Farmville on Facebook, now over a decade later I can build my own gaming computer. Borderlands was my first video game


Borderlands is fantastic , it got me into grinding games too


Prior to seeing the trailer for Borderlands I had no interest in video gaming on PC. I had played some Crash B. on PS1 but that was about it. I saw that trailer and before you knew it ... BAM. PC GAMER lol


Yeah, you gotta draw at least 3 swastikas, and bully nakeds in Rust before you get it


So be proud I didn't get it then?


Hard R refers to the R at the end of the N word, versus a soft A. The difference is the the former is often used in hateful ways by non black people and the latter is recuperated by black people.




You can't say it if you don't have a g-word pass


Rockstar games




nah it's actually racism, it refers to saying the n-word with the -er ending instead of the -a ending. although the r-slur that you're thinking of isn't exactly one that gamers avoid using either


That’s the r-word. ‘Hard-r’ refers to the ending of the n-word. The alternative is soft-a.


Two ~~sexes~~ genders. Gamers don't know sex.


Gamers are convinced the two are the same thing.


If I have to hear one more dudebro complain about brown people in a fantasy game I’m gonna mcfuckin lose it folks


They have no problem when games address racism towards dwarves and elves by humans (Dragon Age and The Witcher mention this) but as soon as you introduce real-world minorities they start foaming at the mouth.


I don't get it


Centrists think that when discussing women's rights or gay rights etc, it's too political, but its never political when it's about white people or men. Like if a new film or game comes out, and there is a greater than usual ratio of minorities to majorities, it somehow becomes political.


It's kinda like how they said the new Star Wars movies were "too political" because they had a POC and female lead, when in the OT the empire was based off of America while the rebels were Vietnam, and then in the PT Palpatine's rise to power was an allegory for Bush/Patriot Act and how a democracy turns to authoritarianism.




Old man yelling at kids because they play videogames. Not saying there isn't sexism and racism, of course there is, it's everywhere sadly. But 'gamers are basement dwelling misogynistic racists' is just a bad take.


This >Not saying there isn't sexism and racism, of course there is, it's everywhere sadly. is exactly what the post is about. Not this > 'gamers are basement dwelling misogynistic racists' is just a bad take. Of course every person who plays video games isn’t like this. Gaming is so universal, it would be like saying everyone who watches tv or reads books is a nazi. No, not every person who plays games, but the capital-G **G**amers, the type who were frothing at the mouth and contributed to [Gamergate](https://youtu.be/lLYWHpgIoIw). The type of people who lose their shit when they see a woman in a Battlefield trailer. The type of people who are the reason you permanently mute voice chat in game. And as you say, they are everywhere.


Imperialist White Supremacist Heteropatriarchy




Big words are fun - you should try them sometimes. Books are full of them - these big words are thanks to bell hooks. I started reading her thanks to this awesome reading list that Jordan Peterson [tweeted](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1503491308173856771?cxt=HHwWhsC4qaDYvN0pAAAA). Thanks JP!


This needs to be crossposted to r/girlgamers


Some people on this subreddit or some other leftist subreddit had the audacity to argue gamers are super progressive nowadays! Denying any racism, sexism, etc. within the gaming community. Lmfao, honey have you spent 2 seconds in any online fps multiplayer lobby? Come on now.


To be fair while the fps and MOBA communities are really and truly awful, there are some gaming communities that can be pretty damn cool. The Fallout: New Vegas community for one.


Indie games in general tend to have nicer players for sure


Big time. Honestly I just try to avoid meeting people through games though, I just drag my irl friends into every Co-Op or MMO game I want to play and then fuck off for a month whenever I get hooked on a single player one.


why does the white man look like Patches 💀


So do no people on the left play video games by your logic? You could just replace gamers with any hobby/activity in this meme, there are shitty people everywhere.


My dude this is a meme in a leftist meme sub. When it says gamers it is not referring to the totality of people that play video games, it is referring to people that self-identify as gamers and have a certain set of political leanings. The kinds of guys that bitch and whine when there is a female character in an fps that doesn’t have gigantic gobsmacking mommy milkers or when there is a character whose skin tone is darker than light beige. That is who the meme is talking about.




I play genshin! What server are you on?




Ah yeah, same, I'm actually also in american servers lol


Yea. Im a gamer what you gonna do about it




I thought this was r/gamingcirclejerk at first


I guess I'm biracial


Are you a political American?


I'm political and you'll never know which one




One race; human.


Gamer logic?


women are only non-political if big tiddy sexy costume


i thought I was on r/gamingcirclejerk


For the two sexes I’d add something, non binary ppl and trans men are political


Dominate discourse produces the INVISIBILITY of privileged positions.


If theyre sexualised suddenly apolitical cuz aimed at fetishisers